Ejemplo n.º 1
        def iternext_specific(self, context, builder, result):
            zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
            one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)

            bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'end')

            exhausted = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder,
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, exhausted):

            indices = [
                builder.load(cgutils.gep(builder, self.indices, dim))
                for dim in range(ndim)
            result.yield_(cgutils.pack_array(builder, indices))

            shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, self.shape, ndim)
            _increment_indices(context, builder, ndim, shape, self.indices,

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def return_optional_value(self, builder, retty, valty, value):
        if valty == types.none:
            # Value is none

        elif retty == valty:
            # Value is an optional, need a runtime switch
            optval = self.context.make_helper(builder, retty, value=value)

            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with builder.if_then(validbit):
                retval = self.context.get_return_value(builder, retty.type,
                self.return_value(builder, retval)


        elif not isinstance(valty, types.Optional):
            # Value is not an optional, need a cast
            if valty != retty.type:
                value = self.context.cast(builder,
            retval = self.context.get_return_value(builder, retty.type, value)
            self.return_value(builder, retval)

            raise NotImplementedError("returning {0} for {1}".format(
                valty, retty))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def return_optional_value(self, builder, retty, valty, value):
        if valty == types.none:
            # Value is none

        elif retty == valty:
            # Value is an optional, need a runtime switch
            optval = self.context.make_helper(builder, retty, value=value)

            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with builder.if_then(validbit):
                retval = self.context.get_return_value(builder, retty.type,
                self.return_value(builder, retval)


        elif not isinstance(valty, types.Optional):
            # Value is not an optional, need a cast
            if valty != retty.type:
                value = self.context.cast(builder, value, fromty=valty,
            retval = self.context.get_return_value(builder, retty.type, value)
            self.return_value(builder, retval)

            raise NotImplementedError("returning {0} for {1}".format(valty,
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def return_optional_value(self, builder, retty, valty, value):
        if valty == types.none:

        elif retty == valty:
            optcls = self.context.make_optional(retty)
            optval = optcls(self.context, builder, value=value)

            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with cgutils.ifthen(builder, validbit):
                self.return_value(builder, optval.data)


        elif not isinstance(valty, types.Optional):
            if valty != retty.type:
                value = self.context.cast(builder,
            self.return_value(builder, value)

            raise NotImplementedError("returning {0} for {1}".format(
                valty, retty))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def optional_to_optional(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
    The handling of optional->optional cast must be special cased for
    correct propagation of None value.  Given type T and U. casting of
    T? to U? (? denotes optional) should always succeed.   If the from-value
    is None, the None value the casted value (U?) should be None; otherwise,
    the from-value is casted to U. This is different from casting T? to U,
    which requires the from-value must not be None.
    optval = context.make_helper(builder, fromty, value=val)
    validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
    # Create uninitialized optional value
    outoptval = context.make_helper(builder, toty)

    with builder.if_else(validbit) as (is_valid, is_not_valid):
        with is_valid:
            # Cast internal value
            outoptval.valid = cgutils.true_bit
            outoptval.data = context.cast(builder, optval.data,
                                          fromty.type, toty.type)

        with is_not_valid:
            # Store None to result
            outoptval.valid = cgutils.false_bit
            outoptval.data = cgutils.get_null_value(

    return outoptval._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def optional_to_any(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
    optval = context.make_helper(builder, fromty, value=val)
    validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
    with builder.if_then(builder.not_(validbit), likely=False):
        msg = "expected %s, got None" % (fromty.type,)
        context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, TypeError, (msg,))

    return context.cast(builder, optval.data, fromty.type, toty)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def optional_is_none(context, builder, sig, args):
    Check if an Optional value is invalid
    [lty, rty] = sig.args
    [lval, rval] = args

