class TestSimManagerGrading(DBTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Prepare state for test cases"""

        self.manager = SimManager();  # Instance to test on

        from stride.clinical_item.ClinicalItemDataLoader import ClinicalItemDataLoader; 
        self.manager.buildCPOESimSchema();"Populate the database with test data")

        #### Basically import a bunch of rigged CSV or TSV files that have realistic simulating case and grading data
        # Get that data into the test database

        dataTextStr = \
-10;Temp;Temperature (F);Flowsheet>Vitals;10
-20;Pulse;Pulse / Heart Rate (HR);Flowsheet>Vitals;20
-30;SBP;Blood Pressure, Systolic (SBP);Flowsheet>Vitals;30
-40;DBP;Blood Pressure, Diastolic (DBP);Flowsheet>Vitals;40
-50;Resp;Respirations (RR);Flowsheet>Vitals;50
-60;FiO2;Fraction Inspired Oxygen;Flowsheet>Vitals;60
-70;Urine;Urine Output (UOP);Flowsheet>Vitals;70
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_result", delim=";");
        # Could change the is pandas insert_sql file...
        # Do same for sim_patient_order, sim_grading_key, sim_user, whatever else is just enough to get grading test to run
        # Do same for sim_patient_order, sim_grading_key, sim_user, whatever else is just enough to get grading test to run
        # Do same for sim_patient_order, sim_grading_key, sim_user, whatever else is just enough to get grading test to run
        # Do same for sim_patient_order, sim_grading_key, sim_user, whatever else is just enough to get grading test to run
        # Do same for sim_patient_order, sim_grading_key, sim_user, whatever else is just enough to get grading test to run

    def tearDown(self):
        """Restore state from any setUp or test steps"""

    def test_gradeCases(self):
        # Give the application ID of some simulated patient test cases and the name
        #   of a grading key and just verify that it produces the expected results

        simPatientIds = [1,2,3,4,5];
        simGradingKeyId = "JonCVersion";
        verifyGradesByPatientId = {1: 23, 2: 65, 3: 65, 4: 32, 5: 32};
        sampleGradesByPatientId = self.manager.gradeCases(simPatientIds, simGradingKeyId);
        self.assertEquals(verifyGradesByPatientId, sampleGradesByPatientId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TestSimManagerGrading(DBTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Prepare state for test cases"""

        self.manager = SimManager()  # Instance to test on

        from stride.clinical_item.ClinicalItemDataLoader import ClinicalItemDataLoader
        self.manager.buildCPOESimSchema()"Populate the database with test data")

        # Basically import a bunch of rigged CSV or TSV files that have realistic simulating case and grading data
        # Get that data into the test database
        clinical_item_category_str = \
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_category_str), "clinical_item_category", delim=";")

        clinical_item_str = \
1;1;Clinical item 1
2;1;Clinical item 2
3;1;Clinical item 3
4;1;Clinical item 4
5;1;Clinical item 5
6;1;Clinical item 6
7;1;Clinical item 7
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_str), "clinical_item", delim=";")

        clinical_item_str = \
0;Default user
1;Jonathan Chen
2;User 2
3;User 3
4;User 4
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_str), "sim_user", delim=";")

        sim_patient_str = \
1;Patient One;40;Male
2;Patient Two;50;Female
3;Patient Three;60;Male
4;Patient Four;70;Female
5;Patient Five;80;Male
6;Patient Six;90;Female
7;Patient Seven;100;Male
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_patient_str), "sim_patient", delim=";")

        sim_state_str = \
1;Sim state 1
2;Sim state 2
3;Sim state 3
4;Sim state 4
5;Sim state 5
6;Sim state 6
7;Sim state 7
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_state_str), "sim_state", delim=";")

        sim_patient_order_str = \
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_patient_order_str), "sim_patient_order", delim=";")

        sim_grading_key_str = \
Jonathan Chen;1;1;1;g1
Jonathan Chen;2;2;1;g2
Jonathan Chen;3;3;1;g3
Jonathan Chen;4;4;1;
Jonathan Chen;5;5;1;g5
Jonathan Chen;6;6;1;
Jonathan Chen;7;7;1;g7
Jonathan Chen;3;1;1;g8
Jonathan Chen;4;2;1;g8
Jonathan Chen;1;4;-1000;
Jonathan Chen;2;4;10;
Jonathan Chen;3;4;2000;
Jonathan Chen;1;5;-1000;g9
Jonathan Chen;2;5;-1;
Jonathan Chen;3;5;0;g10
Jonathan Chen;3;5;-500;
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_grading_key_str), "sim_grading_key", delim=";")

