Ejemplo n.º 1
 def chebNodes(N, a=0, b=1, extrIncl=False):
     """returns a list of N Chebyshev nodes in [a,b].
     If extrIncl is True, a,b are included, otherwise not."""
     cheb = chebgauss(N)[0]*(b-a)/2 + (a+b)/2
     if not(extrIncl):
         return chebgauss(N)[0]*(b-a)/2 + (a+b)/2
         out = list(chebgauss(N-2)[0]*(b-a)/2 + (a+b)/2)
         return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def points_and_weights(self, N):
     self.N = N
     if self.quad == "GL":
         points = n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]
         weights = np.zeros((N)) + np.pi / (N - 1)
         weights[0] /= 2
         weights[-1] /= 2
     elif self.quad == "GC":
         points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)
     return points, weights
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def points_and_weights(self, N):
     self.N = N
     if self.quad == "GC":
         points = n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]
         weights = np.zeros((N))+np.pi/(N-1)
         weights[0] /= 2
         weights[-1] /= 2
     elif self.quad == "GL":
         points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)
     return points, weights
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def points_and_weights(self, N):
        self.N = N
        if self.quad == "GL":
            points = (n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]).astype(float)
            weights = zeros(N)+pi/(N-1)
            weights[0] /= 2
            weights[-1] /= 2

        elif self.quad == "GC":
            points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)
            points = points.astype(float)
            weights = weights.astype(float)
        return points, weights
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_100(self):
        x, w = cheb.chebgauss(100)

        # test orthogonality. Note that the results need to be normalized,
        # otherwise the huge values that can arise from fast growing
        # functions like Laguerre can be very confusing.
        v = cheb.chebvander(x, 99)
        vv = np.dot(v.T * w, v)
        vd = 1/np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:, None] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        tgt = np.pi
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), tgt)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_100(self):
        x, w = cheb.chebgauss(100)

        # test orthogonality. Note that the results need to be normalized,
        # otherwise the huge values that can arise from fast growing
        # functions like Laguerre can be very confusing.
        v = cheb.chebvander(x, 99)
        vv = np.dot(v.T * w, v)
        vd = 1/np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:,None] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        tgt = np.pi
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), tgt)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def proj_radial(nr, a, b, x = None):

    # evaluate the radial basis functions of degree <nr
    # to the projection of the poloidal field in r direction (Q-part of a qst decomposition
    if x is None:
        xx,ww = cheb.chebgauss(nr)
        xx = np.array(x)

    # use chebyshev polynomials normalized for FCT
    coeffs = np.eye(nr)*2
    #coeffs = np.eye(nr)

    #return spsp.lil_matrix((cheb.chebval(xx,coeffs)).transpose())
    return np.mat((cheb.chebval(xx,coeffs)).transpose())
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def points_and_weights(self, N):
        self.N = N
        if self.quad == "GL":
            points = (n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]).astype(float)
            #points = (n_cheb.chebpts2(N)).astype(float)
            weights = zeros(N) + pi / (N - 1)
            weights[0] /= 2
            weights[-1] /= 2

        elif self.quad == "GC":
            points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)
            #points = points[::-1]
            points = points.astype(float)
            weights = weights.astype(float)

        return points, weights
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def points_and_weights(self, N, scaled=False):
        if self.quad == "GL":
            points = -(n_cheb.chebpts2(N)).astype(float)
            weights = np.full(N, np.pi/(N-1))
            weights[0] /= 2
            weights[-1] /= 2

        elif self.quad == "GC":
            points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)
            points = points.astype(float)
            weights = weights.astype(float)

        if scaled is True:
            points = self.map_true_domain(points)

        return points, weights
Ejemplo n.º 10
def proj_radial_r2(nr, a, b, x = None):
    # evaluate the radial basis functions of degree <nr over r
    # this projection operator includes the 1/r**2 part and corresponds
    # to the a projection from spectral to physical for the toroidal field (T-part of a qst decomposition)
    if x is None:
        xx,ww = cheb.chebgauss(nr)
        xx = np.array(x)

