def main(): hub = myo.Hub() hub.set_locking_policy(myo.locking_policy.none), Listener()) # Listen to keyboard interrupts and stop the # hub in that case. try: while hub.running: print(str(pose_now)) if 'rest' in pose_now: print(0) elif 'in' in pose_now: print(1) elif 'out' in pose_now: print(2) elif 'fist' in pose_now: print(3) elif 'double' in pose_now: print(4) elif 'fingers_spread' in pose_now: print(5) myo.time.sleep(0.2) # print(pose_now) # hub. except KeyboardInterrupt: print_("Quitting ...") hub.stop(True), Listener())
def on_disconnect(self, myo, timestamp): ''' (Listener, Myo, str) -> NoneType Displays info when a connection is terminated ''' if is_debug: print_('on_disconnect')
def on_connect(self, myo, timestamp): print_("Connected to Myo") myo.vibrate('short') myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) myo.request_rssi() global start start = time.time()
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): self.nowpose = pose print_('on_pose', pose) if pose == "fist": self.fistcount = self.fistcount + 1 if self.fistcount == 1: self.state = 0 print("Entering state 0")
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): self.nowpose=pose print_('on_pose', pose) if pose == "fist": self.fistcount=self.fistcount+1 if self.fistcount==1: self.state=0 print("Entering state 0")
def on_pair(self, myo, timestamp): ''' (Listener, Myo, str) -> NoneType Displays info when a connection has been established ''' if is_debug: print_('Paired') print_("If you don't see any responses to your movements, try re-running the program or making sure the Myo works with Myo Connect (from Thalmic Labs).")
def on_connect(self, myo, timestamp): ''' (Listener, Myo, str) -> NoneType Vibrates the Myo band once a connection has been established ''' if is_debug: print_("Connected to Myo") myo.vibrate('short') myo.request_rssi()
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): print_('on_pose', pose)["on_pose"] = { "timestamp" : timestamp, "data" : pose } msgs = [] if pose == pose_t.double_tap: msgs += [ HMTLprotocol.get_rgb_msg(self.options.hmtladdress, 1, 255,0,255) ] elif pose == msgs += [ HMTLprotocol.get_rgb_msg(self.options.hmtladdress, 1, 0,0,0), HMTLprotocol.get_value_msg(69, 0, 0), HMTLprotocol.get_value_msg(69, 1, 0) ] elif pose == pose_t.wave_in: msgs += [ HMTLprotocol.get_rgb_msg(self.options.hmtladdress, 1, 0,255,0) ] elif pose == pose_t.wave_out: msgs += [ HMTLprotocol.get_rgb_msg(self.options.hmtladdress, 1, 0,0,255) ] elif pose == pose_t.fist: msgs += [ HMTLprotocol.get_rgb_msg(self.options.hmtladdress, 1, 255,0,0), HMTLprotocol.get_value_msg(69, 1, 255) ] elif pose == pose_t.fingers_spread: msgs += [ HMTLprotocol.get_rgb_msg(self.options.hmtladdress, 1, 255,255,255), HMTLprotocol.get_value_msg(69, 0, 128) ] if (len(msgs) != 0): for msg in msgs: self.client.send_and_ack(msg, False) print("Sent and acked to client")
def main(): hub = myo.Hub(), Listener()) # Listen to keyboard interrupts and stop the # hub in that case. try: while hub.running: myo.time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_("Quitting ...") hub.stop(True)
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): self.nowpose = pose print_('on_pose', pose) ## if pose == pose_t.double_tap: ## print_("Enabling EMG") ## myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) ## elif pose == pose_t.fingers_spread: ## myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.disabled) if pose == "fist": self.fistcount = self.fistcount + 1 if self.fistcount == 1: self.state = 0 print("Entering state 0")
def main(): hub = myo.Hub() hub.set_locking_policy(myo.locking_policy.none), Listener()) # Listen to keyboard interrupts and stop the # hub in that case. try: while hub.running: myo.time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_("Quitting ...") hub.stop(True)
