Ejemplo n.º 1
    sgm = float(args['--sigma'])
    if sgm < 0.0:
        sgm = abs(sgm) * width
    specorder = args['--specorder'].split(',')
    if 'None' in specorder and not files[0].find('POSCAR') > -1:
        raise ValueError(
            'ERROR: specorder must be specified, unless files are POSCAR format.'

    if sid == 0:
        raise ValueError('ERROR: sid should be specified and should not be 0.')

    files.sort(key=get_key, reverse=True)

    nsys0 = NAPSystem(fname=files[0], specorder=specorder)
    a, b, c = nsys0.get_lattice_angles()
    if abs(a-np.pi/2) > 180.0/np.pi or abs(b-np.pi/2) > 180.0/np.pi \
       or abs(c-np.pi/2) > 180.0/np.pi:
        raise ValueError(
            'ERROR: Currently only available for orthogonal lattice, a,b,c=',
            a, b, c)
    ndivs = get_num_division(nsys0, width)
    if np.dot(ndivs, ndivs) > 10000000:
        raise ValueError('ERROR: ndivs too large.', ndivs)
        print(' # of divisions = {0:d} {1:d} {2:d}'.format(*ndivs))

    pdist = np.zeros(ndivs, dtype=float)
    for f in files:
        print(' Reading {0:s}...'.format(f))
        nsys = NAPSystem(fname=f, specorder=specorder)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    sid = int(args['--sid'])
    width = float(args['-w'])
    sgm = float(args['--sigma'])
    if sgm < 0.0:
        sgm = abs(sgm)*width
    specorder = args['--specorder'].split(',')
    if 'None' in specorder and not files[0].find('POSCAR') > -1:
        raise ValueError('ERROR: specorder must be specified, unless files are POSCAR format.')

    if sid == 0:
        raise ValueError('ERROR: sid should be specified and should not be 0.')


    nsys0 = NAPSystem(fname=files[0],specorder=specorder)
    a,b,c = nsys0.get_lattice_angles()
    if abs(a-np.pi/2) > 180.0/np.pi or abs(b-np.pi/2) > 180.0/np.pi \
       or abs(c-np.pi/2) > 180.0/np.pi:
        raise ValueError('ERROR: Currently only available for orthogonal lattice, a,b,c=',a,b,c)
    ndivs = get_num_division(nsys0,width)
    if np.dot(ndivs,ndivs) > 10000000:
        raise ValueError('ERROR: ndivs too large.',ndivs)
        print(' # of divisions = {0:d} {1:d} {2:d}'.format(*ndivs))

    pdist = np.zeros(ndivs,dtype=float)
    for f in files:
        print(' Reading {0:s}...'.format(f))
        nsys = NAPSystem(fname=f,specorder=specorder)
        pdist += get_prob_dist(ndivs,nsys,sid,sgm)
    pdist = normalize_pdist(pdist,nsys0,sid)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reduce_cij(atoms0, cij0, eps=1.e-4):
    Reduce number of independent Cij according to the crystal system of original cell.
    It is not Cij=Cji.

    cij = cij0
    symdata = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(atoms0)
    nsys = NAPSystem(ase_atoms=atoms0)
    sgnum = symdata['number']

    a, b, c = nsys.get_lattice_lengths()
    alpha, beta, gamma = nsys.get_lattice_angles()

    aeqb = abs(a - b) < eps * min(a, b)
    beqc = abs(b - c) < eps * min(b, c)
    ceqa = abs(c - a) < eps * min(c, a)

    aleqpi2 = abs(alpha - np.pi / 2) < eps * np.pi / 2
    bteqpi2 = abs(beta - np.pi / 2) < eps * np.pi / 2
    gmeqpi2 = abs(gamma - np.pi / 2) < eps * np.pi / 2

    print('Spacegroup number = ', sgnum, ' ==> ', end='')
    if 0 < sgnum <= 2:  # Triclinic
    elif sgnum <= 15:  # Monoclinic
    elif sgnum <= 74:  # Orthorhombic
    elif sgnum <= 142:  # Tetragonal
    elif sgnum <= 194:  # Hexagonal
        print('Number of independent C_ij elements are reduced to 6.')
        print('C_66 should be 1/2(C_11-C_12) but this is not enforced now.')
        if not aleqpi2:
            c22 = (cij[1, 1] + cij[2, 2]) / 2
            c13 = (cij[0, 1] + cij[0, 2]) / 2
            c55 = (cij[4, 4] + cij[5, 5]) / 2
            cij[1, 1] = cij[2, 2] = c22
            cij[0, 1] = cij[0, 2] = c13
            cij[4, 4] = cij[5, 5] = c55
        elif not bteqpi2:
            c11 = (cij[0, 0] + cij[2, 2]) / 2
            c12 = (cij[0, 1] + cij[1, 2]) / 2
            c44 = (cij[3, 3] + cij[5, 5]) / 2
            cij[0, 0] = cij[2, 2] = c11
            cij[0, 1] = cij[1, 2] = c12
            cij[3, 3] = cij[5, 5] = c44
        elif not gmeqpi2:
            c11 = (cij[0, 0] + cij[1, 1]) / 2
            c12 = (cij[0, 2] + cij[1, 2]) / 2
            c44 = (cij[3, 3] + cij[4, 4]) / 2
            cij[0, 0] = cij[1, 1] = c11
            cij[0, 2] = cij[1, 2] = c12
            cij[3, 3] = cij[4, 4] = c44

