Ejemplo n.º 1
# Process each dam
# 10% exceedence, daily data
#=== Loop over each dam ===#
for i in range(len(df_dam_info)):
    #=== Get dam info ===#
    lat = df_dam_info.ix[i, 'grid_lat']
    lon = df_dam_info.ix[i, 'grid_lon']
    dam_number = df_dam_info.ix[i, 'dam_number']
    dam_name = df_dam_info.ix[i, 'dam_name']
    print 'Processing dam {}...'.format(dam_number)

    #=== Extract RVIC flow for this dam location ===#
    s_rvic = da_rvic_to_consider.loc[:,lat,lon].to_series()
    #=== Determine max allowed flow ===#
    max_flow = my_functions.determine_max_flow_dam(s_rvic, cfg['OPTION']['exceedence'])

    #=== Save results in df ===#
    df_dam_info.ix[i,'max_flow_cfs'] = max_flow

# Save new dam info to file
df_dam_info['max_flow_cfs'] = df_dam_info['max_flow_cfs'].map(lambda x: '%.1f' % x)
df_dam_info.to_csv(cfg['OUTPUT']['output_dam_info_new_path'], index=False)

        TVA_path = os.path.join(TVA_daily_dir, "{}_{}.daily.1903_2013".format(lat, lon))
        if os.path.isfile(TVA_path) == True:  # if has TVA data
            flag = "TVA"
            s_TVA = my_functions.read_Lohmann_route_daily_output(
                os.path.join(TVA_daily_dir, "{}_{}.daily.1903_2013".format(lat, lon))
            s = s_TVA  # [cfs]
            # === Extract time after reservoir starts operating ===#
            s = s.truncate(before=dt.datetime(year_operated, 1, 1))
            if len(s) == 0:  # if no overlaping time
                flag = -1

    # === If there is USGS or TVA data extracted, determine max allowed flow ===#
    if flag != -1:
        max_flow = my_functions.determine_max_flow_dam(s, exceedence)

    # === Save results in df ===#
    if flag != -1:
        df_dam_info.ix[i, "max_flow_cfs"] = max_flow
        print "Warning: dam {} does not have either USGS or TVA data!".format(dam_number)

# ================================================#
# Estimate max flow for dams without data
# ================================================#
print "Estimating max flow for dams without data..."

# === Dam 16 - proportional to dam 11 based on drainage area ===#
max_flow_dam11 = df_dam_info[df_dam_info["dam_number"] == 11]["max_flow_cfs"].values[0]
max_flow_dam16 = max_flow_dam11 / 1571.0 * 2627.0  # areal proportional
    #=== If doesn't have USGS data, but has TVA data ===#
        TVA_path = os.path.join(cfg['INPUT']['TVA_daily_dir'], '{}_{}.daily.1903_2013'.format(lat, lon))
        if os.path.isfile(TVA_path)==True:  # if has TVA data
            flag = 'TVA'
            s_TVA = my_functions.read_Lohmann_route_daily_output(\
                        os.path.join(cfg['INPUT']['TVA_daily_dir'], '{}_{}.daily.1903_2013'.format(lat, lon)))
            s = s_TVA  # [cfs]
            #=== Extract time after reservoir starts operating ===#
            s = s.truncate(before=dt.datetime(year_operated,1,1))
            if len(s)==0:  # if no overlaping time
                flag = -1

    #=== If there is USGS or TVA data extracted, determine max allowed flow ===#
    if flag!=-1:
        max_flow = my_functions.determine_max_flow_dam(s, cfg['OPTION']['exceedence'])

    #=== Save results in df ===#
    if flag!=-1:
        df_dam_info.ix[i,'max_flow_cfs'] = max_flow
        print 'Warning: dam {} does not have either USGS or TVA data!'.format(dam_number)

# Estimate max flow for dams without data
print 'Estimating max flow for dams without data...'

#=== Dam 16 - proportional to dam 11 based on drainage area ===#
max_flow_dam11 = df_dam_info[df_dam_info['dam_number']==11]['max_flow_cfs'].values[0]
max_flow_dam16 = max_flow_dam11 / 1571.0 * 2627.0  # areal proportional
Ejemplo n.º 4
        TVA_path = os.path.join(cfg['INPUT']['TVA_daily_dir'],
                                '{}_{}.daily.1903_2013'.format(lat, lon))
        if os.path.isfile(TVA_path) == True:  # if has TVA data
            flag = 'TVA'
            s_TVA = my_functions.read_Lohmann_route_daily_output(\
                        os.path.join(cfg['INPUT']['TVA_daily_dir'], '{}_{}.daily.1903_2013'.format(lat, lon)))
            s = s_TVA  # [cfs]
            #=== Extract time after reservoir starts operating ===#
            s = s.truncate(before=dt.datetime(year_operated, 1, 1))
            if len(s) == 0:  # if no overlaping time
                flag = -1

    #=== If there is USGS or TVA data extracted, determine max allowed flow ===#
    if flag != -1:
        max_flow = my_functions.determine_max_flow_dam(
            s, cfg['OPTION']['exceedence'])

    #=== Save results in df ===#
    if flag != -1:
        df_dam_info.ix[i, 'max_flow_cfs'] = max_flow
        print 'Warning: dam {} does not have either USGS or TVA data!'.format(

# Estimate max flow for dams without data
print 'Estimating max flow for dams without data...'

#=== Dam 16 - proportional to dam 11 based on drainage area ===#
max_flow_dam11 = df_dam_info[df_dam_info['dam_number'] ==
Ejemplo n.º 5
    #=== If doesn't have USGS data, but has TVA data ===#
        TVA_path = os.path.join(TVA_daily_dir, '{}_{}.daily.1903_2013'.format(lat, lon))
        if os.path.isfile(TVA_path)==True:  # if has TVA data
            flag = 'TVA'
            s_TVA = my_functions.read_Lohmann_route_daily_output(\
                        os.path.join(TVA_daily_dir, '{}_{}.daily.1903_2013'.format(lat, lon)))
            s = s_TVA  # [cfs]
            #=== Extract time after reservoir starts operating ===#
            s = s.truncate(before=dt.datetime(year_operated,1,1))
            if len(s)==0:  # if no overlaping time
                flag = -1

    #=== If there is USGS or TVA data extracted, determine max allowed flow ===#
    if flag!=-1:
        max_flow = my_functions.determine_max_flow_dam(s, exceedence)

    #=== Save results in df ===#
    if flag!=-1:
        df_dam_info.ix[i,'max_flow_cfs'] = max_flow
        print 'Warning: dam {} does not have either USGS or TVA data!'.format(dam_number)

# Estimate max flow for dams without data
print 'Estimating max flow for dams without data...'

#=== Dam 16 - proportional to dam 11 based on drainage area ===#
max_flow_dam11 = df_dam_info[df_dam_info['dam_number']==11]['max_flow_cfs'].values[0]
max_flow_dam16 = max_flow_dam11 / 1571.0 * 2627.0  # areal proportional