Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, shape, name='ODLTensorflowSpace'):
     super(TensorflowSpace, self).__init__(RealNumbers())
     self.shape = tuple(
         tf.Dimension(si) if not isinstance(si, tf.Dimension) else si
         for si in shape)
     self.init_shape = tuple(si if si.value is not None else tf.Dimension(1)
                             for si in self.shape)
     self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _abs_pow_ufunc(self, fi, out):
     """Compute |F_i(x)|^p point-wise and write to ``out``."""
     # Optimization for a very common case
     if self.exponent == 2.0 and self.base_space.field == RealNumbers():
         fi.multiply(fi, out=out)
         out.ufuncs.power(self.exponent, out=out)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def ufunc_factory(domain=RealNumbers()):
     # Create a `Operator` or `Functional` depending on arguments
         if isinstance(domain, Field):
             return globals()[name + '_func'](domain)
             return globals()[name + '_op'](domain)
     except KeyError:
         raise ValueError('ufunc not available for {}'.format(domain))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, space):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        space : `LinearSpace`
            Space to take the norm in.

        >>> r2 = odl.rn(2)
        >>> op = NormOperator(r2)
        >>> op([3, 4])
        super(NormOperator, self).__init__(space, RealNumbers(), linear=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, vector):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        vector : `LinearSpaceElement`
            Point to calculate the distance to.

        >>> r2 = odl.rn(2)
        >>> x = r2.element([1, 1])
        >>> op = DistOperator(x)
        >>> op([4, 5])
        self.__vector = vector
        super().__init__(vector.space, RealNumbers(), linear=False)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def element(self, fcall=None, vectorized=True):
        """Create a `FunctionSpace` element.

        fcall : callable, optional
            The actual instruction for out-of-place evaluation.
            It must return a `FunctionSet.range` element or a
            `numpy.ndarray` of such (vectorized call).

            If fcall is a `FunctionSetElement`, it is wrapped
            as a new `FunctionSpaceElement`.

        vectorized : bool, optional
            Whether ``fcall`` supports vectorized evaluation.

        element : `FunctionSpaceElement`
            The new element, always supports vectorization

        If you specify ``vectorized=False``, the function is decorated
        with a vectorizer, which makes two elements created this way
        from the same function being regarded as *not equal*.
        if fcall is None:
            return self.zero()
        elif fcall in self:
            return fcall
            if not callable(fcall):
                raise TypeError('`fcall` {!r} is not callable'.format(fcall))
            if not vectorized:
                if self.field == RealNumbers():
                    dtype = 'float64'
                    dtype = 'complex128'

                fcall = vectorize(otypes=[dtype])(fcall)

            return self.element_type(self, fcall)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, size, dtype):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        size : non-negative int
            Number of entries in a tuple.
        dtype :
            Data type for each tuple entry. Can be provided in any
            way the `numpy.dtype` function understands, most notably
            as built-in type, as one of NumPy's internal datatype
            objects or as string.
            Only scalar data types (numbers) are allowed.
        NtuplesBase.__init__(self, size, dtype)

        if not is_scalar_dtype(self.dtype):
            raise TypeError('{!r} is not a scalar data type'.format(dtype))

        if is_real_dtype(self.dtype):
            field = RealNumbers()
            self.__is_real = True
            self.__real_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__real_space = self
                self.__complex_dtype = complex_dtype(self.dtype)
            except ValueError:
                self.__complex_dtype = None
            self.__complex_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            field = ComplexNumbers()
            self.__is_real = False
                self.__real_dtype = real_dtype(self.dtype)
            except ValueError:
                self.__real_dtype = None
            self.__real_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            self.__complex_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__complex_space = self

        self.__is_floating = is_floating_dtype(self.dtype)
        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, par_space, ft_kernel):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        par_space : `ProductSpace`
            Parameter space of the deformations, i.e. the space of the
            ``alpha_k`` parametrizing the deformations
        kernel_op : `numpy.ndarray` or `Operator`
            The kernel matrix defining the norm. If an operator is
            given, it is called to evaluate the matrix-vector product
            of the kernel matrix with a given ``alpha``.
        super().__init__(par_space, RealNumbers(), linear=False)
        #        if isinstance(kernel_op, Operator):
        #            self._kernel_op = kernel_op
        #        else:
        #            self._kernel_op = odl.MatVecOperator(kernel_op)
        self.par_space = par_space
        self.ft_kernel = ft_kernel
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rn(size, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs):
    """Return the real vector space ``R^n``.

    size : positive int
        The number of dimensions of the space
    dtype : `object`, optional
        The data type of the storage array. Can be provided in any
        way the `numpy.dtype` function understands, most notably
        as built-in type, as one of NumPy's internal datatype
        objects or as string.

