Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_stimulus_api_legacy():

    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFFILE = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
                              "TestStimulusAPI", "TestStimulusAPI.nivssdf")
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFFILE)
    wks.RunWorkspaceFile(SYSDEFFILE, 0, 1, 60000, "", "")

        #Verify the TEST_ID var on test file.
        test_ID = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("TEST_ID")
        assert (test_ID == TEST_ID), "Deployed wrong test file"

        STIMULUSPROFILES_DIR = os.path.join(
            configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(), "TestStimulusAPI")
        AutoStepTestStimulusAPI = os.path.join(
            STIMULUSPROFILES_DIR, "AutoStepTestStimulusAPI.nivstest")

        stimTest1 = NIVeriStand.Stimulus()
        stimTest2 = NIVeriStand.Stimulus()

        print("Test Reserve and Unreserve")
        print("Done reserving stimulus test 1")
        with pytest.raises(NIVeriStandException):
        print("Start unreserving")

        print("Run and get test state")
        result = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileManagerState()
        assert (result == 0), "Test state not expected"

        print("Running Test " + AutoStepTestStimulusAPI)
                                     STIMULUSPROFILES_DIR, 60000, 1, 1)
        result = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileManagerState()
        assert (result == 2), "Test expected to started already"
        print("Test Getting back the file we are running")
        file = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileFile()
        assert (file == AutoStepTestStimulusAPI), "Test file are not expected"

        print("Wait untill stimulus is done")
        result = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileResult()

        result = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileManagerState()
        assert (result == 0), "Test should have finished by now"

                                     STIMULUSPROFILES_DIR, 60000, 1, 1)
        result = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileManagerState()
        assert (result == 2), "Test expected to started already"

        result = stimTest1.GetStimulusProfileManagerState()
        assert (result == 0), "Test expected to stop"

        print("Test PASSED")

Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_alarm_api():
    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFINITION = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
                                 "TestAlarmAPI", "TestAlarmAPI.nivssdf")
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFINITION)
    wks.RunWorkspaceFile(SYSDEFINITION, 0, 1, 80000, "", "")

        test_ID = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("TEST_ID")
        assert (test_ID == TEST_ID), "Deployed wrong test file"

        print("Testing Alarm manager functionality")
        alarmMgr = NIVeriStand.AlarmManager()
        result = alarmMgr.GetAlarmList()
        assert (len(result) == 3), "Expected 3 alarms returned from the system"

        print("Testing support for deprecated GetAlarmStatus() function")
        result = alarmMgr.GetAlarmsStatus()
        assert (
            result['HighAlarm'] == 0), "Not expecting any alarm to be trigger"
        assert (result['MediumAlarm'] == 0
                ), "Not expecting any alarm to be trigger"
        assert (
            result['LowAlarm'] == 0), "Not expecting any alarm to be trigger"

        print("Testing Read Alarm Data")
        alarms = ('Alarm Group/AlarmTest1', 'Alarm Group/AlarmTest2',
        result = alarmMgr.GetMultipleAlarmsData(alarms, 60000)
        print("Verifying alarm data returned")
        assert (len(result) == 3), "Expected to get 3 alarms data back"

        print("Verifying Alarm Data")
        alarmTest1 = result[0]
        alarmTest2 = result[1]
        constantBoundAlarm = result[2]
        assert (alarmTest1['WatchChannel'] == r"AlarmChannel1"
                ), "Fail to confirm alarm channel"
        assert ((alarmTest1['HighLimitIsConstant'] == 0) |
                 == r"AlarmChannel1High")), "Fail to confirm high limit"
        assert ((alarmTest1['LowLimitIsConstant'] == 0) |
                 == r"AlarmChannel1Low")), "Fail to confirm low limit"
        assert (alarmTest1['DelayDuration'] == 0.5
                ), "Fail to confirm delay duration"
        assert (alarmTest1['ProcedureName'] == r"ResetAlarmTest1"
                ), "Fail to confirm procedure"
        assert (alarmTest1['Priority'] == 2
                ), "Fail to confirm priority enum (deprecated)"
        # TODO: PriorityNumber not found key
        assert (alarmTest1['PriorityNumber'] == 5
                ), "Fail to confirm priority number"
        assert (alarmTest1['State'] == 1), "Fail to confirm state"
        assert (alarmTest1['Mode'] == 0), "Fail to confirm mode"
        # TODO: GroupNumber not found key
        assert (alarmTest1['GroupNumber'] == 1), "Fail to confirm group number"

        print("Test alarm interface")
        BoundAlarmRef = NIVeriStand.Alarm('ConstantBoundAlarm')
        result = BoundAlarmRef.GetAlarmData(30000)
        assert (result == constantBoundAlarm
                ), "Alarm data from alarm interface differ from alarm manager"

        print("Test modifying alarm data")
        modAlarmData = result
        modAlarmData['HighLimit'] = 3
        modAlarmData['LowLimit'] = -3

        print("Testing support for deprecated SetAlarmData() function")
        result = BoundAlarmRef.GetAlarmData(30000)
        assert (result == modAlarmData
                ), "Alarm data set cannot be confirmed on deprecated function"

        # TODO: SetAlarmData2 not implemented.
        print("Testing support using SetAlarmData2() function")
        result = BoundAlarmRef.GetAlarmData(30000)
        assert (result == modAlarmData
                ), "Alarm data set cannot be confirmed on function"

        print("Test modifying alarm state and mode")
        #indicate only

        result = BoundAlarmRef.GetAlarmData(30000)
        assert (result['State'] == 0), "Alarm Mode is wrong"

        assert (result['Mode'] == 1), "Alarm Mode is wrong"

        wks.SetSingleChannelValue(r"Controller/User Channel/AlarmChannel1", 20)
        wks.SetSingleChannelValue(r"Controller/User Channel/AlarmChannel2", 10)

        print("Testing alarm mutual exclusion within a group")
        AlarmTest2Ref = NIVeriStand.Alarm('Alarm Group/AlarmTest2')
        AlarmTest1Ref = NIVeriStand.Alarm('Alarm Group/AlarmTest1')
        result = AlarmTest1Ref.GetAlarmData(30000)
        result2 = AlarmTest2Ref.GetAlarmData(30000)
        assert (result['State'] == 2), "Alarm should be tripped"
        assert (
            result2['State'] != 2
        ), "Alarm should not be running due to an execution of a higher priority."