    def tearDown(self):
        """Restore state from any setUp or test steps"""

    def test_gradeCases(self):
        # Give the application ID of some simulated patient test cases and the name
        #   of a grading key and just verify that it produces the expected results
        sim_patient_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
        sim_grading_key_id = "Jonathan Chen"
        expected_grades_by_patient_id = {
            1: {
                "total_score": 6,   # Default user (id = 0) is ignored and NULL group_names are counted separately
                "sim_patient_id": 1,
                "most_graded_user_id": 1,
                "most_active_user_id": 1
            2: {
                "total_score": 1,   # Ungraded (clinical_item_id, sim_state_id) keys are omitted from summation
                "sim_patient_id": 2,
                "most_graded_user_id": 2,   # Most graded user is User 2 (even though most active is User 3)
                "most_active_user_id": 3
            3: {
                "total_score": 3,
                "sim_patient_id": 3,
                "most_graded_user_id": 3,   # Most graded user is the most active one
                "most_active_user_id": 3
            # 4: No grading available for the existing case
            5: {
                "total_score": 1,   # Scores in the same group g8 are counted only once
                "sim_patient_id": 5,
                "most_graded_user_id": 2,
                "most_active_user_id": 2
            6: {
                "total_score": 1010,    # Non-uniform scores (i.e., not all scores = 1)
                "sim_patient_id": 6,
                "most_graded_user_id": 3,
                "most_active_user_id": 3
            7: {
                "total_score": -1501,   # All negative and one 0 score results in negative score
                "sim_patient_id": 7,
                "most_graded_user_id": 4,
                "most_active_user_id": 4
            # 8: Case doesn't exist
        actual_grades_by_patient_id = self.manager.grade_cases(sim_patient_ids, sim_grading_key_id)
        self.assertEquals(expected_grades_by_patient_id, actual_grades_by_patient_id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TestMakeUsageReport(DBTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Prepare state for test cases"""
        self.usage_reporter = SimManager()

        from stride.clinical_item.ClinicalItemDataLoader import ClinicalItemDataLoader
        self.usage_reporter.buildCPOESimSchema()"Populate the database with test data")

        # Basically import a bunch of rigged CSV or TSV files that have realistic simulating case and grading data
        # Get that data into the test database
        clinical_item_category_str = \
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_category_str), "clinical_item_category", delim=";")

        clinical_item_str = \
            1;1;Clinical item 1
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_str), "clinical_item", delim=";")

        clinical_item_str = \
            1;Jonathan Chen
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_str), "sim_user", delim=";")

        sim_patient_str = \
            1;Patient One;40;Male
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_patient_str), "sim_patient", delim=";")

        sim_state_str = \
            1;Sim state 1
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_state_str), "sim_state", delim=";")

        sim_patient_order_str = \
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_patient_order_str), "sim_patient_order", delim=";")

        sim_grading_key_str = \
            Jonathan Chen;1;1;1;g1;case_name
            Andre Kumar;1;1;2;g1;case_name
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_grading_key_str), "sim_grading_key", delim=";")

        # Prepare survey file
        self.survey_csv = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False)
        self.survey_csv.write("Physician User Name,resident" + os.linesep +
                              "Jonathan Chen,1")

    def tearDown(self):
        """Restore state from any setUp or test steps"""

        # delete temporary survey file

        # delete output csv
            os.remove(tempfile.gettempdir() + os.pathsep + 'tmp.csv')
        except OSError:

    def test_not_enough_args(self, mock_aggregate_simulation_data):
        # setup
        argv = ['', '-g', tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tmp.csv']

        # test & verify
        self.verify_error_message_for_argv(argv, "Given parameters are not enough. Exiting.")

    def test_no_grader(self, mock_aggregate_simulation_data):
        # setup
        argv = ['', '../analysis/sim_data', tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tmp.csv']

        # test & verify
        self.verify_error_message_for_argv(argv, "No graders given. Cannot grade patient cases. Exiting.")

    def test_single_grader(self, mock_aggregate_simulation_data):
        # setup
        output_filename = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tmp.csv'
        argv = ['', '../analysis/sim_data', '-g', 'Jonathan Chen', output_filename]