        Only real floating-point data types are allowed.
        Default: default of the implementation given by calling
        ``default_dtype(RealNumbers())`` on the `FnBase` implementation.
    impl : string, optional
        The backend to use. See `odl.space.entry_points.FN_IMPLS` for
        available options.
    kwargs :
        Extra keyword arguments to pass to the implmentation.

    rn : `FnBase`

    See Also
    fn : n-tuples over a field with arbitrary scalar data type.
    rn_impl = FN_IMPLS[impl]

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = rn_impl.default_dtype(RealNumbers())

    rn = rn_impl(size, dtype, **kwargs)

    if not rn.is_rn:
        raise TypeError('data type {!r} not a real floating-point type.'
    return rn
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __str__(self):
        """Return ``str(self)``."""
        inner_str = '{}'.format(self.domain)
        dtype_str = dtype_repr(self.out_dtype)

        if self.field == RealNumbers():
            if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('float64'):
                inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        elif self.field == ComplexNumbers():
            if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('complex128'):
                inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field)
                inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        else:  # different field, name explicitly
            inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field)
            inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, domain, field=None, out_dtype=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        domain : `Set`
            The domain of the functions
        field : `Field`, optional
            The range of the functions, usually the `RealNumbers` or
            `ComplexNumbers`. If not given, the field is either inferred
            from ``out_dtype``, or, if the latter is also ``None``, set
            to ``RealNumbers()``.
        out_dtype : optional
            Data type of the return value of a function in this space.
            Can be given in any way `numpy.dtype` understands, e.g. as
            string (``'float64'``) or data type (``float``).
            By default, ``'float64'`` is used for real and ``'complex128'``
            for complex spaces.
        if not isinstance(domain, Set):
            raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} not a Set instance'.format(domain))

        if field is not None and not isinstance(field, Field):
            raise TypeError('`field` {!r} not a `Field` instance'

        # Data type: check if consistent with field, take default for None
        dtype, dtype_in = np.dtype(out_dtype), out_dtype

        # Default for both None
        if field is None and out_dtype is None:
            field = RealNumbers()
            out_dtype = np.dtype('float64')

        # field None, dtype given -> infer field
        elif field is None:
            if is_real_dtype(dtype):
                field = RealNumbers()
            elif is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
                field = ComplexNumbers()
                raise ValueError('{} is not a scalar data type'

        # field given -> infer dtype if not given, else check consistency
        elif field == RealNumbers():
            if out_dtype is None:
                out_dtype = np.dtype('float64')
            elif not is_real_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('{} is not a real data type'
        elif field == ComplexNumbers():
            if out_dtype is None:
                out_dtype = np.dtype('complex128')
            elif not is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('{} is not a complex data type'

        # Else: keep out_dtype=None, which results in lazy dtype determination

        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
        FunctionSet.__init__(self, domain, field, out_dtype)

        # Init cache attributes for real / complex variants
        if self.field == RealNumbers():
            self.__real_out_dtype = self.out_dtype
            self.__real_space = self
            self.__complex_out_dtype = complex_dtype(self.out_dtype,
            self.__complex_space = None
        elif self.field == ComplexNumbers():
            self.__real_out_dtype = real_dtype(self.out_dtype)
            self.__real_space = None
            self.__complex_out_dtype = self.out_dtype
            self.__complex_space = self
            self.__real_out_dtype = None
            self.__real_space = None
            self.__complex_out_dtype = None
            self.__complex_space = None
Ejemplo n.º 12
def ufunc_functional_factory(name, nargin, nargout, docstring):
    """Create a ufunc `Functional` from a given specification."""

    assert 0 <= nargin <= 2

    def __init__(self, field):
        """Initialize an instance.

        field : `Field`
            The domain of the functional.
        if not isinstance(field, Field):
            raise TypeError('`field` {!r} not a `Field`'.format(space))

        if _is_integer_only_ufunc(name):
            raise ValueError("ufunc '{}' only defined with integral dtype"

        linear = name in LINEAR_UFUNCS
        Functional.__init__(self, space=field, linear=linear)

    def _call(self, x):
        """Return ``self(x)``."""
        if nargin == 1:
            return getattr(np, name)(x)
            return getattr(np, name)(*x)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return ``repr(self)``."""
        return '{}({!r})'.format(name, self.domain)

    # Create example (also functions as doctest)

    if nargin != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Currently not suppored')

    if nargout != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Currently not suppored')

    space = RealNumbers()
    val = 1.0
    arg = '{}'.format(val)
    with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
        result = np.float64(getattr(np, name)(val))

    examples_docstring = RAW_EXAMPLES_DOCSTRING.format(space=space,
    full_docstring = docstring + examples_docstring

    attributes = {
        "__init__": __init__,
        "_call": _call,
        "gradient": property(gradient_factory(name)),
        "__repr__": __repr__,
        "__doc__": full_docstring

    full_name = name + '_op'

    return type(full_name, (Functional, ), attributes)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def reciprocal_space(space, axes=None, halfcomplex=False, shift=True,
    """Return the range of the Fourier transform on ``space``.