        print("Testing Alarm Execution Across Groups")
        result = BoundAlarmRef.GetAlarmData(30000)
        result2 = AlarmTest2Ref.GetAlarmData(30000)
        assert ((result['State'] == 2)
                and (result2['State']
                     == 2)), " Two alarms should be tripped simulteneously."

        print("Test PASSED")

Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_fault_api_legacy():
    TEST_ID = 1879

    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFFILE = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
                              "FaultChannelTest", "FaultChannelTest.nivssdf")
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFFILE)

        #Verify the TEST_ID var on test file.
        test_ID = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("TEST_ID")
        assert(test_ID == TEST_ID), "Deployed wrong test file"

        faultChannel0 = 'FaultChannel0'

        chanfault = NIVeriStand.ChannelFaultManager()
        result = chanfault.GetFaultList()
        assert(len(result) == 0), "No channel should be faulted on startup"

        result = chanfault.GetFaultValue(faultChannel0)
        assert(result['faulted'] == 0), "Channel should not be faulted"

        nonFaultValue = wks.GetSingleChannelValue(faultChannel0)
        channel = chanfault.SetFaultValue(faultChannel0,512)
        faultedValue = wks.GetSingleChannelValue(faultChannel0)
        assert(faultedValue == 512), "Channel is faulted and not returning expected value"

        result = chanfault.GetFaultValue(faultChannel0)
        assert(result['faulted'] == 1), "Channel should have been faulted"

        newValue = wks.GetSingleChannelValue(faultChannel0)
        assert(newValue == nonFaultValue), "Channel should have return to original value"

        result = chanfault.GetFaultList()
        assert(len(result) == 0), "All channel should have been cleared"

        print("Test multiple channel faults")
        FaultValues= [('FaultChannel2',12231),('FaultChannel4',123235),('FaultChannel5',1238945)]
        checkChannel = []
        checkValues = []
        for toFault in FaultValues:
            print("Set Fault %s"  % (toFault[0]))
        result = chanfault.GetFaultList()
        assert(result == FaultValues), "Channel faulted does not match"
        chanValues = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(tuple(checkChannel))
        assert(checkValues == chanValues), "Get Channel Value differ from Get Fault List result"
        print("Done test multiple channel faults")

        result = chanfault.GetFaultList()
        assert(len(result) == 0), "Fault channels should have been cleard"


        print("Test PASSED")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_calculated_channel_latch_legacy():
    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFFILE = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
                              "CalcChanLatchTest", "CalcChanLatchTest.nivssdf")
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFFILE)
    wks.RunWorkspaceFile(SYSDEFFILE, 0, 1, 60000, "", "")

        # Compute Machine Epsilon: The smallest floating point number when
        # added to one is greater than one.

        eps = 1.0
        while ((1.0 + eps) > 1.0):
            epsLast = eps
            eps = eps / 2.0
        eps = epsLast
        print("Machine Epsilon = %g" % (eps))

        # This test suite latches the first eleven data points into conditional
        # calculated channels. We must wait for the counter to become 10. The
        # steps are enumerated 0..10 (eleven points).

        result = 0
        while (result < 10):
            result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Counter")

        # This test is sensitive to the system Delta T. Ensure that it is 0.1.

        print("Checking (Delta T)=0.1")
        expectedResult = 0.1
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Delta T")
        assert (result == expectedResult
                ), "Delta T (%g) does not match expected (%g)" % (
                    result, expectedResult)

        print("Checking first 11 latched time points")
        channels = ("Latch_T_0", "Latch_T_1", "Latch_T_2", "Latch_T_3",
                    "Latch_T_4", "Latch_T_5", "Latch_T_6", "Latch_T_7",
                    "Latch_T_8", "Latch_T_9", "Latch_T_10")

        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)

        expectedResults = [
            0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
        abstol = eps
        reltol = math.sqrt(eps)
        for i in range(0, len(expectedResults)):
            tol = abstol + reltol * abs(expectedResult)
            assert (
                expectedResults[i] - tol <= results[i] <= expectedResults[i] +
                tol), "%s => Expected %g. Return Value %g not expected." % (
                    channels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

        channels = ("P", "Q", "R", "S")
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)

        print("Input waveform: X = P*sin(Q*(Time+DeltaT) + R) + S")
        print("with P=%g, Q=%g, R=%g, S=%g" %
              (results[0], results[1], results[2], results[3]))

        print("Testing 11 stage latch of the first 11 points")

        channels = ("Latch_fT_0", "Latch_fT_1", "Latch_fT_2", "Latch_fT_3",
                    "Latch_fT_4", "Latch_fT_5", "Latch_fT_6", "Latch_fT_7",
                    "Latch_fT_8", "Latch_fT_9", "Latch_fT_10")
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)

        channels = ("Exact_fT_0", "Exact_fT_1", "Exact_fT_2", "Exact_fT_3",
                    "Exact_fT_4", "Exact_fT_5", "Exact_fT_6", "Exact_fT_7",
                    "Exact_fT_8", "Exact_fT_9", "Exact_fT_10")
        expectedResults = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)

        for i in range(0, len(expectedResults)):
            assert (results[i] == expectedResults[i]
                    ), "%s => Expected %g. Return Value %g not expected." % (
                        channels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

        print("Test PASSED")
def test_calculated_channel_legacy():
    TEST_ID = 1112
    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFINITION = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFINITION)
    wks.RunWorkspaceFile(SYSDEFINITION, 0, 1, 60000, "", "")