        # test

        # verify
        with open(output_filename) as output_file:
            output = csv.DictReader(output_file)
            self.assertTrue('grade ({})'.format(argv[3]) in output.fieldnames)
            # assert more columns than original + grade column
            self.assertGreater(len(output.fieldnames), len(header) + 1)

    def test_multiple_graders(self, mock_aggregate_simulation_data):
        # setup
        output_filename = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tmp.csv'
        argv = ['', '../analysis/sim_data', '-g', 'Jonathan Chen,Andre Kumar', output_filename]

        # test

        # verify
        with open(output_filename) as output_file:
            output = csv.DictReader(output_file)
            self.assertTrue('grade ({})'.format(argv[3].split(',')[0]) in output.fieldnames)
            self.assertTrue('grade ({})'.format(argv[3].split(',')[1]) in output.fieldnames)
            # assert more columns than original + grade columns
            self.assertGreater(len(output.fieldnames), len(header) + 2)

    def test_resident_column_is_present(self, mock_aggregate_simulation_data):
        # setup
        output_filename = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/tmp.csv'
        argv = ['', '../analysis/sim_data', '-s',, '-g', 'Jonathan Chen', output_filename]

        # test

        # verify
        with open(output_filename) as output_file:
            output = csv.DictReader(output_file)
            self.assertTrue('resident' in output.fieldnames)

    def verify_error_message_for_argv(self, argv, expected_error_message):
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:   # capture sys.exit() in the tested class
            with captured_output() as (out, err):

        actual_output = out.getvalue()
        self.assertEqual(expected_error_message, actual_output.split("\n", 1)[0])

        self.assertIsNone(cm.exception.code)    # we can verify exception code here
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestSimManagerGrading(DBTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Prepare state for test cases"""

        self.manager = SimManager()  # Instance to test on

        from stride.clinical_item.ClinicalItemDataLoader import ClinicalItemDataLoader
        self.manager.buildCPOESimSchema()"Populate the database with test data")

        # Basically import a bunch of rigged CSV or TSV files that have realistic simulating case and grading data
        # Get that data into the test database
        clinical_item_category_str = \
        # Parse into DB insertion object

        clinical_item_str = \
1;1;Clinical item 1
2;1;Clinical item 2
3;1;Clinical item 3
4;1;Clinical item 4
5;1;Clinical item 5
6;1;Clinical item 6
7;1;Clinical item 7
        # Parse into DB insertion object

        clinical_item_str = \
0;Default user
1;Jonathan Chen
2;User 2
3;User 3
4;User 4
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(clinical_item_str), "sim_user", delim=";")

        sim_patient_str = \
1;Patient One;40;Male
2;Patient Two;50;Female
3;Patient Three;60;Male
4;Patient Four;70;Female
5;Patient Five;80;Male
6;Patient Six;90;Female
7;Patient Seven;100;Male
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_patient_str), "sim_patient", delim=";")

        sim_state_str = \
1;Sim state 1
2;Sim state 2
3;Sim state 3
4;Sim state 4
5;Sim state 5
6;Sim state 6
7;Sim state 7
        # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile(StringIO(sim_state_str), "sim_state", delim=";")

        sim_patient_order_str = \
        # Parse into DB insertion object

        sim_grading_key_str = \
Jonathan Chen;1;1;1;g1
Jonathan Chen;2;2;1;g2
Jonathan Chen;3;3;1;g3
Jonathan Chen;4;4;1;
Jonathan Chen;5;5;1;g5
Jonathan Chen;6;6;1;
Jonathan Chen;7;7;1;g7
Jonathan Chen;3;1;1;g8
Jonathan Chen;4;2;1;g8
Jonathan Chen;1;4;-1000;
Jonathan Chen;2;4;10;
Jonathan Chen;3;4;2000;
Jonathan Chen;1;5;-1000;g9
Jonathan Chen;2;5;-1;
Jonathan Chen;3;5;0;g10
Jonathan Chen;3;5;-500;
        # Parse into DB insertion object

