Ejemplo n.º 1
def sim_oscillation(n_seconds, fs, freq, cycle='sine', **cycle_params):
    """Simulate an oscillation.

    n_seconds : float
        Simulation time, in seconds.
    fs : float
        Signal sampling rate, in Hz.
    freq : float
        Oscillation frequency.
    cycle : {'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp'}
        What type of oscillation cycle to simulate.
        See `sim_cycle` for details on cycle types and parameters.
        Parameters for the simulated oscillation cycle.

    sig : 1d array
        Simulated oscillation.

    Simulate a continuous oscillation at 5 hz:

    >>> sig = sim_oscillation(n_seconds=1, fs=500, freq=5)

    # Figure out how many cycles are needed for the signal, & length of each cycle
    n_cycles = int(np.ceil(n_seconds * freq))
    n_seconds_cycle = int(np.ceil(fs / freq)) / fs

    # Create oscillation by tiling a single cycle of the desired oscillation
    osc_cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds_cycle, fs, cycle, **cycle_params)
    sig = np.tile(osc_cycle, n_cycles)

    # Truncate the length of the signal to be the number of expected samples
    n_samps = int(n_seconds * fs)
    sig = sig[:n_samps]

    return sig
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds,
    """Simulate a bursty oscillation.

    n_seconds : float
        Simulation time, in seconds.
    fs : float
        Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz.
    freq : float
        Oscillation frequency, in Hz.
    enter_burst : float, optional, default: 0.2
        Probability of a cycle being oscillating given the last cycle is not oscillating.
    leave_burst : float, optional, default: 0.2
        Probability of a cycle not being oscillating given the last cycle is oscillating.
    cycle : {'sine', 'asine', 'sawtooth', 'gaussian', 'exp', '2exp'}
        What type of oscillation cycle to simulate.
        See `sim_cycle` for details on cycle types and parameters.
        Parameters for the simulated oscillation cycle.

    sig : 1d array
        Simulated bursty oscillation.

    This function takes a 'tiled' approach to simulating cycles, with evenly spaced
    and consistent cycles across the whole signal, that are either oscillating or not.

    If the cycle length does not fit evenly into the simulated data length,
    then the last few samples will be non-oscillating.

    Simulate a bursty oscillation, with a low probability of bursting:

    >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds=10, fs=500, freq=5, enter_burst=0.2, leave_burst=0.8)

    Simulate a bursty oscillation, with a high probability of bursting:

    >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds=10, fs=500, freq=15, enter_burst=0.8, leave_burst=0.4)

    Simulate a bursty oscillation, of sawtooth waves:

    >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(n_seconds=10, fs=500, freq=10, cycle='sawtooth', width=0.3)

    # Determine number of samples & cycles
    n_samples = int(n_seconds * fs)
    n_seconds_cycle = (1 / freq * fs) / fs

    # Make a single cycle of an oscillation
    osc_cycle = sim_cycle(n_seconds_cycle, fs, cycle, **cycle_params)
    n_samples_cycle = len(osc_cycle)
    n_cycles = int(np.floor(n_samples / n_samples_cycle))

    # Determine which periods will be oscillating
    is_oscillating = _make_is_osc(n_cycles, enter_burst, leave_burst)

    # Fill in the signal with cycle oscillations, for all bursting cycles
    sig = np.zeros([n_samples])
    for is_osc, cycle_ind in zip(is_oscillating,
                                 range(0, n_samples, n_samples_cycle)):
        if is_osc:
            sig[cycle_ind:cycle_ind + n_samples_cycle] = osc_cycle

    return sig