Ejemplo n.º 1
def projected_gradient_norm2(x, g, l, u):
    """Compute the Euclidean norm of the projected gradient at x."""
    lower = where(x == l)
    upper = where(x == u)

    pg = g.copy()
    pg[lower] = np.minimum(g[lower], 0)
    pg[upper] = np.maximum(g[upper], 0)

    return norm2(pg[where(l != u)])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def solve(self, **kwargs):

          :maxiter:  maximum number of iterations.

        All other keyword arguments are passed directly to the constructor of
        the trust-region solver.
        nlp = self.nlp

        # Gather initial information.
        self.f = self.nlp.obj(self.x)
        self.f0 = self.f
        self.g = self.nlp.grad(self.x)
        self.g_old = self.g
        self.gNorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
        self.g0 = self.gNorm

        self.tr.radius = min(max(0.1 * self.gNorm, 1.0), 100)
        cgtol = 1.0 if self.inexact else -1.0
        stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g0)
        step_status = None
        exitUser = False
        exitOptimal = self.gNorm <= stoptol
        exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter
        status = ""

        # Initialize non-monotonicity parameters.
        if not self.monotone:
            fMin = fRef = fCan = self.f0
            l = 0
            sigRef = sigCan = 0

        t = cputime()

        # Print out header and initial log.
        if self.iter % 20 == 0:
            self.log.info(self.format0, self.iter, self.f, self.gNorm, "", "",
                          "", self.tr.radius, "")

        while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter):

            self.iter += 1
            self.alpha = 1.0

            if self.save_g:
                self.g_old = self.g.copy()

            # Iteratively minimize the quadratic model in the trust region
            # min m(s) := g's + ½ s'Hs
            # Note that m(s) does not include f(x): m(0) = 0.

            if self.inexact:
                cgtol = max(stoptol, min(0.7 * cgtol, 0.01 * self.gNorm))

            qp = QPModel(self.g, self.nlp.hop(self.x, self.nlp.pi0))
            self.solver = TrustRegionSolver(qp, self.tr_solver)

            step = self.solver.step
            snorm = self.solver.step_norm
            cgiter = self.solver.niter

            # Obtain model value at next candidate
            m = self.solver.m
            if m is None:
                m = qp.obj(step)

            self.total_cgiter += cgiter
            x_trial = self.x + step
            f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)

            rho = self.tr.ratio(self.f, f_trial, m)

            if not self.monotone:
                rhoHis = (fRef - f_trial) / (sigRef - m)
                rho = max(rho, rhoHis)

            step_status = "Rej"
            self.step_accepted = False

            if rho >= self.tr.eta1:

                # Trust-region step is accepted.

                self.tr.update_radius(rho, snorm)
                self.x = x_trial
                self.f = f_trial
                self.g = nlp.grad(self.x)
                self.gNorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
                self.dvars = step
                if self.save_g:
                    self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old
                step_status = "Acc"
                self.step_accepted = True

                # Update non-monotonicity parameters.
                if not self.monotone:
                    sigRef = sigRef - m
                    sigCan = sigCan - m
                    if f_trial < fMin:
                        fCan = f_trial
                        fMin = f_trial
                        sigCan = 0
                        l = 0
                        l = l + 1

                    if f_trial > fCan:
                        fCan = f_trial
                        sigCan = 0

                    if l == self.n_non_monotone:
                        fRef = fCan
                        sigRef = sigCan


                # Trust-region step is rejected.
                if self.ny:  # Backtracking linesearch a la Nocedal & Yuan.

                    slope = np.dot(self.g, step)
                    bk = 0
                    armijo = self.f + 1.0e-4 * self.alpha * slope
                    while bk < self.nbk and f_trial >= armijo:
                        bk = bk + 1
                        self.alpha /= 1.2
                        x_trial = self.x + self.alpha * step
                        f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)
                    self.x = x_trial
                    self.f = f_trial
                    self.g = nlp.grad(self.x)
                    self.gNorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
                    self.tr.radius = self.alpha * snorm
                    snorm /= self.alpha
                    step_status = "N-Y"
                    self.step_accepted = True
                    self.dvars = self.alpha * step
                    if self.save_g:
                        self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old

                    self.tr.update_radius(rho, snorm)

            self.step_status = step_status
            status = ""
            except UserExitRequest:
                status = "usr"

            # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations
            if self.iter % 20 == 0:

            pstatus = step_status if step_status != "Acc" else ""
            self.log.info(self.format % (self.iter, self.f, self.gNorm, cgiter,
                                         rho, snorm, self.tr.radius, pstatus))

            exitOptimal = self.gNorm <= stoptol
            exitIter = self.iter > self.maxiter
            exitUser = status == "usr"

        self.tsolve = cputime() - t  # Solve time

        # Set final solver status.
        if status == "usr":
        elif self.gNorm <= stoptol:
            status = "opt"
        else:  # self.iter > self.maxiter:
            status = "itr"
        self.status = status
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def solve(self):
        """Solve method.

        All keyword arguments are passed directly to the constructor of the
        trust-region solver.
        self.log.debug("entering solve")
        model = self.model
        ls_fmt = "%7.1e  %8.1e"

        # Project the initial point into [l,u].
        self.x = project(self.x, model.Lvar, model.Uvar)

        # Gather initial information.
        self.f = model.obj(self.x)
        self.f0 = self.f
        self.g = model.grad(self.x)  # Current  gradient
        self.g_old = self.g.copy()
        self.x_old = self.x.copy()
        pgnorm = projected_gradient_norm2(self.x, self.g, model.Lvar,
        self.pg0 = pgnorm
        cgtol = self.cgtol
        cg_iter = 0
        cgitermax = model.n

        # Initialize the trust region radius
        self.tr.radius = min(max(0.1 * self.pg0, 1.0), 100)

        # Test for convergence or termination
        stoptol = max(self.gabstol, self.greltol * self.pg0)
        # stoptol = self.greltol * pgnorm
        exitUser = False
        exitOptimal = pgnorm <= stoptol
        exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter
        exitFunCall = model.obj.ncalls >= self.maxfuncall
        status = ""

        tick = cputime()

        # Print out header and initial log.
        if self.iter % 20 == 0:
            self.log.info(self.format0, self.iter, self.f, pgnorm, "", "", "",
                          self.tr.radius, "")

        while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter or exitFunCall):
            self.iter += 1

            self.step_accepted = False
            if self.save_g:
                self.g_old = self.g.copy()
                self.x_old = self.x.copy()

            # Wrap Hessian into an operator.
            H = model.hop(self.x.copy())

            # Compute the Cauchy step and store in s.
            (s, self.alphac) = self.cauchy(self.x, self.g, H, model.Lvar,
                                           model.Uvar, self.tr.radius,

            # Compute the projected Newton step.
            (x, s, cg_iter,
             _) = self.projected_newton_step(self.x, self.g, H, self.tr.radius,
                                             model.Lvar, model.Uvar, s, cgtol,

            snorm = norms.norm2(s)
            self.total_cgiter += cg_iter

            # Compute the predicted reduction.
            m = np.dot(s, self.g) + .5 * np.dot(s, H * s)

            # Evaluate actual objective.
            x_trial = project(self.x + s, model.Lvar, model.Uvar)
            f_trial = model.obj(x_trial)

            # Incorporate a magical step to further improve the trial
            # (if possible) and modify the predicted reduction to
            # take the extra improvement into account
            if "magical_step" in dir(model):
                (x_trial, s_magic) = model.magical_step(x_trial)
                if s_magic is not None:
                    s += s_magic
                    m -= f_trial
                    f_trial = model.obj(x_trial)
                    m += f_trial

