Ejemplo n.º 1
 def f_df(x):
     X = x.reshape(Xshape)
     Yest = softmax(np.dot(A, X), axis=1)
     cost = -np.log(np.maximum(Yest[mi, yi], 1e-16)).sum()
     E = Yest - Y
     grad = np.dot(A.T, E)
     if lamb > 0:
         cost += 0.5 * lamb * (X**2).sum()
         grad += lamb * X
     return cost, grad.ravel()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def f_df(a, X, yi):
     yest = softmax(np.dot(a, X), axis=1)
     cost = -np.log(np.maximum(yest[bi, yi], 1e-16)).sum()
     e = yest  # note: can copy if yest needed later
     e[bi, yi] -= 1
     grad = np.dot(a.T, e)
     if lamb > 0:
         cost += 0.5 * lamb * (X**2).sum()
         grad += lamb * X
     return cost, grad
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None):
        from nengo_extras.convnet import softmax
        import scipy.optimize

        tstart = time.time()

        assert A.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]
        m, n = A.shape
        _, d = Y.shape
        Xshape = (n, d)

        # regularization
        sigma = self.reg * A.max()
        lamb = m * sigma**2

        # --- initialization
        X0 = np.zeros(Xshape)
        # X0 = rng.normal(scale=1./m, size=Xshape)
        # X0, _ = nengo.solvers.LstsqL2(reg=self.reg)(A, Y, rng=rng, E=E)

        # --- solve with L-BFGS
        yi = Y.argmax(axis=1)
        mi = np.arange(m)

        def f_df(x):
            X = x.reshape(Xshape)
            Yest = softmax(np.dot(A, X), axis=1)
            cost = -np.log(np.maximum(Yest[mi, yi], 1e-16)).sum()
            E = Yest - Y
            grad = np.dot(A.T, E)
            if lamb > 0:
                cost += 0.5 * lamb * (X**2).sum()
                grad += lamb * X
            return cost, grad.ravel()

        x0 = X0.ravel()
        x, mincost, info = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(
            f_df, x0, maxfun=self.n_epochs, iprint=self.verbose)

        t = time.time() - tstart

        X = x.reshape(Xshape)
        return self.mul_encoders(X, E), {
            'rmses': npext.rms(softmax(np.dot(A, X), axis=1) - Y, axis=1),
            'time': t,
            'iterations': info['funcalls'],
Ejemplo n.º 4
def solve_Softmax(solver, queue, clA, Y, rng=None, E=None):
    from nengo_extras.convnet import softmax
    import scipy.optimize
    import pyopencl_blas

    tstart = time.time()

    assert clA.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]
    m, n = clA.shape
    _, d = Y.shape
    Xshape = (n, d)

    # regularization
    sigma = solver.reg * cl.array.max(clA).get()
    lamb = m * sigma**2

    # --- initialization
    # X0 = np.zeros(Xshape, dtype=np.float32)
    X0 = np.zeros(Xshape, dtype=np.float64)

    # --- solve with L-BFGS
    clY = cl.array.to_device(queue, Y.astype(np.float32))
    clyi = cl.array.to_device(queue, np.argmax(Y, axis=1).astype(np.int32))
    clX = cl.array.Array(queue, (n, d), dtype=np.float32)
    clE = cl.array.Array(queue, (m, d), dtype=np.float32)
    clG = cl.array.Array(queue, (n, d), dtype=np.float32)

    softmax_plan = plan_softmax(queue, clE, clE)

    # sum_square = cl.reduction.ReductionKernel(
    #     queue.context, np.float32, neutral="0",
    #     reduce_expr="a+b", map_expr="x[i]*x[i]",
    #     arguments="__global float *x")

    sum_logloss = cl.reduction.ReductionKernel(
        map_expr="-log(max(Y[i*%(d)d + yi[i]], 1e-16f))" % dict(d=d),
        arguments="__global const int *yi, __global const float *Y")
    assert clE.elemstrides[0] == d

    def f_df(x):
        pyopencl_blas.gemm(queue, clA, clX, clE)
        cost = sum_logloss(clyi, clE).get()
        clE[:] -= clY
        pyopencl_blas.gemm(queue, clA, clE, clG, transA=True)
        if lamb > 0:
            cost += 0.5 * lamb * pyopencl.array.sum(clX**2).get()
            # cost += 0.5 * lamb * sum_square(clX).get()
            clG[:] += lamb * clX