    space : `DiscreteLp`
        Real space whose reciprocal is calculated. It must be
        uniformly discretized.
    axes : sequence of ints, optional
        Dimensions along which the Fourier transform is taken.
        Default: all axes
    halfcomplex : bool, optional
        If ``True``, take only the negative frequency part along the last
        axis for. For ``False``, use the full frequency space.
        This option can only be used if ``space`` is a space of
        real-valued functions.
    shift : bool or sequence of bools, optional
        If ``True``, the reciprocal grid is shifted by half a stride in
        the negative direction. With a boolean sequence, this option
        is applied separately to each axis.
        If a sequence is provided, it must have the same length as
        ``axes`` if supplied. Note that this must be set to ``True``
        in the halved axis in half-complex transforms.
        Default: ``True``
    impl : string, optional
        Implementation back-end for the created space.
        Default: ``'numpy'``
    exponent : float, optional
        Create a space with this exponent. By default, the conjugate
        exponent ``q = p / (p - 1)`` of the exponent of ``space`` is
        used, where ``q = inf`` for ``p = 1`` and vice versa.
    dtype : optional
        Complex data type of the created space. By default, the
        complex counterpart of ``space.dtype`` is used.

    rspace : `DiscreteLp`
        Reciprocal of the input ``space``. If ``halfcomplex=True``, the
        upper end of the domain (where the half space ends) is chosen to
        coincide with the grid node.
    if not isinstance(space, DiscreteLp):
        raise TypeError('`space` {!r} is not a `DiscreteLp` instance'
    if axes is None:
        axes = tuple(range(space.ndim))
    axes = normalized_axes_tuple(axes, space.ndim)

    if not all(space.is_uniform_byaxis[axis] for axis in axes):
        raise ValueError('`space` is not uniformly discretized in the '
                         '`axes` of the transform')

    if halfcomplex and space.field != RealNumbers():
        raise ValueError('`halfcomplex` option can only be used with real '

    exponent = kwargs.pop('exponent', None)
    if exponent is None:
        exponent = conj_exponent(space.exponent)

    dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', None)
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = complex_dtype(space.dtype)
        if not is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
            raise ValueError('{} is not a complex data type'

    impl = kwargs.pop('impl', 'numpy')

    # Calculate range
    recip_grid = reciprocal_grid(space.grid, shift=shift,
                                 halfcomplex=halfcomplex, axes=axes)

    # Make a partition with nodes on the boundary in the last transform axis
    # if `halfcomplex == True`, otherwise a standard partition.
    if halfcomplex:
        max_pt = {axes[-1]: recip_grid.max_pt[axes[-1]]}
        part = uniform_partition_fromgrid(recip_grid, max_pt=max_pt)
        part = uniform_partition_fromgrid(recip_grid)

    # Use convention of adding a hat to represent fourier transform of variable
    axis_labels = list(space.axis_labels)
    for i in axes:
        # Avoid double math
        label = axis_labels[i].replace('$', '')
        axis_labels[i] = '$\^{{{}}}$'.format(label)

    recip_spc = uniform_discr_frompartition(part, exponent=exponent,
                                            dtype=dtype, impl=impl,

    return recip_spc
def rn(shape, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs):
    """Return a space of real tensors.

    shape : positive int or sequence of positive ints
        Number of entries per axis for elements in this space. A
        single integer results in a space with 1 axis.
    dtype : optional
        Data type of each element. Can be provided in any way the
        `numpy.dtype` function understands, e.g. as built-in type or
        as a string. Only real floating-point data types are allowed.
        For ``None``, the `TensorSpace.default_dtype` of the
        created space is used in the form
    impl : str, optional
        Impmlementation back-end for the space. See
        `odl.space.entry_points.tensor_space_impl_names` for available
    kwargs :
        Extra keyword arguments passed to the space constructor.

    real_space : `TensorSpace`

    Space of real 3-tuples with ``float32`` entries:

    >>> odl.rn(3, dtype='float32')
    rn(3, dtype='float32')

    Real 2x3 tensors with ``float32`` entries:

    >>> odl.rn((2, 3), dtype='float32')
    rn((2, 3), dtype='float32')

    The default data type depends on the implementation. For
    ``impl='numpy'``, it is ``'float64'``:

    >>> ts = odl.rn((2, 3))
    >>> ts
    rn((2, 3))
    >>> ts.dtype

    See Also
    tensor_space : Space of tensors with arbitrary scalar data type.
    cn : Complex tensor space.
    rn_cls = tensor_space_impl(impl)

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = rn_cls.default_dtype(RealNumbers())

    # Use args by keyword since the constructor may take other arguments
    # by position
    rn = rn_cls(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
    if not rn.is_real:
        raise ValueError('data type {!r} not a real floating-point type.'
    return rn