    # Make sure None is on the right
    if lty == types.none:
        lty, rty = rty, lty
        lval, rval = rval, lval

    opt_type = lty
    opt_val = lval

    opt = context.make_helper(builder, opt_type, opt_val)
    res = builder.not_(cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, opt.valid))
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def return_optional_value(self, builder, retty, valty, value):
        if valty == types.none:

        elif retty == valty:
            optcls = self.context.make_optional(retty)
            optval = optcls(self.context, builder, value=value)

            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with builder.if_then(validbit):
                self.return_value(builder, optval.data)


        elif not isinstance(valty, types.Optional):
            if valty != retty.type:
                value = self.context.cast(builder, value, fromty=valty, toty=retty.type)
            self.return_value(builder, value)

            raise NotImplementedError("returning {0} for {1}".format(valty, retty))
Ejemplo n.º 9
        def iternext_specific(self, context, builder, result):
            zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
            one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)

            bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'end')

            exhausted = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, builder.load(self.exhausted))
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, exhausted):

            indices = [builder.load(cgutils.gep(builder, self.indices, dim))
                       for dim in range(ndim)]
            result.yield_(cgutils.pack_array(builder, indices))

            shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, self.shape, ndim)
            _increment_indices(context, builder, ndim, shape,
                               self.indices, self.exhausted)

Ejemplo n.º 10
            def iternext_specific(self, context, builder, arrty, arr, result):
                ndim = arrty.ndim
                data = arr.data
                shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.shape, ndim)
                strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.strides, ndim)
                indices = self.indices
                pointers = self.pointers

                zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
                one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)
                minus_one = context.get_constant(types.intp, -1)

                bbcont = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'continued')
                bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'end')

                # Catch already computed iterator exhaustion
                is_empty = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder,
                with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, is_empty):

                # Current pointer inside last dimension
                last_ptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, data.type)

                # Walk from inner dimension to outer
                for dim in reversed(range(ndim)):
                    idxptr = cgutils.gep(builder, indices, dim)
                    idx = builder.load(idxptr)

                    count = shapes[dim]
                    stride = strides[dim]
                    in_bounds = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, idx, count)
                    with cgutils.if_likely(builder, in_bounds):
                        # Index is valid => we point to the right slot
                        ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, dim)
                        ptr = builder.load(ptrptr)
                        builder.store(ptr, last_ptr)
                        # Compute next index and pointer for this dimension
                        next_ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(builder, ptr, stride)
                        builder.store(next_ptr, ptrptr)
                        next_idx = builder.add(idx, one)
                        builder.store(next_idx, idxptr)
                        # Reset inner dimensions
                        for inner_dim in range(dim + 1, ndim):
                            idxptr = cgutils.gep(builder, indices, inner_dim)
                            ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, inner_dim)
                            # Compute next index and pointer for this dimension
                            inner_ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(
                                builder, ptr, strides[inner_dim])
                            builder.store(inner_ptr, ptrptr)
                            builder.store(one, idxptr)

                # End of array => skip to end

                # After processing of indices and pointers: fetch value.
                ptr = builder.load(last_ptr)
                value = context.unpack_value(builder, arrty.dtype, ptr)

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def cast(self, builder, val, fromty, toty):
        if fromty == toty or toty == types.Any or isinstance(toty, types.Kind):
            return val

        elif ((fromty in types.unsigned_domain and
                       toty in types.signed_domain) or
                  (fromty in types.integer_domain and
                           toty in types.unsigned_domain)):
            lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty)
            lto = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if lfrom.width <= lto.width:
                return builder.zext(val, lto)
            elif lfrom.width > lto.width:
                return builder.trunc(val, lto)

        elif fromty in types.signed_domain and toty in types.signed_domain:
            lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty)
            lto = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if lfrom.width <= lto.width:
                return builder.sext(val, lto)
            elif lfrom.width > lto.width:
                return builder.trunc(val, lto)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty == types.float32 and toty == types.float64:
                return builder.fpext(val, lty)
            elif fromty == types.float64 and toty == types.float32:
                return builder.fptrunc(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            if fromty == types.float32:
                if toty == types.complex128:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float64)
                    real = val

