Ejemplo n.º 1
		from trading_trend a, stock_info s  \
		where a.date between '" + prevday + "' and '" + currday + "' and s.code = a.code  and s.market = 'KOSDAQ' \
		   and s.code in (select code from daily_info where date = '" + yesterday + "' and marcap between 1000000 and 10000000)  \
		group by a.code) A \
		order by  pension_fund desc, foreigner desc \
		limit 5)"


df = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
if conn:

ret = "no|market|code|name|wics|personal|foreigner|pension_fund\n"
idx = 1
for d in df.iterrows():
    ret = ret + str(idx) + "|" + str(d[1]['market']) + "|" + str(
        d[1]['code']) + "|" + str(d[1]['name']) + "|" + str(
            d[1]['wics']) + "|" + str(d[1]['personal']) + "|" + str(
                d[1]['foreigner']) + "|" + str(d[1]['pension_fund']) + "\n"
    if idx % 5 == 0:
        ret = ret + "\n"
    idx = idx + 1
#	print("%2d|%s|%s|%s|%f|%f" % (d[1]['s_order'], str(d[1]['code']), str(d[1]['name']), str(d[1]['sector']), d[1]['per'], d[1]['roa']))

bot = favisbot()
            "day_top5_bysellbuy(%s-%s) \n %s" % (prevday, currday, ret))
Ejemplo n.º 2

import requests
import time
import bs4 # beautifulsoup
# user define package import
import sys
from msgbot.favisbot import favisbot

bot = favisbot()

'''@param gmtstr'''
def gmtstr_to_kststr(gmtstr, gmtstr_format, kststr_format):
    # convert kst (gmt + 9 hour)
    dt = time.mktime(time.strptime(gmtstr, gmtstr_format)) + (60 * 60 * 9)
    return time.strftime(kststr_format,time.localtime(dt))

# DART realtime official notice rss feed url
url = 'http://dart.fss.or.kr/api/todayRSS.xml'

data = requests.get(url)
data = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data.text, 'lxml')
# extract item list
notices = data.findAll("item")

for notice in notices:
    title = notice.find('title').string
    link =  notice.find('guid').string
    regdate = gmtstr_to_kststr(notice.find('dc:date').string, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')