Ejemplo n.º 1
                                 ('+', 'fail'):[.05, .95],
                                 ('-', 'pass'):[.7, .3],
                                 ('-', 'fail'):[0, 1]

academe_graph = DiscreteBayesNet([theory, practice, extra, others, markTP, others, globalMark, finalMark])

# This is designed to reproduce the results of Flores' paper
print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(academe_graph, ['Theory', 'Practice', 'Extra', 'Others'], {'finalMark':'fail'}, [], 0.0001, 0.0002) 

print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(academe_graph, ['Theory', 'Practice', 'Extra', 'Others'], {'finalMark':'fail'})
for n in MRE:
        print n
print "========================="

print "Testing K-MRE:"
K_MRE = generate_K_MRE(MRE)
print K_MRE

print "========================="

print "Testing MAP:"
MRE = generate_MAP_Ind_Simplification(academe_graph, ['Theory', 'Practice', 'Extra', 'Others'], {'finalMark':'fail'}, 0.1)
for x in MRE:
    print x
print "========================="
Ejemplo n.º 2
                                lake_graph.prob({'Bird':'T','Island':'F' })
#test running explanation tree algorithm on the above graph
print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(lake_graph, ['Bird', 'Island'], {'Pox':'T'}, [], 0.0001, 0.0002) 
print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing Explanation Forest:"
forest = generate_ET_forest(lake_graph, ['Bird', 'Island'], {'Pox':'T'}, []) 
for tree in forest:
    print tree
print "========================="

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(lake_graph, ['Bird', 'Island'], {'Pox':'T'})
for x in MRE:
    print x
print "========================="

print "Testing K-MRE:"
K_MRE = generate_K_MRE(MRE)
for x in K_MRE:
    print x
print "========================="

print "Testing Causal Intervention:"
print "Intervene Bird to true"
intervened = lake_graph.create_graph_with_intervention({'Bird' : 'T'})
print "post intervention probability of Bird being true", intervened.prob( {'Bird' : 'T'} )
print "post intervention prob of Pox being true", intervened.prob( {'Pox':'T'} )
Ejemplo n.º 3
       ('yes', 'no') : [.7, .3],
       ('no', 'yes') : [.8, .2],
       ('no', 'no') : [.1, .9]

asia_graph = DiscreteBayesNet([
    asia, tuberculosis, tborca, x_ray, dyspnea, bronchitis, smoking,
exp_var = [
    'Lung_Cancer', 'VisitToAsia', 'Tuberculosis', 'Smoking', 'Bronchitis'
explanadum = {'X_ray': 'abnormal'}

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(asia_graph, exp_var, explanadum)
print MRE
print "========================="

print "Testing K-MRE:"
K_MRE = generate_K_MRE(MRE)
print K_MRE
print "========================="

print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(asia_graph, exp_var, explanadum, [],
                                      0.01, 0.2)
print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing Causal Explanation Tree:"
Ejemplo n.º 4
#test running explanation tree algorithm on the above graph
print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(lake_graph, ['Bird', 'Island'],
                                      {'Pox': 'T'}, [], 0.0001, 0.0002)
print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing Explanation Forest:"
forest = generate_ET_forest(lake_graph, ['Bird', 'Island'], {'Pox': 'T'}, [])
for tree in forest:
    print tree
print "========================="

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(lake_graph, ['Bird', 'Island'], {'Pox': 'T'})
for x in MRE:
    print x
print "========================="

print "Testing K-MRE:"
K_MRE = generate_K_MRE(MRE)
for x in K_MRE:
    print x
print "========================="

print "Testing Causal Intervention:"
print "Intervene Bird to true"
intervened = lake_graph.create_graph_with_intervention({'Bird': 'T'})
print "post intervention probability of Bird being true", intervened.prob(
    {'Bird': 'T'})
Ejemplo n.º 5
dyspnea = DiscreteBayesNode(
    ["TborCa", "Bronchitis"],
        ["yes", "no"],
        {("yes", "yes"): [0.9, 0.1], ("yes", "no"): [0.7, 0.3], ("no", "yes"): [0.8, 0.2], ("no", "no"): [0.1, 0.9]},

asia_graph = DiscreteBayesNet([asia, tuberculosis, tborca, x_ray, dyspnea, bronchitis, smoking, lung_cancer])
exp_var = ["Lung_Cancer", "VisitToAsia", "Tuberculosis", "Smoking", "Bronchitis"]
explanadum = {"X_ray": "abnormal"}

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(asia_graph, exp_var, explanadum)
print MRE
print "========================="

print "Testing K-MRE:"
K_MRE = generate_K_MRE(MRE)
print K_MRE
print "========================="

print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(asia_graph, exp_var, explanadum, [], 0.01, 0.2)
print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing Causal Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_causal_explanation_tree(asia_graph, asia_graph, exp_var, {}, explanadum, [], 0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 6
						DiscreteCPT(['f', 'm'], [.5, .5]))

drug = DiscreteBayesNode('Drug', ['Sex'], \
						DiscreteCPT(['yes', 'no'], 
							{('f', ):[.25, .75], 
							 ('m', ):[.75, .25]}))
recovery = DiscreteBayesNode('Recovery', ['Sex', 'Drug'], \
							DiscreteCPT(['recovery', 'death'],
								('f', 'yes'):[.2, .8],
								('f', 'no'):[.3, .7],
								('m', 'yes'):[.6, .4],
								('m', 'no'):[.7, .3]

drug_graph = DiscreteBayesNet( [sex, drug, recovery])

print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(drug_graph, ['Sex', 'Drug'], {'Recovery':'recovery'}, [], 0.01, 0.2) 
print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(drug_graph, ['Sex', 'Drug'], {'Recovery':'recovery'})
print MRE
print "========================="

print "Testing Causal Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_causal_explanation_tree(drug_graph, drug_graph, ['Sex', 'Drug'], {},{'Recovery':'recovery'}, [], 0.001) 
print test_tree
print "========================="
Ejemplo n.º 7

academe_graph = DiscreteBayesNet(
    [theory, practice, extra, others, markTP, others, globalMark, finalMark])

# This is designed to reproduce the results of Flores' paper
print "Testing Explanation Tree:"
test_tree = generate_explanation_tree(
    academe_graph, ['Theory', 'Practice', 'Extra', 'Others'],
    {'finalMark': 'fail'}, [], 0.0001, 0.0002)

print test_tree
print "========================="

print "Testing MRE:"
MRE = generate_MRE(academe_graph, ['Theory', 'Practice', 'Extra', 'Others'],
                   {'finalMark': 'fail'})
for n in MRE:
    print n
print "========================="

print "Testing K-MRE:"
K_MRE = generate_K_MRE(MRE)
print K_MRE

print "========================="

print "Testing MAP:"
MRE = generate_MAP_Ind_Simplification(
    academe_graph, ['Theory', 'Practice', 'Extra', 'Others'],
    {'finalMark': 'fail'}, 0.1)
for x in MRE: