Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_recording_loading():
    Test the loading and saving of files to various HTTP/S3/File routes.
    # NOTE: FOR THIS TEST TO SUCCEED, /auto/data/tmp/recordings/ must not have
    # blah.tar.gz or TAR010c-18-1.tar.gz in it.

    # Local filesystem
    # rec0 = Recording.load("/home/ivar/git/nems/signals/TAR010c-18-1.tar.gz")
    rec_path = join(RECORDING_DIR, "eno052d-a1.tgz")
    rec0 = Recording.load(rec_path)
    rec2 = Recording.load("file://%s" % rec_path)

    # HTTP
    # rec3 = Recording.load("http://hyrax.ohsu.edu:3000/recordings/eno052d-a1.tgz")
    # rec4 = Recording.load("http://hyrax.ohsu.edu:3000/baphy/294/eno052d-a1?stim=0&pupil=0")

    # S3
    # Direct access (would need AWS CLI lib? Maybe not best idea!)
    # TODO: Requires s3 credentials in environment. Probably best if on
    #       server only; put in nems_db?
    #rec5 = Recording.load('s3://mybucket/myfile.tar.gz')

    # Indirect access via http:
    rec6 = Recording.load("https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nemspublic/"

    # Save to a specific tar.gz file
Ejemplo n.º 2
site = 'TAR010c'
nPCs = 4
batch = 307
fs = 20
rawid = pu.which_rawids(site)
ops = {
    'batch': batch,
    'pupil': 1,
    'rasterfs': fs,
    'siteid': site,
    'stim': 0,
    'rawid': rawid
uri = nb.baphy_load_recording_uri(**ops)
rec = Recording.load(uri)
rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].rasterize()
rec = rec.and_mask(['HIT_TRIAL', 'MISS_TRIAL', 'PASSIVE_EXPERIMENT'])

rec = rec.and_mask(['PreStimSilence', 'PostStimSilence'], invert=True)
rec = rec.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

# create four state masks
rec = preproc.create_ptd_masks(rec)

# create the appropriate dictionaries of responses
# don't *think* it's so important to balanced reps for
# this analysis since it's parametric (as opposed to the
# discrimination calc which depends greatly on being balanced)

# get list of unique targets present in both a/p. This is for
Ejemplo n.º 3
import random
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nems.epoch as ep
import nems.modelspec as ms
import nems.plots.api as nplt
from nems.recording import Recording

# specify directories for loading data and fitted modelspec
signals_dir = '../signals'
#signals_dir = '/home/jacob/auto/data/batch271_fs100_ozgf18/'
modelspecs_dir = '../modelspecs'

# load the data
rec = Recording.load(os.path.join(signals_dir, 'TAR010c-18-1'))

# Add a new signal, respavg, to the recording, in 4 steps

# 1. Fold matrix over all stimuli, returning a dictionary where keys are stimuli
#    and each value in the dictionary is (reps X cell X bins)
epochs_to_extract = ep.epoch_names_matching(rec.epochs, '^STIM_')
folded_matrix = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs_to_extract)

# 2. Average over all reps of each stim and save into dict called psth.
per_stim_psth = dict()
for k in folded_matrix.keys():
    per_stim_psth[k] = np.nanmean(folded_matrix[k], axis=0)

# 3. Invert the folding to unwrap the psth back out into a predicted spike_dict by
# simply replacing all epochs in the signal with their psth
Ejemplo n.º 4
sites = np.unique([c[:7] for c in cellids])

# loop over sites (to speed loading)
for site in sites:
    # load recording(s)
    rasterfs = 100
    ops = {
        'batch': batch,
        'siteid': site,
        'rasterfs': rasterfs,
        'pupil': 1,
        'stim': 0,
        'recache': False
    uri = nb.baphy_load_recording_uri(**ops)
    rec100 = Recording.load(uri)
    rec100['resp'] = rec100['resp'].rasterize()
    rec100 = rec100.and_mask(

    rasterfs = 20
    ops = {
        'batch': batch,
        'siteid': site,
        'rasterfs': rasterfs,
        'pupil': 1,
        'stim': 0,
        'recache': False
    uri = nb.baphy_load_recording_uri(**ops)
    rec20 = Recording.load(uri)
# A demonstration of a minimalist model fitting system

from nems.recording import Recording

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# GOAL: Get your data loaded into memory