            # Evaluate the step and determine if the step is successful.

            # Compute the actual reduction.
            rho = self.tr.ratio(self.f, f_trial, m)
            ared = self.f - f_trial

            # On the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound.
            snorm = norms.norm2(s)
            if self.iter == 1:
                self.tr.radius = min(self.tr.radius, snorm)

            # Update the trust region bound
            slope = np.dot(self.g, s)
            if f_trial - self.f - slope <= 0:
                alpha = self.tr.gamma3
                alpha = max(self.tr.gamma1,
                            -0.5 * (slope / (f_trial - self.f - slope)))

            # Update the trust region bound according to the ratio
            # of actual to predicted reduction
            self.tr.update_radius(rho, snorm, alpha)

            # Update the iterate.
            if rho > self.tr.eta0:
                # Successful iterate
                # Trust-region step is accepted.
                self.x = x_trial
                self.f = f_trial
                self.g = model.grad(self.x)
                step_status = "Acc"
                self.step_accepted = True
                self.dvars = s
                if self.save_g:
                    self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old

            elif self.ny:
                    # Trust-region step is rejected; backtrack.
                    line_model = C1LineModel(model, self.x, s)
                    ls = ArmijoLineSearch(line_model, bkmax=5, decr=1.75)

                    for step in ls:
                        self.log.debug(ls_fmt, step, ls.trial_value)

                    ared = self.f - ls.trial_value
                    self.x = ls.iterate
                    self.f = ls.trial_value
                    self.g = model.grad(self.x)
                    snorm *= ls.step
                    self.tr.radius = snorm
                    step_status = "N-Y"
                    self.dvars = ls.step * s
                    self.step_accepted = True
                    if self.save_g:
                        self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old

                except (LineSearchFailure, ValueError):
                    step_status = "Rej"

                # Fall back on trust-region rule.
                step_status = "Rej"

            self.step_status = step_status
            status = ""
            except UserExitRequest:
                status = "usr"

            # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations
            if self.iter % 20 == 0:

            pstatus = step_status if step_status != "Acc" else ""

            # Test for convergence.
            pgnorm = projected_gradient_norm2(self.x, self.g, model.Lvar,
            if pstatus == "" or pstatus == "N-Y":
                if pgnorm <= stoptol:
                    exitOptimal = True
                    status = "gtol"
                elif abs(ared) <= self.abstol and -m <= self.abstol:
                    exitOptimal = True
                    status = "fatol"
                elif abs(ared) <= self.reltol * abs(self.f) and \
                   (-m <= self.reltol * abs(self.f)):
                    exitOptimal = True
                    status = "frtol"
                self.iter -= 1  # to match TRON iteration number

            exitIter = self.iter > self.maxiter
            exitFunCall = model.obj.ncalls >= self.maxfuncall
            exitUser = status == "usr"

            self.log.info(self.format, self.iter, self.f, pgnorm, cg_iter, rho,
                          snorm, self.tr.radius, pstatus)

        self.tsolve = cputime() - tick  # Solve time
        self.pgnorm = pgnorm
        # Set final solver status.
        if status == "usr":
        elif self.iter > self.maxiter:
            status = "itr"
        elif status == "":  # corner case; initial guess was optimal
            status = "gtol"
        self.status = status
        self.log.info("final status: %s", self.status)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def projected_newton_step(self, x, g, H, delta, l, u, s, cgtol, itermax):
        u"""Generate a sequence of approximate minimizers to the QP subproblem.

            min q(x) subject to  l ≤ x ≤ u

        where q(x₀ + s) = gᵀs + ½ sᵀHs,

        x₀ is a base point provided by the user, H=Hᵀ and g is a vector.

        At each stage we have an approximate minimizer xₖ, and generate
        a direction pₖ by using a preconditioned conjugate gradient
        method on the subproblem

           min {q(xₖ + p) | ‖p‖ ≤ Δ, s(fixed)=0 },

        where fixed is the set of variables fixed at xₖ and Δ is the
        trust-region bound. Given pₖ, the next minimizer is generated by a
        projected search.