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): self.nowpose=pose print_('on_pose', pose) ## if pose == pose_t.double_tap: ## print_("Enabling EMG") ## myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) ## elif pose == pose_t.fingers_spread: ## myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.disabled) if pose == "fist": self.fistcount=self.fistcount+1 if self.fistcount==1: self.state=0 print("Entering state 0")
def on_pair(self, myo, timestamp): print_("Paired") print_( "If you don't see any responses to your movements, try re-running the program or making sure the Myo works with Myo Connect (from Thalmic Labs)." ) print_("Double tap enables EMG.") print_("Spreading fingers disables EMG.\n")
def main(): #address = "" address = "localhost" port = 0 hub = myo.Hub(), Listener(address, port)) # Listen to keyboard interrupts and stop the # hub in that case. try: while hub.running: myo.time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_("Quitting ...") hub.stop(True)
def on_pair(self, myo, timestamp): print_('Paired') print_( "If you don't see any responses to your movements, try re-running the program or making sure the Myo works with Myo Connect (from Thalmic Labs)." ) print_("Double tap enables EMG.") print_("Spreading fingers disables EMG.\n")
def main(): options = handle_args() print("%s\nOpening client. Address=%d\n%s" % ("*"*80, options.hmtladdress, "*"*80)) client = HMTLClient(options) hub = myo.Hub() hub.set_locking_policy(myo.locking_policy.none), Listener(client, options)) # Listen to keyboard interrupts and stop the # hub in that case. try: while hub.running: myo.time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_("Quitting ...") hub.stop(True)
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): ''' (Listener, Myo, str) -> NoneType Triggers specific events when specific Myo positions are detected ''' if is_debug: print_('on_pose', pose) global middle global euler_orientation if pose == pose_t.double_tap and is_debug: print_("double_tap") elif pose == pose_t.fist: if is_debug: print_("fist") self.middle_click() #When finger_spread is detected with palm facing down elif (pose == pose_t.fingers_spread) and (euler_orientation[0] <= arm_boundary): if middle == True: self.middle_click() if is_debug: print_("Left Click") self.left_click() #When finger_spread is detected with palm facing up elif (pose == pose_t.fingers_spread) and (euler_orientation[0] > arm_boundary): if middle == True: self.middle_click() if is_debug: print_("Right Click") self.right_click()
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): print_('on_pose', pose) if pose == pose_t.double_tap: print_("=" * 80) print_("Reset Orientation") or1x[0] = orx[0] or1y[0] = ory[0] or1z[0] = orz[0] or1w[0] = orw[0] #myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) elif pose == pose_t.fingers_spread: egg = 0
def opponentChoice(userChoice,myo): choice=random.randint(1,3) if choice==1: print_("Opponent chose Scissors!") if choice==userChoice: write_message("Tie!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_scissors(display_width-250, 150) print_scissors(75, 150) elif 2==userChoice: GAME.opponent+=1 write_message("You Lose!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_scissors(display_width-250, 150) print_paper(75, 150) myo.vibrate('long') else: write_message("You Win!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_scissors(display_width-250, 150) print_rock(75, 150) elif choice==2: print_("Opponent chose Paper!") if choice==userChoice: write_message("Tie!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_paper(display_width-250, 150) print_paper(75, 150) elif 1==userChoice: write_message("You Win!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_paper(display_width-250, 150) print_scissors(75, 150) else: GAME.opponent+=1 write_message("You Lose!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_paper(display_width-250, 150) print_rock(75, 150) myo.vibrate('long') else: print_("Opoonent chose Rock!") if choice==userChoice: write_message("Tie!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_rock(display_width-250, 150) print_rock(75, 150) elif 2==userChoice: write_message("You Win!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_rock(display_width-250, 150) print_paper(75, 150) else: GAME.opponent+=1 write_message("You Lose!",, GAME.opponent) print_c_rock(display_width-250, 150) print_scissors(75, 150) myo.vibrate('long')
