Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_timedelta_sql_discovery_hour_minute(freq):
    # these always compare equal to a seconds timedelta, because no data loss
    # will occur with this heuristic. this implies that the sa.Table was
    # constructed with day_precision == 0 and second_precision == 0
    ds = '{name: string, amount: int, duration: timedelta[unit="%s"]}' % freq
    t = dshape_to_table('td_bank', ds)
    assert discover(t).measure['duration'] == datashape.TimeDelta('s')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_dshape_to_table_with_timedelta(freq, secp, dayp):
    ds = '{name: string, amount: int, duration: timedelta[unit="%s"]}' % freq
    t = dshape_to_table('td_bank', ds)
    assert isinstance(t, sa.Table)
    assert t.name == 'td_bank'
    assert isinstance(t.c.duration.type, sa.types.Interval)
    assert t.c.duration.type.second_precision == secp
    assert t.c.duration.type.day_precision == dayp
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_into_table_iterator():
    engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
    metadata = sa.MetaData(engine)
    t = dshape_to_table('points', '{x: int, y: int}', metadata=metadata)

    data = [(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)]
    append(t, data)

    assert convert(list, t) == data
    assert isinstance(convert(list, t)[0], tuple)

    t2 = dshape_to_table('points2', '{x: int, y: int}', metadata=metadata)
    data2 = [{'x': 1, 'y': 1}, {'x': 2, 'y': 4}, {'x': 3, 'y': 9}]
    append(t2, data2)

    assert convert(list, t2) == data
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_into_table_iterator():
    engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:")
    metadata = sa.MetaData(engine)
    t = dshape_to_table("points", "{x: int, y: int}", metadata=metadata)

    data = [(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)]
    append(t, data)

    assert convert(list, t) == data
    assert isinstance(convert(list, t)[0], tuple)

    t2 = dshape_to_table("points2", "{x: int, y: int}", metadata=metadata)
    data2 = [{"x": 1, "y": 1}, {"x": 2, "y": 4}, {"x": 3, "y": 9}]
    append(t2, data2)

    assert convert(list, t2) == data
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_timedelta_sql_discovery(freq):
    ds = '{name: string, amount: int, duration: timedelta[unit="%s"]}' % freq
    t = dshape_to_table('td_bank', ds)
    assert discover(t).measure['duration'] == datashape.TimeDelta(freq)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_dshape_to_table_year():
    ds = '{name: string, amount: int, duration: timedelta[unit="Y"]}'
    dshape_to_table('td_bank', ds)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_dshape_to_table():
    t = dshape_to_table('bank', '{name: string, amount: int}')
    assert isinstance(t, sa.Table)
    assert t.name == 'bank'
    assert [c.name for c in t.c] == ['name', 'amount']
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_dshape_to_table_month():
    ds = '{name: string, amount: int, duration: timedelta[unit="M"]}'
    dshape_to_table("td_bank", ds)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_dshape_to_table():
    t = dshape_to_table("bank", "{name: string, amount: int}")
    assert isinstance(t, sa.Table)
    assert t.name == "bank"
    assert [c.name for c in t.c] == ["name", "amount"]