        #Verify the TEST_ID var on test file.
        test_ID = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("TEST_ID")
        assert (test_ID == TEST_ID), "Deployed wrong test file"

        print("Checking Get Constant")
        channels = ("MaxConstant", "MinConstant")
        expectedResults = [5, -5]
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        for i in range(0, len(expectedResults)):
            assert (results[i] == expectedResults[i]
                    ), "%s Expected %f Return Value %f not expected" % (
                        channels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

        print("Checking Max Min Mode")
        channels = ("MaxUV1", "MaxUV2", "MinUV1", "MinUV2")
        channelsValues = (-1000, -1000.1, 1000, 1000.1)
        wks.SetMultipleChannelValues(channels, channelsValues)
        #verifying the value get set on these channels
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        for i in range(0, len(results)):
            assert (results[i] == channelsValues[i]
                    ), "%s Expected %f Return Value %f not expected" % (
                        channels[i], channelsValues[i], results[i])
        #verifying the new max min value is correct
        outchannels = ("MaxUV1ToConstVal5", "MaxUV2ToConstVal10",
                       "MinUV1ToConstVal2", "MinUV2ToConstVal3", "Max2Var",
        expectedResults = [5, 10, 2, 3, -1000, 1000]
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(outchannels)
        for i in range(0, len(expectedResults)):
            assert (results[i] == expectedResults[i]
                    ), "%s Expected %f Return Value %f not expected" % (
                        outchannels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])
        #verifying that the new max min value take the value of the variable.
        channelsValues = (10, 15, 1, -1)
        wks.SetMultipleChannelValues(channels, channelsValues)
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(outchannels)
        expectedResults = [10, 15, 1, -1, 15, -1]
        for i in range(0, len(expectedResults)):
            assert (results[i] == expectedResults[i]
                    ), "%s Expected %f Return Value %f values not expected" % (
                        outchannels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

            "Checking Acceleration Mode - assuming delta T for low priority loop is .2"
        channels = ("AccelerationOnDistanceChannel", "VelocityChan",
                    "DistanceChannel", "VelocityChanPrevIteration",
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        accelerationCalculated = round((results[1] - results[3]) / .2)
        assert (accelerationCalculated == round(results[0])
                ), "%s Expected %f Return Value %f value not expected" % (
                    channels[0], accelerationCalculated, results[0])

        print("Computing velocity")
        velocityCalculated = round((results[2] - results[4]) / 0.2)
        assert (velocityCalculated == round(results[1])
                ), "%s Expected %f Return Value %f value not expected" % (
                    channels[1], velocityCalculated, results[1])

        print("Checking Averaging Mode")
        #Get a list of the last 6 points.  if we take a sum of the complete 3 elements we are bound to find the correct average.
        channels = ("3PointAverager", "ChanToAverage", "ChanToAverageMin1Step",
                    "ChanToAverageMin2Step", "ChanToAverageMin3Step",
                    "ChanToAverageMin4Step", "ChanToAverageMin5Step",
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)

        i = 0
        for channel in channels:
            print(("%s value is %f" % (channel, round(results[i], 3))))
            i = i + 1

        possibleAverages = []
        for i in range(0, 4):
            temp = 0
            for y in range(0, 3):
                temp = temp + results[1 + i + y]
            possibleAverages.append(temp / 3)

        found = 0
        for potentialAverage in possibleAverages:
            print(("Potential Averages %f" % round(potentialAverage, 3)))
            if (round(potentialAverage, 3) == round(results[0], 3)):
                found = 1

        assert (found == 1), "Fail to auto check averaging module"

        print("Test PASSED")

Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_calculated_channel_ut_legacy():
    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFFILE = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
                              "CalcChanUnitTest", "CalcChanUnitTest.nivssdf")
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFFILE)

        # Compute Machine Epsilon: The smallest floating point number when
        # added to one is greater than one.

        eps = 1.0
        while ((1.0 + eps) > 1.0):
            epsLast = eps
            eps = eps / 2.0
        eps = epsLast
        print("Machine Epsilon = %g" % (eps))

       # We will be testing NaNs and Infs as well

        NaN = float('nan')
        Inf = float('inf')

        # Sleep until the first Time (a calculated channel) is greater than
        # zero. This will be either the first or second time the calculated
        # channels are computed. In VeriStand 2010, the first time the
        # channels are calculated is at Delta T. At any rate, we do not want
        # to proceed until we have performed some calculations.

        while (result <= 0):
            result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Time")

        # All formulas in VeriStand must have input values. Zero is computed
        # so that it can be used as an input to certain formulas. The way
        # it is computed, it should be precisely zero. No epsilon logic should
        # be used to ensure that it is in fact zero.

        print("Checking Zero channel is 0.0")
        expectedResult = 0.
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Zero")
        assert(result == expectedResult), "Time-Time (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # Test functions of one variable

        TestFct = ["abs",  "int",  "sign",
                     "sin",  "cos",  "tan",
                      "asin", "acos", "atan",
                  "exp",  "sqrt"]

        TestChan = ["Abs(X)",  "Int(X)",  "Sign(X)",
                      "Sin(X)",  "Cos(X)",  "Tan(X)",
                       "Asin(X)", "Acos(X)", "Atan(X)",
                   "Exp(X)",  "Sqrt(X)"]

