Ejemplo n.º 1
def job_dump_hdf5(name, output, scfparams, dump_params):
    """Run a full calculation and dump the result as a yaml file"""
    res = run_scf_calculation(name, scfparams)

    # Remove keys which are given by the parameters
    for key in dump_params.get("remove_keys", []):
        if key in res:
            del res[key]
    molsturm.dump_state(res, output, type="hdf5")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_hdf5_serialisation(self):
        for case in self.cases:
            with self.subTest(label=case["testing"]["name"]):
                hfres = case["hf"]

                tmp = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".hdf5")
                molsturm.dump_state(hfres, tmp, type="hdf5")
                back = molsturm.load_state(tmp)

                self.assert_equal(hfres, back)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def job_orca_hf(name, params):
    """Run an orca HF calculation and extract reference values from it."""

    orca_in_file = os.path.join(ORCADIR, name + ".orca_hf.in")
    build_orca_input(params, ["hf"], orca_in_file)
    res = run_orca(orca_in_file)

    def parse_restricted(value):
        return False if value == "UHF" else True

    orca_patterns = [
            "key": "energy_ground_state",
            "regex": "FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ")",
            "convert": float,
            "default": None,
            "key": "energy_1e",
            "regex": "One Electron Energy\s*:\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ") Eh",
            "convert": float,
            "default": None,
            "key": "energy_2e",
            "regex": "Two Electron Energy\s*:\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ") Eh",
            "convert": float,
            "default": None,
            "key": "energy_kinetic",
            "regex": "Kinetic Energy\s*:\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ") Eh",
            "convert": float,
            "default": None,
            "key": "energy_potential",
            "regex": "Potential Energy\s*:\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ") Eh",
            "convert": float,
            "default": None,
            "key": "energy_nuclear_repulsion",
            "regex": "Nuclear Repulsion\s*:\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ") Eh",
            "convert": float,
            "default": None,
            "key": "restricted",
            "regex": "Hartree-Fock type\s*HFTyp\s*\.*\s*(?P<value>\w+)",
            "convert": lambda value: False if value == "UHF" else True,
            "default": None,
            "key": "spin_squared",
            "Expectation value of <S\*\*2>\s*:\s*(?P<value>" + FLPAT + ")",
            "convert": float,
            "default": 0,
    reference = output_find_patterns(res, orca_patterns)
    print("TODO: It would be nice if the MO coefficients would be extracted "
          "from ORCA, too.")

    # Extra parsing
    reference["orben_f"] = orca_extract_orben(res)

    with open(os.path.join(dir_of_this_script(), name + ".hf.yaml"), "w") as f:
        # TODO It would be really nice if this was an actual hfres yaml
        #      data file and not just a faked one as it is now.
        #      This would require extracting a couple of more keys from
        #      the ORCA output.
        f.write("# Data from ORCA calculation " +
                os.path.relpath(orca_in_file) + "\n")
        molsturm.dump_state(reference, f, type="yaml")
Ejemplo n.º 4
import molsturm.sturmian

l_max = 1
n_max = 5

for atom, mult in [("He", 1), ("Be", 1), ("C", 3), ("Ne", 1)]:
    system = molsturm.System(atom)
    system.multiplicity = mult

    scfparams = molsturm.ScfParameters()
    scfparams.system = system

    k_guess = molsturm.sturmian.cs.empirical_kopt(scfparams.system)
    scfparams.basis = molsturm.construct_basis("sturmian/atomic/cs_reference_pc",
                                               scfparams.system, k_exp=k_guess,
                                               n_max=n_max, l_max=l_max)

    scfparams["scf/eigensolver/method"] = "lapack"
    scfparams["guess/eigensolver/method"] = "lapack"

    print("Running for " + atom + " please wait")
    best = molsturm.sturmian.cs.find_kopt(scfparams, print_iterations=True)

    k = best["input_parameters"]["discretisation"]["k_exp"]
    print("kopt for " + atom + " is   {0:.4g}".format(k) +
          " with energy {0:.10g}".format(best["energy_ground_state"]))

    out = atom + "_" + str(n_max) + "_" + str(l_max) + "_kopt.hdf5"
    print("Dumping kopt solution for " + atom + " at " + out)
    molsturm.dump_state(best, out)