Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get(self, time, message, templateName):
     Depending on what URL was entered, we may have a time only, a time and a message, or a time, message and templateName
     If there is no message, we don't show any, if there is no templateName, we default to one we know
     if templateName == None:
         templateName = "BasicRelativeTemplate"
     if message == None:
         message = ""
     # Parse the time to convert into seconds
     timeValue = int(re.findall("[0-9]*", time)[0])
     timeUnit = re.findall("[smhd]{1}", time)[0]
     multiplyBy = 1
     if timeUnit == "m":
         multiplyBy = 60
     if timeUnit == "h":
         multiplyBy = 60 * 60
     if timeUnit == "d":
         multiplyBy = 60 * 60 * 24
     seconds = timeValue * multiplyBy
     template = modelaccess.getTemplate(templateName)
     if template.supportedPageType == "RelativeCounterPage":
         pagedata = {
             "timesUsed": 0,
             "dateAdded": datetime.datetime.now(),
             "durationInSeconds": seconds,
             "message": urllib2.unquote(message.strip()),
             "pageType": "RelativeCounterPage"
         jsondata = simplejson.dumps(pagedata, cls=jsondateutils.JsonDatesEncoder)
         self.sendTemplateResponse("page.html", {"json": jsondata, "html": template.html})
         self.sendTemplateResponse("error.html", {"message": "Sorry, an error occured: the template used doesn't support recurring countdown pages"})
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get(self, dateStr, message, templateName):
     Depending on what URL was entered, we may have a dateStr only, a dateStr and a message, or a dateStr, message and templateName
     If there is no message, we don't show any, if there is no templateName, we default to one we know
     if templateName == None:
         templateName = "BasicFixedTemplate"
     if message == None:
         message = ""
     template = modelaccess.getTemplate(templateName)
     if template.supportedPageType == "FixedCounterPage":
         pagedata = {
             "timesUsed": 0,
             "dateAdded": datetime.datetime.now(),
             "jsDateStr": dateStr[2:4] + "/" + dateStr[0:2] + "/" + dateStr[4:8] + " " + dateStr[8:10] + ":" + dateStr[10:12] + ":00",
             "isUp": True if self.request.url.find("/countup/") != -1 else False,
             "message": urllib2.unquote(message.strip()),
             "pageType": "FixedCounterPage"
         jsondata = simplejson.dumps(pagedata, cls=jsondateutils.JsonDatesEncoder)
         self.sendTemplateResponse("page.html", {"json": jsondata, "html": template.html})
         self.sendTemplateResponse("error.html", {"message": "Sorry, an error occured: the template used doesn't support fixed date countdown pages"})