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): if pose == pose_t.wave_in: #print_('on_pose', pose) print_("You chose Scissors!") opponentChoice(1,myo) myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.disabled) elif pose == pose_t.fingers_spread: #print_('on_pose', pose) print_("You chose Paper!") opponentChoice(2,myo) myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.disabled) elif pose == pose_t.fist: #print_('on_pose', pose) print_("You chose Rock!") opponentChoice(3,myo) myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.disabled)
def show_output(message, data): print_(message + ':' + str(data))
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): print_('on_pose', pose) if pose == pose_t.double_tap: print_("Enabling EMG") print_("Spreading fingers disables EMG.") print_("=" * 80) myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) elif pose == pose_t.fingers_spread: print_("=" * 80) print_("Disabling EMG") myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.disabled)
def on_unlock(self, myo, timestamp): print_('unlocked')
def on_disconnect(self, myo, timestamp): print_('on_disconnect')
def on_rssi(self, myo, timestamp, rssi): print_("RSSI:", rssi)
def on_sync(self, myo, timestamp): print_('synced')
def on_lock(self, myo, timestamp): print_('locked')
def on_connect(self, myo, timestamp): print_("Connected to Myo") myo.vibrate('short') myo.request_rssi() myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) print_("Enabling EMG")
def on_orientation_data(self, myo, timestamp, orientation): self.odr = orientation if self.state > -1: if self.counter2 < 100: output = convert_to_rpy(self.odr) roll1 = output[0] pitch1 = output[1] yaw1 = output[2] self.rcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(roll1)) self.rsfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(roll1)) self.pcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(pitch1)) self.psfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(pitch1)) self.ycfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(yaw1)) self.ysfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(yaw1)) if self.state != 1: print("orientation") print_(roll1, pitch1, yaw1) if (self.state == 2): rollc = math.cos(math.radians(roll1)) rolls = math.sin(math.radians(roll1)) pitchc = math.cos(math.radians(pitch1)) pitchs = math.sin(math.radians(pitch1)) yawc = math.cos(math.radians(yaw1)) yaws = math.sin(math.radians(yaw1)) rollbc = math.cos(math.radians(self.rollb)) rollbs = math.sin(math.radians(self.rollb)) pitchbc = math.cos(math.radians(self.pitchb)) pitchbs = math.sin(math.radians(self.pitchb)) yawbc = math.cos(math.radians(self.yawb)) yawbs = math.sin(math.radians(self.yawb)) rollf = math.degrees( math.atan2(rolls - rollbs, rollc - rollbc)) pitchf = math.degrees( math.atan2(pitchs - pitchbs, pitchc - pitchbc)) yawf = math.degrees( math.atan2(yaws - yawbs, yawc - yawbc)) self.Odata.append([rollf, pitchf, yawf]) self.counter2 = self.counter2 + 1 if self.counter2 == 100: rc = numpy.mean(self.rcfull) pc = numpy.mean(self.pcfull) yc = numpy.mean(self.ycfull) rs = numpy.mean(self.rsfull) ps = numpy.mean(self.psfull) ys = numpy.mean(self.ysfull) if self.state == 0: # calibration- print("Calibration") self.rollb = math.degrees(math.atan2(rs, rc)) self.pitchb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ps, pc)) self.yawb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ys, yc)) baseline = [self.rollb, self.pitchb, self.yawb] print("baseline", baseline) print( "Calibration