Ejemplo n.º 1
def getCreatedSameDay(index, editor, nid):
    stamp = utility.misc.get_milisec_stamp()
    index.ui.latest = stamp
    index.lastSearch = (nid, None, "createdSameDay")
        nidMinusOneDay = nid - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
        nidPlusOneDay = nid + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

        res = mw.col.db.execute(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where nid > %s and nid < %s order by nid desc"
            % (nidMinusOneDay, nidPlusOneDay)).fetchall()

        dayOfNote = int(time.strftime("%d", time.localtime(nid / 1000)))
        rList = []
        c = 0
        for r in res:
            dayCreated = int(
                time.strftime("%d", time.localtime(int(r[0]) / 1000)))
            if dayCreated != dayOfNote:
            if not str(r[0]) in index.pinned:
                    IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))
                c += 1
                if c >= index.limit:
        if check_index():
            if len(rList) > 0:
                index.ui.print_search_results(rList, stamp, editor)
                index.ui.empty_result("No results found.")
        if check_index():
            index.ui.empty_result("Error in calculation.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getLastModifiedNotes(index, editor, decks, limit):
    stamp = utility.misc.get_milisec_stamp()
    index.ui.latest = stamp
    index.lastSearch = (None, decks, "lastModified")

    if not "-1" in decks and len(decks) > 0:
        deckQ = "(%s)" % ",".join(decks)
        deckQ = ""
    if len(deckQ) > 0:
        res = mw.col.db.execute(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, notes.mid, notes.mod from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where did in %s order by notes.mod desc limit %s"
            % (deckQ, limit)).fetchall()
        res = mw.col.db.execute(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, notes.mid, notes.mod from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid order by notes.mod desc limit %s"
            % (limit)).fetchall()
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        if not str(r[0]) in index.pinned:
                IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    if check_index():
        if len(rList) > 0:
            index.ui.print_search_results(rList, stamp, editor)
            index.ui.empty_result("No results found.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getCreatedNotesOrderedByDate(index, editor, decks, limit, sortOrder):
    stamp = utility.misc.get_milisec_stamp()
    index.ui.latest = stamp
    if sortOrder == "desc":
        index.lastSearch = (None, decks, "lastCreated", limit)
        index.lastSearch = (None, decks, "firstCreated", limit)

    if not "-1" in decks and len(decks) > 0:
        deckQ = "(%s)" % ",".join(decks)
        deckQ = ""
    if len(deckQ) > 0:
        res = mw.col.db.execute(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where did in %s order by nid %s limit %s"
            % (deckQ, sortOrder, limit)).fetchall()
        res = mw.col.db.execute(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid order by nid %s limit %s"
            % (sortOrder, limit)).fetchall()
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        #pinned items should not appear in the results
        if not str(r[0]) in index.pinned:
            #todo get refs
                IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    if check_index():
        if len(rList) > 0:
            index.ui.print_search_results(rList, stamp, editor)
            index.ui.empty_result("No results found.")
def get_notes_by_created_date(index, editor, decks, limit,
                              sortOrder) -> List[IndexNote]:

    if sortOrder == "desc":
        index.lastSearch = (None, decks, "lastCreated", limit)
        index.lastSearch = (None, decks, "firstCreated", limit)

    if not "-1" in decks and len(decks) > 0:
        deckQ = "(%s)" % ",".join(decks)
        deckQ = ""
    if len(deckQ) > 0:
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where did in %s order by nid %s limit %s"
            % (deckQ, sortOrder, limit))
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid order by nid %s limit %s"
            % (sortOrder, limit))
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        #pinned items should not appear in the results
        if not str(r[0]) in index.pinned:
                IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    return rList
def get_created_same_day(nid, pinned, limit) -> List[IndexNote]:

        nidMinusOneDay = nid - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
        nidPlusOneDay = nid + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where nid > %s and nid < %s order by nid desc"
            % (nidMinusOneDay, nidPlusOneDay))

        dayOfNote = int(time.strftime("%d", time.localtime(nid / 1000)))
        rList = []
        c = 0

        for r in res:
            dayCreated = int(
                time.strftime("%d", time.localtime(int(r[0]) / 1000)))
            if dayCreated != dayOfNote:
            if not str(r[0]) in pinned:
                    IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))
                c += 1
                if c >= limit:
        return rList
        return []
def findNotesWithHighestPerformance(decks, limit, pinned, retOnly=False):
    scores  = _calcScores(decks, limit, retOnly)
    scores  = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True)
    rList   = []
    c       = 0
    for r in scores:
        if str(r[1][1][0]) not in pinned:
            rList.append(IndexNote((r[1][1][0], r[1][1][2], r[1][1][3], r[1][1][4], r[1][1][2], -1, r[1][1][5], "", -1)))
            c += 1
            if c >= limit:
    return rList
def getByTimeTaken(decks: List[int], limit: int, mode: str) -> List[IndexNote]:

