Ejemplo n.º 1
def ahrs():
    imu = IMU(verbose=False)
    header = 47
    #print("| {:20} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", "Orient(r,p,h) [deg]"))
    fall = False
    #for _ in range(10):
    a, m, g = imu.get()  # get data from nxp-9dof fxos8700 + fxas21002
    r, p, h = imu.getOrientation(
        a, m)  # convert sensor data to angle in roll,pitch,yaw axis
    #print the angle data
    #print('| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'.format(a[0], a[1], a[2], r, p, h))

    r = abs(r)
    p = abs(p)
    #h =abs(h)

    if r > 50 or p > 50:
        fall = True
        fall = False

    return fall
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ahrs():
	imu = IMU(verbose=True)
	header = 47
	print("| {:20} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", "Orient(r,p,h) [deg]"))
	for _ in range(10):
		a, m, g = imu.get()
		r, p, h = imu.getOrientation(a, m)
		print('| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'.format(a[0], a[1], a[2], r, p, h))
	print('  r: roll')
	print('  p: pitch')
	print('  h: heading')
	print('  g: gravity')
	print('deg: degree')
Ejemplo n.º 3
class NXP9DoF:
        Reads from an Adafruit NXP 9-DoF FXOS8700 + FXAS21002 sensor. 

        Note that this has been calibrated based on the orientation of the
        NXP9DoF board as installed on the KR01 robot, with the Adafruit
        logo on the chip (mounted horizontally) as follows:

                              |           *  |
                              |              |
                              |              |
                       Port   |              | Starboard
                              |              |

        If you mount the chip in a different orientation you will likely
        need to multiply one or more of the axis by -1.0.

        Depending on where you are on the Earth, true North changes because
        the Earth is not a perfect sphere. You can get the declination angle
        for your location from:


        E.g., for Pukerua Bay, New Zealand:

            Latitude:  41° 1' 57.7" S
            Longitude: 174° 53' 11.8" E
            PUKERUA BAY
            Magnetic Declination: +22° 37'
            Declination is POSITIVE (EAST)
            Inclination: 66° 14'
            Magnetic field strength: 55716.5 nT

        E.g., for Wellington, New Zealand:

            Latitude:  41° 17' 11.9" S
            Longitude: 174° 46' 32.1" E
            Magnetic Declination: +22° 47'
            Declination is POSITIVE (EAST)
            Inclination: 66° 28'
            Magnetic field strength: 55863.3 nT

    # permitted error between Euler and Quaternion (in degrees) to allow setting value
    ERROR_RANGE = 5.0  # was 3.0

    # ..........................................................................
    def __init__(self, config, queue, level):
        self._log = Logger("nxp9dof", level)
        if config is None:
            raise ValueError("no configuration provided.")
        self._config = config
        self._queue = queue

        _config = self._config['ros'].get('nxp9dof')
        self._quaternion_accept = _config.get(
            'quaternion_accept')  # permit Quaternion once calibrated
        self._loop_delay_sec = _config.get('loop_delay_sec')

        # verbose will print some start-up info on the IMU sensors
        self._imu = IMU(gs=4, dps=2000, verbose=True)
        # setting a bias correction for the accel only; the mags/gyros are not getting a bias correction
        self._imu.setBias((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), None, None)
        #       self._imu.setBias((0.1,-0.02,.25), None, None)

        _i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        self._fxos = adafruit_fxos8700.FXOS8700(_i2c)
        self._log.info('accelerometer and magnetometer ready.')
        self._fxas = adafruit_fxas21002c.FXAS21002C(_i2c)
        self._log.info('gyroscope ready.')

        self._thread = None
        self._enabled = False
        self._closed = False
        self._heading = None
        self._pitch = None
        self._roll = None
        self._is_calibrated = False

    # ..........................................................................
    def get_imu(self):
        return self._imu

    # ..........................................................................
    def get_fxos(self):
        return self._fxos

    # ..........................................................................
    def get_fxas(self):
        return self._fxas

    # ..........................................................................
    def enable(self):
        if not self._closed:
            self._enabled = True
            # if we haven't started the thread yet, do so now...
            if self._thread is None:
                self._thread = threading.Thread(target=NXP9DoF._read,
            self._log.warning('cannot enable: already closed.')

