Ejemplo n.º 1
    def deactivate_app_instance(self, id):
        """Deactivate app by target id

        :param id: the target app id
        :type id: str
        :return: None
        ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/deactivate'.format(id), None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def deactivate_app_instance(self, id):
        """Deactivate app by target id

        :param id: the target app id
        :type id: str
        :return: None
        ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/deactivate'.format(id), None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def create_user(self, user, activate=None):
        """Create a user

        :param user: the data to create a user
        :type user: User
        :param activate: whether to activate the user
        :type activate: bool
        :rtype: User
        if activate is None:
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', user)
            params = {'activate': activate}
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', user, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, self.user_class)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def forgot_password_answer(self,
        """Answer the forgot password during an authentication flow

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param security_answer: answer to a user's security question
        :type security_answer: str
        :param new_password: user's desired password
        :type new_password: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime
        of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult

        url_path = '/api/v1/authn/recovery/answer'

        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'securityAnswer': security_answer,
            'newPassword': new_password,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, url_path, request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def unlock_account_answer(self,
        """Unlock an account during an authentication

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param security_answer: answer to the user's security question
        :type security_answer: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the
        authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult

        url_path = '/api/v1/authn/recovery/answer'

        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'securityAnswer': security_answer,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, url_path, request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def enroll_factor(self,
        """Enroll in an MFA factor during the auth flow. Usually only encountered if MFA is required for authentication

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param factor_type: type of factor (sms, token, question, token:software:totp, token:hardware etc)
        :type factor_type: str
        :param provider: factor provider (OKTA, RSA, SYMANTEC, GOOGLE etc)
        :type provider: str
        :param profile: factor profile that depends on the factor type
        :type profile: FactorProfile
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'factorType': factor_type,
            'provider': provider,
            'profile': profile,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def authenticate(self,
        """Begin the authentication process with a username and password

        :param username: user's username
        :type username: str
        :param password: user's password
        :type password: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :param response_type: the type of session to return (session_token or session_token_url usually)
        :type response_type: str
        :param force_mfa: whether to force mfa even if the auth is exempt
        :type force_mfa: bool
        :param context: contextual info about the auth request like ip and location
        :type context: Context
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'relayState': relay_state,
            'context': context

        params = {'force_mfa': force_mfa, 'response_type': response_type}

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', request, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def auth_with_factor(self,
        """Continue authentication with an MFA attempt

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param factor_id: target factor id
        :type factor_id: str
        :param passcode: passcode required for authenticating the factor
        :type passcode: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the
        authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :param remember_device: whether to remember this device to avoid
        requiring MFA next time
        :type remember_device: bool
        :rtype: AuthResult

        url_path = '/api/v1/authn/factors/{0}/verify'.format(factor_id)

        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'passCode': passcode,
            'relayState': relay_state

        params = {'rememberDevice': remember_device}

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, url_path, request, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def change_password(self,
        """Change a user's password during an authentication flow

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param old_password: user's current password
        :type old_password: str
        :param new_password: user's desired password
        :type new_password: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the
        authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult

        url_path = '/api/v1/authn/credentials/change_password'

        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'oldPassword': old_password,
            'newPassword': new_password,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, url_path, request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def verify_factor(self, user_id, user_factor_id, activation_token=None, answer=None, passcode=None, next_passcode=None):
        """Verify an enrolled factor

        :param user_id: target user id
        :type user_id: str
        :param user_factor_id: target factor id
        :type user_factor_id: str
        :param activation_token: token required for activation
        :type activation_token: str
        :param answer: answer usually required for a question factor
        :type answer: str
        :param passcode: code required for verification
        :type passcode: str
        :param next_passcode: code usually required for TOTP
        :type next_passcode: str
        request = {
            'activationToken': activation_token,
            'answer': answer,
            'passCode': passcode,
            'nextPassCode': next_passcode
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/factors/{1}/verify'.format(user_id, user_factor_id), request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, FactorVerificationResponse)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def change_recovery_question(self, uid, password, question, answer):
        """Changes a user's recovery question & answer by validating the user's current password

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :param password: the user's current password
        :type password: str
        :param question: the new recovery question
        :type question: str
        :param answer: the answer to the new recovery question
        :type answer: str
        data = {
            'password': {
                'value': password
            'recovery_question': {
                'question': question,
                'answer': answer
        response = ApiClient.post_path(
            self, '/{0}/credentials/change_recovery_question'.format(uid),
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, LoginCredentials)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def forgot_password(auth_client, username, factor_type):
    """Patched function to forgot password flow from okta.AuthClient
    request = {'username': username, 'factorType': factor_type}

    response = ApiClient.post_path(auth_client, '/recovery/password', request)
    return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def activate_factor(self,
        """Activate an MFA factor during the auth flow

