Ejemplo n.º 1
 def value_to_html(self, value, options):
     return format_duration(value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _render_template(self,
        """ Render the given template text, replace mako expressions ``${expr}``
        with the result of evaluating these expressions with an evaluation
        context containing:

         - ``user``: Model of the current user
         - ``object``: record of the document record this mail is related to
         - ``context``: the context passed to the mail composition wizard

        :param str template_txt: the template text to render
        :param str model: model name of the document record this mail is related to.
        :param int res_ids: list of ids of document records those mails are related to.
        multi_mode = True
        if isinstance(res_ids, int):
            multi_mode = False
            res_ids = [res_ids]

        results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, u"")

        # try to load the template
            mako_env = mako_safe_template_env if self.env.context.get(
                'safe') else mako_template_env
            template = mako_env.from_string(tools.ustr(template_txt))
        except Exception:
            _logger.info("Failed to load template %r",
            return multi_mode and results or results[res_ids[0]]

        # prepare template variables
        records = self.env[model].browse(
            it for it in res_ids if it)  # filter to avoid browsing [None]
        res_to_rec = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, None)
        for record in records:
            res_to_rec[record.id] = record
        variables = {
            lambda date, date_format=False, lang_code=False: format_date(
                self.env, date, date_format, lang_code),
            lambda dt, tz=False, dt_format=False, lang_code=False:
            format_datetime(self.env, dt, tz, dt_format, lang_code),
            lambda amount, currency, lang_code=False: tools.format_amount(
                self.env, amount, currency, lang_code),
            lambda value: tools.format_duration(value),
            self._context,  # context kw would clash with mako internals
        for res_id, record in res_to_rec.items():
            variables['object'] = record
                render_result = template.render(variables)
            except Exception:
                _logger.info("Failed to render template %r using values %r" %
                             (template, variables),
                raise UserError(
                    _("Failed to render template %r using values %r") %
                    (template, variables))
            if render_result == u"False":
                render_result = u""
            results[res_id] = render_result

        if post_process:
            for res_id, result in results.items():
                results[res_id] = self.render_post_process(result)

        return multi_mode and results or results[res_ids[0]]