Ejemplo n.º 1
def corpusMelodicIntervalSearch(show = True):
    # this version compares china to netherlands
    from music21 import corpus
    from music21.analysis import discrete

    mid = discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    groupEast = corpus.search('shanxi', field='locale')
    groupWest = corpus.search('niederlande', field='locale') 

    msg = []
    for name, group in [('shanxi', groupEast), ('niederlande', groupWest)]:
        intervalDict = {}
        workCount = 0
        intervalCount = 0
        seventhCount = 0
        for fp, n in group:
            workCount += 1
            s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
            intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s, found=intervalDict)
        for key in sorted(intervalDict.keys()):
            intervalCount += intervalDict[key][1] # second value is count
            if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                seventhCount += intervalDict[key][1] 

        pcentSevenths = round(((seventhCount / float(intervalCount)) * 100), 4)
        msg.append('locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works' % (name, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))
#         for key in sorted(intervalDict.keys()):
#             print intervalDict[key]

    for sub in msg: 
        if show == True:
            print (sub)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def corpusMelodicIntervalSearch(show = True):
    # this version compares china to netherlands
    from music21 import corpus
    from music21.analysis import discrete

    mid = discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    groupEast = corpus.search('shanxi', 'locale')
    groupWest = corpus.search('niederlande', 'locale') 

    msg = []
    for name, group in [('shanxi', groupEast), ('niederlande', groupWest)]:
        intervalDict = {}
        workCount = 0
        intervalCount = 0
        seventhCount = 0
        for fp, n in group:
            workCount += 1
            s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
            intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s, found=intervalDict)
        for key in sorted(intervalDict.keys()):
            intervalCount += intervalDict[key][1] # second value is count
            if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                seventhCount += intervalDict[key][1] 

        pcentSevenths = round(((seventhCount / float(intervalCount)) * 100), 4)
        msg.append('locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works' % (name, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))
#         for key in sorted(intervalDict.keys()):
#             print intervalDict[key]

    for sub in msg: 
        if show == True:
            print sub
Ejemplo n.º 3
def corpusMelodicIntervalSearchBrief(show=False):
    # try for the most concise representation
    from music21 import corpus, analysis
    mid = analysis.discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    msg = []
    for region in ['shanxi', 'fujian']:
        intervalDict = {}
        workCount = 0
        intervalCount = 0
        seventhCount = 0
        for fp, n in corpus.search(region, 'locale'):
            workCount += 1
            s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
            intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s, found=intervalDict)
        for key in intervalDict.keys():
            intervalCount += intervalDict[key][1] # second value is count
            if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                seventhCount += intervalDict[key][1]

        pcentSevenths = round((seventhCount / float(intervalCount) * 100), 4)

        msg.append('locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works' % (region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))

    if show == True:
        for sub in msg: 
            print sub
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def xtestEx04(self):
        # what

        scSrc = scale.MajorScale()

        niederlande = corpus.search('niederlande', field='locale')

        results = {}
        for unused_name, group in [('niederlande', niederlande)]:
            workCount = 0

            for fp, n in group:
                workCount += 1

                s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)

                # derive a best-fit concrete major scale
                scFound = scSrc.derive(s)

                # if we find a scale with no unmatched pitches
                if len(scFound.match(s)['notMatched']) == 0:
                    # find out what pitches in major scale are not used
                    post = scFound.findMissing(s)
                    for p in post:
                        degree = scFound.getScaleDegreeFromPitch(p)
                        if degree not in results.keys():
                            results[degree] = 0
                        results[degree] += 1

            'Of %s works, ' % workCount +
            'the following major scale degrees are not used the following number of times:'
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testSearch12(self):
     # searching virtual entries
     searchResults = corpus.search('coltrane', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 0, True)
     # returns items in pairs: url and work number
Ejemplo n.º 6
def corpusMelodicIntervalSearchBrief(show=False):
    # try for the most concise representation
    from music21 import analysis
    melodicIntervalDiversity = analysis.discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    message = []
    for region in ['shanxi', 'fujian']:
        intervalDict = {}
        workCount = 0
        intervalCount = 0
        seventhCount = 0
        for metadataEntry in corpus.search(region, field='locale'):
            workCount += 1
            score = corpus.parse(
            intervalDict = melodicIntervalDiversity.countMelodicIntervals(
                score, found=intervalDict)
        for key in intervalDict.keys():
            intervalCount += intervalDict[key][1]  # second value is count
            if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                seventhCount += intervalDict[key][1]
        pcentSevenths = round((seventhCount / float(intervalCount) * 100), 4)
            'locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works'
            % (region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))
    if show == True:
        for sub in message:
Ejemplo n.º 7
def corpusMelodicIntervalSearchBrief(show=False):
    # try for the most concise representation
    from music21 import corpus, analysis
    melodicIntervalDiversity = analysis.discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    message = []
    for region in ['shanxi', 'fujian']:
        intervalDict = {}
        workCount = 0
        intervalCount = 0
        seventhCount = 0
        for metadataEntry in corpus.search(region, field='locale'):
            workCount += 1
            score = corpus.parse(
            intervalDict = melodicIntervalDiversity.countMelodicIntervals(
                score, found=intervalDict)
        for key in intervalDict.keys():
            intervalCount += intervalDict[key][1] # second value is count
            if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                seventhCount += intervalDict[key][1]
        pcentSevenths = round((seventhCount / float(intervalCount) * 100), 4)
        message.append('locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works' % (region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))
    if show == True:
        for sub in message: 
            print (sub)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def corpusMelodicIntervalSearchBrief(show=False):
    # try for the most concise representation
    from music21 import corpus, analysis
    mid = analysis.discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    msg = []
    for region in ['shanxi', 'fujian']:
        intervalDict = {}
        workCount = 0
        intervalCount = 0
        seventhCount = 0
        for fp, n in corpus.search(region, 'locale'):
            workCount += 1
            s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
            intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s, found=intervalDict)
        for key in intervalDict.keys():
            intervalCount += intervalDict[key][1]  # second value is count
            if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                seventhCount += intervalDict[key][1]

        pcentSevenths = round((seventhCount / float(intervalCount) * 100), 4)

            'locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works'
            % (region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))

    if show == True:
        for sub in msg:
            print sub
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testSearch03(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('Taiwan', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 27)
     pathInfo = sorted((searchResult.sourcePath, searchResult.number)
                       for searchResult in searchResults)
     self.assertEqual(pathInfo, [
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'269'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'270'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'271'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'272'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'273'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'274'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'335'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'528'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'529'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han1.abc', u'530'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'204'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'205'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'206'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'207'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'208'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'209'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'210'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'211'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'212'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'213'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'214'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'215'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'216'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'217'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'218'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'219'),
         (u'essenFolksong/han2.abc', u'220'),
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testSearch03(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('Taiwan', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 27)
     pathInfo = sorted((str(searchResult.sourcePath), searchResult.number)
         for searchResult in searchResults)
     self.assertEqual(pathInfo, [
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '269'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '270'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '271'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '272'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '273'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '274'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '335'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '528'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '529'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '530'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '204'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '205'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '206'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '207'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '208'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '209'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '210'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '211'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '212'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '213'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '214'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '215'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '216'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '217'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '218'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '219'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '220'),
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testSearch12(self):
     # searching virtual entries
     searchResults = corpus.search('coltrane', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 0, True)
     # returns items in pairs: url and work number
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def xtestEx04(self):
        # what

        scSrc = scale.MajorScale()

        niederlande = corpus.search('niederlande', field='locale')

        results = {}
        for unused_name, group in [('niederlande', niederlande)]:
            workCount = 0

            for fp, n in group:
                workCount += 1
                s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
                # derive a best-fit concrete major scale
                scFound = scSrc.derive(s)

                # if we find a scale with no unmatched pitches
                if len(scFound.match(s)['notMatched']) == 0:
                    # find out what pitches in major scale are not used
                    post = scFound.findMissing(s)
                    for p in post:
                        degree = scFound.getScaleDegreeFromPitch(p)
                        if degree not in results.keys():
                            results[degree] = 0
                        results[degree] += 1

        print ('Of %s works, the following major scale degrees are not used the following number of times:' % workCount)
        print (results)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def testSearch12(self):
     # searching virtual entries
     searchResults = corpus.search('coltrane', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 0, True)
     # returns items in pairs: url and work number
Ejemplo n.º 14
def corpusFindMelodicSevenths(show=True):
    # find and display melodic sevenths
    import os
    from music21 import corpus
    from music21.analysis import discrete

    mid = discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    groupEast = corpus.search('shanxi', 'locale')
    groupWest = corpus.search('niederlande', 'locale')

    found = []
    for name, group in [('shanxi', groupEast), ('niederlande', groupWest)]:
        for fp, n in group:
            s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
            intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s)

            for key in sorted(intervalDict.keys()):
                if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                    found.append([fp, n, s])

    results = stream.Stream()
    for fp, num, s in found:
        environLocal.printDebug(['working with found', fp, num])
        # this assumes these are all monophonic
        noteStream = s.flat.getElementsByClass('Note')
        for i, n in enumerate(noteStream):
            if i <= len(noteStream) - 2:
                nNext = noteStream[i + 1]
                nNext = None

            if nNext is not None:
                #environLocal.printDebug(['creating interval from notes:', n, nNext, i])
                i = interval.notesToInterval(n, nNext)
                environLocal.printDebug(['got interval', i.name])
                if i.name in ['m7', 'M7']:
                    junk, fn = os.path.split(fp)
                    n.addLyric('%s: %s' % (fn, num))

                    m = noteStream.extractContext(
                        n, 1, 2, forceOutputClass=stream.Measure)
                    m.timeSignature = m.bestTimeSignature()
    if show == True:
Ejemplo n.º 15
def corpusFindMelodicSevenths(show = True):
    # find and display melodic sevenths
    import os
    from music21 import corpus
    from music21.analysis import discrete

    mid = discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
    groupEast = corpus.search('shanxi', 'locale')
    groupWest = corpus.search('niederlande', 'locale') 

    found = []
    for name, group in [('shanxi', groupEast), ('niederlande', groupWest)]:
        for fp, n in group:
            s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
            intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s)
            for key in sorted(intervalDict.keys()):
                if key in ['m7', 'M7']:
                    found.append([fp, n, s])
    results = stream.Stream()
    for fp, num, s in found: 
        environLocal.printDebug(['working with found', fp, num])
        # this assumes these are all monophonic
        noteStream = s.flat.getElementsByClass('Note')
        for i, n in enumerate(noteStream):
            if i <= len(noteStream) - 2:
                nNext = noteStream[i+1]
                nNext = None

            if nNext is not None:
                #environLocal.printDebug(['creating interval from notes:', n, nNext, i])
                i = interval.notesToInterval(n, nNext)
                environLocal.printDebug(['got interval', i.name])
                if i.name in ['m7', 'M7']:
                    junk, fn = os.path.split(fp)
                    n.addLyric('%s: %s' % (fn, num))

                    m = noteStream.extractContext(n, 1, 2, forceOutputClass=stream.Measure)
                    m.timeSignature = m.bestTimeSignature()
    if show == True:
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def testSearch12(self):
     # searching virtual entries
     searchResults = corpus.search('coltrane', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 0, True)
     # returns items in pairs: url and work number
         'http://impromastering.com/uploads/transcription_file/' + 
Ejemplo n.º 17
def demoBachSearch():

    import random
    from music21 import key

    fpList = list(corpus.search('bach').search('.xml'))

    results = stream.Stream()

    for fp in fpList[:40]:
        s = fp.parse()
        # get key, mode
        key = s.analyze('key')
        mode = key.mode
        if mode == 'minor':
            pFirst = []
            pLast = []

            for pStream in s.parts:
                # clear accidental display status

            cFirst = chord.Chord(pFirst)
            cFirst.quarterLength = 2
            cFirst.transpose(12, inPlace=True)
            cFirst.addLyric('%s' % (key, ))

            cLast = chord.Chord(pLast)
            cLast.quarterLength = 2
            cLast.transpose(12, inPlace=True)
            if cLast.isMajorTriad():
            elif cLast.isMinorTriad():

            m = stream.Measure()
            m.keySignature = s.flat.getElementsByClass('KeySignature')[0]

            print('got', m.keySignature)


    def testExamplesC(self):

        from music21 import corpus, analysis, converter
        # Get an analysis tool
        mid = analysis.discrete.MelodicIntervalDiversity()
        results = []
        # Iterate over two regions
        for region in ['shanxi', 'fujian']:
            # Create storage units
            intervalDict = {}
            workCount = 0
            intervalCount = 0
            seventhCount = 0
            # Perform a location search on the corpus and iterate over 
            # resulting file name and work number
            for fp, n in corpus.search(region, 'locale'):
                workCount += 1
                # Parse the work and create a dictionary of intervals
                s = converter.parse(fp, number=n)
                intervalDict = mid.countMelodicIntervals(s, found=intervalDict)
            # Iterate through all intervals, and count totals and sevenths
            for label in intervalDict.keys():
                intervalCount += intervalDict[label][1] 
                if label in ['m7', 'M7']:
                    seventhCount += intervalDict[label][1]
            # Calculate a percentage and store results
            pcentSevenths = round((seventhCount / float(intervalCount) * 100), 
            results.append((region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))
        # Print results
        for region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount in results: 
            print('locale: %s: found %s percent melodic sevenths, out of %s intervals in %s works' % (region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount))

        region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount = results[0]
        self.assertEqual(region, 'shanxi')
        self.assertEqual(pcentSevenths, 3.1994)
        self.assertEqual(intervalCount, 4282)
        self.assertEqual(workCount, 77)

        region, pcentSevenths, intervalCount, workCount = results[1]
        self.assertEqual(region, 'fujian')
        self.assertEqual(pcentSevenths, 0.7654)
        self.assertEqual(intervalCount, 2613)
        self.assertEqual(workCount, 53)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def testSearch03(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('Taiwan', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 27)
     pathInfo = sorted((str(searchResult.sourcePath), searchResult.number)
                       for searchResult in searchResults)
     items = [
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '269'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '270'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '271'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '272'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '273'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '274'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '335'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '528'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '529'),
         ('essenFolksong/han1.abc', '530'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '204'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '205'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '206'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '207'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '208'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '209'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '210'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '211'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '212'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '213'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '214'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '215'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '216'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '217'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '218'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '219'),
         ('essenFolksong/han2.abc', '220'),
     if common.getPlatform() == 'win':
         expected = [(tup[0].replace('/', '\\'), tup[1]) for tup in items]
         expected = items
     self.assertEqual(pathInfo, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def testSearch03(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("Taiwan", field="locale")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 27)
     pathInfo = sorted((searchResult.sourcePath, searchResult.number) for searchResult in searchResults)
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"269"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"270"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"271"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"272"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"273"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"274"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"335"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"528"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"529"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han1.abc", u"530"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"204"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"205"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"206"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"207"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"208"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"209"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"210"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"211"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"212"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"213"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"214"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"215"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"216"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"217"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"218"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"219"),
             (u"essenFolksong/han2.abc", u"220"),
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _compute_PCs(out_fp):
    """Computes pitch class per measure principal components."""
    bachBundle = corpus.search('bwv')
    bachBundle = bachBundle.search('4/4')

    # NOTE: we should refactor this into a separate helper function: music21 Stream -> Pitch class histogram
    index =0
    data = {}
    for n in range(len(bachBundle)):
        data[n] = {}
        for i in range(30,100):
            data[n][i] = 0

    for n in range(len(bachBundle)):
        myPiece = bachBundle[n].parse()

        for m in myPiece.flat.getElementsByClass('Note'):
            data[n][m.midi] +=1

        print 'Number %i' % n

    new_data = np.array([data[0].values()]).astype(np.float64)
    new_data /= np.sum(new_data)

    for index in range(len(bachBundle)):
        temp = np.array([data[index].values()]).astype(np.float64)
        temp /= np.sum(temp)
        new_data =  np.concatenate((new_data,  temp)  , axis=0)

    print 'Statistics gathered!'
    save = new_data

    bachBundle = corpus
    bachBundle = bachBundle.search('4/4')

    index =0
    data = {}
    for n in range(700, 2500):
        data[n] = {}
        for i in range(30,100):
            data[n][i] = 0

    for n in range(700, 2500):
        myPiece = bachBundle[n].parse()

        for m in myPiece.flat.getElementsByClass('Note'):
                data[n][m.midi] +=1

        print 'Number %i' % n

    new_data = np.array([data[700].values()])
    new_data /= np.sum(new_data)

    for index in range(700, 2500):
        temp = np.array([data[index].values()]).astype(np.float64)
        temp /= np.sum(temp)

        new_data =  np.concatenate( (new_data,  temp )  , axis=0)

    print 'Statistics gathered!'

    X = new_data
    d = np.concatenate((save,X))
    pca = PCA(n_components=n_components).fit(d)

    print '{} PCs written to {}'.format(n_components, out_fp)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def testSearch02(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('Sichuan', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 47)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def testSearch11(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('mode phry(.*)', field='keySignature')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 9, True)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def testSearch09(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('3/.', field='timeSignature')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 2200, True)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def testSearch06(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('haydn', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 0)
     searchResults = corpus.search('haydn|bach', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 16, True)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def testSearch09(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('3/.', field='timeSignature')
     self.assertGreaterEqual(len(searchResults), 2200)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def testSearch02(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("Sichuan", field="locale")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 47)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def testSearch(self):

        from music21 import corpus, key

        post = corpus.search('china', 'locale')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) > 1200, True)
        post = corpus.search('Sichuan', 'locale')
        self.assertEqual(len(post), 47)
        post = corpus.search('Taiwan', 'locale')
        self.assertEqual(len(post), 27)
        self.assertEqual(post[0][0][-8:], 'han2.abc') # file
        self.assertEqual(post[0][1], '209') # work number
        post = corpus.search('Sichuan|Taiwan', 'locale')
        self.assertEqual(len(post), 74)

        post = corpus.search('bach')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) > 120, True)

        post = corpus.search('haydn', 'composer')
        self.assertEqual(len(post), 0)
        post = corpus.search('haydn|beethoven', 'composer')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) >= 16, True)

        post = corpus.search('canon')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) >= 1, True)

        post = corpus.search('3/8', 'timeSignature')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) > 360, True)

        post = corpus.search('3/.', 'timeSignature')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) >= 2200 , True)

        ks = key.KeySignature(3, 'major')
        post = corpus.search(str(ks), 'keySignature')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) >= 32, True)

        post = corpus.search('sharps (.*), mode phry(.*)', 'keySignature')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) >= 9, True)

        # searching virtual entries
        post = corpus.search('coltrane', 'composer')
        self.assertEqual(len(post) > 0, True)
        # returns items in pairs: url and work number
        self.assertEqual(post[0][0], 'http://static.wikifonia.org/1164/musicxml.mxl')
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def testSearch10(self):
        from music21 import key

        ks = key.KeySignature(3)
        searchResults = corpus.search(str(ks), field="keySignature")
        self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 32, True, len(searchResults))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def testSearch09(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("3/.", field="timeSignature")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 2200, True)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def testSearch07(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("canon")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 1, True)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def testSearch06(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("haydn", field="composer")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 0)
     searchResults = corpus.search("haydn|bach", field="composer")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 16, True)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def testSearch05(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("bach")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 120, True)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def testSearch01(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('china', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 1200, True)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def testSearch08(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('3/8', field='timeSignature')
     self.assertGreater(len(searchResults), 360)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def testSearch09(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('3/.', field='timeSignature')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 2200 , True)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def testSearch01(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('china', field='locale')
     self.assertGreater(len(searchResults), 1200)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def testSearch06(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('haydn', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 0)
     searchResults = corpus.search('haydn|bach', field='composer')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 16, True)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def testSearch05(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('bach')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 120, True)
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def query_scores(artist='bach', debug=False):
     bundle = corpus.search(artist, 'composer')
     if debug:
         print('Loading {0} scores'.format(len(bundle)))
     return [metadata.parse() for metadata in bundle]
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def testSearch07(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('canon')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 1, True)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def testSearch11(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('mode phry(.*)', field='keySignature')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 9, True)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def testSearch10(self):
     from music21 import key
     ks = key.KeySignature(3)
     searchResults = corpus.search(str(ks), field='keySignature')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) >= 32, True, len(searchResults))
Ejemplo n.º 44
def _compute_PCs(out_fp):
    """Computes pitch class per measure principal components."""
    bachBundle = corpus.search('bwv')
    bachBundle = bachBundle.search('4/4')

    # NOTE: we should refactor this into a separate helper function: music21 Stream -> Pitch class histogram
    index = 0
    data = {}
    for n in range(len(bachBundle)):
        data[n] = {}
        for i in range(30, 100):
            data[n][i] = 0

    for n in range(len(bachBundle)):
        myPiece = bachBundle[n].parse()

        for m in myPiece.flat.getElementsByClass('Note'):
            data[n][m.midi] += 1

        print 'Number %i' % n

    new_data = np.array([data[0].values()]).astype(np.float64)
    new_data /= np.sum(new_data)

    for index in range(len(bachBundle)):
        temp = np.array([data[index].values()]).astype(np.float64)
        temp /= np.sum(temp)
        new_data = np.concatenate((new_data, temp), axis=0)

    print 'Statistics gathered!'
    save = new_data

    bachBundle = corpus
    bachBundle = bachBundle.search('4/4')

    index = 0
    data = {}
    for n in range(700, 2500):
        data[n] = {}
        for i in range(30, 100):
            data[n][i] = 0

    for n in range(700, 2500):
        myPiece = bachBundle[n].parse()

        for m in myPiece.flat.getElementsByClass('Note'):
            data[n][m.midi] += 1

        print 'Number %i' % n

    new_data = np.array([data[700].values()])
    new_data /= np.sum(new_data)

    for index in range(700, 2500):
        temp = np.array([data[index].values()]).astype(np.float64)
        temp /= np.sum(temp)

        new_data = np.concatenate((new_data, temp), axis=0)

    print 'Statistics gathered!'

    X = new_data
    d = np.concatenate((save, X))
    n_components = 2
    pca = PCA(n_components=n_components).fit(d)

    print '{} PCs written to {}'.format(n_components, out_fp)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def testSearch01(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('china', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 1200, True)
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def testSearch05(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('bach')
     self.assertGreater(len(searchResults), 120)
Ejemplo n.º 47
from music21 import corpus
from music21 import interval
from music21 import note

from pomegranate import HiddenMarkovModel, NormalDistribution

from sklearn.mixture import BayesianGaussianMixture

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

EMBEDDING_PATH = r'embedding.wv'

# <codecell>
bach_bundle = corpus.search('bach', 'composer')
scores = [metadata.parse() for metadata in bach_bundle]

# <codecell>
# TODO: split sentences by measure?
def convert_to_texts(scores, sampling_rate=0.5):
    for score in scores:
        normalized_score = _transpose_to_c(score)
        text = _to_text(normalized_score, sampling_rate)
        yield text

def _transpose_to_c(score) -> 'Score':
    ky = score.analyze('key')
    home = note.Note(ky.tonicPitchNameWithCase)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def testSearch07(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('canon')
     self.assertGreaterEqual(len(searchResults), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def testSearch01(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search("china", field="locale")
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults) > 1200, True)
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def testSearch02(self):
     searchResults = corpus.search('Sichuan', field='locale')
     self.assertEqual(len(searchResults), 47)