Ejemplo n.º 1
    def check_config_file_version(filename):
        """Check to see if the version of the file name passed matches the config version MPF needs.

            filename: The file with path to check.

            exception if the version of the file doesn't match what MPF needs.
        filename = FileManager.locate_file(filename)
        file_interface = FileManager.get_file_interface(filename)
        file_version = file_interface.get_config_file_version(filename)

        if file_version != int(__config_version__):
            log.error("Config file %s is version %s. MPF %s requires "
                      "version %s", filename, file_version,
                      __version__, __config_version__)
            log.error("Use the Config File Migrator to automatically "
                      "migrate your config file to the latest version.")
            log.error("Migration tool: https://missionpinball.com/docs/tools/config-file-migrator/")
            log.error("More info on config version %s: "
                      __config_version__, __config_version__)
            return False
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def check_config_file_version(filename: str) -> bool:
        """Check to see if the version of the file name passed matches the config version MPF needs.

            filename: The file with path to check.

            exception if the version of the file doesn't match what MPF needs.
        filename = FileManager.locate_file(filename)
        file_interface = FileManager.get_file_interface(filename)
        file_version = file_interface.get_config_file_version(filename)

        if file_version != int(__config_version__):
                "Config file %s is version %s. MPF %s requires "
                "version %s", filename, file_version, __version__,

            # TODO remove this line when migrator is done

                "We have not created the config file migration tool yet"
                " for v5. In the meantime, see https://github.com/missionpinball/mpf/issues/897"
                " for a list of changes between config versions 4 and 5.")

            # TODO uncomment these and update links when migrator is done

            # log.error("Use the Config File Migrator to automatically "
            #           "migrate your config file to the latest version.")
            # log.error("Migration tool: https://missionpinball.com/docs/tools/config-file-migrator/")
            # log.error("More info on config version %s: "
            #           "http://docs.missionpinball.org/docs/configuration-file"
            #           "-reference/important-config-file-concepts/config_version/config-version-%s/",
            #           __config_version__, __config_version__)
            return False
            return True