        self.expected_grades_by_patient_id = [
                6,  # Default user (id = 0) is ignored and NULL group_names are counted separately
                "sim_patient_id": 1,
                "most_graded_user_id": 1,
                "most_active_user_id": 1,
                "sim_grader_id": "Jonathan Chen"
                1,  # Ungraded (clinical_item_id, sim_state_id) keys are omitted from summation
                "sim_patient_id": 2,
                2,  # Most graded user is User 2 (even though most active is User 3)
                "most_active_user_id": 3,
                "sim_grader_id": "Jonathan Chen"
                "total_score": 3,
                "sim_patient_id": 3,
                3,  # Most graded user is the most active one
                "most_active_user_id": 3,
                "sim_grader_id": "Jonathan Chen"
            # 4: No grading available for the existing case
                1,  # Scores in the same group g8 are counted only once
                "sim_patient_id": 5,
                "most_graded_user_id": 2,
                "most_active_user_id": 2,
                "sim_grader_id": "Jonathan Chen"
                1010,  # Non-uniform scores (i.e., not all scores = 1)
                "sim_patient_id": 6,
                "most_graded_user_id": 3,
                "most_active_user_id": 3,
                "sim_grader_id": "Jonathan Chen"
                -1501,  # All negative and one 0 score results in negative score
                "sim_patient_id": 7,
                "most_graded_user_id": 4,
                "most_active_user_id": 4,
                "sim_grader_id": "Jonathan Chen"
            # 8: Case doesn't exist

    def tearDown(self):
        """Restore state from any setUp or test steps"""

    def test_gradeCases(self):
        # Give the application ID of some simulated patient test cases and the name
        #   of a grading key and just verify that it produces the expected results
        sim_patient_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
        sim_grading_key_id = "Jonathan Chen"
        actual_grades_by_patient_id = self.manager.grade_cases(
            sim_patient_ids, sim_grading_key_id)

    def test_commandLine(self):
        argv = ["", "-p", "1,2,3,4,5,6", "-g", "Jonathan Chen"]
        with captured_output() as (out, err):

        actual_output = out.getvalue()

        actual_comment_line, output_csv = actual_output.split("\n", 1)

        # verify comment line
        expected_comment_line = COMMENT_TAG + " " + json.dumps({"argv": argv})
        self.assertEqual(expected_comment_line, actual_comment_line)

        # verify csv
        actual_output_csv = StringIO(output_csv)
        reader = csv.DictReader(actual_output_csv)
        # verify header

        # verify lines
        for line_num, actual_grade in enumerate(reader):
            expected_grade_str_values = {
                k: str(v)
                for k, v in
            self.assertEqual(expected_grade_str_values, actual_grade)

    def test_commandLine_no_patientIds(self):
        argv = ["", "-g", "Jonathan Chen"]
            argv, "No patient cases given. Nothing to grade. Exiting.")

    def test_commandLine_no_graderIds(self):
        argv = ["", "-p", "1"]
            argv, "No graders given. Cannot grade patient cases. Exiting.")

    def verify_error_message_for_argv(self, argv, expected_error_message):
        with self.assertRaises(
                SystemExit) as cm:  # capture sys.exit() in the tested class
            with captured_output() as (out, err):

        actual_output = out.getvalue()
                         actual_output.split("\n", 1)[0])

            cm.exception.code)  # we can verify exception code here
Ejemplo n.º 5
class TestSimManager(DBTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Prepare state for test cases"""

        self.manager = SimManager();  # Instance to test on

        from stride.clinical_item.ClinicalItemDataLoader import ClinicalItemDataLoader; 

        self.testPatientId = None;

        self.purgeTestRecords();"Populate the database with test data")

        self.clinicalItemCategoryIdStrList = list();
        headers = ["clinical_item_category_id","source_table"];
        dataModels = \
                RowItemModel( [-1, "Labs"], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-2, "Imaging"], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-3, "Meds"], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-4, "Nursing"], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-5, "Problems"], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-6, "Lab Results"], headers ),
        for dataModel in dataModels:
            (dataItemId, isNew) = DBUtil.findOrInsertItem("clinical_item_category", dataModel );
            self.clinicalItemCategoryIdStrList.append( str(dataItemId) );

        headers = ["clinical_item_id","clinical_item_category_id","name","analysis_status"];
        dataModels = \
                RowItemModel( [-1, -1, "CBC",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-2, -1, "BMP",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-3, -1, "Hepatic Panel",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-4, -1, "Cardiac Enzymes",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-5, -2, "CXR",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-6, -2, "RUQ Ultrasound",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-7, -2, "CT Abdomen/Pelvis",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-8, -2, "CT PE Thorax",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-9, -3, "Acetaminophen",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-10, -3, "Carvedilol",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-11, -3, "Enoxaparin",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-12, -3, "Warfarin",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-13, -3, "Ceftriaxone",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-14, -4, "Foley Catheter",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-15, -4, "Vital Signs",1], headers ),
                RowItemModel( [-16, -4, "Fall Precautions",1], headers ),
        for dataModel in dataModels:
            (dataItemId, isNew) = DBUtil.findOrInsertItem("clinical_item", dataModel );