            elif fromty == types.float64:
                if toty == types.complex64:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float32)
                    real = val

            if toty == types.complex128:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float64, 0)
            elif toty == types.complex64:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float32, 0)
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            cmplx = self.make_complex(toty)(self, builder)
            cmplx.real = real
            cmplx.imag = imag
            return cmplx._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.sitofp(val, lty)
                return builder.uitofp(val, lty)

        elif toty in types.integer_domain and fromty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if toty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.fptosi(val, lty)
                return builder.fptoui(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            cmplxcls, flty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)
            cmpl = cmplxcls(self, builder)
            cmpl.real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, flty)
            cmpl.imag = self.get_constant(flty, 0)
            return cmpl._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.complex_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            srccls, srcty = builtins.get_complex_info(fromty)
            dstcls, dstty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)

            src = srccls(self, builder, value=val)
            dst = dstcls(self, builder)
            dst.real = self.cast(builder, src.real, srcty, dstty)
            dst.imag = self.cast(builder, src.imag, srcty, dstty)
            return dst._getvalue()

        elif (isinstance(toty, types.UniTuple) and
                  isinstance(fromty, types.UniTuple) and
                      len(fromty) == len(toty)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [self.cast(builder, i, fromty.dtype, toty.dtype)
                     for i in olditems]
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif (types.is_int_tuple(toty) and types.is_int_tuple(fromty) and
                len(toty) == len(fromty)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [self.cast(builder, i, t, toty.dtype)
                     for i, t in zip(olditems, fromty.types)]
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif toty == types.boolean:
            return self.is_true(builder, fromty, val)

        elif fromty == types.boolean:
            # first promote to int32
            asint = builder.zext(val, Type.int())
            # then promote to number
            return self.cast(builder, asint, types.int32, toty)

        elif fromty == types.none and isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            return self.make_optional_none(builder, toty.type)

        elif isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            casted = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, toty.type)
            return self.make_optional_value(builder, toty.type, casted)

        elif isinstance(fromty, types.Optional):
            optty = self.make_optional(fromty)
            optval = optty(self, builder, value=val)
            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.not_(validbit)):
                self.return_errcode(builder, errcode.NONE_TYPE_ERROR)

            return optval.data

        elif (isinstance(fromty, types.Array) and
                  isinstance(toty, types.Array)):
            # Type inference should have prevented illegal array casting.
            assert toty.layout == 'A'
            return val

        raise NotImplementedError("cast", val, fromty, toty)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def cast(self, builder, val, fromty, toty):
        if fromty == toty or toty == types.Any or isinstance(toty, types.Kind):
            return val

        elif ((fromty in types.unsigned_domain and toty in types.signed_domain)
              or (fromty in types.integer_domain
                  and toty in types.unsigned_domain)):
            lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty)
            lto = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if lfrom.width <= lto.width:
                return builder.zext(val, lto)
            elif lfrom.width > lto.width:
                return builder.trunc(val, lto)

        elif fromty in types.signed_domain and toty in types.signed_domain:
            lfrom = self.get_value_type(fromty)
            lto = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if lfrom.width <= lto.width:
                return builder.sext(val, lto)
            elif lfrom.width > lto.width:
                return builder.trunc(val, lto)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty == types.float32 and toty == types.float64:
                return builder.fpext(val, lty)
            elif fromty == types.float64 and toty == types.float32:
                return builder.fptrunc(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            if fromty == types.float32:
                if toty == types.complex128:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float64)
                    real = val

            elif fromty == types.float64:
                if toty == types.complex64:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float32)
                    real = val

            if toty == types.complex128:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float64, 0)
            elif toty == types.complex64:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float32, 0)
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            cmplx = self.make_complex(toty)(self, builder)
            cmplx.real = real
            cmplx.imag = imag
            return cmplx._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.sitofp(val, lty)
                return builder.uitofp(val, lty)