        # Input and expected output values for the calculated channels

       ## NOTE: abs(-Inf) == Inf in Xmath
       ## NOTE: abs( Inf) == Inf in Xmath

        absIn  = [-1., 0., 1., NaN, Inf, Inf ]
        absOut = [ 1., 0., 1., NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        ## NOTE: (int)(-2.718) == -2   in the c language
        ## NOTE: (int)(-3.142) == -3   in the c language
        ## NOTE: (int)(-1.500) == -1   in the c language
        ## NOTE: (int)(-1.500) == -1   in the c language
       ## NOTE: (int)(-Inf)   == -Inf in Xmath
       ## NOTE: (int)( Inf)   ==  Inf in Xmath

        intIn   = [ -math.pi, -math.e, -1.5, 1.5, math.e, math.pi, NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        intOut  = [ -4.,      -3.,     -2.,  1.,  2.,     3.,      NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        signIn  = [ -math.pi, 0., math.pi, NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        signOut = [ -1.,      0., 1.,      NaN, -1.,  1.  ]

        sinIn  = [ -math.pi/2., math.pi/6., math.pi/2., NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        sinOut = [ -1.,         0.5,        1.,         NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        cosIn  = [ math.pi, math.pi/3., 0., NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        cosOut = [ -1.,     0.5,        1., NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        tanIn  = [ math.pi, math.pi/4., 0., NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        tanOut = [ 0.,      1.,         0., NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        asinIn  = [ -1.,         0., 1.,         NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        asinOut = [ -math.pi/2., 0., math.pi/2., NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        acosIn  = [ -1.,     0.,         1., NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        acosOut = [ math.pi, math.pi/2., 0., NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        atanIn  = [ -1.,         0., 1.,         NaN, -Inf,        Inf ]
        atanOut = [ -math.pi/4., 0., math.pi/4., NaN, -math.pi/2., math.pi/2. ]

       ## NOTE: exp(Inf) == Inf in Xmath

        expIn  = [ -1.,        0., 1.,     NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        expOut = [  1./math.e, 1., math.e, NaN,  0.,  NaN ]

       ## NOTE: sqrt(Inf) == Inf in Xmath

        sqrtIn  = [ 0., 1., 2.,            NaN, -Inf, Inf ]
        sqrtOut = [ 0., 1., math.sqrt(2.), NaN,  NaN, NaN ]

        # Loop through the various calculated channels to test

        TestIn = (absIn,  intIn,  signIn,
                 sinIn,  cosIn,  tanIn,
                 asinIn, acosIn, atanIn,
                 expIn,  sqrtIn)

        TestOut = (absOut,  intOut,  signOut,
                  sinOut,  cosOut,  tanOut,
                  asinOut, acosOut, atanOut,
                  expOut,  sqrtOut)

        abstol = eps
        reltol = math.sqrt(eps)

        for j in range(0,len(TestOut)):
            Fct  = TestFct[j]
            Chan = TestChan[j]
            In   = TestIn[j]
            Out  = TestOut[j]

            for i in range(0,len(Out)):
                print("Testing: %g = %s(%g) ..." % (Out[i], Fct, In[i]))
                result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue(Chan)

                if(math.isnan(Out[i]) and not math.isnan(result)):
                    assert False, "%s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Chan, In[i], Out[i], result)

                elif(math.isinf(Out[i]) and not math.isinf(result)):
                    assert False, "%s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Chan, In[i], Out[i], result)

                elif(math.isinf(Out[i]) and math.isinf(result)):
                    if(math.copysign(1,Out[i]) and not math.copysign(1,result)):
                        assert False, "%s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Chan, In[i], Out[i], result)
                    tol = abstol + reltol*abs(Out[i])
                    if((result < Out[i] - tol) |
                        (result > Out[i] + tol)):
                        assert False, "%s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Chan, In[i], Out[i], result)

        # Test operators: functions of two variables

        ## NOTE: The following formulas can be entered in the SystemExplorer
        ##       and do not report parsing errors, but, they do not deploy.
        ##           X * -Y
        ##          -X * -Y
        ##           X / -Y
        ##          -X / -Y
        ##           X ^ -Y
        ##          -X ^ -Y
       ## NOTE: The SystemExplorer allows you to create aliases with '/' in
       ##       them even though this interferes with the path description.
        ##       Rejected by the API:
        ##           X / Y
        ##          -X / Y

        TestMinus1 = [ "",  "-", "",  "-",
                          "",  "-", "",  "-",
                          "",  "-",
                          "",  "-",
                          "",  "-" ]

        TestMinus2 = [ "",  "",  "-", "-",
                          "",  "",  "-", "-",
                          "",  "",
                          "",  "",
                          "",  ""  ]

        TestOp     = [ "+", "+", "+", "+",
                          "-", "-", "-", "-",
                          "*", "*",
                          "/", "/",
                          "^", "^" ]

        TestChan = [ "X + Y",   "-X + Y",   "X + -Y",   "-X + -Y",
                        "X - Y",   "-X - Y",   "X - -Y",   "-X - -Y",
                        "X * Y",   "-X * Y",
                        "X div Y", "-X div Y",
                        "X ^ Y",   "-X ^ Y" ]

        # Input and expected output values for the calculated channels

       # Inf + Inf should be Inf

        XplusYIn1  = [ -5., 0., 2., Inf,  Inf ]
        XplusYIn2  = [ -2., 0., 5., Inf, -Inf ]
        XplusYOut  = [ -7., 0., 7., NaN,  NaN ]

        minusXplusYIn1  = [ -5., 0., 2. ]
        minusXplusYIn2  = [ -2., 0., 5. ]
        minusXplusYOut  = [  3., 0., 3. ]

        XplusMinusYIn1  = [ -5., 0., 2. ]
        XplusMinusYIn2  = [ -2., 0., 5. ]
        XplusMinusYOut  = [ -3., 0.,-3. ]

        minusXplusMinusYIn1  = [ -5., 0.,  2. ]
        minusXplusMinusYIn2  = [ -2., 0.,  5. ]
        minusXplusMinusYOut  = [  7., 0., -7. ]

        XminusYIn1  = [ -5., 0.,  2., Inf ]
        XminusYIn2  = [ -2., 0.,  5., Inf ]
        XminusYOut  = [ -3., 0., -3., NaN ]

        minusXminusYIn1  = [ -5., 0.,  2. ]
        minusXminusYIn2  = [ -2., 0.,  5. ]
        minusXminusYOut  = [  7., 0., -7. ]

