Ejemplo n.º 1
def even_hole_free(G):
    i_set = graph_clique_number(complement(G))
    free = True
    i = 4
    while i <= i_set * 2 and free:
        g = make_cycle(i)
        if induced_subgraph(G, g):
            free = False
        i += 2
    return free
Ejemplo n.º 2
def even_hole_free(G):
    i_set = graph_clique_number(complement(G))
    free = None
    i = 4
    while i <= i_set * 2 and free is None:
        g = make_cycle(i)
        induced = induced_subgraph(G, g) 
        if induced is not None:
            free = induced
        i += 2
    return free
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _getMaxCliqueSize(self, graph):
     max_clique1 = reg_alg.graph_clique_number(graph)
     return (max_clique1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _getMaxCliqueSize(self, graph):
     max_clique1 = reg_alg.graph_clique_number(graph)
     return (max_clique1)