# Method #1: Load the data from a local directory
rec = Recording.load('signals/gus027b13_p_PPS/')

# alternative ways to define the data object that could be saved as a 
# short(!) string in the dataspec
rec = my_create_recording_fun('signals/gus027b13_p_PPS/')
rec = Recording.load_standard_nems_format('signals/gus027b13_p_PPS/')

# Method #2: Load the data from baphy using the (incomplete, TODO) HTTP API:
# URL = "neuralprediction.org:3003/signals?batch=273&cellid=gus027b13-a1"
# rec = fetch_signals_over_http(URL)

# Method #3: Load the data from S3:
# stimfile="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nemspublic/sample_data/"+cellid+"_NAT_stim_ozgf_c18_fs100.mat"
# respfile="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nemspublic/sample_data/"+cellid+"_NAT_resp_fs100.mat"
# rec = fetch_signals_over_http(stimfile, respfile)

# Method #4: Load the data from a jerb (TODO)

# Method #5: Create a Recording object from a matrix, manually (TODO)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def plot_collapsed_ref_tar(animal, site, cellids=None):
    site += "%"

    sql = "SELECT DISTINCT cellid, rawid, respfile FROM sCellFile WHERE cellid like %s AND runclassid=%s"
    d = nd.pd_query(sql, params=(

    mfile = []
    for f in np.unique(d.respfile):
        f_ = f.split('.')[0]
            animal, site[:-2], f_))

    if cellids is None:
        cellid = np.unique(d.cellid).tolist()
        cellid = cellids
    options = {
        "siteid": site[:-1],
        'cellid': cellids,
        "mfilename": mfile,
        'stim': False,
        'pupil': True,
        'rasterfs': 1000

    uri = nb.baphy_load_recording_uri(**options)
    rec = Recording.load(uri)
    all_pupil = rec['pupil']._data
    ncols = len(mfile)
    if cellids is None:
        cellids = rec['resp'].chans

    for c in cellids:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, ncols, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 5))
        ref_base = 0
        for i, mf in enumerate(mfile):
            fn = mf.split('/')[-1]
            ep_mask = [ep for ep in rec.epochs.name if fn in ep]
            R = rec.copy()
            R['resp'] = R['resp'].rasterize(fs=20)
            R['resp'].fs = 20
            R = R.and_mask(ep_mask).apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
            if '_a_' in fn:
                R = R.and_mask(['HIT_TRIAL']).apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

            resp = R['resp'].extract_channels([c])

            tar_reps = resp.extract_epoch('TARGET').shape[0]
            tar_m = np.nanmean(resp.extract_epoch('TARGET'),
                               0).squeeze() * R['resp'].fs
            tar_sem = R['resp'].fs * np.nanstd(resp.extract_epoch('TARGET'),
                                               0).squeeze() / np.sqrt(tar_reps)

            ref_reps = resp.extract_epoch('REFERENCE').shape[0]
            ref_m = np.nanmean(resp.extract_epoch('REFERENCE'),
                               0).squeeze() * R['resp'].fs
            ref_sem = R['resp'].fs * np.nanstd(resp.extract_epoch('REFERENCE'),
                                               0).squeeze() / np.sqrt(ref_reps)

            # plot psth's
            time = np.linspace(0, len(tar_m) / R['resp'].fs, len(tar_m))
            ax[i].plot(time, tar_m, color='red', lw=2)
                               tar_m + tar_sem,
                               tar_m - tar_sem,
            time = np.linspace(0, len(ref_m) / R['resp'].fs, len(ref_m))
            ax[i].plot(time, ref_m, color='blue', lw=2)
                               ref_m + ref_sem,
                               ref_m - ref_sem,

            # set title
            ax[i].set_title(fn, fontsize=8)
            # set labels
            ax[i].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
            ax[i].set_ylabel('Spk / sec')