        dataTextStr = \
-1;Test User
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_user", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
-1;60;Female;Test Female Patient
-2;55;Male;Test Male Patient
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_patient", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
-10;Temp;Temperature (F);Flowsheet>Vitals;10
-20;Pulse;Pulse / Heart Rate (HR);Flowsheet>Vitals;20
-30;SBP;Blood Pressure, Systolic (SBP);Flowsheet>Vitals;30
-40;DBP;Blood Pressure, Diastolic (DBP);Flowsheet>Vitals;40
-50;Resp;Respirations (RR);Flowsheet>Vitals;50
-60;FiO2;Fraction Inspired Oxygen;Flowsheet>Vitals;60
-70;Urine;Urine Output (UOP);Flowsheet>Vitals;70
-11000;WBC;WBC;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Hematology>Automated Blood Count;11000
-11010;HGB;HEMOGLOBIN;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Hematology>Automated Blood Count;11010
-11020;HCT;HEMATOCRIT;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Hematology>Automated Blood Count;11020
-11030;PLT;PLATELET COUNT;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Hematology>Automated Blood Count;11030
-13010;NA;SODIUM, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13010
-13020;K;POTASSIUM, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13020
-13030;CL;CHLORIDE, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13030
-13040;CO2;CO2, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13040
-13050;BUN;UREA NITROGEN,SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13050
-13060;CR;CREATININE, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13060
-13070;GLU;GLUCOSE, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13070
-13090;CA;CALCIUM, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13090
-13110;MG;MAGNESIUM, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13110
-13120;PHOS;PHOSPHORUS, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13120
-13210;TBIL;TOTAL BILIRUBIN;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13210
-13220;DBIL;CONJUGATED BILI;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13220
-13240;AST;AST (SGOT), SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13240
-13250;ALT;ALT (SGPT), SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13250
-13260;ALKP;ALK P'TASE, TOTAL, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13260
-13270;ALB;ALBUMIN, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13270
-13280;TP;PROTEIN, TOTAL, SER/PLAS;LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES>Chemistry>General Chemistry;13280
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_result", delim=";");

        # Map orders to expected results.
        # Simplify expect vital signs to result in 5 minutes. Basic chemistry labs in 10 minutes, CBC in 15 minutes
        dataTextStr = \
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_order_result_map", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
0;Test 0; Test State 0
-1;Test 1;Test State 1
-2;Test 2;Test State 2
-3;Test 3;Test State 3
-4;Test 4;Test State 4
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_state", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
-1;-1;-2;None;9000;Passive time from 1 to 2
-2;-2;-3;-11;None;Transition 2 to 3 if order for 11 (Enoxaparin)
-3;-2;-3;-12;None;Transition 2 to 3 if order for 12 (Warfarin) (don't need both anti-coagulants. One adequate to trigger transition)
-4;-2;-4;-13;None;Transition 2 to 4 if order for 13 (Ceftriaxone)
-5;-3;-1;-10;9000;Transition 3 back to 1 if order for 10 (Carvedilol) OR 9000 seconds pass
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_state_transition", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_patient_state", delim=";");

        # Order Vital Signs at time 0, then basic labs (CBC, BMP, LFTs) at 10 minutes (600 seconds)
        dataTextStr = \
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_patient_order", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
-32;-70;-1;50;10;Low UOP;L
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_state_result", delim=";");

        dataTextStr = \
-1;-1;7200;Initial Note
-2;-2;0;Later Note
"""     # Parse into DB insertion object
        DBUtil.insertFile( StringIO(dataTextStr), "sim_note", delim=";");

    def purgeTestRecords(self):"Purge test records from the database")
        if self.testPatientId is not None:
            # Delete test generated data
            DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_patient_order where sim_patient_id = %s", (self.testPatientId,) );
            DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_patient_state where sim_patient_id = %s", (self.testPatientId,) );
            DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_patient where sim_patient_id = %s", (self.testPatientId,) );