    # ..........................................................................
    def get_heading(self):
        return self._heading

    # ..........................................................................
    def get_pitch(self):
        return self._pitch

    # ..........................................................................
    def get_roll(self):
        return self._roll

    # ..........................................................................
    def is_calibrated(self):
        return self._is_calibrated

    # ..........................................................................
    def _in_range(p, q):
        return p >= (q - NXP9DoF.ERROR_RANGE) and p <= (q +

    # ..........................................................................
    def imu_enable(self):
            Enables the handbuilt IMU on a 20Hz loop.
        if not self._closed:
            self._enabled = True
            # if we haven't started the thread yet, do so now...
            if self._thread is None:
                self._thread = threading.Thread(target=NXP9DoF._handbuilt_imu,
            self._log.warning('cannot enable: already closed.')

    # ..........................................................................
    def _handbuilt_imu(self):
            The function that reads sensor values in a loop. This checks to see
            if the 'sys' calibration is at least 3 (True), and if the Euler and
            Quaternion values are within an error range of each other, this sets
            the class variable for heading, pitch and roll. If they aren't within
            range for more than n polls, the values revert to None.
        self._log.info('starting sensor read...')
        _heading = None
        _pitch = None
        _roll = None
        _quat_w = None
        _quat_x = None
        _quat_y = None
        _quat_z = None
        count = 0
        #               2. Absolute Orientation (Quaterion, 100Hz) Four point quaternion output for more accurate data manipulation ................

        # grab data at 20Hz
        _rate = Rate(1)

        header = 90
        print('-' * header)
        #       print("| {:17} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", " IMU Accels"))
        print("| {:17} |".format("Mag [xyz]"))

        while not self._closed:
            if self._enabled:

                accel_x, accel_y, accel_z = self._fxos.accelerometer  # m/s^2
                gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = self._fxas.gyroscope  # radians/s
                a, m, g = self._imu.get()
                mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self._fxos.magnetometer  # uTesla

                mag_x_g = m[0] * 100.0
                mag_y_g = m[1] * 100.0
                mag_z_g = m[2] * 100.0

                #               rate_gyro_x_dps = Convert.rps_to_dps(gyro_x)
                #               rate_gyro_y_dps = Convert.rps_to_dps(gyro_y)
                #               rate_gyro_z_dps = Convert.rps_to_dps(gyro_z)

                #               mag_x_g = mag_x * 100.0
                #               mag_y_g = mag_y * 100.0
                #               mag_z_g = mag_z * 100.0

                heading = 180.0 * math.atan2(mag_y_g, mag_x_g) / math.pi

                print(Fore.CYAN + '| x{:>6.3f} y{:>6.3f} z{:>6.3f} |'.format( mag_x_g, mag_y_g, mag_z_g) \
                        + Style.BRIGHT + '\t{:>5.2f}'.format(heading) + Style.RESET_ALL)

                #               a, m, g = self._imu.get()

                #               print(Fore.CYAN + '| {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} | {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} |'.format( accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, a[0], a[1], a[2]) + Style.RESET_ALL)


#                   + Style.BRIGHT + ' {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f}° |'.format(r, p, deg) + Style.RESET_ALL)
#                   time.sleep(0.50)

#               mag_x, mag_y, mag_z       = self._fxos.magnetometer # uTesla
#               gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z    = self._fxas.gyroscope # radians/s

#               header = 90
#               print('-'*header)
#               print("| {:17} | {:20} | {:20} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", " Magnet [uT]", "Gyros [dps]", "Roll, Pitch, Heading"))
#               print('-'*header)
#               for _ in range(10):
#                   a, m, g = self._imu.get()
#                   r, p, h = self._imu.getOrientation(a, m)
#                   deg = Convert.to_degrees(h)
#                   print(Fore.CYAN + '| {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'.format(
#                       a[0], a[1], a[2],
#                       m[0], m[1], m[2],
#                       g[0], g[1], g[2])
#                   + Style.BRIGHT + ' {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f}° |'.format(r, p, deg) + Style.RESET_ALL)
#                   time.sleep(0.50)
#               print('-'*header)
#               print(' uT: micro Tesla')
#               print('  g: gravity')
#               print('dps: degrees per second')
#               print('')

#               print(Fore.MAGENTA + 'acc: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(accel_x, accel_y, accel_z)\
#                   + Fore.YELLOW  + ' \tmag: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z)\
#                   + Fore.CYAN    + ' \tgyr: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z) + Style.RESET_ALL)

                self._log.info('disabled loop.')
            count += 1

        self._log.debug('read loop ended.')