        XminusMinusYIn1  = [ -5., 0., 2. ]
        XminusMinusYIn2  = [ -2., 0., 5. ]
        XminusMinusYOut  = [ -7., 0., 7. ]

        minusXminusMinusYIn1  = [ -5., 0., 2. ]
        minusXminusMinusYIn2  = [ -2., 0., 5. ]
        minusXminusMinusYOut  = [  3., 0., 3. ]

       # (2 *  Inf) should be  Inf
       # (2 * -Inf) should be -Inf

        XtimesYIn1  = [ -5., 0.,  2.,  0., 2.,  0.,   2.  ]
        XtimesYIn2  = [ -2., 0.,  5., 24., Inf, Inf, -Inf ]
        XtimesYOut  = [ 10., 0., 10.,  0., NaN, NaN,  NaN ]

        minusXtimesYIn1  = [  -5., 0.,   2. ]
        minusXtimesYIn2  = [  -2., 0.,   5. ]
        minusXtimesYOut  = [ -10., 0., -10. ]

        XdivYIn1  = [ -5.,  0.,  2.,   0., 1.,  -1.  ]
        XdivYIn2  = [ -2.,  0.,  5.,  24., 0.,   0.  ]
        XdivYOut  = [  2.5, NaN, 0.4,  0., Inf, -Inf ]

        minusXdivYIn1  = [ -5.,  0.,   2.,   0.,  1., -1.  ]
        minusXdivYIn2  = [ -2.,  0.,   5.,  24.,  0.,  0.  ]
        minusXdivYOut  = [ -2.5, NaN, -0.4,  0., -Inf, Inf ]

       # Most languages return NaN for 0^0

        XtoTheYIn1  = [ -5., 0.,  2. ]
        XtoTheYIn2  = [ -2., 0.,  5. ]
        XtoTheYOut  = [ .04, 1., 32. ]

       # Most languages return NaN for -(0^0)

        minusXtoTheYIn1  = [ -5.,   0.,   2.,  1. ]
        minusXtoTheYIn2  = [ -2.,   0.,   5.,  2. ]
        minusXtoTheYOut  = [ -.04, -1., -32., -1. ]

        # Loop through the various calculated channels to test

        TestIn1 = [ XplusYIn1,  minusXplusYIn1,  XplusMinusYIn1,  minusXplusMinusYIn1,
                       XminusYIn1, minusXminusYIn1, XminusMinusYIn1, minusXminusMinusYIn1,
                       XtimesYIn1, minusXtimesYIn1,
                       XdivYIn1,   minusXdivYIn1,
                       XtoTheYIn1, minusXtoTheYIn1 ]

        TestIn2 = [ XplusYIn2,  minusXplusYIn2,  XplusMinusYIn2,  minusXplusMinusYIn2,
                       XminusYIn2, minusXminusYIn2, XminusMinusYIn2, minusXminusMinusYIn2,
                       XtimesYIn2, minusXtimesYIn2,
                       XdivYIn2,   minusXdivYIn2,
                       XtoTheYIn2, minusXtoTheYIn2 ]

        TestOut = [ XplusYOut,  minusXplusYOut,  XplusMinusYOut,  minusXplusMinusYOut,
                       XminusYOut, minusXminusYOut, XminusMinusYOut, minusXminusMinusYOut,
                       XtimesYOut, minusXtimesYOut,
                       XdivYOut,   minusXdivYOut,
                       XtoTheYOut, minusXtoTheYOut ]

        abstol = eps
        reltol = math.sqrt(eps)

        for j in range(0,len(TestOut)):
            Chan   = TestChan[j]
            Out    = TestOut[j]
            Minus1 = TestMinus1[j]
            In1    = TestIn1[j]
            Op     = TestOp[j]
            Minus2 = TestMinus2[j]
            In2    = TestIn2[j]

            for i in range(0,len(Out)):
                print("Testing: %g = %s(%g) %s %s(%g) ..." % (Out[i], Minus1, In1[i], Op, Minus2, In2[i]))
                result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue(Chan)

                if(math.isnan(Out[i]) and not math.isnan(result)):
                    assert False, "%s(%g) %s %s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Minus1, In1[i], Op, Minus2, In2[i], Out[i], result)

                elif(math.isinf(Out[i]) and not math.isinf(result)):
                    assert False, "%s(%g) %s %s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Minus1, In1[i], Op, Minus2, In2[i], Out[i], result)

                elif(math.isinf(Out[i]) and math.isinf(result)):
                    if(math.copysign(1,Out[i]) and not math.copysign(1,result)):
                        assert False, "%s(%g) %s %s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Minus1, In1[i], Op, Minus2, In2[i], Out[i], result)
                    tol = abstol + reltol*abs(Out[i])
                    if((result < Out[i] - tol) |
                        (result > Out[i] + tol)):
                        assert False, "%s(%g) %s %s(%g): Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (Minus1, In1[i], Op, Minus2, In2[i], Out[i], result)

       # All operations at the same precedence are evaluated left to right
       # Precedence (highest is 1)
        # 1 -- Functions
        # 2 -- Power
        # 3 -- Unary minus
        # 4 -- Multiplication and division
        # 5 -- Addition and subtraction

        print(" ")
        print("Checking Operator Precedence...")
        channels = ("P", "Q", "R", "X", "Y", "Z")
        channelsValues= (16.0, 9.0, 3.0, 5.0, 0.125, 4.0)

        for i in range(0,6):
            print("   %s = %g" % (channels[i], channelsValues[i]) )
        print(" ")

        channels = ("P+(Q*(R^2))",
                      "(P*Q) + (X*Z)",
                     "(P ^ Z) ^ Y",
                     "(Q div R) div Y",
                     "(P - Q) - R",
                     "P + Z*((Q^4)^Y)*R + (P^2)^Y",

        expectedResults = [ 97.0, 164.0, 4.0, 24.0, 4.0, 54.0, 456.0 ]
        abstol = eps
        reltol = math.sqrt(eps)