        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_note where sim_note_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_state_result where sim_state_result_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_patient_order where sim_state_id < 0 or sim_patient_order_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_order_result_map where sim_order_result_map_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_result where sim_result_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_patient_state where sim_state_id < 0 or sim_patient_state_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_state_transition where pre_state_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_state where sim_state_id <= 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_user where sim_user_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from sim_patient where sim_patient_id < 0");
        DBUtil.execute("delete from clinical_item where clinical_item_id < 0");

    def tearDown(self):
        """Restore state from any setUp or test steps"""

    def test_copyPatientTemplate(self):
        # Copy a patient template, including deep copy of notes, orders, states, but only up to relative time zero
        newPatientData = {"name":"Template Copy"};
        templatePatientId = -1;
        self.testPatientId = self.manager.copyPatientTemplate( newPatientData, templatePatientId );
        futureTime = 1000000;   # Far future time to test that we still only copied the results up to time zero

        # Verify basic patient information
        patientCols = ["name","age_years","gender","sim_state_id"];
        patientModel = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([self.testPatientId])[0];
        expectedPatientModel = RowItemModel(["Template Copy",60,"Female",-1], patientCols);
        self.assertEqualDict(expectedPatientModel, patientModel, patientCols);

        # Verify notes
        dataCols = ["sim_patient_id","content"];
        sampleData = self.manager.loadNotes(self.testPatientId, futureTime);
        verifyData = \
            [   RowItemModel([self.testPatientId,"Initial Note"], dataCols),
                RowItemModel([self.testPatientId,"Initial Note"], dataCols),    # Second copy because another state initiation at time zero and negative onset time
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyData, sampleData, dataCols);

        # Verify orders
        dataCols = ["sim_user_id","sim_patient_id","sim_state_id","clinical_item_id","relative_time_start","relative_time_end"];
        sampleData = self.manager.loadPatientOrders(self.testPatientId, futureTime, loadActive=None);
        verifyData = \
            [   RowItemModel([-1,self.testPatientId,-1,-15,0,None], dataCols),
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyData, sampleData, dataCols);

        # Verify states
        dataCols = ["sim_patient_id","sim_state_id","relative_time_start","relative_time_end"];
        query = SQLQuery();
        for dataCol in dataCols:
        query.addWhereEqual("sim_patient_id", self.testPatientId );
        sampleDataTable = DBUtil.execute(query,includeColumnNames=True);
        sampleData = modelListFromTable(sampleDataTable);
        verifyData = \
            [   RowItemModel([self.testPatientId,-1,-7200,0], dataCols),
                RowItemModel([self.testPatientId,-1,0,None], dataCols),
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyData, sampleData, dataCols);

    def test_loadResults(self):
        # Query for results based on simulated turnaround times, including fallback to default normal values
        #   if no explicit (abnormal) values specified for simulated state

        colNames = ["name", "num_value", "result_relative_time"];

        # Time zero, no orders for diagnostics, so no results should exist
        patientId = -1;
        relativeTime = 0;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 2 minutes, orders done, but not long-enough to get results back, so no results should exist
        relativeTime = 120;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 5 minutes, vital signs should result now
        relativeTime = 300;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 10 minutes, labs ordered, but not results expected yet. Prior vital signs should still be available.
        relativeTime = 600;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 20 minutes, labs ordered 10 minutes ago, should have chemistry results
        relativeTime = 1200;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0

                RowItemModel(["NA", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["K", 4.5, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CL", 95, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CO2", 24, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["BUN", 12, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CR", 2.4, 1200], colNames),  # Abnormal value in state 1, all others default state 0
                RowItemModel(["GLU", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CA", 9, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TBIL", 0.2, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["AST", 29, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALT", 20, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALKP", 85, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALB", 4, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TP", 6, 1200], colNames),
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 25 minutes, CBC results should now be available as well
        relativeTime = 1500;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0

                RowItemModel(["NA", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["K", 4.5, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CL", 95, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CO2", 24, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["BUN", 12, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CR", 2.4, 1200], colNames),  # Abnormal value in state 1, all others default state 0
                RowItemModel(["GLU", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CA", 9, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TBIL", 0.2, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["AST", 29, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALT", 20, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALKP", 85, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALB", 4, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TP", 6, 1200], colNames),