    # ..........................................................................
    def _read(self):
            The function that reads sensor values in a loop. This checks to see
            if the 'sys' calibration is at least 3 (True), and if the Euler and
            Quaternion values are within an error range of each other, this sets
            the class variable for heading, pitch and roll. If they aren't within
            range for more than n polls, the values revert to None.
        self._log.info('starting sensor read...')
        _heading = None
        _pitch = None
        _roll = None
        _quat_w = None
        _quat_x = None
        _quat_y = None
        _quat_z = None
        count = 0
        #               2. Absolute Orientation (Quaterion, 100Hz) Four point quaternion output for more accurate data manipulation ................

        # grab data at 10Hz
        rate = Rate(10)

        while not self._closed:
            if self._enabled:

                header = 91
                print(Fore.CYAN + ('-' * header) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print(Fore.CYAN + "| {:17} | {:20} | {:20} | {:21} |".format(
                    "Accels [g's]", " Magnet [uT]", "Gyros [dps]",
                    "Roll, Pitch, Heading") + Style.RESET_ALL)
                print(Fore.CYAN + ('-' * header) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                for _ in range(10):
                    a, m, g = self._imu.get()
                    r, p, h = self._imu.getOrientation(a, m)
                    deg = Convert.to_degrees(h)
                    #                   self._log.info(Fore.GREEN + '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'.format(a[0], a[1], a[2], r, p, h) + Style.RESET_ALL)
                    print(Fore.CYAN + '| {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} '.format(
                        a[0], a[1], a[2]) + Fore.YELLOW +
                          '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} '.format(
                              m[0], m[1], m[2]) + Fore.MAGENTA +
                          '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} '.format(
                              g[0], g[1], g[2]) + Fore.GREEN +
                          '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f}° |'.format(r, p, deg) +
                print('-' * header)
                print(' uT: micro Tesla')
                print('  g: gravity')
                print('dps: degrees per second')

                #               accel_x, accel_y, accel_z = self._fxos.accelerometer # m/s^2
                #               mag_x, mag_y, mag_z       = self._fxos.magnetometer # uTesla
                #               gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z    = self._fxas.gyroscope # radians/s
                #               print(Fore.MAGENTA + 'acc: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(accel_x, accel_y, accel_z)\
                #                   + Fore.YELLOW  + ' \tmag: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z)\
                #                   + Fore.CYAN    + ' \tgyr: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z) + Style.RESET_ALL)

                self._log.info('disabled loop.')
            count += 1

        self._log.debug('read loop ended.')

    # ..........................................................................
    def disable(self):
        self._enabled = False

    # ..........................................................................
    def close(self):
        self._closed = True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def read9():

    #--------9dof init----------
    imu = IMU(gs=2, dps=2000, verbose=False)
    i2c = I2C(0x1F)

    #--------Set calibration values for magnetometer---------
    '''Splits avarages to MSB and LSB'''
    XMSB = (Xavg / 256) & 0xFF
    XLSB = Xavg & 0xFF
    YMSB = (Yavg / 256) & 0xFF
    YLSB = Yavg & 0xFF
    ZMSB = (Zavg / 256) & 0xFF
    ZLSB = Zavg & 0xFF
    '''Writes splitted avarages to offset registers'''
    i2c.write8(0x3F, int(XMSB))
    i2c.write8(0x40, int(XLSB))
    i2c.write8(0x41, int(YMSB))
    i2c.write8(0x42, int(YLSB))
    i2c.write8(0x43, int(ZMSB))
    i2c.write8(0x44, int(ZLSB))

    #--------Talker node init------------
    #pub = rospy.Publisher('chatter', String, queue_size=10)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu)
    rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 25hz

