Ejemplo n.º 1
def issues_network(out, repo, github):
    """Builds issues netowrk"""

    interactions = datautil.get_issues_interaction(repo, github)

    graph = networkutil.create_interaction_network(interactions,

    nx.write_adjlist(graph, out)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def commit_networks(in_pattern, out_dir, languages):
    """ Builds commit network.

    It retrieves commits from the top most-watched
    repos of the given language. Then, for each repo,
    it builds interaction network from the commit history
    of each blob.

    in_pattern: The path pattern of file containing top
        most watched repos.
    out_dir: The pattern of the output dir for both
        raw data and graph data.
    lang: List of language.

    Here is the example of each param:
    in_pattern = "../data/most_watched/{0}.txt"
    out_dir = "../data/network/commit/{0}"
    lang = ['python', 'java']

    It should be noted that in out_dir, it is expected
    that there will be sub-dir graph/ and raw/.


    graph_out = out_dir + "/graph/{1}.txt"
    raw_out = out_dir + "/raw/{1}.pickle"

    github = Github(requests_per_second=1)

    for lang in languages:
        with open(in_pattern.format(lang), "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                repo = line.strip()
                f_name = repo.replace('/', '_')

                print "Starting {0} at {1}".format(repo, raw_out.format(
                    lang, f_name))

                commits = get_commits_from_repo(repo, github)

                with open(raw_out.format(lang, f_name), "w") as pickle_f:
                        pickle.dump(commits, pickle_f)

                print "Starting {0} at {1}".format(repo, graph_out.format(
                    lang, f_name))

                commit_interactions = commit_interactions_from_repo(commits)
                g = networkutil.create_interaction_network(
                        commit_interactions, repo_name=repo)

                nx.write_adjlist(g, graph_out.format(lang, f_name))