    # use chebyshev polynomials normalized for FCT
    coeffs = np.eye(nr)*2

    #coeffs = np.eye(nr)

    temp = (cheb.chebval(xx,coeffs)/(a*xx+b)**2).transpose()
    #return spsp.coo_matrix(temp)
    return np.mat(temp)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def proj_lapl(nr, a, b, x=None):

    # evaluate the second derivative of radial basis in radial direction function of degree <nr
    # this projection operator corresponds to 1/r**2 d/dr r**2d/dr projecting from spectral to physical
    # used for the theta and phi contribution of the poloidal field (S-part of a qst decomposition)
    if x is None:
        xx, ww = cheb.chebgauss(nr)
        xx = np.array(x)

    # use chebyshev polynomials normalized for FCT
    coeffs = np.eye(nr) * 2
    #coeffs = np.eye(nr)
    coeffs[0, 0] = 1.

    c1 = cheb.chebder(coeffs,1)
    c2 = cheb.chebder(coeffs,2)
    return np.mat((2*cheb.chebval(xx, c1) /a /(a * xx + b) + cheb.chebval(xx, c2) /a**2).transpose())
Ejemplo n.º 12
def proj_dradial_dr(nr, a, b, x = None):

     # evaluate the first derivative of radial basis function of degree <nr
     # this projection operator corresponds to 1/r d/dr r projecting from spectral to physical
     # used for the theta and phi contribution of the poloidal field (S-part of a qst decomposition)
     if x is None:
         xx, ww = cheb.chebgauss(nr)
         xx = np.array(x)

     # use chebyshev polynomials normalized for FCT
     coeffs = np.eye(nr) * 2
     #coeffs = np.eye(nr)
     coeffs[0, 0] = 1.
     c = cheb.chebder(coeffs)
     temp = (cheb.chebval(xx,c)/a + cheb.chebval(xx,coeffs)/(a*xx+b)).transpose()
     #return spsp.coo_matrix(temp)
     return np.mat(temp)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def b(c):
        co = -np.sum(c[::2]);
        ce = -np.sum(c[1::2])
        c = np.hstack((c, co, ce))
        g = lambda x: x + self.chebEval(c, x)
        x, w = np_cheb.chebgauss(n * 6)

        dg1 = self.chebDiff(c)
        dg2 = self.chebDiff(dg1)
        js = (-1) ** np.arange(dg1.size)
        if np.sum(np.abs(dg2) > 1e-8):
            dgroots = self.chebRoots(dg2)
            # print(dgroots)
            if dgroots.size > 0:
                if np.min(self.chebEval(dg1, dgroots)) <= -1 + 1e-9 or np.dot(js, dg1) <= -1 + 1e-9 or np.sum(
                        dg1) <= -1 + 1e-9:
                    return 1 + np.random.rand(1)
                    if np.dot(js, dg1) <= -1 + 1e-9 or np.sum(dg1) <= -1 + 1e-9:
                        return 1
        # print(dg)
        # if np.sum(dg) < -1:
        #     return 1
        dg = self.chebDiff(c)
        if np.random.rand(1) > 0.9:
            # plt.plot(x, self.chebEval(dg, x))

            # plt.plot(x, g(x), '--')
            # plt.show()
            # plt.plot(x, f(g(x)))
            # plt.show()
            nodes = self.chebNodes(n=n)
            plt.loglog(np.abs(self.chebTransform(f(g(nodes)))), 'ro')

        # F = lambda x, n: f(g(x))*special.eval_chebyt(n, x)
        # I = np.abs(np.dot(w, F(x, int(4*n/5))))
        nodes = self.chebNodes(n=n)
        I = np.max(np.abs(self.chebTransform(f(g(x)))[-2:]))
        # print(I)
        print(I, c)
        return I
Ejemplo n.º 14


# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
x = Symbol("x")
u = (1 - x**2)**2 * cos(np.pi * x) * (x - 0.25)**2
f = u.diff(x, 2)

# Choices
banded = True
fast_transform = True

N = 20
k = np.arange(N - 2)
points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)

# Note! N points in real space gives N-2 bases in spectral space

# Build Vandermonde matrix for Gauss-Cheb points and weights
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, N - 3).T - n_cheb.chebvander(points, N - 1)[:,

# Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature to compute rhs
fj = np.array([f.subs(x, j) for j in points],
              dtype=float)  # Get f on quad points

def fastChebScalar(fj):
    return dct(fj, 2) * np.pi / (2 * len(fj))
  import sys

  print "Starting program"
  inputs = sys.argv
  if len(inputs) == 3:
    fileIn = inputs[1]
    fileOut = inputs[2]
    fileIn = "/gpfs1/spdomin/channelWithRe/wale_wedge6.e-s004"
    fileOut = "profile.dat"
  nPoints = 100
  rho = 1.0
  mu = 2.531646e-3
  #  create non uniform spacing with Gauss-Chebyshev polynomials
  #  double the spaceing because we will only use half the points for the biasing
  y, w = chebgauss(2*nPoints)
  # transform the data so y \in (0:2)
  y *= -1.0
  y += 1.0
  # only use the half quadrature for biasing effect
  y = y[0:nPoints]
  vertical_locations = np.array(y.copy(),ndmin=2).T
  # generate y+ values
  yp = vertical_locations/mu*rho
  origins = [(0,y,0) for y in vertical_locations]
  normal = (0,1,0)

  PostProcessor = AverageOverPlanes(fileIn)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, order, method='legendre', lobatto=False):
        Straightforward gaussian integration using Chebyshev polynomials with mapping of the
        bounds into [-1,1]. Most useful for a bounded interval.

        order : int
            Order of basis expansion.
        method : str,'legendre'
        lobatto : bool,False
            If True, use Lobatto collocation points. Only works for Chebyshev polynomials.
        from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebval, chebgauss

        self.order = order
        self.N = order

        if method == 'chebyshev':
            self.basis = [
                lambda x, i=i: chebval(x, [0] * i + [1])
                for i in range(self.N + 1)

            # Lobatto collocation points.
            if lobatto:
                self.coX = -np.cos(np.pi * np.arange(self.N + 1) / self.N)
                self.weights = np.zeros(self.order + 1) + np.pi / self.N
                self.weights[0] = self.weights[-1] = np.pi / (2 * self.N)
                self.coX, self.weights = chebgauss(self.N + 1)
            self.basisCox = [b(self.coX) for b in self.basis]

            if ((self.coX) == 1).any():
                self.W = np.zeros_like(self.coX)
                ix = np.abs(self.coX) == 1
                self.W[ix == 0] = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - self.coX[ix == 0]**2)
                self.W[ix] = np.inf
                self.W = 1 / np.sqrt(
                    1 - self.coX**2)  # weighting function we must remove
            self.W[np.isnan(self.W)] = 0.

        elif method == 'legendre':
            from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss, legval
            if order > 100:
                from .high_prec.calculus import leggauss
                self.coX, self.weights = leggauss(self.N + 1)
                self.coX = np.array([float(f) for f in self.coX])
                self.weights = np.array([float(f) for f in self.weights])
                self.coX, self.weights = leggauss(self.N + 1)
            self.basis = [
                lambda x, i=i: legval(x, [0] * i + [1])
                for i in range(self.N + 1)
            self.basisCox = [b(self.coX) for b in self.basis]
            self.W = np.ones_like(self.coX)

            raise Exception("Invalid basis choice.")

        # Map bounds to given bounds or from given bounds to [-1,1].
        self.map_to_bounds = lambda x, x0, x1: (x + 1) / 2 * (x1 - x0) + x0
        self.map_from_bounds = lambda x, x0, x1: (x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * 2. - 1.
Ejemplo n.º 17


# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
x = Symbol("x")
u = (1-x**2)**2*cos(np.pi*x)*(x-0.25)**2
f = u.diff(x, 2) 

# Choices
banded = True
fast_transform = True

N = 20
k = np.arange(N-2)
points, weights = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)

# Note! N points in real space gives N-2 bases in spectral space

# Build Vandermonde matrix for Gauss-Cheb points and weights
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, N-3).T - n_cheb.chebvander(points, N-1)[:, 2:].T

# Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature to compute rhs
fj = np.array([f.subs(x, j) for j in points], dtype=float)     # Get f on quad points

def fastChebScalar(fj):
    return dct(fj, 2)*np.pi/(2*len(fj))

def fastChebTrans(fj):
    cj = dct(fj, 2)
    cj /= len(fj)