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        Havg = 0

        #Collects samples and returns avaraged value.
        for x in range(0, 20):
                a, m, g = imu.get()  #Gets data from sensors
                r, p, h = imu.getOrientation(
                    a, m)  #calculates orientation from data
                ac, ma = imu.rawOrientation()  #raw data for magnetometer
				#Prevents error in Havg when heading fluctuates between 359 and 0.
				if(x > 1):
					if(Havg > 260):
						if(h < 100):
							h += 360
					if(Havg < 100):
						if(h > 260):
							h -= 360
				Havg = (Havg + h)/2
            except IOError:
		#Corrects the heading so that 0 < Havg < 359.
		if(Havg < 0):
			Havg += 360
		if(Havg >= 360):
			Havg -= 360
		heading = str(Havg)
        roll = r * (3.141592 / 180.0)  #converts degrees to radians
        pitch = p * (3.141592 / 180.0)
        yaw = h * (3.141592 / 180.0)
		a[0] = a[0] * 9.806 #converts g's to m/s^2
		a[1] = a[1] * 9.806
		a[2] = a[2] * 9.806
		g[0] = g[0] * (3.141592/180.0) #converts degrees to radians
		g[1] = g[1] * (3.141592/180.0)
		g[2] = g[2] * (3.141592/180.0)
        print("Heading: " + str(h))
        #q = toQuaternion(r, p, h)
        q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw)
        imuMsg.orientation.x = q[0]  #magnetometer
        imuMsg.orientation.y = q[1]
        imuMsg.orientation.z = q[2]
        imuMsg.orientation.w = q[3]

        imuMsg.angular_velocity.x = g[0] * (3.141592 / 180.0)  #gyro
        imuMsg.angular_velocity.y = g[1] * (3.141592 / 180.0)
        imuMsg.angular_velocity.z = g[2] * (3.141592 / 180.0)

        imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = a[0] * 9.806  #accelerometer
        imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = a[1] * 9.806
        imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = a[2] * 9.806

Ejemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import division, print_function
from nxp_imu import IMU
import time

imu = IMU(gs=4, dps=2000, verbose=True)
header = 67
print('-' * header)
print("| {:17} | {:20} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", " Magnet [uT]",
                                         "Gyros [dps]"))
print('-' * header)
for _ in range(10000):
    a, m, g = imu.get()
        '| {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'
        .format(a[0], a[1], a[2], m[0], m[1], m[2], g[0], g[1], g[2]))
    r, p, y = imu.getOrientation(accel=a, mag=m)
    #	print('| {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f}|'.format(y, p, r, y))
print('-' * header)
print(' uT: micro Tesla')
print('  g: gravity')
print('dps: degrees per second')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    msg = Imu()

    while not geckopy.is_shutdown():
        a, m, g = imu.get()

        msg.linear_acceleration.x = a[0]
        msg.linear_acceleration.y = a[1]
        msg.linear_acceleration.z = a[2]

        msg.angular_velocity.x = g[0]
        msg.angular_velocity.y = g[1]
        msg.angular_velocity.z = g[2]

        msg.magnetic_field.x = m[0]
        msg.magnetic_field.y = m[1]
        msg.magnetic_field.z = m[2]

        r, p, h = imu.getOrientation(a, m)
        q = euler2quat(r, p, h, degrees=True)
        msg.orientation.w = q.w
        msg.orientation.x = q.x
        msg.orientation.y = q.y
        msg.orientation.z = q.z



Ejemplo n.º 7
    'gyroX_dps', 'gyroY_dps', 'gyroZ_dps', 'gyroX_deg', 'gyroY_deg',
    'gyroZ_deg', 'temp_C', 'humidity', 'pres_Pa', 'alt_m'


imu = IMU(gs=8, dps=2000, verbose=True)
incrementalData = empty((0, len(headers)))
saveIdx = 50
idx = 0
while True:
    imuError = False
    bmeError = False
        a, m, g = imu.get()
        q = imu.getOrientation(a, m)
        a, m, g, q = [around(a, 3), around(m, 3), around(g, 3), around(q, 3)]
        a, m, g, q = [["Err"] * 3] * 4
        bmeError = True
        bmeSensor = BME280(t_mode=BME280_OSAMPLE_8,
        temp = bmeSensor.read_temperature()
        humidity = bmeSensor.read_humidity()
        pressure = bmeSensor.read_pressure()
        alt = (((101325.0 / pressure)**(1 / 5.257) - 1) *
               (temp + 273.15)) / 0.0065
        temp, humidity, pressure, alt = [
            around(temp, 3),