        G = clG.get().astype(np.float64)
        return cost, G.ravel()

    x0 = X0.ravel()
    x, mincost, info = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(f_df,

    tend = time.time()

    A = clA.get()
    X = x.reshape(Xshape)
    return solver.mul_encoders(X, E), {
        'rmses': npext.rms(softmax(np.dot(A, X), axis=1) - Y, axis=1),
        'time': tend - tstart
Ejemplo n.º 5
    spike_names = ['layer 1', 'layer 5', 'layer 7']

n_presentations = 5
# n_presentations = 4
# n_presentations = 2
# n_presentations = 1

with nengo_ocl.Simulator(model) as sim:
    sim.run(n_presentations * presentation_time)

t = sim.trange()
nt = int(presentation_time / sim.dt)
ct = int(c0 / sim.dt)
n_classes = ccnet.output.size_out
blocks = sim.data[output_p].reshape(n_presentations, nt, n_classes)
values = softmax(blocks[:, ct:, :].mean(axis=1), axis=1)
choices = np.argsort(values, axis=1)[:, ::-1]

spike_blocks = [
    sim.data[spike_p].reshape(n_presentations, nt, -1) for spike_p in spike_ps

plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, 7))
rows = 2 + len(spike_ps)
cols = n_presentations

neuron_inds = [rng.permutation(block.shape[-1])[:40] for block in spike_blocks]

for col in range(cols):
    label0 = label_names[Ytest[col]]
    tj = sim.dt * np.arange(nt) + col * presentation_time
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None, X=None):
        from nengo_extras.convnet import softmax

        assert E is None
        assert A.ndim == Y.ndim == 2 and A.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]
        m = A.shape[0]
        Xshape = (A.shape[1], Y.shape[1])

        batch_size = self.batch_size

        # regularization
        sigma = self.reg * A.max()
        lamb = batch_size * sigma**2
        print("sigma^2: %s" % sigma**2)

        tstart = time.time()
        Y = self.mul_encoders(Y, E)

        # --- solve with SGD
        Yi = Y.argmax(axis=1)
        eta = self.eta
        momentum = self.momentum

        bi = np.arange(batch_size)

        def batches():
            for i in range(m // batch_size):
                r = range(i*batch_size, (i+1)*batch_size)
                yield A[r], Yi[r]

        def f_df(a, X, yi):
            yest = softmax(np.dot(a, X), axis=1)
            cost = -np.log(np.maximum(yest[bi, yi], 1e-16)).sum()
            e = yest  # note: can copy if yest needed later
            e[bi, yi] -= 1
            grad = np.dot(a.T, e)
            if lamb > 0:
                cost += 0.5 * lamb * (X**2).sum()
                grad += lamb * X
            return cost, grad

        X = rng.normal(scale=1./m, size=Xshape) if X is None else X.copy()
        V = np.zeros_like(X)
        for i_epoch in range(self.n_epochs):
            epoch_cost = 0
            for a, yi in batches():
                mu = abs(momentum)
                if mu > 0:
                    V *= mu
                X2 = X - eta*V if momentum < 0 else X
                cost, grad = f_df(a, X2, yi)
                epoch_cost += cost
                if mu > 0:
                    V += grad
                    X -= eta * V
                    X -= eta * grad

            if self.verbose >= 1:
                print("Epoch %3d: %0.2e" % (i_epoch, epoch_cost))

        t = time.time() - tstart

        return X, {
            'rmses': npext.rms(softmax(np.dot(A, X), axis=1) - Y, axis=1),
            'time': t,
            'iterations': self.n_epochs,