Ejemplo n.º 1
def set_ct_coo(coo):
    WhereAmIPanel.call_update = False
    bpy.context.scene.ct_voxel_x = mu.round_np_to_int(coo[0])
    bpy.context.scene.ct_voxel_y = mu.round_np_to_int(coo[1])
    WhereAmIPanel.call_update = True
    bpy.context.scene.ct_voxel_z = mu.round_np_to_int(coo[2])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def set_voxel(coo):
    # print('set_voxel')
    WhereAmIPanel.call_update = False
    bpy.context.scene.voxel_x = mu.round_np_to_int(coo[0])
    bpy.context.scene.voxel_y = mu.round_np_to_int(coo[1])
    WhereAmIPanel.call_update = True
    bpy.context.scene.voxel_z = mu.round_np_to_int(coo[2])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def clipped_zoom(img, x=-1, y=-1, pixels_zoom=30, smooth=False, **kwargs):
    from scipy.ndimage import zoom

    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    zoom_factor = max(h, w) / (pixels_zoom * 2)

    # width and height of the zoomed image
    zh = mu.round_np_to_int(zoom_factor * h)
    zw = mu.round_np_to_int(zoom_factor * w)

    # for multichannel images we don't want to apply the zoom factor to the RGB
    # dimension, so instead we create a tuple of zoom factors, one per array
    # dimension, with 1's for any trailing dimensions after the width and height.
    zoom_tuple = (zoom_factor, ) * 2 + (1, ) * (img.ndim - 2)
    order = 3 if smooth else 0

    # zooming out
    if zoom_factor < 1:
        # bounding box of the clip region within the output array
        # top = (h - zh) // 2
        # left = (w - zw) // 2
        # zero-padding
        out = np.zeros_like(img)
        # out[top:top+zh, left:left+zw] = zoom(img, zoom_tuple, **kwargs)
        out[x - pixels_zoom:x + pixels_zoom,
            y - pixels_zoom:y + pixels_zoom] = zoom(img, zoom_tuple, **kwargs)

    # zooming in
    elif zoom_factor > 1:
        # print('Zooming in img[{}:{}, {}:{}]'.format(x-pixels_zoom,x+pixels_zoom, y-pixels_zoom,y+pixels_zoom))
        # pixels_zoom = min([pixels_zoom, x, y])
        out = zoom(img[x - pixels_zoom:x + pixels_zoom,
                       y - pixels_zoom:y + pixels_zoom],
        # `out` might still be slightly larger than `img` due to rounding, so
        # trim off any extra pixels at the edges
        trim_top = ((out.shape[0] - h) // 2)
        trim_left = ((out.shape[1] - w) // 2)
        out = out[trim_top:trim_top + h, trim_left:trim_left + w]

    # if zoom_factor == 1, just return the input array
        out = img
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ornt2axcodes(ornt, labels=None):
    """ Convert orientation `ornt` to labels for axis directions

    ornt : (N,2) array-like
        orientation array - see io_orientation docstring
    labels : optional, None or sequence of (2,) sequences
        (2,) sequences are labels for (beginning, end) of output axis.  That
        is, if the first row in `ornt` is ``[1, 1]``, and the second (2,)
        sequence in `labels` is ('back', 'front') then the first returned axis
        code will be ``'front'``.  If the first row in `ornt` had been
        ``[1, -1]`` then the first returned value would have been ``'back'``.
        If None, equivalent to ``(('L','R'),('P','A'),('I','S'))`` - that is -
        RAS axes.

    axcodes : (N,) tuple
        labels for positive end of voxel axes.  Dropped axes get a label of

    >>> ornt2axcodes([[1, 1],[0,-1],[2,1]], (('L','R'),('B','F'),('D','U')))
    ('F', 'L', 'U')
    if labels is None:
        labels = list(zip('LPI', 'RAS'))
    axcodes = []
    for axno, direction in np.asarray(ornt):
        if np.isnan(axno):
        # axint = int(np.round(axno))
        axint = mu.round_np_to_int(axno)
        if axint != axno:
            raise ValueError('Non integer axis number %f' % axno)
        elif direction == 1:
            axcode = labels[axint][1]
        elif direction == -1:
            axcode = labels[axint][0]
            raise ValueError('Direction should be -1 or 1')
    return tuple(axcodes)