Complete! You have 2 seconds to change your gesture and then record a new one for 2" ) self.counter2 = 0 self.state = 1 self.start_time = time.time() print("Entering state 1") elif self.state == 1: for i in range(1, 2000): for j in range(1, 10000): a = i self.counter2 = 0 self.state = 2 print("Entering state 2") elif self.state == 2: # data collection pose_number = assign_pose_number(self.nowpose) new_number = 5 #input("Please enter the gesture number for the last gesture: ") print("Accel", self.Adata, len(self.Adata)) print("Orient", self.Odata, len(self.Odata)) print("EMG", self.Edata, len(self.Edata)) if (len(self.Edata) == 400): fo = open("trainingdata200.csv", "ab") iOA = 0 run = 0 ## for point in self.Odata: ## fo.write('%s, %f,%f, %f, %f\n' % (point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], new_number)) ## ## for point in self.Adata: ## fo.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f\n" %(point[0], point[1][0], point[1][1], point[1][2], new_number)) for point in self.Edata: fo.write( '%f,%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n' % (self.Odata[iOA][0], self.Odata[iOA][1], self.Odata[iOA][2], self.Adata[iOA][0], self.Adata[iOA][1], self.Adata[iOA][2], point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4], point[5], point[6], point[7], new_number)) ## fo.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f\n" %(self.Adata[iOA][0], self.Adata[iOA][1], self.Adata[iOA][2], new_number)) ## fo.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n" %(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4],point[5], point[6],point[7], new_number)) run += 1 if (run == 4): run = 0 iOA += 1 fo.close() f50 = open("trainingdata50.csv", "ab") EI = 3 for i in xrange(100): f50.write( '%f,%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n' % (self.Odata[i][0], self.Odata[i][1], self.Odata[i][2], self.Adata[i][0], self.Adata[i][1], self.Adata[i][2], self.Edata[EI][0], self.Edata[EI][1], self.Edata[EI][2], self.Edata[EI][3], self.Edata[EI][4], self.Edata[EI][5], self.Edata[EI][6], self.Edata[EI][7], new_number)) EI += 4 f50.close() print("Saved!") else: print("Not Saved.") self.counter2 = 0 cont = raw_input("Press c to record another") if (cont == "c"): self.Odata = [] self.Adata = [] self.Edata = [] self.state = 2 else: self.state = -1
def on_unsync(self, myo, timestamp): myo.set_stream_emg(stream_emg.enabled) print_('unsynced')
def on_orientation_data(self, myo, timestamp, orientation): self.odr=orientation if self.state==-1: calib_start=input('Press 1 for calibration: ') self.state=0 print("Beginning Calibration!!!") if self.counter2<50: output=convert_to_rpy(self.odr) roll1=output[0] pitch1=output[1] yaw1=output[2] #print_(roll1,pitch1,yaw1) self.rcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(roll1)) self.rsfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(roll1)) self.pcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(pitch1)) self.psfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(pitch1)) self.ycfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(yaw1)) self.ysfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(yaw1)) self.counter2=self.counter2+1 if self.counter2 == 50: rc = numpy.mean(self.rcfull) pc = numpy.mean(self.pcfull) yc = numpy.mean(self.ycfull) rs = numpy.mean(self.rsfull) ps = numpy.mean(self.psfull) ys = numpy.mean(self.ysfull) if self.state==0: # calibration self.rollb = math.degrees(math.atan2(rs,rc)) self.pitchb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ps,pc)) self.yawb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ys,yc)) baseline=[self.rollb,self.pitchb,self.yawb] print(baseline) print("Calibration Complete! You have 2 seconds to change your gesture and then record a new one for 2") self.counter2=0 self.state=1 self.start_time = time.time() elif self.state == 1: #for i in range(1,1000): # for j in range(1,10000): # a=i time.sleep(2) self.counter2 = 0 