    elif sgnum <= 230:  # Cubic
        print('Number of independent C_ij elements are reduced to 3.')
        c11 = (cij[0, 0] + cij[1, 1] + cij[2, 2]) / 3
        c12 = (cij[0, 1] + cij[0, 2] + cij[1, 2]) / 3
        c44 = (cij[3, 3] + cij[4, 4] + cij[5, 5]) / 3
        cij[0, 0] = cij[1, 1] = cij[2, 2] = c11
        cij[0, 1] = cij[0, 2] = cij[1, 2] = c12
        cij[3, 3] = cij[4, 4] = cij[5, 5] = c44
        raise ValueError('Invalid space group number, ', sgnum)
    # Just symmetrize Cij
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(i, 6):
            cij[j, i] = cij[i, j]

    return cij
Ejemplo n.º 4
def reduce_cij(atoms0,cij0,eps=1.e-4):
    Reduce number of independent Cij according to the crystal system of original cell.
    It is not Cij=Cji.

    cij = cij0
    symdata = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(atoms0)
    napsys = NAPSystem(ase_atoms=atoms0)
    sgnum = symdata['number']
    print('Spacegroup number = ',sgnum,' ==> ',end='')
    a,b,c = napsys.get_lattice_lengths()
    alpha,beta,gamma = napsys.get_lattice_angles()

    aeqb = abs(a-b) < eps*min(a,b)
    beqc = abs(b-c) < eps*min(b,c)
    ceqa = abs(c-a) < eps*min(c,a)
    aleqpi2 = abs(alpha-np.pi/2) < eps*np.pi/2
    bteqpi2 = abs(beta -np.pi/2) < eps*np.pi/2
    gmeqpi2 = abs(gamma-np.pi/2) < eps*np.pi/2

    if 0 < sgnum <= 2:  # Triclinic
    elif sgnum <= 15:  # Monoclinic
    elif sgnum <= 74:  # Orthorhombic
    elif sgnum <= 142:  # Tetragonal
    elif sgnum <= 194:  # Hexagonal
        print('Number of independent C_ij elements are reduced to 6.')
        print('C_66 should be 1/2(C_11-C_12) but this is not enforced now.')
        if not aleqpi2:
            c22 = (cij[1,1] +cij[2,2])/2
            c13 = (cij[0,1] +cij[0,2])/2
            c55 = (cij[4,4] +cij[5,5])/2
            cij[1,1] = cij[2,2] = c22
            cij[0,1] = cij[0,2] = c13
            cij[4,4] = cij[5,5] = c55
        elif not bteqpi2:
            c11 = (cij[0,0] +cij[2,2])/2
            c12 = (cij[0,1] +cij[1,2])/2
            c44 = (cij[3,3] +cij[5,5])/2
            cij[0,0] = cij[2,2] = c11
            cij[0,1] = cij[1,2] = c12
            cij[3,3] = cij[5,5] = c44
        elif not gmeqpi2:
            c11 = (cij[0,0] +cij[1,1])/2
            c12 = (cij[0,2] +cij[1,2])/2
            c44 = (cij[3,3] +cij[4,4])/2
            cij[0,0] = cij[1,1] = c11
            cij[0,2] = cij[1,2] = c12
            cij[3,3] = cij[4,4] = c44
    elif sgnum <= 230:  # Cubic
        print('Number of independent C_ij elements are reduced to 3.')
        c11 = (cij[0,0] +cij[1,1] +cij[2,2])/3
        c12 = (cij[0,1] +cij[0,2] +cij[1,2])/3
        c44 = (cij[3,3] +cij[4,4] +cij[5,5])/3
        cij[0,0] = cij[1,1] = cij[2,2] = c11
        cij[0,1] = cij[0,2] = cij[1,2] = c12
        cij[3,3] = cij[4,4] = cij[5,5] = c44
        raise ValueError('Invalid space group number, ',sgnum)
    # Just symmetrize Cij
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(i,6):
            cij[j,i] = cij[i,j]

    return cij