Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_events(topic, partition):

    # get and check parameters
    valid, result = __try_get_parameter_as_int('start_from', flask.request, True)
    if not valid:
        return result
    start_from = result

    stream_opts = {}
    valid, result = __try_get_parameter_as_int('batch_limit', flask.request, False, 1)
    if not valid:
        return result
    stream_opts['batch_limit'] = result

    valid, result = __try_get_parameter_as_int('batch_flush_timeout', flask.request, False, 0)
    if not valid:
        return result
    stream_opts['batch_flush_timeout'] = result

    valid, result = __try_get_parameter_as_int('batch_keep_alive_limit', flask.request, False, -1)
    if not valid:
        return result
    stream_opts['batch_keep_alive_limit'] = result

    valid, result = __try_get_parameter_as_int('stream_limit', flask.request, False, 0)
    if not valid:
        return result
    stream_opts['stream_limit'] = result

    valid, result = __try_get_parameter_as_int('stream_timeout', flask.request, False, 0)
    if not valid:
        return result
    stream_opts['stream_timeout'] = result

    # check that partition is integer
    if not partition.isdigit():
        return {'detail': '"partition" path parameter should be an integer number'}, 400
        partition = int(partition)

    # check that topic and partition exist
    if not __topic_exists(topic):
        return {'detail': 'topic not found'}, 404
    if not __partition_exists(topic, partition):
        return {'detail': 'partition not found'}, 404

    # returning generator in response will create a stream
    stream_generator = event_stream.create_stream_generator(kafka_pool, topic, partition, start_from, stream_opts)
    return flask.Response(stream_generator, mimetype = 'text/plain', status = 200)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def __get_events(topic, cursors):

    # get and check parameters
    stream_opts = {}
        stream_opts['batch_limit'] = get_int_parameter('batch_limit', flask.request, False, 1)
        stream_opts['batch_flush_timeout'] = get_int_parameter('batch_flush_timeout', flask.request, False, 0)
        stream_opts['batch_keep_alive_limit'] = get_int_parameter('batch_keep_alive_limit', flask.request, False, -1)
        stream_opts['stream_limit'] = get_int_parameter('stream_limit', flask.request, False, 0)
        stream_opts['stream_timeout'] = get_int_parameter('stream_timeout', flask.request, False, 0)
    except NotIntegerParameterException as e:
        return {'detail': '"%s" query parameter should be an integer number' % e.parameter}, 400
    except RequiredParameterNotFoundException as e:
        return {'detail': 'missing required query parameter "%s"' % e.parameter}, 400

    # check that partitions exist
    for cursor in cursors:
        if not __partition_exists(topic, int(cursor['partition'])):
            return {'detail': 'partition not found'}, 404

    # returning generator in response will create a stream
    stream_generator = event_stream.create_stream_generator(kafka_client_pool, topic, cursors, stream_opts, __get_uid())
    return flask.Response(stream_generator, mimetype = 'text/plain', status = 200)