self.state = 2 elif self.state == 2: # data collection, identification and transfer self.roll = math.degrees(math.atan2(rs,rc))-self.rollb self.pitch = math.degrees(math.atan2(ps,pc))-self.pitchb self.yaw = math.degrees(math.atan2(ys,yc))-self.yawb a=numpy.matrix([self.roll,self.pitch,self.yaw]) b=a.transpose() d=numpy.matlib.repmat(b,1,4) #hardcoded------CHANGE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pose_number=assign_pose_number(self.nowpose) self.W=numpy.matrix([[-2.38946624937314,172.907592400722,-12.1921835866013,30.7345074055692],[-1.60615657009811, 70.7802307763561,-10.0331866141660,-71.1455632604777],[5.87052357307342,52.4896992580217,-45.3268722289868,-67.7618396439250]]) diff=self.W-d squared=numpy.square(diff) summed=sum(squared) #rooted=numpy.sqrt(summed) #rooted=rooted.tolist() rooted=summed.tolist() print("rooted", rooted) P = min(rooted[0]) #print ("P ", P) Q = rooted[0].index(P) #print ("Q", Q) R = Q + 1 #print("R" , R) #indx=rooted.index(min(rooted))+1#1-front; 2-up; 3-side; 4-down indx=R print ("indx",indx) print ("pose num ", pose_number) if indx==1:#front if pose_number==1: gesture_number=1 gesture_name='FRONT_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 1\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==3: gesture_number=2 gesture_name='FRONT_fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 3\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==4: gesture_number=3 gesture_name='FRONT_wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 4\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==5: gesture_number=4 gesture_name='FRONT_wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 5\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif indx==2:#top if pose_number==1: gesture_number=5 gesture_name='UP_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 101\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==3: gesture_number=6 gesture_name='UP_fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 103\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==4: gesture_number=7 gesture_name='UP_wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 104\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==5: gesture_number=8 gesture_name='UP_wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 105\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif indx==3:#side if pose_number==1: gesture_number=9 gesture_name='SIDE_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 201\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==3: gesture_number=10 gesture_name='SIDE__fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 203\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==4: gesture_number=11 gesture_name='SIDE__wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 204\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==5: gesture_number=12 gesture_name='SIDE__wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 205\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif indx==4:#down if pose_number==1: gesture_number=13 gesture_name='DOWN_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 301\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==3: gesture_number=14 gesture_name='DOWN__fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 303\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==4: gesture_number=15 gesture_name='DOWN__wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 304\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number==5: gesture_number=16 gesture_name='DOWN__wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 305\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) #print(pose_number,self.roll,self.pitch,self.yaw) self.counter2=0 self.state=2
def on_unsync(self, myo, timestamp): print_('unsynced')
def on_lock(self, myo, timestamp): if is_debug: print_('locked')