    deckQ = _deck_query(decks)
    if deckQ:
        cmd = "with cr as (select cards.nid, cards.id, cards.did, revlog.time, revlog.id as rid, revlog.ease from revlog join cards on cards.id = revlog.cid) select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, cr.did, notes.mid, avg(cr.time) as timeavg from notes join cr on notes.id = cr.nid where cr.ease = 1 and cr.did in %s group by cr.nid order by timeavg %s limit %s" % (
            deckQ, mode, limit)
        cmd = "with cr as (select cards.nid, cards.id, cards.did, revlog.time, revlog.id as rid, revlog.ease from revlog join cards on cards.id = revlog.cid) select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, cr.did, notes.mid, avg(cr.time) as timeavg from notes join cr on notes.id = cr.nid where cr.ease = 1 group by cr.nid order by timeavg %s limit %s" % (
            mode, limit)
    res = mw.col.db.all(cmd)
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        #rList.append((r[1], r[2], r[3], r[0], 1, r[4], ""))
        rList.append(IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    return rList
def getSortedByInterval(decks, limit, pinned, sortOrder):
    if not "-1" in decks:
        deckQ = "(%s)" % ",".join(decks)
        deckQ = ""
    if deckQ:
        res = mw.col.db.all("select notes.id, flds, tags, did, cards.nid, notes.mid FROM cards left join notes on cards.nid = notes.id where did in %s and reps > 0 group by cards.nid order by ivl %s limit %s" % (
            deckQ, sortOrder, limit))
        res = mw.col.db.all("select notes.id, flds, tags, did, cards.nid, notes.mid FROM cards left join notes on cards.nid = notes.id where reps > 0 group by cards.nid order by ivl %s limit %s" % (
        sortOrder, limit))
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        if not str(r[0]) in pinned:
           #. rList.append((r[1], r[2], r[3], r[0], 1, r[5]))
           rList.append(IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))
    return rList
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getByTimeTaken(decks, limit, mode):
    if decks is not None and len(decks) > 0 and not "-1" in decks:
        deckQ = "(%s)" % ",".join(decks)
        deckQ = ""

    if deckQ:
        cmd = "with cr as (select cards.nid, cards.id, cards.did, revlog.time, revlog.id as rid, revlog.ease from revlog join cards on cards.id = revlog.cid) select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, cr.did, notes.mid, avg(cr.time) as timeavg from notes join cr on notes.id = cr.nid where cr.ease = 1 and cr.did in %s group by cr.nid order by timeavg %s limit %s" % (
            deckQ, mode, limit)
        cmd = "with cr as (select cards.nid, cards.id, cards.did, revlog.time, revlog.id as rid, revlog.ease from revlog join cards on cards.id = revlog.cid) select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, cr.did, notes.mid, avg(cr.time) as timeavg from notes join cr on notes.id = cr.nid where cr.ease = 1 group by cr.nid order by timeavg %s limit %s" % (
            mode, limit)
    res = mw.col.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        #rList.append((r[1], r[2], r[3], r[0], 1, r[4], ""))
        rList.append(IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    return rList
def get_last_modified_notes(index, decks: List[int],
                            limit: int) -> List[IndexNote]:

    deckQ = _deck_query(decks)
    if len(deckQ) > 0:
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, notes.mid, notes.mod from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where did in %s order by notes.mod desc limit %s"
            % (deckQ, limit))
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, notes.mid, notes.mod from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid order by notes.mod desc limit %s"
            % (limit))
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        if not str(r[0]) in index.pinned:
                IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    return rList
def findNotesWithLongestText(decks, limit, pinned) -> List[IndexNote]:

    deckQ = _deck_query(decks)
    if pinned is None:
        pinned = []
    if len(deckQ) > 0:
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where did in %s order by length(replace(trim(flds), '\u001f', '')) desc limit %s"
            % (deckQ, limit))
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, mid from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid order by length(replace(trim(flds), '\u001f', '')) desc limit %s"
            % (limit))
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        #pinned items should not appear in the results
        if not str(r[0]) in pinned:
                IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))
    return rList
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_last_modified_notes(index, editor, decks, limit):

    if not "-1" in decks and len(decks) > 0:
        deckQ = "(%s)" % ",".join(decks)
        deckQ = ""
    if len(deckQ) > 0:
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, notes.mid, notes.mod from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid where did in %s order by notes.mod desc limit %s"
            % (deckQ, limit))
        res = mw.col.db.all(
            "select distinct notes.id, flds, tags, did, notes.mid, notes.mod from notes left join cards on notes.id = cards.nid order by notes.mod desc limit %s"
            % (limit))
    rList = []
    for r in res:
        if not str(r[0]) in index.pinned:
                IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")))

    return rList
Ejemplo n.º 13
def to_notes(db_list):
    return list(
        map(lambda r: IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")),
def to_notes(db_list: List[Tuple[Any]]) -> List[IndexNote]:
    return list(
        map(lambda r: IndexNote((r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[1], -1, r[4], "")),