        elif toty in types.integer_domain and fromty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if toty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.fptosi(val, lty)
                return builder.fptoui(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            cmplxcls, flty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)
            cmpl = cmplxcls(self, builder)
            cmpl.real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, flty)
            cmpl.imag = self.get_constant(flty, 0)
            return cmpl._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.complex_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            srccls, srcty = builtins.get_complex_info(fromty)
            dstcls, dstty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)

            src = srccls(self, builder, value=val)
            dst = dstcls(self, builder)
            dst.real = self.cast(builder, src.real, srcty, dstty)
            dst.imag = self.cast(builder, src.imag, srcty, dstty)
            return dst._getvalue()

        elif (isinstance(toty, types.UniTuple)
              and isinstance(fromty, types.UniTuple)
              and len(fromty) == len(toty)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [
                self.cast(builder, i, fromty.dtype, toty.dtype)
                for i in olditems
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif (isinstance(fromty, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple))
              and isinstance(toty, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple))
              and len(toty) == len(fromty)):

            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [
                self.cast(builder, i, f, t)
                for i, f, t in zip(olditems, fromty, toty)
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif toty == types.boolean:
            return self.is_true(builder, fromty, val)

        elif fromty == types.boolean:
            # first promote to int32
            asint = builder.zext(val, Type.int())
            # then promote to number
            return self.cast(builder, asint, types.int32, toty)

        elif fromty == types.none and isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            return self.make_optional_none(builder, toty.type)

        elif isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            casted = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, toty.type)
            return self.make_optional_value(builder, toty.type, casted)

        elif isinstance(fromty, types.Optional):
            optty = self.make_optional(fromty)
            optval = optty(self, builder, value=val)
            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.not_(validbit)):
                msg = "expected %s, got None" % (fromty.type, )
                self.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, TypeError, (msg, ))

            return optval.data

        elif (isinstance(fromty, types.Array)
              and isinstance(toty, types.Array)):
            # Type inference should have prevented illegal array casting.
            assert toty.layout == 'A'
            return val

        raise NotImplementedError("cast", val, fromty, toty)
Ejemplo n.º 13
            def iternext_specific(self, context, builder, arrty, arr, result):
                ndim = arrty.ndim
                data = arr.data
                shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.shape, ndim)
                strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.strides, ndim)
                indices = self.indices
                pointers = self.pointers

                zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
                one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)
                minus_one = context.get_constant(types.intp, -1)

                bbcont = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'continued')
                bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'end')

                # Catch already computed iterator exhaustion
                is_empty = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, builder.load(self.empty))
                with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, is_empty):

                # Current pointer inside last dimension
                last_ptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, data.type)

                # Walk from inner dimension to outer
                for dim in reversed(range(ndim)):
                    idxptr = cgutils.gep(builder, indices, dim)
                    idx = builder.load(idxptr)

                    count = shapes[dim]
                    stride = strides[dim]
                    in_bounds = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, idx, count)
                    with cgutils.if_likely(builder, in_bounds):
                        # Index is valid => we point to the right slot
                        ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, dim)
                        ptr = builder.load(ptrptr)
                        builder.store(ptr, last_ptr)
                        # Compute next index and pointer for this dimension
                        next_ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(builder, ptr, stride)
                        builder.store(next_ptr, ptrptr)
                        next_idx = builder.add(idx, one)
                        builder.store(next_idx, idxptr)
                        # Reset inner dimensions
                        for inner_dim in range(dim + 1, ndim):
                            idxptr = cgutils.gep(builder, indices, inner_dim)
                            ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, inner_dim)
                            # Compute next index and pointer for this dimension
                            inner_ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(builder, ptr,
                            builder.store(inner_ptr, ptrptr)
                            builder.store(one, idxptr)

                # End of array => skip to end

                # After processing of indices and pointers: fetch value.
                ptr = builder.load(last_ptr)
                value = context.unpack_value(builder, arrty.dtype, ptr)