                RowItemModel(["WBC", 12, 1500], colNames),  # Abnormal state value
                RowItemModel(["HGB", 13, 1500], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["HCT", 40, 1500], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["PLT", 300, 1500], colNames),

        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 30 minutes, patient entered new state (-2), and repeat vitals + labs ordered, but no new results yet due to turnaround time
        relativeTime = 1800;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0

                RowItemModel(["NA", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["K", 4.5, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CL", 95, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CO2", 24, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["BUN", 12, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CR", 2.4, 1200], colNames),  # Abnormal value in state 1, all others default state 0
                RowItemModel(["GLU", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CA", 9, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TBIL", 0.2, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["AST", 29, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALT", 20, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALKP", 85, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALB", 4, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TP", 6, 1200], colNames),

                RowItemModel(["WBC", 12, 1500], colNames),  # Abnormal state value
                RowItemModel(["HGB", 13, 1500], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["HCT", 40, 1500], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["PLT", 300, 1500], colNames),

        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 45 minutes, patient second state and repeat labs, should retrieve both new and old results (with relative timestamps)
        relativeTime = 2700;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0

                RowItemModel(["NA", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["K", 4.5, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CL", 95, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CO2", 24, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["BUN", 12, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CR", 2.4, 1200], colNames),  # Abnormal value in state 1, all others default state 0
                RowItemModel(["GLU", 140, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CA", 9, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TBIL", 0.2, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["AST", 29, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALT", 20, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALKP", 85, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["ALB", 4, 1200], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["TP", 6, 1200], colNames),

                RowItemModel(["WBC", 12, 1500], colNames),  # Abnormal state value
                RowItemModel(["HGB", 13, 1500], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["HCT", 40, 1500], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["PLT", 300, 1500], colNames),

                # State 2 Results
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 98.7, 2100], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 105, 2100], colNames),   # Still abnormal, other vitals revert to default
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 130, 2100], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 85, 2100], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 2100], colNames),

                RowItemModel(["NA", 140, 2400], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["K", 4.5, 2400], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CL", 95, 2400], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CO2", 24, 2400], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["BUN", 12, 2400], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["CR", 1.9, 2400], colNames),  # Abnormal value in state 1, all others default state 0
                RowItemModel(["GLU", 250, 2400], colNames), # Newly abnormal value in state 2
                RowItemModel(["CA", 9, 2400], colNames),

                RowItemModel(["WBC", 10, 2700], colNames),  # Abnormal state value, but not as bad as prior state
                RowItemModel(["HGB", 13, 2700], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["HCT", 40, 2700], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["PLT", 300, 2700], colNames),
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

    def test_discontinueOrders(self):
        # Query for results based on simulated turnaround times, including fallback to default normal values
        #   if no explicit (abnormal) values specified for simulated state

        colNames = ["name", "num_value", "result_relative_time"];

        # See setUp for test data construction
        userId = -1;
        patientId = -1;

        # Time zero, vital sign orders check entered (clinical_item_id = -15, sim_patient_order_id = -1)
        # Time 2 minutes, orders done, but not long-enough to get results back, so no results should exist
        relativeTime = 120;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Time 5 minutes, vital signs should result now
        relativeTime = 300;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
                RowItemModel(["Temp", 101.4, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Pulse", 115, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["SBP", 92, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["DBP", 55, 300], colNames),
                RowItemModel(["Resp", 12, 300], colNames),  # Normal result retrieve from default state 0
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Go back and simulate the vitals check order being discontinued before results came back
        discontinueTime = 120;
        newOrderItemIds = [];   # No new orders
        discontinuePatientOrderIds = [-1];  # See setUp data for the ID of the order to simulate canceling
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, discontinueTime, newOrderItemIds, discontinuePatientOrderIds);

        # Redo simulation of Time 5 minutes, vital signs should not appear now, since order was cancelled
        relativeTime = 300;
        sampleResults = self.manager.loadResults(patientId, relativeTime);
        verifyResults = \
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyResults, sampleResults, colNames);

        # Check that there is still a record of orders, including the cancelled one
        orderCols = ["name","relative_time_start","relative_time_end"];
        sampleOrders = self.manager.loadPatientOrders(patientId, 300, loadActive=None);
        verifyOrders = \
                RowItemModel(["Vital Signs", 0, 120], orderCols),
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyOrders, sampleOrders, orderCols);

