Ejemplo n.º 1
 def pf_gpsUpdate(self, z):
     R = self.gps_r
     obs_from_state = blas.dgemv(np.array([self.gps_h]), self._x_)
     x_pdf = misctools.mvnpdf(np.array([z]), obs_from_state, np.array([R]))
     self.weights *= x_pdf
     self.weights /= self.weights.sum()
     self.x = self._x_
     x_mean, self._P_ = misctools.sample_mn_cv(self.x, self.weights)
     self.P = self._P_
     self.UPDATED = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def pf_dvlUpdate(self, z, velocity_respect_to = 'bottom'):
     if velocity_respect_to == 'bottom':
         R = self.dvl_bottom_r
         R = self.dvl_water_r
     obs_from_state = blas.dgemv(np.array([self.dvl_h]), self._x_)
     x_pdf = misctools.mvnpdf(np.array([z]), obs_from_state, np.array([R]))
     self.weights *= x_pdf
     self.weights /= self.weights.sum()
     self.x = self._x_
     x_mean, self._P_ = misctools.sample_mn_cv(self.x, self.weights)
     self.P = self._P_
     self.UPDATED = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def prediction(self, u, t):
     Predict the current state and covariance matrix using control input
     if self.UPDATED:
         # Resample
         self.UPDATED = False
     trans_mat, sc_process_noise = self.trans_matrices(u, t)
     self._x_ = blas.dgemv(np.array([trans_mat]), self.x)
     awg_noise = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(self.ndims), sc_process_noise, self.nparticles)
     self._x_ += awg_noise
     self._P_ = np.dot(np.dot(trans_mat, self.P), trans_mat.T) + sc_process_noise
     x_mean, self._P_ = misctools.sample_mn_cv(self.x, self.weights)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def getStateVector(self):
     x_mean, x_cov = misctools.sample_mn_cv(self.x, self.weights)
     self.P = x_cov
     return x_mean