Ejemplo n.º 14
    def cast(self, builder, val, fromty, toty):
        if fromty == toty or toty == types.Any or isinstance(toty, types.Kind):
            return val

        elif isinstance(fromty, types.Integer) and isinstance(toty, types.Integer):
            if toty.bitwidth == fromty.bitwidth:
                # Just a change of signedness
                return val
            elif toty.bitwidth < fromty.bitwidth:
                # Downcast
                return builder.trunc(val, self.get_value_type(toty))
            elif fromty.signed:
                # Signed upcast
                return builder.sext(val, self.get_value_type(toty))
                # Unsigned upcast
                return builder.zext(val, self.get_value_type(toty))

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty == types.float32 and toty == types.float64:
                return builder.fpext(val, lty)
            elif fromty == types.float64 and toty == types.float32:
                return builder.fptrunc(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            if fromty == types.float32:
                if toty == types.complex128:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float64)
                    real = val

            elif fromty == types.float64:
                if toty == types.complex64:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float32)
                    real = val

            if toty == types.complex128:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float64, 0)
            elif toty == types.complex64:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float32, 0)
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            cmplx = self.make_complex(toty)(self, builder)
            cmplx.real = real
            cmplx.imag = imag
            return cmplx._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.sitofp(val, lty)
                return builder.uitofp(val, lty)

        elif toty in types.integer_domain and fromty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if toty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.fptosi(val, lty)
                return builder.fptoui(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            cmplxcls, flty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)
            cmpl = cmplxcls(self, builder)
            cmpl.real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, flty)
            cmpl.imag = self.get_constant(flty, 0)
            return cmpl._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.complex_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            srccls, srcty = builtins.get_complex_info(fromty)
            dstcls, dstty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)

            src = srccls(self, builder, value=val)
            dst = dstcls(self, builder)
            dst.real = self.cast(builder, src.real, srcty, dstty)
            dst.imag = self.cast(builder, src.imag, srcty, dstty)
            return dst._getvalue()

        elif (isinstance(toty, types.UniTuple) and
                  isinstance(fromty, types.UniTuple) and
                      len(fromty) == len(toty)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [self.cast(builder, i, fromty.dtype, toty.dtype)
                     for i in olditems]
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif (isinstance(fromty, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple)) and
                  isinstance(toty, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple)) and
                      len(toty) == len(fromty)):

            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [self.cast(builder, i, f, t)
                     for i, f, t in zip(olditems, fromty, toty)]
            tup = self.get_constant_undef(toty)
            for idx, val in enumerate(items):
                tup = builder.insert_value(tup, val, idx)
            return tup

        elif toty == types.boolean:
            return self.is_true(builder, fromty, val)

        elif fromty == types.boolean:
            # first promote to int32
            asint = builder.zext(val, Type.int())
            # then promote to number
            return self.cast(builder, asint, types.int32, toty)

        elif fromty == types.none and isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            return self.make_optional_none(builder, toty.type)

        elif isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            casted = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, toty.type)
            return self.make_optional_value(builder, toty.type, casted)

        elif isinstance(fromty, types.Optional):
            optty = self.make_optional(fromty)
            optval = optty(self, builder, value=val)
            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.not_(validbit)):
                msg = "expected %s, got None" % (fromty.type,)
                self.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, TypeError, (msg,))

            return optval.data

        elif (isinstance(fromty, types.Array) and
                  isinstance(toty, types.Array)):
            # Type inference should have prevented illegal array casting.
            assert toty.layout == 'A'
            return val

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty == types.voidptr:
            return builder.inttoptr(val, self.get_value_type(toty))

        raise NotImplementedError("cast", val, fromty, toty)
Ejemplo n.º 15
            def iternext_specific(self, context, builder, arrty, arr, result):
                ndim = arrty.ndim
                data = arr.data
                shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.shape, ndim)
                strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.strides, ndim)
                indices = self.indices
                pointers = self.pointers

                zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
                one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)

                bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'end')

