Ejemplo n.º 1
	def get(self):
		# Get the request token so we can get the correct result from the data set
		token = self.request.get( 'frag' )
		# Set the correct content-type to ensure correct rendering
		self.response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/javascript'
		# Cancel processing if we don't have a valid request
		if not token or not re.match(r"([a-fA-F\d]{32})", token):
		# Process the token
		storage = ds_data.all().filter( 'md5 = ', token ).get()
		if storage:
			self.response.out.write("/* no results available */")
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def get(self, path):

		# Sign.. legacy code.. Supporting ?f= and ?files= from 
		# version 1 and 2 of the configuration service.
		request = self.request.get( 'f' ).lower() if self.request.get( 'f' ) else self.request.get( 'files' ) if self.request.get( 'files' ) else path
		# Global timeout for memcached
		memcached_timeout = 3600

		# All action require a correct content-type, so we set it in advance.
		self.response.headers[ 'content-type' ] = 'text/javascript'

		# If we don't have a propper request, we are just going to quit and
		# give a 404 error. No need to use pointless CPU cycles.
		if not request:
			self.error( 404 )

		# Handle 304 requests when a If-Modified header is present in the request. At a later
		# stage we will allow the duration to be specified in the url and parse it using 
		# modifiedsince = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H: %M:%S GMT")
		if self.request.headers.get( 'If-Modified-Since' ):
			self.error( 304 )

		# We are trying to be as tolerant as possible
		# Remove double slashes to prevent pointless array
		# creating when we are converting the request
		while request[-1] == "/":
			request = request[ :len(request)-1 ]

		# Users do not need to prefix the files with Spry and
		# we lowercase everything as the filenames are lowercase
		# as well. Better one big .lower() than many .lower()
		query = request.lower().replace( 'spry', '' ).split( '/' )

		# check for memcache hits so we can serve a correct request
		# and have a clean token to use. Keys have a 250 char limit, so we hash
		token = hashlib.md5( ''.join(query) + "js" ).hexdigest()
		cache = memcache.get(token)

		# caching headers
		expires = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=365)
		self.response.headers['Last-Modified'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" )
		self.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=31536000'
		self.response.headers['Expires'] = expires.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" ) 

		# Memory cache hit! \o/ return the content, we already set expire headers
		if cache:
			self.response.out.write( cache )

		# Check if we have a compiled version in our dataset
		storage = ds_data.all().filter( 'md5 = ', token ).get()

		if storage:
			cache = storage.compiled if storage.compiled else storage.uncompiled
			memcache.add( token, cache, memcached_timeout )
			self.response.out.write( cache )

		# This is where the nitty gritty starts, we failed all caching options so we now have to generate
		# the actual contents for the request.
		concatenate = []
		supported_versions = []
		license = 'license/js.txt'
		re_version = re.compile( '^([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1}(\.[0-9]){0,4})$' )

		# Loop over the directorys in js to see which versions we currently support
		# This gives us a list we can check again later on, aswell present us with the default version
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk( 'js' ):
			supported_versions.extend( dirs )

		default_version = supported_versions[-1]
		version = default_version

		for type in query:
			# Check if we are dealing with a filename or a version tag
			# if we have a version check if we support that version, if not default to
			# default version. And continue with the next item in the loop.
			if re_version.match( type ):
				version = type if type in supported_versions else default_version

			# We are dealing with filename at this point, so we can savely construct a file location
			# based on information we have gathered so far.
			file_location = 'js/' + version + '/' + ( 'spry' if type != 'xpath' else '' ) + type + '.js'
			# See if it exists, and add it to our concatenate list
			if os.path.isfile( file_location ):
				concatenate.extend( open( file_location,'r' ).readlines() )

		# compile the concatenate results to one "big" string
		cache = ''.join( concatenate )
		if not cache:
			return self.error( 404 )
		storage = ds_data( md5=token,uncompiled=cache )

		# Set the development flag if the user want to use develpment builds instead of compressed build
		# If this is not the case, use the Google Closure Service API to compile the code to a optimized piece
		# of code. By using the Google Closure Service API we have access to the latest tips and tricks in compression
		if 'dev' in query:
			storage.dev = True
			# Generate the parameters for the request
			params = urllib.urlencode([
				('code_url','http://config.spry-it.com/beacon?frag=' + token ),
				('compilation_level', 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS'),
				('output_info', 'compiled_code')
			# Do the request to the google closure service
			headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
			conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( 'closure-compiler.appspot.com' )
			conn.request( 'POST', '/compile', params, headers )
			results = []
			# As the Google Closure destroys the default license headers we are going to add them back to the
			# compiled source code.
			if os.path.isfile(license):
				results.extend( open(license,'r' ).readlines() )
			# Add the response to the results list
			results.extend( conn.getresponse().read() )
			# Add it to our data storage
			storage.compiled = ''.join( results )

		# Store all results in our dataset and update our memcached layer
		memcache.add( token, storage.compiled if not storage.dev else cache, memcached_timeout )
		self.response.out.write(storage.compiled if not storage.dev else cache)