Ejemplo n.º 1
    def prune(self, threshold=None, sparsity=None):
        spec = pruning_lib.PruningSpec()
        if threshold:
            sens_path = pruning_lib.sens_path(self._graph)
            if not os.path.exists(sens_path):
                raise RuntimeError("Must call ana() before runnig prune.")
            net_sens = pruning_lib.read_sens(sens_path)

            # TODO(yuwang): Support excludes: important to detection net.
            net_sparsity = pruning_lib.get_sparsity_by_threshold(
                net_sens, threshold)
                1, 'NetSparsity: \n{}'.format('\n'.join(
                    [str(group) for group in net_sparsity])))
            for group_sparsity in net_sparsity:
        elif sparsity:
            groups = pruning_lib.group_nodes(self._graph)
            for group in groups:
                spec.add_group(pruning_lib.GroupSparsity(group, sparsity))
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one of 'sparsity' or 'threshold' to be set")

        pruned_model, pruning_info = self._prune(self._graph, spec)
        return PruningModule(pruned_model, pruning_info)
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def record(self, step, result):
    if step >= self._total_steps:
      raise IndexError

    logging.vlog(3, "step {} recodred as {}".format(step, result))
    _, sparsity = self._eval_plan(step)
    self._metrics[step] = AnaMetric(sparsity, result)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def group_nodes(graph, nodes_to_exclude=[]):
    """Divide conv2d nodes into different groups.
  The nodes that connected with each other by elementwise operation
  will be divided into one group.
    node_group = node_group_lib.NodeGroup()
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if node.op.type == NNDCT_OP.CONV2D:

    for node in graph.nodes:
        if node.op.type != NNDCT_OP.ADD:
        eltwise_inputs = []
        for name in node.in_nodes:
            input_node = graph.node(name)
            # Depthwise conv must be treated as a slave node.
            if input_node.op.type == NNDCT_OP.CONV2D and not is_depthwise(
                ancestor = find_node_ancestor(graph, input_node,
                if ancestor and not is_depthwise(input_node.op):
        if len(eltwise_inputs) < 2:
            2, "Union ({}, {})".format(eltwise_inputs[0], eltwise_inputs[1]))
        node_group.union(eltwise_inputs[0], eltwise_inputs[1])

    # TODO(yuwang): Exclude group convolution nodes.
    # i.e. groups > 1 and groups != in_channels.
    all_groups = node_group.groups()
    groups = []
    for group in all_groups:
        skip = False
        for node in nodes_to_exclude:
            if node in group:
                skip = True
        if not skip:
    return groups
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def prune(self, pruning_spec):
    for index, group in enumerate(pruning_spec.groups):
      logging.vlog(1, "Group {}: {}".format(index, group))

    node_pruning_results = {}
    for node in self._graph.nodes:
      node_pruning_results[node.name] = pruning_lib.NodePruningResult(node.name)
      if node.op.type != NNDCT_OP.CONV2D:
      group = pruning_spec.group(node.name)
      if not group:
        # Set out_dim even though the node is not going to be pruned.
        node_pruning_results[node.name].out_dim = node.op.attr['out_dim']

      removed_outputs = []
      removed_outputs, out_dim = self._get_pruned_filters(
          node.op.param['weights'], pruning_spec.channel_batch, group.sparsity)
      logging.vlog(3, 'node: {}, removed outputs: {}, out_dim: {}'.format(
          node.name, removed_outputs, out_dim))
      for name in group.nodes:
        node_pruning_results[name] = pruning_lib.NodePruningResult(
            name, group.sparsity, removed_outputs, out_dim)
      node_pruning_results[node.name].master = True

    pruned_graph = self._generate_pruned_graph(node_pruning_results)
    for node in pruned_graph.nodes:
      node_pruning = node_pruning_results[node.name]
      for param, tensor in node.op.params.items():
        org_tensor_shape = tensor.shape
        dim_size = len(tensor.shape)
        if dim_size == 1:
          out_axis, in_axis = 0, dim_size
          out_axis, in_axis = utils.tensor_out_in_axis(tensor)

        # The meaning of OI is not the same in nndct and pytorch.
        # In nndct, 'O' means channel multiplier (out_channels // in_channels)
        # and 'I' means in_channels. However, in pytorch, 'O' is out_channels
        # and 'I' is channel multiplier.
        # For example, the weight shape of depthwise conv in pytorch is
        # (32, 1, 3, 3) while in nndct the shape is (1, 3, 3, 32).
        # The weight data format in nndct is OHWI, that is,
        # (channel_multiplier, height, width, in_channels), we have to exchange
        # out_axis and in_axis so that the correct dimension can be removed.
        if pruning_lib.is_depthwise(node.op):
          out_axis, in_axis = in_axis, out_axis

        ndarray = tensor.data
        if node_pruning.removed_outputs:
          ndarray = np.delete(ndarray, node_pruning.removed_outputs, axis=out_axis)
        if node_pruning.removed_inputs and dim_size > in_axis:
          ndarray = np.delete(ndarray, node_pruning.removed_inputs, axis=in_axis)
        if org_tensor_shape != tensor.shape:
          logging.vlog(4, "Reset param of {}({}) {}: {} -> {}".format(node.name,
              node.op.type, param.name, org_tensor_shape, tensor.shape))

    return pruned_graph, node_pruning_results
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def prune(self, pruning_spec):
    for index, group in enumerate(pruning_spec.groups):
      logging.vlog(1, "Group {}: {}".format(index, group))

    pruning_info = {}
    for node in self._graph.nodes:
      pruning_info[node.name] = pruning_lib.NodePruningInfo(node.name)
      if node.op.type != NNDCT_OP.CONV2D:
      group = pruning_spec.group(node.name)
      if not group:

      removed_outputs = []
      removed_outputs, out_dim = self._get_pruned_filters(
          node.op.param['weight'], pruning_spec.channel_batch, group.sparsity)
      logging.vlog(3, 'Removed output channels of {}: {}'.format(
          node.name, removed_outputs))
      pruning_info[node.name].master = True
      for name in group.nodes:
        pruning_info[name] = pruning_lib.NodePruningInfo(
            name, removed_outputs, out_dim)

    pruned_graph = self._generate_pruned_graph(pruning_info)
    for node in pruned_graph.nodes:
      node_pruning = pruning_info[node.name]
      for param, tensor in node.op.params.items():
        org_tensor_shape = tensor.shape
        dim_size = len(tensor.shape)
        if dim_size == 1:
          out_axis, in_axis = 0, dim_size
          out_axis, in_axis = utils.tensor_out_in_axis(tensor)
        ndarray = tensor.data
        if node_pruning.removed_outputs:
          ndarray = np.delete(ndarray, node_pruning.removed_outputs, axis=out_axis)
        if node_pruning.removed_inputs and dim_size > in_axis:
          ndarray = np.delete(ndarray, node_pruning.removed_inputs, axis=in_axis)
        if org_tensor_shape != tensor.shape:
          logging.vlog(1, "Reset param of {}({}) {}: {} -> {}".format(node.name,
              node.op.type, param.name, org_tensor_shape, tensor.shape))

    return pruned_graph, pruning_info
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def record(self, step, result):
        if step >= self._total_steps:
            raise IndexError

        logging.vlog(3, "step {} recodred as {}".format(step, result))
        self._results[step] = result