        The starting point for this subroutine is x₁ = x₀ + s, where
        s is the Cauchy step.

        Returned status is one of the following:
            info = 1  Convergence. The final step s satisfies
                      ‖(g + H s)[free]‖ ≤ cgtol ‖g[free]‖, and the
                      final x is an approximate minimizer in the face defined
                      by the free variables.

            info = 2  Termination. The trust region bound does not allow
                      further progress: ‖pₖ‖ = Δ.

            info = 3  Failure to converge within itermax iterations.

            info = 4  The trust region solver could make no further progress
                      on the problem, i.e. the computed step is zero. 
                      Return with the current point.
        self.log.debug("entering projected_newton_step")
        exitOptimal = False
        exitPCG = False
        exitIter = False

        Hs = H * s

        # Compute the Cauchy point.
        x = project(x + s, l, u)

        # Start the main iteration loop.
        # There are at most n iterations because at each iteration
        # at least one variable becomes active.
        iters = 0

        while not (exitOptimal or exitPCG or exitIter):
            # Determine the free variables at the current minimizer.
            free_vars = where((x > l) & (x < u))
            nfree = len(free_vars)

            # Exit if there are no free constraints.
            if nfree == 0:
                exitOptimal = True
                info = 1

            # Obtain the submatrix of H for the free variables.
            ZHZ = ReducedHessian(H, free_vars)

            # Compute the norm of the reduced gradient Zᵀg
            gfree = g[free_vars] + Hs[free_vars]
            gfnorm = norms.norm2(g[free_vars])

            # Solve the trust region subproblem in the free variables
            # to generate a direction p[k]

            tol = cgtol * gfnorm  # note: gfnorm ≠ norm(gfree)
            qp = QPModel(gfree, ZHZ)
            self.solver = TrustRegionSolver(qp, self.tr_solver)

            step = self.solver.step
            iters += self.solver.niter

            # Exit if the solver took no additional steps
            if self.solver.niter == 0:
                exitOptimal = True
                info = 4

            # Use a projected search to obtain the next iterate
            (xfree, proj_step) = self.projected_linesearch(x[free_vars],

            # Update the minimizer and the step.
            # Note that s now contains x[k+1] - x[0]
            x[free_vars] = xfree
            s[free_vars] += proj_step

            # Compute the gradient grad q(x[k+1]) = g + H*(x[k+1] - x[0])
            # of q at x[k+1] for the free variables.
            Hs = H * s
            gfree = g[free_vars] + Hs[free_vars]
            gfnormf = norms.norm2(gfree)

            # Convergence and termination test.
            # We terminate if the preconditioned conjugate gradient method
            # encounters a direction of negative curvature, or
            # if the step is at the trust region bound.
            if gfnormf <= cgtol * gfnorm:
                exitOptimal = True
                info = 1
            elif self.solver.status == "trust-region boundary active":
                #  infotr == 3 or infotr == 4:
                exitPCG = True
                info = 2
            elif iters >= itermax:
                exitIter = True
                info = 3

        self.log.debug("leaving projected_newton_step with info=%d", info)
        return (x, s, iters, info)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def cauchy(self, x, g, H, l, u, delta, alpha):
        u"""Compute a Cauchy step.