        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        for i in range(0,len(expectedResults)):
            print("Testing: %g = %s ..." % (expectedResults[i], channels[i]))
            tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResults[i])
            if((results[i] < expectedResults[i] - tol) |
            (results[i] > expectedResults[i] + tol)):
                assert False, "%s: Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (channels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

        print("Test PASSED")

Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_worspace_api():
    TEST_ID = 124123

    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFINITION = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFINITION)
    wks.RunWorkspaceFile(SYSDEFINITION, 0, 1, 80000, "", "")

        # Verify the TEST_ID var on test file.
        test_ID = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("TEST_ID")
        assert test_ID == TEST_ID, "Deployed wrong test file"

        result = wks.GetEngineState()
        assert result[
            'systemdefinition_file'] == SYSDEFINITION, "Workspace file is not the same as deployed"

        wks.LockWorkspaceFile("", 'LOCK_PASSWORD')
        with pytest.raises(NIVeriStandException):

        with pytest.raises(NIVeriStandException):


        print("Get System Node Childern")
        result = wks.GetSystemNodeChildren(
            r"Controller/Simulation Models/Models/sinewave/Execution")
        assert len(result) == 4, "Model Exceution should return 4 nodes"

        print("Get System Node Channel List")
        result = wks.GetSystemNodeChannelList('')
        assert len(
            result) >= 100, "At the very least we always have 100 channel"

        print("Get Alias List")
        result = wks.GetAliasList()
        assert len(
        ) == 3, "Expected 3 alias but get something different %d" % len(result)
        assert result[
            'TEST_ID'] == r"Targets Section/Controller/User Channel/TEST_ID", "Expected an alias for TEST_ID incorrect"

        nodes = ('Controller/User Channel', 'Controller/User Channel/TEST_ID')
        result = wks.GetMultipleSystemNodesData(nodes)
        assert len(result) == 2, "Ask for 2 node info get no info"

        print("Validating channels")
        section = result[0]
        assert section['isChannel'] is False, "Expecting a section to returned"

        testNode = result[1]
        assert testNode['isChannel'] is True, "Expecteing a node to returned"

        print("Test PASSED")

        # Report your result here
        assert True
def test_model_manager_legacy():
    #Getting a handle to the workspace API
    #Other API: Model, Alarm, AlarmManager, SoftwareForcing, ModelManager
    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    mmgr = NIVeriStand.ModelManager()

    SYSDEFINITION = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFINITION)
    wks.RunWorkspaceFile(SYSDEFINITION, 0, 1, 60000, "", "")

        #Verify the TEST_ID var on test file.
        test_ID = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("TEST_ID")
        assert (test_ID == TEST_ID), "Deployed wrong test file"

        #declaring known and expected system values
        models = [
            "VectMod", "VectModWorkspace", "VectModWorkspace2", "clocktest",
        sinewaveParams = ["Amplitude", "Bias", "Frequency", "Gain", "Phase"]
        workspaceList = ["CONST1by5", "CONST2by3", "CONST5by1"]
        paramList = [
            "VectMod/1by5Param/Value", "VectMod/2by3Param/Value",
        vectorParamList = workspaceList + paramList
        nonVectorParamList = sinewaveParams
        allParamInSystem = vectorParamList + nonVectorParamList
        CONST_1by5_initValue = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
        CONST_2by3_initValue = [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]]
        CONST_5by1_initValue = [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]
        CONST_VALUES = [
            CONST_1by5_initValue, CONST_2by3_initValue, CONST_5by1_initValue

        #Now do your test
        print("Testing GetModelList")
        sysmodels = mmgr.GetModelList()
        for model in models:
            assert model in sysmodels, "Missing model expected to be returned by system"

        print("Testing GetParameterList")
        sysparamlist = mmgr.GetParametersList()
        for param in allParamInSystem:
            assert param in sysparamlist, "Missing parameter expected to be returned by system %s" % param

        print("Testing Get Single Parameter Value")
        result = mmgr.GetSingleParameterValue(workspaceList[1])
        assert (
            result == CONST_1by5_initValue[0][0]
        ), "Error on getting single parameter value get %f and expected %d" % (
            result, CONST_1by5_initValue[0][0])

        print("Testing Get Multiple Parameter Values")
        result = mmgr.GetMultipleParameterValues(vectorParamList)
        expresult = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        for i in result:
            assert (
                i == 1
            ), "Error on getting multiple parameter value get %d and expected 1" % i

        print("Testing Get Parameter Vector Values")
        for i in range(0, 3):
            result = mmgr.GetParameterVectorValues(workspaceList[i])
            assert (result == CONST_VALUES[i]
                    ), "Error verifying vector values %s" % workspaceList[i]

        print("Testing Get Parameter Vector Values 2")
        for i in range(0, 3):
            result = mmgr.GetParameterVectorValues(paramList[i])
            assert (result == CONST_VALUES[i]
                    ), "Error verifying vector values %s" % paramList[i]

        print("Test Set Single Parameter Value")
        for param in nonVectorParamList:
            print(("Set parameter " + param))
            mmgr.SetSingleParameterValue(param, 2)

        for param in nonVectorParamList:
            print(("Verifying Set Paramater " + param))
            result = mmgr.GetSingleParameterValue(param)
            assert (result == 2
                    ), "Error verifying set single parameter value %s %d" % (
                        param, result)

        print("Test Set Multiple Parameter Values")
        newValue = (3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
        mmgr.SetMultipleParameterValues(nonVectorParamList, newValue)
        result = mmgr.GetMultipleParameterValues(nonVectorParamList)
        for i in result:
            assert (
                i == 3
            ), "Error verifying set multiple parameter value get %d and expected 3" % i

        print("Test Set Single Vector Values")
        CONST_1by5_modValue = [[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]]
        CONST_2by3_modValue = [[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
        CONST_5by1_modValue = [[6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]
            CONST_1by5_modValue, CONST_2by3_modValue, CONST_5by1_modValue,
            CONST_1by5_modValue, CONST_2by3_modValue, CONST_5by1_modValue
        for i in range(0, 6):
            print("Set Parameter Vector for " + vectorParamList[i])