def on_orientation_data(self, myo, timestamp, orientation): self.odr=orientation if self.state>-1: if self.counter2<100: output=convert_to_rpy(self.odr) roll1=output[0] pitch1=output[1] yaw1=output[2] self.rcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(roll1)) self.rsfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(roll1)) self.pcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(pitch1)) self.psfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(pitch1)) self.ycfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(yaw1)) self.ysfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(yaw1)) if self.state!=1: print ("orientation") print_(roll1,pitch1,yaw1) if (self.state == 2): rollc = math.cos(math.radians(roll1)) rolls = math.sin(math.radians(roll1)) pitchc = math.cos(math.radians(pitch1)) pitchs = math.sin(math.radians(pitch1)) yawc = math.cos(math.radians(yaw1)) yaws = math.sin(math.radians(yaw1)) rollbc = math.cos(math.radians(self.rollb)) rollbs = math.sin(math.radians(self.rollb)) pitchbc = math.cos(math.radians(self.pitchb)) pitchbs = math.sin(math.radians(self.pitchb)) yawbc = math.cos(math.radians(self.yawb)) yawbs = math.sin(math.radians(self.yawb)) rollf = math.degrees(math.atan2(rolls-rollbs,rollc-rollbc)) pitchf = math.degrees(math.atan2(pitchs-pitchbs,pitchc-pitchbc)) yawf = math.degrees(math.atan2(yaws-yawbs,yawc-yawbc)) self.Odata.append([rollf, pitchf, yawf]) self.counter2=self.counter2+1 if self.counter2 == 100: rc = numpy.mean(self.rcfull) pc = numpy.mean(self.pcfull) yc = numpy.mean(self.ycfull) rs = numpy.mean(self.rsfull) ps = numpy.mean(self.psfull) ys = numpy.mean(self.ysfull) if self.state==0: # calibration- print ("Calibration") self.rollb = math.degrees(math.atan2(rs,rc)) self.pitchb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ps,pc)) self.yawb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ys,yc)) baseline=[self.rollb,self.pitchb,self.yawb] print("baseline", baseline) print("Calibration Complete! You have 2 seconds to change your gesture and then record a new one for 2") self.counter2=0 self.state=1 self.start_time = time.time() print("Entering state 1") elif self.state == 1: for i in range(1,2000): for j in range(1,10000): a=i self.counter2=0 self.state = 2 print("Entering state 2") elif self.state == 2: # data collection pose_number=assign_pose_number(self.nowpose) new_number=5#input("Please enter the gesture number for the last gesture: ") print ("Accel", self.Adata, len(self.Adata)) print ("Orient", self.Odata, len(self.Odata)) print ("EMG", self.Edata, len(self.Edata)) if (len(self.Edata) == 400): fo = open("trainingdata200.csv","ab") iOA = 0 run = 0 ## for point in self.Odata: ## fo.write('%s, %f,%f, %f, %f\n' % (point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], new_number)) ## ## for point in self.Adata: ## fo.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f\n" %(point[0], point[1][0], point[1][1], point[1][2], new_number)) for point in self.Edata: fo.write('%f,%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n' % (self.Odata[iOA][0], self.Odata[iOA][1], self.Odata[iOA][2], self.Adata[iOA][0], self.Adata[iOA][1], self.Adata[iOA][2], point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4],point[5], point[6],point[7], new_number)) ## fo.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f\n" %(self.Adata[iOA][0], self.Adata[iOA][1], self.Adata[iOA][2], new_number)) ## fo.write("%s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n" %(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4],point[5], point[6],point[7], new_number)) run+=1 if (run == 4): run=0 iOA+=1 fo.close() f50 = open("trainingdata50.csv","ab") EI = 3 for i in xrange(100): f50.write('%f,%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n' % (self.Odata[i][0], self.Odata[i][1], self.Odata[i][2], self.Adata[i][0], self.Adata[i][1], self.Adata[i][2], self.Edata[EI][0], self.Edata[EI][1], self.Edata[EI][2], self.Edata[EI][3], self.Edata[EI][4],self.Edata[EI][5], self.Edata[EI][6],self.Edata[EI][7], new_number)) EI+=4 f50.close() print("Saved!") else: print ("Not Saved.") self.counter2=0 cont = raw_input("Press c to record another") if (cont == "c"): self.Odata = [] self.Adata = [] self.Edata = [] self.state = 2 else: self.state=-1
