Ejemplo n.º 1
t = stats['t'].plot(vmin=2)
plt.title('Significant Pixels', fontsize=18)

# Similarity/Distance
# -------------------
# We can calculate similarity between two Adjacency matrices using `.similiarity()`.

stats = dat.similarity(m1)

# We can also calculate the distance between multiple matrices contained within a single Adjacency object. Any distance metric is available from the `sci-kit learn <http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances.html>`_ by specifying the `method` flag. This outputs an Adjacency matrix.  In the example below we see that several matrices are more similar to each other (i.e., when the signal is on).  Remember that the nodes here now represent each matrix from the original distance matrix.

dist = data.distance(method='correlation')
f = dist.plot()

# Similarity matrices can be converted to and from Distance matrices using `.similarity_to_distance()` and `.distance_to_similarity()`.

f = dist.distance_to_similarity().plot()

# Multidimensional Scaling
# ------------------------
# We can perform additional analyses on distance matrices such as multidimensional scaling. Here we provide an example to create a 3D multidimensional scaling plot of our data to see if the on and off matrices might naturally group together.

dat = Adjacency(noisy,
Ejemplo n.º 2
t = stats['t'].plot(vmin=2)
plt.title('Significant Pixels', fontsize=18)

# Similarity/Distance
# -------------------
# We can calculate similarity between two Adjacency matrices using `.similiarity()`.

stats = dat.similarity(m1)

# We can also calculate the distance between multiple matrices contained within a single Adjacency object. Any distance metric is available from the `sci-kit learn <http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances.html>`_ by specifying the `method` flag. This outputs an Adjacency matrix.  In the example below we see that several matrices are more similar to each other (i.e., when the signal is on).  Remember that the nodes here now represent each matrix from the original distance matrix.

dist = data.distance(metric='correlation')

# Similarity matrices can be converted to and from Distance matrices using `.similarity_to_distance()` and `.distance_to_similarity()`.


# Multidimensional Scaling
# ------------------------
# We can perform additional analyses on distance matrices such as multidimensional scaling. Here we provide an example to create a 3D multidimensional scaling plot of our data to see if the on and off matrices might naturally group together.

dat = Adjacency(noisy,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_adjacency(tmpdir):
    n = 10
    sim = np.random.multivariate_normal([0,0,0,0],[[1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.4],
                                         [0.8, 1, 0.6, 0.1],
                                         [0.1, 0.6, 1, 0.3],
                                         [0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 1]], 100)
    data = pairwise_distances(sim.T, metric='correlation')
    dat_all = []
    for t in range(n):
        tmp = data
    sim_directed = np.array([[1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4],
              [0.8, 1, 0.2, 0.1],
              [0.7, 0.6, 1, 0.5],
              [0.85, 0.4, 0.3, 1]])
    labels = ['v_%s' % (x+1) for x in range(sim.shape[1])]
    dat_single = Adjacency(dat_all[0], labels=labels)
    dat_multiple = Adjacency(dat_all, labels=labels)
    dat_directed = Adjacency(sim_directed, matrix_type='directed',

    # Test automatic distance/similarity detection
    assert dat_single.matrix_type is 'distance'
    dat_single2 = Adjacency(1-data)
    assert dat_single2.matrix_type is 'similarity'
    assert not dat_directed.issymmetric
    assert dat_single.issymmetric

    # Test length
    assert len(dat_multiple) == dat_multiple.data.shape[0]
    assert len(dat_multiple[0]) == 1

    # Test Indexing
    assert len(dat_multiple[0]) == 1
    assert len(dat_multiple[0:4]) == 4
    assert len(dat_multiple[0, 2, 3]) == 3

    # Test basic arithmetic
    assert(dat_directed+5).data[0] == dat_directed.data[0]+5
    assert(dat_directed-.5).data[0] == dat_directed.data[0]-.5
    assert(dat_directed*5).data[0] == dat_directed.data[0]*5
    assert np.all(np.isclose((dat_directed+dat_directed).data,
    assert np.all(np.isclose((dat_directed*2-dat_directed).data,