        for i in range(0, 6):
            print("Verifying Set Parameter Vector for " + vectorParamList[i])
            result = mmgr.GetParameterVectorValues(vectorParamList[i])
            assert (
                result == CONST_MODVALUES[i]
            ), "Error verifying set parameter vector values %s" % vectorParamList[

        print("Test Set and Get Vector Channel Values")
        #VectModWorksace_2by3Out value = VectModWorkspace_2by3In value + CONST2by3 param value
        #VectModWorksace2_2by3Out value = VectModWorkspace2_2by3In value + CONST2by3 param value
        CONST_2by3_VECTOR = [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]]
        CONST_2by3_VECTOR_TIMES2 = [[2, 4, 6], [20, 40, 60]]
        CONST_2by3_VECTOR_ZEROES = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
        inports = ["VectModWorkspace_2by3In", "VectModWorkspace2_2by3In"]
        outports = ["VectModWorkspace_2by3Out", "VectModWorkspace2_2by3Out"]
        wks.SetChannelVectorValues(inports[0], CONST_2by3_VECTOR_ZEROES)
        wks.SetChannelVectorValues(inports[1], CONST_2by3_VECTOR)
        mmgr.SetParameterVectorValues("CONST2by3", CONST_2by3_VECTOR)
        result = wks.GetChannelVectorValues(outports[0])
        assert (
            result == CONST_2by3_VECTOR
        ), "Error verifying get channel vector value for %s" % outports[0]

        result = wks.GetChannelVectorValues(outports[1])
        assert (
            result == CONST_2by3_VECTOR_TIMES2
        ), "Error verifying get channel vector value for %s" % outports[1]

        print("Test Model Set State")
        model = NIVeriStand.Model("VectMod")

        #return 'time' : 'state'
        #Running = 0 Paused = 1 Resetting = 2 Idle = 3 Stopped = 4 Restoring = 5 Stopping = 6
        #Start = 0, Pause = 1, Reset = 2
        result = model.GetModelExecutionState()
        assert (result['state'] == 0), "Expected the model to be running"

        result = model.GetModelExecutionState()
        assert (result['state'] == 1), "Expected the model to be paused"

        result = model.GetModelExecutionState()
        assert (result['state'] == 3), "Expected the model to be idle"

        result = model.GetModelExecutionState()
        assert (result['state'] == 0), "Expected the model to be running"

        print("Test Save and Restore Model state")
        import tempfile
        SAVE_STATE_LOC = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'saveModelState.txt')
        clock = NIVeriStand.Model("clocktest")

        print("Pause and get clock time")
        result = clock.GetModelExecutionState()
        timeAtSave = result['time']
        print("Time At Save %d" % timeAtSave)

        print("Set model running")

        print("Check if save state file exist on disk")
        assert (
            (os.path.isfile(SAVE_STATE_LOC)) == 1
        ), "Error verifying that the save parameter state file is on disk %s" % SAVE_STATE_LOC

        print("Pause and restore model state")
        result = clock.GetModelExecutionState()
        currentTime = result['time']
        print("Current Model Time %d" % currentTime)
        result = clock.GetModelExecutionState()
        timeRestored = result['time']
        print("Time Restored %d" % timeRestored)
        assert timeAtSave <= timeRestored <= currentTime, "Error verifying restore parameter state"

        print("Test PASSED")
        #Always stop the engine.
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_calculated_channel_formula_legacy():
    wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace()
    SYSDEFFILE = os.path.join(configutilities.get_autotest_projects_path(),
                              "CalcChanFormulaTest", "CalcChanFormulaTest.nivssdf")
    print("Deploying %s" % SYSDEFFILE)

        # Compute Machine Epsilon: The smallest floating point number when
        # added to one is greater than one.

        eps = 1.0
        while ((1.0 + eps) > 1.0):
            epsLast = eps;
            eps = eps / 2.0;
        eps = epsLast;
        print("Machine Epsilon = %g" % (eps))

        # Sleep until the first Time (a calculated channel) is greater than
        # zero. This will be either the first or second time the calculated
        # channels are computed. In VeriStand 2010, the first time the
        # channels are calculated is at Delta T. At any rate, we do not want
        # to proceed until we have performed some calculations.

        while (result <= 0):
            result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Time")

        # All formulas in VeriStand must have input values. Zero is computed
        # so that it can be used as an input to certain formulas. The way
        # it is computed, it should be precisely zero. No epsilon logic should
        # be used to ensure that it is in fact zero.

        print("Checking Zero=(Time - Time)")
        expectedResult = 0
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Zero")
        assert(result == expectedResult), "Time-Time (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # All formulas in VeriStand must have input values. MinusOne is computed
        # so that it can be used as an input to certain formulas. The way
        # it is computed, it should be precisely -1. No epsilon logic should
        # be used to ensure that it is in fact -1.

        print("Checking MinusOne=(Zero - 1)")
        expectedResult = -1
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("MinusOne")
        assert(result == expectedResult), "Zero-1 (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # This computation of Pi should be accurate to all bits in the mantissa.
        # We only use epsilon logic to allow for difference between the transfer
        # between C# and Python.

        print("Checking Pi=acos(-1) Computation")
        expectedResult = math.pi
        abstol = 0
        reltol = eps
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Pi")
        tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResult);
        assert((result >= expectedResult - tol) and (result <= expectedResult + tol)), "Pi=acos(-1) (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # Exponentiation is higher precedence than multiplication and
        # multiplication is higher precedence than addition. The floating
        # point values contain integers. Therefore no epsilon logic is
        # needed.

        print("Checking Operator Precedence with P+Q*R^2 == P+(Q*(R^2))")
        channels = ("P","Q","R")
        channelsValues= (12,6,3)

        channels = ("PplusQtimesRsq","PplusQtimesRsq_Exact")
        expectedResults = [66,66]
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        for i in range(0,len(expectedResults)):
            assert(results[i] == expectedResults[i]), "%s Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (channels[i], expectedResult, result)