            # get raster plot baseline
            base = np.max(np.concatenate((tar_m + tar_sem, ref_m + ref_sem)))
            if base > ref_base:
                ref_base = base

        for i, mf in enumerate(mfile):
            # plot the rasters
            fn = mf.split('/')[-1]
            ep_mask = [ep for ep in rec.epochs.name if fn in ep]
            rast_rec = rec.and_mask(ep_mask).apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
            if '_a_' in fn:
                rast_rec = rast_rec.and_mask(['HIT_TRIAL'
            rast = rast_rec['resp'].extract_channels([c])

            ref_times = np.where(rast.extract_epoch('REFERENCE').squeeze())
            base = ref_base
            ref_pupil = np.nanmean(
                rast_rec['pupil'].extract_epoch('REFERENCE'), -1)
            xoffset = rast.extract_epoch(
                'TARGET').shape[-1] / rec['resp'].fs + 0.01
            ax[i].plot(ref_pupil / np.max(all_pupil) + xoffset,
                       np.linspace(base, int(base * 2), len(ref_pupil)),
            ax[i].axvline(xoffset + np.median(all_pupil / np.max(all_pupil)),
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if ref_times[0].size != 0:
                max_rep = ref_pupil.shape[0] - 1
                ref_locs = ref_times[0] * (base / max_rep)
                ref_locs = ref_locs + base
                ax[i].plot(ref_times[1] / rec['resp'].fs,

            tar_times = np.where(rast.extract_epoch('TARGET').squeeze())
            tar_pupil = np.nanmean(rast_rec['pupil'].extract_epoch('TARGET'),
            tar_base = np.max(ref_locs) + 1
            ax[i].plot(tar_pupil / np.max(all_pupil) + xoffset,
                       np.linspace(tar_base, tar_base + base, len(tar_pupil)),
            if tar_times[0].size != 0:
                max_rep = tar_pupil.shape[0] - 1
                tar_locs = tar_times[0] * (base / max_rep)
                tar_locs = tar_locs + tar_base
                ax[i].plot(tar_times[1] / rec['resp'].fs,

            # set ylim
            #ax[i].set_ylim((0, top))

            # set plot aspect
            #asp = np.diff(ax[i].get_xlim())[0] / np.diff(ax[i].get_ylim())[0]
            #ax[i].set_aspect(asp / 2)

        f.suptitle(c, fontsize=8)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_state_corrected_psth(batch=None, modelname=None, cellids=None, siteid=None, movement_mask=False,
                                        gain_only=False, dc_only=False, cache_path=None, recache=False):
    Modifies the exisiting recording so that psth signal is the prediction specified
    by the modelname. Designed with stategain models in mind. CRH.

    If the model doesn't exist already in /auto/users/hellerc/results/, this
    will go ahead and fit the model and save it in /auto/users/hellerc/results.

    If the fit dir (from xforms) exists, simply reload the result and call this psth.
    if siteid is None:
        raise ValueError("must specify siteid!")
    if cache_path is not None:
        fn = cache_path + siteid + '_{}.tgz'.format(modelname.split('.')[1])
        if gain_only:
            fn = fn.replace('.tgz', '_gonly.tgz')
        if 'mvm' in modelname:
            fn = fn.replace('.tgz', '_mvm.tgz')
        if (os.path.isfile(fn)) & (recache == False):
            rec = Recording.load(fn)
            return rec
            # do the rest of the code

    if batch is None or modelname is None:
        raise ValueError('Must specify batch and modelname!')
    results_table = nd.get_results_file(batch, modelnames=[modelname])
    preds = []
    ms = []
    for cell in cellids:
            p = results_table[results_table['cellid']==cell]['modelpath'].values[0]
            if os.path.isdir(p):
                xfspec, ctx = xforms.load_analysis(p)
                sys.exit('Fit for {0} does not exist'.format(cell))
            log.info("WARNING: fit doesn't exist for cell {0}".format(cell))

    # Need to add a check to make sure that the preds are the same length (if
    # multiple cellids). This could be violated if one cell for example existed
    # in a prepassive run but the other didn't and so they were fit differently
    file_epochs = []

    for pr in preds:
        file_epochs += [ep for ep in pr.epochs.name if ep.startswith('FILE')]

    unique_files = np.unique(file_epochs)
    shared_files = []
    for f in unique_files:
        if np.sum([1 for file in file_epochs if file == f]) == len(preds):
            # this rawid didn't span all cells at the requested site