    # Test copy
    assert np.all(dat_multiple.data == dat_multiple.copy().data)

    # Test squareform & iterable
    assert len(dat_multiple.squareform()) == len(dat_multiple)
    assert dat_single.squareform().shape == data.shape
    assert dat_directed.squareform().shape == sim_directed.shape

    # Test write
    dat_multiple2 = Adjacency(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('Test.csv'))),
    dat_directed2 = Adjacency(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('Test.csv'))),
    assert np.all(np.isclose(dat_multiple.data, dat_multiple2.data))
    assert np.all(np.isclose(dat_directed.data, dat_directed2.data))

    # Test mean
    assert isinstance(dat_multiple.mean(axis=0), Adjacency)
    assert len(dat_multiple.mean(axis=0)) == 1
    assert len(dat_multiple.mean(axis=1)) == len(np.mean(dat_multiple.data,

    # Test std
    assert isinstance(dat_multiple.std(axis=0), Adjacency)
    assert len(dat_multiple.std(axis=0)) == 1
    assert len(dat_multiple.std(axis=1)) == len(np.std(dat_multiple.data,

    # Test similarity
    assert len(dat_multiple.similarity(
                dat_single.squareform())) == len(dat_multiple)
    assert len(dat_multiple.similarity(dat_single.squareform(),
                metric='pearson')) == len(dat_multiple)
    assert len(dat_multiple.similarity(dat_single.squareform(),
                metric='kendall')) == len(dat_multiple)

    # Test distance
    assert isinstance(dat_multiple.distance(), Adjacency)
    assert dat_multiple.distance().square_shape()[0] == len(dat_multiple)

    # Test ttest
    mn, p = dat_multiple.ttest()
    assert len(mn) == 1
    assert len(p) == 1
    assert mn.shape()[0] == dat_multiple.shape()[1]
    assert p.shape()[0] == dat_multiple.shape()[1]

    # Test Threshold
    assert np.sum(dat_directed.threshold(upper=.8).data == 0) == 10
    assert dat_directed.threshold(upper=.8, binarize=True).data[0]
    assert np.sum(dat_directed.threshold(upper='70%', binarize=True).data) == 5
    assert np.sum(dat_directed.threshold(lower=.4, binarize=True).data) == 6

    # Test to_graph()
    assert isinstance(dat_directed.to_graph(), nx.DiGraph)
    assert isinstance(dat_single.to_graph(), nx.Graph)

    # Test Append
    a = Adjacency()
    a = a.append(dat_single)
    assert a.shape() == dat_single.shape()
    a = a.append(a)
    assert a.shape() == (2, 6)

    n_samples = 3
    b = dat_multiple.bootstrap('mean', n_samples=n_samples)
    assert isinstance(b['Z'], Adjacency)
    b = dat_multiple.bootstrap('std', n_samples=n_samples)
    assert isinstance(b['Z'], Adjacency)

    # Test plot
    f = dat_single.plot()
    assert isinstance(f, plt.Figure)
    f = dat_multiple.plot()
    assert isinstance(f, plt.Figure)

    # Test plot_mds
    f = dat_single.plot_mds()
    assert isinstance(f, plt.Figure)
Ejemplo n.º 4
t = stats["t"].plot(vmin=2)
plt.title("Significant Pixels", fontsize=18)

# Similarity/Distance
# -------------------
# We can calculate similarity between two Adjacency matrices using `.similiarity()`.

stats = dat.similarity(m1)

# We can also calculate the distance between multiple matrices contained within a single Adjacency object. Any distance metric is available from the `sci-kit learn <http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances.html>`_ by specifying the `method` flag. This outputs an Adjacency matrix.  In the example below we see that several matrices are more similar to each other (i.e., when the signal is on).  Remember that the nodes here now represent each matrix from the original distance matrix.

dist = data.distance(metric="correlation")

# Similarity matrices can be converted to and from Distance matrices using `.similarity_to_distance()` and `.distance_to_similarity()`.


# Multidimensional Scaling
# ------------------------
# We can perform additional analyses on distance matrices such as multidimensional scaling. Here we provide an example to create a 3D multidimensional scaling plot of our data to see if the on and off matrices might naturally group together.

dist = data.distance(metric="correlation")
dist.labels = ["On"] * 5 + ["Off"] * 5 + ["On"] * 5