Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _create_Tderiv(self, k, n):
        r"""Create the n'th derivative of the k'th Chebyshev polynomial."""
        if not self._use_mp:
            return ChebyshevT.basis(k).deriv(n)
            if n == 0:
                return lambda x: mp.chebyt(k, x)
            # Since the Chebyshev derivatives attain high values near the
            # borders +-1 and usually are subtracted to obtain small values,
            # minimizing their relative error (i.e. fixing the number of
            # correct decimal places (dps)) is not enough to get precise
            # results. Hence, the below `moredps` variable is set to higher
            # values close to the border.
            extradps = 5
            pos = mp.fprod(
                [mp.mpf(k**2 - p**2) / (2 * p + 1) for p in range(n)])
            neg = (-1)**(k + n) * pos
            if n == 1:

                def dTk(x):
                    with mp.extradps(extradps):
                        x = clip(x, -1.0, 1.0)
                        if mp.almosteq(x, mp.one): return pos
                        if mp.almosteq(x, -mp.one): return neg
                        moredps = max(
                                min(abs(x - mp.one), abs(x + mp.one))) / 2))
                        moredps = min(moredps, 100)
                        with mp.extradps(moredps):
                            t = mp.acos(x)
                            return k * mp.sin(k * t) / mp.sin(t)

                return dTk
            if n == 2:

                def ddTk(x):
                    with mp.extradps(extradps):
                        x = clip(x, -1.0, 1.0)
                        if mp.almosteq(x, mp.one): return pos
                        if mp.almosteq(x, -mp.one): return neg
                        moredps = max(
                                min(abs(x - mp.one), abs(x + mp.one))) * 1.5) +
                        moredps = min(moredps, 100)
                        with mp.extradps(moredps):
                            t = mp.acos(x)
                            s = mp.sin(t)
                            return -k**2 * mp.cos(k * t) / s**2 + k * mp.cos(
                                t) * mp.sin(k * t) / s**3

                return ddTk
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Derivatives of order > 2 not implemented.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Prod(A):
    assert (len(A) > 0)
    return mp.fprod(A)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Prod(A):
    assert(len(A) > 0)
    return mp.fprod(A)