                # Catch already computed iterator exhaustion
                is_exhausted = cgutils.as_bool_bit(
                    builder, builder.load(self.exhausted))
                with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, is_exhausted):

                # Current pointer inside last dimension
                last_ptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, ndim - 1)
                ptr = builder.load(last_ptr)
                value = context.unpack_value(builder, arrty.dtype, ptr)
                if kind == 'flat':
                    # ndenumerate() => yield (indices, value)
                    idxvals = [builder.load(cgutils.gep(builder, indices, dim))
                               for dim in range(ndim)]
                    idxtuple = cgutils.pack_array(builder, idxvals)
                        cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, [idxtuple, value]))

                # Update indices and pointers by walking from inner
                # dimension to outer.
                for dim in reversed(range(ndim)):
                    idxptr = cgutils.gep(builder, indices, dim)
                    idx = builder.add(builder.load(idxptr), one)

                    count = shapes[dim]
                    stride = strides[dim]
                    in_bounds = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, idx, count)
                    with cgutils.if_likely(builder, in_bounds):
                        # Index is valid => pointer can simply be incremented.
                        builder.store(idx, idxptr)
                        ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, dim)
                        ptr = builder.load(ptrptr)
                        ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(builder, ptr, stride)
                        builder.store(ptr, ptrptr)
                        # Reset pointers in inner dimensions
                        for inner_dim in range(dim + 1, ndim):
                            ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, inner_dim)
                            builder.store(ptr, ptrptr)
                    # Reset index and continue with next dimension
                    builder.store(zero, idxptr)

                # End of array
                builder.store(cgutils.true_byte, self.exhausted)

Ejemplo n.º 16
            def iternext_specific(self, context, builder, arrty, arr, result):
                ndim = arrty.ndim
                data = arr.data
                shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.shape, ndim)
                strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.strides, ndim)
                indices = self.indices
                pointers = self.pointers

                zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
                one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)

                bbend = cgutils.append_basic_block(builder, 'end')

                # Catch already computed iterator exhaustion
                is_exhausted = cgutils.as_bool_bit(
                    builder, builder.load(self.exhausted))
                with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, is_exhausted):

                # Current pointer inside last dimension
                last_ptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, ndim - 1)
                ptr = builder.load(last_ptr)
                value = context.unpack_value(builder, arrty.dtype, ptr)
                if kind == 'flat':
                    # ndenumerate() => yield (indices, value)
                    idxvals = [
                        builder.load(cgutils.gep(builder, indices, dim))
                        for dim in range(ndim)
                    idxtuple = cgutils.pack_array(builder, idxvals)
                                                      [idxtuple, value]))

                # Update indices and pointers by walking from inner
                # dimension to outer.
                for dim in reversed(range(ndim)):
                    idxptr = cgutils.gep(builder, indices, dim)
                    idx = builder.add(builder.load(idxptr), one)

                    count = shapes[dim]
                    stride = strides[dim]
                    in_bounds = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, idx, count)
                    with cgutils.if_likely(builder, in_bounds):
                        # Index is valid => pointer can simply be incremented.
                        builder.store(idx, idxptr)
                        ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, dim)
                        ptr = builder.load(ptrptr)
                        ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(builder, ptr, stride)
                        builder.store(ptr, ptrptr)
                        # Reset pointers in inner dimensions
                        for inner_dim in range(dim + 1, ndim):
                            ptrptr = cgutils.gep(builder, pointers, inner_dim)
                            builder.store(ptr, ptrptr)
                    # Reset index and continue with next dimension
                    builder.store(zero, idxptr)