def on_pair(self, myo, timestamp): print_('on_pair')
def on_sync(self, myo, timestamp, arm, x_direction): print_('synced', arm, x_direction)
def on_connect(self, myo, timestamp): print_("Connected to Myo") myo.vibrate('short') myo.request_rssi()
def show_output(message, data): if random.random() < SHOW_OUTPUT_CHANCE: print_(message + ':' + str(data))
def telemetry(sid, data): global pose_status try: # myo.time.sleep(0.2) print(str(pose_now)) if 'rest' in pose_now: pose_status = 0 elif 'in' in pose_now: print(1) pose_status = 1 elif 'out' in pose_now: print(2) pose_status = 2 elif 'fist' in pose_now: pose_status = 3 elif 'double' in pose_now: pose_status = 4 elif 'fingers_spread' in pose_now: pose_status = 5 # hub. except KeyboardInterrupt: print_("Quitting ...") hub.stop(True) if AutoMode == True: try: if pose_status == 1: MAX_SPEED += 1 MIN_SPEED += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # print('Speeding up 1 mph, current speed:',speed_limit) elif pose_status == 2: MAX_SPEED -= 1 MIN_SPEED -= 1 time.sleep(0.1) # print('Reducing down 1 mph, current speed:',speed_limit) elif pose_status == 3: # if MAX_SPEED == 30 and MIN_SPEED == 25: MAX_SPEED = 30 MIN_SPEED = 25 print('Max Speeding On') time.sleep(0.1) elif pose_status == 5: AutoMode = False print('AutoMode:', AutoMode) time.sleep(0.1) except: pass global MAX_SPEED global MIN_SPEED global AutoMode speed_limit = MAX_SPEED if data: # The current steering angle of the car steering_angle = float(data["steering_angle"]) # The current throttle of the car throttle = float(data["throttle"]) # The current speed of the car speed = float(data["speed"]) # The current image from the center camera of the car image =["image"]))) # save frame # if args.image_folder != '': # timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_%f')[:-3] # image_filename = os.path.join(args.image_folder, timestamp) #'{}.jpg'.format(image_filename)) try: image = np.asarray(image) # from PIL image to numpy array # cv.imshow('display', image) # plt.imshow(image) # cv.ShowImage(win_name, image)("Cameras", image) image = utils.preprocess(image) # apply the preprocessing image = np.array([image]) # the model expects 4D array # predict the steering angle for the image steering_angle = float(model.predict(image, batch_size=1)) # PID control here if speed > speed_limit: speed_limit = MIN_SPEED # slow down else: speed_limit = MAX_SPEED throttle = 1.0 - steering_angle**2 - (speed / speed_limit)**2 # print('{} {} {}'.format(steering_angle, throttle, speed)) send_control(steering_angle, throttle) # send_control(2, 2) except Exception as e: print(e) else: MAX_SPEED = 25 MIN_SPEED = 10 try: if pose_status == 0: steering_angle = 0 time.sleep(0.1) if pose_status == 1: steering_angle = -0.3 time.sleep(0.1) elif pose_status == 2: steering_angle = 0.3 time.sleep(0.1) elif pose_status == 3: print('Max Speeding On') time.sleep(0.1) elif pose_status == 5: AutoMode = True print('AutoMode:', AutoMode) time.sleep(0.1) except: pass if data: speed = float(data["speed"]) try: global steering_angle # PID control here if speed > speed_limit: speed_limit = MIN_SPEED # slow down else: speed_limit = MAX_SPEED throttle = 1.0 - steering_angle**2 - (speed / speed_limit)**2 # print('{} {} {}'.format(steering_angle, throttle, speed)) send_control(steering_angle, throttle) # send_control(2, 2) except Exception as e: print(e)
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): print_('on_pose', pose)
def on_pair(self, myo, timestamp): print_('Paired') print_("If you don't see any responses to your movements, try re-running the program or making sure the Myo works with Myo Connect (from Thalmic Labs).")