    # mask all file epochs for all preds with the shared file epochs
    # and adjust epochs
    if (int(batch) == 307) | (int(batch) == 294):
        for i, p in enumerate(preds):
            preds[i] = p.and_mask(shared_files)
            preds[i] = preds[i].apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

    sigs = {}
    for i, p in enumerate(preds):
        if gain_only:
            # update phi
            mspec = ms[i]
            not_gain_keys = [k for k in mspec[0]['phi'].keys() if '_g' not in k]
            for k in not_gain_keys:
                mspec[0]['phi'][k] = np.append(mspec[0]['phi'][k][0, 0], np.zeros(mspec[0]['phi'][k].shape[-1]-1))[np.newaxis, :]
            pred = mspec.evaluate(p)['pred']
        elif dc_only:
            mspec = ms[i]
            not_dc_keys = [k for k in mspec[0]['phi'].keys() if '_d' not in k]
            for k in not_dc_keys:
                mspec[0]['phi'][k] = np.append(mspec[0]['phi'][k][0, 0], np.zeros(mspec[0]['phi'][k].shape[-1]-1))[np.newaxis, :]
            pred = mspec.evaluate(p)['pred']
            pred = p['pred'] 
        if i == 0:           
            new_psth_sp = p['psth_sp']
            new_psth = pred
            new_resp = p['resp'].rasterize()

                new_psth_sp = new_psth_sp.concatenate_channels([new_psth_sp, p['psth_sp']])
                new_psth = new_psth.concatenate_channels([new_psth, pred])
                new_resp = new_resp.concatenate_channels([new_resp, p['resp'].rasterize()])
            except ValueError:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    new_pup = preds[0]['pupil']
    sigs['pupil'] = new_pup

    if 'pupil_raw' in preds[0].signals.keys():
        sigs['pupil_raw'] = preds[0]['pupil_raw']

    if 'mask' in preds[0].signals:
        new_mask = preds[0]['mask']
        sigs['mask'] = new_mask
        mask_rec = preds[0].create_mask(True)
        new_mask = mask_rec['mask']
        sigs['mask'] = new_mask

    if 'rem' in preds[0].signals.keys():
        rem = preds[0]['rem']
        sigs['rem'] = rem

    if 'pupil_eyespeed' in preds[0].signals.keys():
        new_eyespeed = preds[0]['pupil_eyespeed']
        sigs['pupil_eyespeed'] = new_eyespeed

    new_psth_sp.name = 'psth_sp'
    new_psth.name = 'psth'
    new_resp.name = 'resp'
    sigs['psth_sp'] = new_psth_sp
    sigs['psth'] = new_psth
    sigs['resp'] = new_resp

    new_rec = Recording(sigs, meta=preds[0].meta)

    # make sure mask is cast to bool
    new_rec['mask'] = new_rec['mask']._modified_copy(new_rec['mask']._data.astype(bool))

    if cache_path is not None:
        log.info('caching {}'.format(fn))

    return new_rec
Ejemplo n.º 8
relative_signals_dir = '../recordings'
relative_modelspecs_dir = '../modelspecs'

# Convert to absolute paths so they can be passed to functions in
# other directories
signals_dir = os.path.abspath(relative_signals_dir)
modelspecs_dir = os.path.abspath(relative_modelspecs_dir)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# GOAL: Get your data loaded into memory as a Recording object
logging.info('Loading data...')

# Method #1: Load the data from a local directory
rec = Recording.load(os.path.join(signals_dir, 'eno052d-a1.tgz'))

# Method #2: Load the data from baphy using the (incomplete, TODO) HTTP API:
#URL = "http://potoroo:3004/baphy/271/bbl086b-11-1?rasterfs=200"
#rec = Recording.load_url(URL)

logging.info('Generating state signal...')

rec = preproc.make_state_signal(rec, ['pupil'], [''], 'state')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# GOAL: Define the model that you wish to test

logging.info('Initializing modelspec(s)...')
Ejemplo n.º 9
relative_signals_dir = '../recordings'
relative_modelspecs_dir = '../modelspecs'

# Convert to absolute paths so they can be passed to functions in
# other directories
signals_dir = os.path.abspath(relative_signals_dir)
modelspecs_dir = os.path.abspath(relative_modelspecs_dir)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# GOAL: Get your data loaded into memory as a Recording object
logging.info('Loading data...')

# Method #1: Load the data from a local directory
rec = Recording.load(os.path.join(signals_dir, 'TAR010c.NAT.fs50.tgz'))

cellid = 'TAR010c-16-2'
rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].extract_channels([cellid])

# Method #2: Load the data from baphy using the (incomplete, TODO) HTTP API:
#URL = "http://potoroo:3004/baphy/271/bbl086b-11-1?rasterfs=200"
#rec = Recording.load_url(URL)

logging.info('Generating state signal...')

rec = preproc.make_state_signal(rec, ['pupil'], [''], 'state')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------