        # Go back and simulate the vitals check order being discontinued immediately (same time as order),
        #   then don't even keep a record of it to clean up data entry error
        discontinueTime = 0;
        newOrderItemIds = [];   # No new orders
        discontinuePatientOrderIds = [-1];  # See setUp data for the ID of the order to simulate canceling
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, discontinueTime, newOrderItemIds, discontinuePatientOrderIds);

        # Check that there is no record of the order anymore, even including the cancelled one
        orderCols = ["name","relative_time_start","relative_time_end"];
        sampleOrders = self.manager.loadPatientOrders(patientId, 300, loadActive=None);
        verifyOrders = \
        self.assertEqualDictList(verifyOrders, sampleOrders, orderCols);

    def test_stateTransition(self):
        # Query for results based on simulated turnaround times, including fallback to default normal values
        #   if no explicit (abnormal) values specified for simulated state

        colNames = ["sim_state_id"];

        userId = -1;
        patientId = -1;

        # Time zero, initial state expected
        relativeTime = 0;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-1], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # After previously recorded second state
        relativeTime = 2000;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-2], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Sign orders that do not affect this state
        orderItemIds = [-4,-5];
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, relativeTime, orderItemIds);

        # Expect to stay in same state
        relativeTime = 2100;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-2], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Sign orders that should trigger state transition
        relativeTime = 2100;
        orderItemIds = [-11,-6];
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, relativeTime, orderItemIds);

        # Expect transition to new state
        relativeTime = 2100;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-3], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Expect transition to original state 1 then further to state 2 with enough time passage
        relativeTime = 22000;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-2], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Retroactive query to verify state 1 intermediate transition state
        relativeTime = 12000;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-1], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Sign alternative order to trigger state 2 to 3 transition as well as order to immediately trigger state 3 to 1
        relativeTime = 22000;
        orderItemIds = [-12,-10];
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, relativeTime, orderItemIds);

        # Expect transition to new state 3 them 1 immediately
        relativeTime = 22100;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-1], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Expect transition back to state 2 with enough time
        relativeTime = 32200;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-2], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

        # Sign orders simultaneously that could trigger two different branching state transition paths
        #   Arbitrarily go based on the first action provided / encountered
        relativeTime = 32200;
        orderItemIds = [-13,-11,-12];
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, relativeTime, orderItemIds);

        # Expect transition back to branched state 4
        relativeTime = 32300;
        samplePatient = self.manager.loadPatientInfo([patientId], relativeTime)[0];
        verifyPatient = RowItemModel([-4], colNames);
        self.assertEqualDict(samplePatient, verifyPatient, colNames);

    def test_loadPatientLastEventTime(self):
        # Query for last time have a record of a patient order start or cancellation
        #   as natural point to resume a simulated case

        # See setUp for test data construction
        userId = -1;
        patientId = -1;

        # Initial test data already loaded with example orders
        sampleValue = self.manager.loadPatientLastEventTime(patientId);
        verifyValue = 1800;
        self.assertEqual(verifyValue, sampleValue);

        # Sign an additional order
        relativeTime = 2000;
        newOrderItemIds = [-1];   # Any additional order
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, relativeTime, newOrderItemIds);

        # Verify update of last order time
        sampleValue = self.manager.loadPatientLastEventTime(patientId);
        verifyValue = 2000;
        self.assertEqual(verifyValue, sampleValue);

        # Find and cancel the last order at a later time
        relativeTime = 2200;
        patientOrders = self.manager.loadPatientOrders(patientId, relativeTime);
        lastOrder = patientOrders[0];
        for patientOrder in patientOrders:
            if lastOrder["relative_time_start"] < patientOrder["relative_time_start"]:
                lastOrder = patientOrder;

        newOrderItemIds = [];   # No new orders
        discontinuePatientOrderIds = [lastOrder["sim_patient_order_id"]];
        self.manager.signOrders(userId, patientId, relativeTime, newOrderItemIds, discontinuePatientOrderIds);

        # Verify update of last order time includes discontinue times
        sampleValue = self.manager.loadPatientLastEventTime(patientId);
        verifyValue = 2200;
        self.assertEqual(verifyValue, sampleValue);

        # Lookup patient with no prior orders recorded, then should default to time 0
        patientId = -2;
        sampleValue = self.manager.loadPatientLastEventTime(patientId);
        verifyValue = 0;
        self.assertEqual(verifyValue, sampleValue);