def on_orientation_data(self, myo, timestamp, orientation): self.odr = orientation if self.state == -1: calib_start = input('Press 1 for calibration: ') self.state = 0 print("Beginning Calibration!!!") if self.counter2 < 50: output = convert_to_rpy(self.odr) roll1 = output[0] pitch1 = output[1] yaw1 = output[2] #print_(roll1,pitch1,yaw1) self.rcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(roll1)) self.rsfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(roll1)) self.pcfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(pitch1)) self.psfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(pitch1)) self.ycfull[self.counter2] = math.cos(math.radians(yaw1)) self.ysfull[self.counter2] = math.sin(math.radians(yaw1)) self.counter2 = self.counter2 + 1 if self.counter2 == 50: rc = numpy.mean(self.rcfull) pc = numpy.mean(self.pcfull) yc = numpy.mean(self.ycfull) rs = numpy.mean(self.rsfull) ps = numpy.mean(self.psfull) ys = numpy.mean(self.ysfull) if self.state == 0: # calibration self.rollb = math.degrees(math.atan2(rs, rc)) self.pitchb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ps, pc)) self.yawb = math.degrees(math.atan2(ys, yc)) baseline = [self.rollb, self.pitchb, self.yawb] print(baseline) print( "Calibration Complete! You have 2 seconds to change your gesture and then record a new one for 2" ) self.counter2 = 0 self.state = 1 self.start_time = time.time() elif self.state == 1: #for i in range(1,1000): # for j in range(1,10000): # a=i time.sleep(2) self.counter2 = 0 self.state = 2 elif self.state == 2: # data collection, identification and transfer self.roll = math.degrees(math.atan2(rs, rc)) - self.rollb self.pitch = math.degrees(math.atan2(ps, pc)) - self.pitchb self.yaw = math.degrees(math.atan2(ys, yc)) - self.yawb a = numpy.matrix([self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw]) b = a.transpose() d = numpy.matlib.repmat( b, 1, 4 ) #hardcoded------CHANGE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pose_number = assign_pose_number(self.nowpose) self.W = numpy.matrix([[ -2.38946624937314, 172.907592400722, -12.1921835866013, 30.7345074055692 ], [ -1.60615657009811, 70.7802307763561, -10.0331866141660, -71.1455632604777 ], [ 5.87052357307342, 52.4896992580217, -45.3268722289868, -67.7618396439250 ]]) diff = self.W - d squared = numpy.square(diff) summed = sum(squared) #rooted=numpy.sqrt(summed) #rooted=rooted.tolist() rooted = summed.tolist() print("rooted", rooted) P = min(rooted[0]) #print ("P ", P) Q = rooted[0].index(P) #print ("Q", Q) R = Q + 1 #print("R" , R) #indx=rooted.index(min(rooted))+1#1-front; 2-up; 3-side; 4-down indx = R print("indx", indx) print("pose num ", pose_number) if indx == 1: #front if pose_number == 1: gesture_number = 1 gesture_name = 'FRONT_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 1\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 3: gesture_number = 2 gesture_name = 'FRONT_fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 3\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 4: gesture_number = 3 gesture_name = 'FRONT_wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 4\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 5: gesture_number = 4 gesture_name = 'FRONT_wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 5\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif indx == 2: #top if pose_number == 1: gesture_number = 5 gesture_name = 'UP_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 101\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 3: gesture_number = 6 gesture_name = 'UP_fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 103\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 4: gesture_number = 7 gesture_name = 'UP_wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 104\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 5: gesture_number = 8 gesture_name = 'UP_wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 105\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif indx == 3: #side if pose_number == 1: gesture_number = 9 gesture_name = 'SIDE_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 201\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 3: gesture_number = 10 gesture_name = 'SIDE__fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 203\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 4: gesture_number = 11 gesture_name = 'SIDE__wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 204\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 5: gesture_number = 12 gesture_name = 'SIDE__wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 205\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif indx == 4: #down if pose_number == 1: gesture_number = 13 gesture_name = 'DOWN_finger_spread' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 301\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 3: gesture_number = 14 gesture_name = 'DOWN__fist' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 303\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 4: gesture_number = 15 gesture_name = 'DOWN__wave_in' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 304\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) elif pose_number == 5: gesture_number = 16 gesture_name = 'DOWN__wave_out' print_(gesture_name) self._sock.sendto("Gesture: 305\n", ("<broadcast>", 10000)) #print(pose_number,self.roll,self.pitch,self.yaw) self.counter2 = 0 self.state = 2
def on_pose(self, myo, timestamp, pose): if pose == pose_t.fist: print_('on_pose', pose) fire()
def on_rssi(self, myo, timestamp, rssi): ''' (Listener, Myo, str, rssi) -> NoneType Displays RSSI state ''' if is_debug: print_("RSSI:", rssi)
def on_lock(self, myo, timestamp): print_("locked")
def on_sync(self, myo, timestamp): print_("synced")