                # End of array
                builder.store(cgutils.true_byte, self.exhausted)

Ejemplo n.º 17
    def cast(self, builder, val, fromty, toty):
        if fromty == toty or toty == types.Any or isinstance(toty, types.Kind):
            return val

        elif isinstance(fromty, types.Integer) and isinstance(toty, types.Integer):
            if toty.bitwidth == fromty.bitwidth:
                # Just a change of signedness
                return val
            elif toty.bitwidth < fromty.bitwidth:
                # Downcast
                return builder.trunc(val, self.get_value_type(toty))
            elif fromty.signed:
                # Signed upcast
                return builder.sext(val, self.get_value_type(toty))
                # Unsigned upcast
                return builder.zext(val, self.get_value_type(toty))

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty == types.float32 and toty == types.float64:
                return builder.fpext(val, lty)
            elif fromty == types.float64 and toty == types.float32:
                return builder.fptrunc(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.real_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            if fromty == types.float32:
                if toty == types.complex128:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float64)
                    real = val

            elif fromty == types.float64:
                if toty == types.complex64:
                    real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, types.float32)
                    real = val

            if toty == types.complex128:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float64, 0)
            elif toty == types.complex64:
                imag = self.get_constant(types.float32, 0)
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            cmplx = self.make_complex(toty)(self, builder)
            cmplx.real = real
            cmplx.imag = imag
            return cmplx._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if fromty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.sitofp(val, lty)
                return builder.uitofp(val, lty)

        elif toty in types.integer_domain and fromty in types.real_domain:
            lty = self.get_value_type(toty)
            if toty in types.signed_domain:
                return builder.fptosi(val, lty)
                return builder.fptoui(val, lty)

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            cmplxcls, flty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)
            cmpl = cmplxcls(self, builder)
            cmpl.real = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, flty)
            cmpl.imag = self.get_constant(flty, 0)
            return cmpl._getvalue()

        elif fromty in types.complex_domain and toty in types.complex_domain:
            srccls, srcty = builtins.get_complex_info(fromty)
            dstcls, dstty = builtins.get_complex_info(toty)

            src = srccls(self, builder, value=val)
            dst = dstcls(self, builder)
            dst.real = self.cast(builder, src.real, srcty, dstty)
            dst.imag = self.cast(builder, src.imag, srcty, dstty)
            return dst._getvalue()

        elif (isinstance(fromty, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple)) and
              isinstance(toty, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple)) and
              len(toty) == len(fromty)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, len(fromty))
            items = [self.cast(builder, i, f, t)
                     for i, f, t in zip(olditems, fromty, toty)]
            return cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, items)

        elif toty == types.boolean:
            return self.is_true(builder, fromty, val)

        elif fromty == types.boolean:
            # first promote to int32
            asint = builder.zext(val, Type.int())
            # then promote to number
            return self.cast(builder, asint, types.int32, toty)

        elif fromty == types.none and isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            return self.make_optional_none(builder, toty.type)

        elif isinstance(toty, types.Optional):
            casted = self.cast(builder, val, fromty, toty.type)
            return self.make_optional_value(builder, toty.type, casted)

        elif isinstance(fromty, types.Optional):
            optty = self.make_optional(fromty)
            optval = optty(self, builder, value=val)
            validbit = cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, optval.valid)
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.not_(validbit)):
                msg = "expected %s, got None" % (fromty.type,)
                self.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, TypeError, (msg,))

            return optval.data

        elif (isinstance(fromty, types.Array) and
              isinstance(toty, types.Array)):
            # Type inference should have prevented illegal array casting.
            assert toty.layout == 'A'
            return val

        elif (isinstance(fromty, types.List) and
              isinstance(toty, types.List)):
            # Casting from non-reflected to reflected
            assert fromty.dtype == toty.dtype
            return val

        elif (isinstance(fromty, types.RangeType) and
              isinstance(toty, types.RangeType)):
            olditems = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, val, 3)
            items = [self.cast(builder, v, fromty.dtype, toty.dtype)
                     for v in olditems]
            return cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, items)

        elif fromty in types.integer_domain and toty == types.voidptr:
            return builder.inttoptr(val, self.get_value_type(toty))

        raise NotImplementedError("cast", val, fromty, toty)