        This step must satisfy a trust region constraint and a sufficient
        decrease condition. The Cauchy step is computed for the quadratic

           q(s) = gᵀs + ½ sᵀHs,

        where H=Hᵀ and g is a vector. Given a parameter α, the Cauchy step is

           s[α] = P[x - α g] - x,

        with P the projection into the box [l, u].
        The Cauchy step satisfies the trust-region constraint and the
        sufficient decrease condition

           ‖s‖ ≤ Δ,      q(s) ≤ μ₀ gᵀs,

        where μ₀ ∈ (0, 1).
        self.log.debug(u"computing Cauchy point with α=%g, δ=%d", alpha, delta)
        # Constant that defines sufficient decrease.
        mu0 = 0.01

        # Interpolation and extrapolation factors.
        interpf = 0.1
        extrapf = 10

        # Find the minimal and maximal breakpoints along x - α g.
        (_, _, brptmax) = breakpoints(x, -g, l, u)
        self.log.debug("farthest breakpoint: %7.1e", brptmax)

        # Decide whether to interpolate or extrapolate.
        s = projected_step(x, -alpha * g, l, u)
        if norms.norm2(s) > delta:
            interp = True
            Hs = H * s
            gts = np.dot(g, s)
            interp = (.5 * np.dot(Hs, s) + gts >= mu0 * gts)

        # Either interpolate or extrapolate to find a successful step.
        if interp:
            # Reduce alpha until a successful step is found.
            search = True
            while search:
                alpha *= interpf
                s = projected_step(x, -alpha * g, l, u)
                s_norm = norms.norm2(s)
                self.log.debug("step norm = %g", s_norm)
                if s_norm <= delta:
                    Hs = H * s
                    gts = np.dot(g, s)
                    search = (.5 * np.dot(Hs, s) + gts > mu0 * gts)
            # Increase alpha until a successful step is found.
            search = True
            alphas = alpha
            while search and alpha <= brptmax:
                alpha *= extrapf
                s = projected_step(x, -alpha * g, l, u)
                s_norm = norms.norm2(s)
                self.log.debug("step norm = %g", s_norm)
                if s_norm <= delta:
                    Hs = H * s
                    gts = np.dot(g, s)
                    if .5 * np.dot(Hs, s) + gts < mu0 * gts:
                        search = True
                        alphas = alpha
                    search = False

            # Recover the last successful step.
            alpha = alphas
            s = projected_step(x, -alpha * g, l, u)
        return (s, alpha)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def solve(self):
        """Solve model with the L-BFGS method."""
        model = self.model
        x = self.x

        tstart = cputime()

        self.f0 = self.f = f = model.obj(x)
        self.g = g = model.grad(x)
        self.g_norm0 = g_norm = norms.norm2(g)
        stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g_norm0)

        exitUser = False
        exitLS = False
        exitOptimal = g_norm <= stoptol
        exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter
        status = ""

        while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter or exitLS):

            # Obtain search direction
            H = model.hop(x)
            d = -(H * g)

            # Prepare for modified linesearch
            step0 = max(1.0e-3, 1.0 / g_norm) if self.iter == 0 else 1.0
            line_model = C1LineModel(self.model, x, d)
            ls = self.setup_linesearch(line_model, step0)
                for step in ls:
                    self.logger.debug(self.ls_fmt, step, ls.trial_value)
            except LineSearchFailure:
                exitLS = True

            self.logger.info(self.fmt, self.iter, f, g_norm, ls.slope, ls.step)

            # Prepare new pair {s,y} to be inserted into L-BFGS operator.
            self.s = ls.step * d
            x = ls.iterate
            g_next = line_model.gradval
            self.y = g_next - g
            status = ""
            except UserExitRequest:
                status = "usr"

            # Prepare for next round.
            g = g_next
            g_norm = norms.norm2(g)
            f = ls.trial_value
            self.iter += 1

            exitOptimal = g_norm <= stoptol
            exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter
            exitUser = status == "usr"

        self.tsolve = cputime() - tstart
        self.logger.info(self.fmt_short, self.iter, f, g_norm)

        self.x = x
        self.f = f
        self.g = g
        self.g_norm = g_norm

        # Set final solver status.
        if status == "usr":
        elif self.g_norm <= stoptol:
            status = "opt"
        elif exitLS:
            status = "lsf"
        else:  # self.iter > self.maxiter:
            status = "itr"
        self.status = status