        # Testing against zero; don't use reltol; only use abstol.

        print("Testing T-acos(cos(T)) where T=(Time modulo Pi)")
        expectedResult = 0
        abstol = eps
        reltol = 1
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("ZeroEqualsTMinusAcosCosT")
        tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResult);
        assert(expectedResult - tol <= result <= expectedResult + tol), "T-acos(cos(T)) (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # Testing against zero; don't use reltol; only use abstol.

        print("Testing T-asin(sin(T)) where T=(Time modulo Pi) - (Pi/2)")
        expectedResult = 0
        abstol = eps
        reltol = 1
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("ZeroEqualsTMinusAsinSinT")
        tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResult);
        assert(expectedResult - tol <= result <= expectedResult + tol), "T-asin(sin(T)) (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # Testing against one; don't use abstol; only use reltol.

        print("Testing Sin^2(T)+Cos^2(T) [should be one]")
        expectedResult = 1.0
        abstol = 0
        reltol = eps
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("OneEqualsSinSqTPlusCosSqT")
        tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResult);
        assert(expectedResult - tol <= result <= expectedResult + tol), "Sin^2(T)+Cos^2(T) (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # This computation of Pi should be accurate to all bits in the mantissa.
        # We only use epsilon logic to allow for difference between the transfer
        # between C# and Python.

        print("Checking Pi=4*atan(1) Computation")
        expectedResult = math.pi
        abstol = 0
        reltol = eps
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("PiEquals4TimesAtan1")
        tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResult);
        assert(expectedResult - tol <= result <= expectedResult + tol), "Pi=4*atan(1) (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # Each value in the subtraction should be plus or minus one.
        # The result should be precisely zero. The only value for this
        # equation that is not zero happens when Time=0.

        print("Checking (-1)^int(Time/Pi) - sign(sin(Time)); Should be zero")
        expectedResult = 0
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("AnotherFormulaForZero")
        assert(result == expectedResult), "Test value (%g) does not match calculated (%g)"  % (expectedResult, result)

        # To check the properties of random numbers, we must wait
        # until we have at least 100 data points.

        print("Checking mean and variance of a uniform random number between 0 and 1.")
        print("Mean should be 1/2 and the variance should be 1/12.")

        while (result < 100):
            result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("RandCount")

        # We must be sloppy in our checks here. We cannot expect the
        # underlying pseudo random number generator to be precisely white.

        channels = ("RandRunningMean","RandRunningVariance","RandErrorInVariance")
        expectedResults = [0.5, 1./12., 0.0]
        abstol = 0.03
        reltol = 0.2
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        print("...Got mean=%g, variance=%g, errorInVariance=%g" % (results[0], results[1], results[2]))

        for i in range(0,len(expectedResults)):
            tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResults[i]);
            assert(expectedResults[i] - tol <= results[i] <= expectedResults[i] + tol), "%s Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (channels[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

        # In order to test Peak & Valley, we must wait for at least
        # one cycle time of our input waveform. The time period for
        # the cosine is 2*Pi. We will wait for 10 seconds to allow
        # the waveform to be filtered and the peak detection's offset
       # algorithm to complete.

        print("Input waveform: X = 2*sin(30*Time) + 0.5*cos(Time) + 4")
        print("Applied lowpass Butterworth filter at 3Hz")
        print("Expected output waveform: 0.5*cos(Time) + 4")

        while (result < 10):
            result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Time")

       # Be a bit sloppy on these checks.

        print("Checking error (tol) and offset (4.0) of output waveform")
        channels = ("ErrorInFilterOutMinusFour", "Z")
        channelNames=("Error", "Offset")
        expectedResults = [0.0, 4.0]
        abstol = 0.05
        reltol = 0.1
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        print("...Got offset=%g, acceptable error=%g" % (results[1], results[0]))

        for i in range(0,len(expectedResults)):
            tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResults[i])
            assert(expectedResults[i] - tol <= results[i] <= expectedResults[i] + tol), "%s Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (channelNames[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

        # Wait a lot more for the peak detection algorithm to publish
        # the peak and valley of our expected sinusoidal channel.

        while (result < 30):
            result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("Time")

        print("Checking peak (4.5) and valley (3.5) of output waveform")
        channels = ("PeakAndValleyOfFilterOut","Y")
        channelNames=("Peak", "Valley")
        expectedResults = [4.5, 3.5]
        abstol = 0.0001
        reltol = 0.01
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        print("...Got peak=%g, valley=%g" % (results[0], results[1]))

        for i in range(0,len(expectedResults)):
            tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResults[i]);
            assert(expectedResults[i] - tol <= results[i] <= expectedResults[i] + tol), "%s Expected %g Return Value %g not expected" % (channelNames[i], expectedResults[i], results[i])

       # Be a bit sloppy in the following test. We have filtered the
        # two tone input and subtracted its offset and we are now
       # integrating the waveform using Simpson's rule.

        print("Applied Simpson's rule integration formula")
        print("Expected output waveform: 0.5*sin(Time)")

        expectedResult = 0
        abstol = 0.05
        reltol = 0.5
        result = wks.GetSingleChannelValue("ErrorInIntegral")
        print("...Got acceptable error=%g" % (result))

        tol = abstol + reltol*abs(expectedResult);
        assert(expectedResult - tol <= result <= expectedResult + tol), "Integral of (FilterOut - 4) does not match expected. Error is %g "  % (result)

        # VeriStand computes all calculated channels in one time step.
        # We check here that it did just that.

        print("Checking final calculated channels time equals initial calculated channels time")
        channels = ("Time","FinalTime")
        results = wks.GetMultipleChannelValues(channels)
        assert(results[0] == results[1]), "Final Calculated Channels Time (%g) does not equal Initial (%g)" % (results[1], results[0])

        print("Test PASSED")
