Ejemplo n.º 1
a_init = ExprId("a_init", 32)
b_init = ExprId("b_init", 32)
c_init = ExprId("c_init", 32)
d_init = ExprId("d_init", 32)
r_init = ExprId("r_init", 32) # Return register

pc = ExprId("pc", 32)
sp = ExprId("sp", 32)

CST0 = ExprInt(0x0, 32)
CST1 = ExprInt(0x1, 32)
CST2 = ExprInt(0x2, 32)
CST3 = ExprInt(0x3, 32)
CSTX_8 = ExprInt(12, 8)

LBL0 = loc_db.add_location("lbl0", 0)
LBL1 = loc_db.add_location("lbl1", 1)
LBL2 = loc_db.add_location("lbl2", 2)
LBL3 = loc_db.add_location("lbl3", 3)
LBL4 = loc_db.add_location("lbl4", 4)
LBL5 = loc_db.add_location("lbl5", 5)
LBL6 = loc_db.add_location("lbl6", 6)
LBL7 = loc_db.add_location("lbl7", 7)

IRDst = ExprId('IRDst', 32)
dummy = ExprId('dummy', 32)

def gen_irblock(label, exprs_list):
    irs = []
    for exprs in exprs_list:
Ejemplo n.º 2
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB

# Basic tests (LocationDB description)
loc_db = LocationDB()
loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) is None
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) == 0x1234

assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) == str(loc_key1)
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) == "loc_1234"
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) == "first_name"

# Offset manipulation
loc_key4 = loc_db.add_location()
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1122)
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) == 0x1122
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
    loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1234)
    has_raised = False
except KeyError:
Ejemplo n.º 3
r = ExprId("r", 32)

a_init = ExprId("a_init", 32)
b_init = ExprId("b_init", 32)
c_init = ExprId("c_init", 32)
d_init = ExprId("d_init", 32)
r_init = ExprId("r_init", 32) # Return register

pc = ExprId("pc", 32)
sp = ExprId("sp", 32)

CST1 = ExprInt(0x11, 32)
CST2 = ExprInt(0x12, 32)
CST3 = ExprInt(0x13, 32)

LBL0 = loc_db.add_location("lbl0", 0)
LBL1 = loc_db.add_location("lbl1", 1)
LBL2 = loc_db.add_location("lbl2", 2)
LBL3 = loc_db.add_location("lbl3", 3)
LBL4 = loc_db.add_location("lbl4", 4)
LBL5 = loc_db.add_location("lbl5", 5)
LBL6 = loc_db.add_location("lbl6", 6)

IRDst = ExprId('IRDst', 32)
dummy = ExprId('dummy', 32)

def gen_irblock(label, exprs_list):
    irs = []
    for exprs in exprs_list:
        if isinstance(exprs, AssignBlock):
Ejemplo n.º 4
for miasm_int, res in [(five, 1), (four, 0), (seven, 0), (one0seven, 0)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('parity', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 1)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# '-'
for miasm_int, res in [(five, -5), (four, -4)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('-', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 32)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
label_histoire = loc_db.add_location("label_histoire", 0xdeadbeef)
e7 = ExprLoc(label_histoire, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e7)
z3_e7 = z3.BitVecVal(0xdeadbeef, 32)
assert equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# Should just not throw anything to pass
lbl_e8 = loc_db.add_location("label_jambe")

e8 = ExprLoc(lbl_e8, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e8)
assert not equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cntleadzeros, cnttrailzeros
Ejemplo n.º 5
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB

# Basic tests (LocationDB description)
loc_db = LocationDB()
loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) is None
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) == 0x1234

assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) == str(loc_key1)
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) == "loc_1234"
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) == "first_name"

# Offset manipulation
loc_key4 = loc_db.add_location()
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1122)
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) == 0x1122
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
    loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1234)
    has_raised = False
except KeyError:
    has_raised = True
Ejemplo n.º 6
for miasm_int, res in [(five, 1), (four, 0), (seven, 0), (one0seven, 0)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('parity', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 1)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# '-'
for miasm_int, res in [(five, -5), (four, -4)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('-', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 32)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
label_histoire = loc_db.add_location("label_histoire", 0xdeadbeef)
e7 = ExprLoc(label_histoire, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e7)
z3_e7 = z3.BitVecVal(0xdeadbeef, 32)
assert equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# Should just not throw anything to pass
lbl_e8 = loc_db.add_location("label_jambe")

e8 = ExprLoc(lbl_e8, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e8)
assert not equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cntleadzeros, cnttrailzeros