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param factor_id: target factor id
        :type factor_id: str
        :param passcode: passcode required to activate the factor
        :type passcode: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the
        authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult

        url_path = ('/api/v1/authn/factors\

        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'passCode': passcode,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, url_path, request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def authenticate(self, username, password,
                     relay_state=None, response_type=None, force_mfa=None, context=None):
        """Begin the authentication process with a username and password

        :param username: user's username
        :type username: str
        :param password: user's password
        :type password: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :param response_type: the type of session to return (session_token or session_token_url usually)
        :type response_type: str
        :param force_mfa: whether to force mfa even if the auth is exempt
        :type force_mfa: bool
        :param context: contextual info about the auth request like ip and location
        :type context: Context
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'relayState': relay_state,
            'context': context

        params = {
            'force_mfa': force_mfa,
            'response_type': response_type

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', request, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def auth_with_factor(self, state_token, factor_id, passcode,
                         relay_state=None, remember_device=None):
        """Continue authentication with an MFA attempt

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param factor_id: target factor id
        :type factor_id: str
        :param passcode: passcode required for authenticating the factor
        :type passcode: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :param remember_device: whether to remember this device to avoid requiring MFA next time
        :type remember_device: bool
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'passCode': passcode,
            'relayState': relay_state

        params = {
            'rememberDevice': remember_device

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors/{0}/verify'.format(factor_id),
                                      request, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def enroll_factor(self, state_token, factor_type, provider, profile, relay_state=None):
        """Enroll in an MFA factor during the auth flow. Usually only encountered if MFA is required for authentication

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param factor_type: type of factor (sms, token, question, token:software:totp, token:hardware etc)
        :type factor_type: str
        :param provider: factor provider (OKTA, RSA, SYMANTEC, GOOGLE etc)
        :type provider: str
        :param profile: factor profile that depends on the factor type
        :type profile: FactorProfile
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'factorType': factor_type,
            'provider': provider,
            'profile': profile,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def expire_password(self, uid, temp_password=False):
        """Expire user's password by target user id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :param temp_password: whether a temporary password should be set
        :type temp_password: bool
        :return: None or TempPassword
        if not temp_password:
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/expire_password'.format(uid))
            params = {
                'tempPassword': temp_password
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/expire_password'.format(uid), params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, TempPassword)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def create_user(self, user, activate=None):
        """Create a user

        :param user: the data to create a user
        :type user: User
        :param activate: whether to activate the user
        :type activate: bool
        :rtype: User
        if activate is None:
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', user)
            params = {
                'activate': activate
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', user, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def create_app_instance(self, app_instance):
        """Create a app instance

        :param app_instance: the data to create a user
        :type app_instance: AppInstance
        :rtype: AppInstance
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', app_instance)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AppInstance)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def deactivate_group_rule(self, rid):
        """Deactivates a specific group rule by id from your organization

        :param rid: Id of the rule to be deactivated
        :type rid: str
        :return: None
        return ApiClient.post_path(
            self, '/rules/{0}/lifecycle/deactivate'.format(rid))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def unlock_user(self, uid):
        """Unlock user by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: User
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/unlock'.format(uid))
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def create_app_instance(self, app_instance):
        """Create a app instance

        :param app_instance: the data to create a user
        :type app_instance: AppInstance
        :rtype: AppInstance
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', app_instance)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AppInstance)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def deactivate_user(self, uid):
        """Deactivate user by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: User
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/deactivate'.format(uid))
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def reset_factors(self, uid):
        """Reset all user factors by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: None
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/reset_factors'.format(uid))
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def create_identity_provider(self, identity_provider):
        """Create an identity provider

        :param identity_provider: the data to create the idp
        :type app_instance: IdentityProvider
        :rtype: IdentityProvider
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', identity_provider)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, IdentityProvider)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def create_group(self, group):
        """Create a group

        :param group: the data to create a group
        :type group: UserGroup
        :rtype: UserGroup
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', group)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, UserGroup)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def create_group(self, group):
        """Create a group

        :param group: the data to create a group
        :type group: UserGroup
        :rtype: UserGroup
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', group)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, UserGroup)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def deactivate_org_factor(self, org_factor_id):
        """Deactivate OrgAuthFactor

        :param org_factor_id: target factor id
        :type org_factor_id: str
        :rtype: OrgAuthFactor
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors/{0}/lifecycle/deactivate'.format(org_factor_id))
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, OrgAuthFactor)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def deactivate_user(self, uid):
        """Deactivate user by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: User
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self,
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def unlock_user(self, uid):
        """Unlock user by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: User
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self,
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def expire_password(self, uid, temp_password=False):
        """Expire user's password by target user id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :param temp_password: whether a temporary password should be set
        :type temp_password: bool
        :return: None or TempPassword
        if not temp_password:
            response = ApiClient.post_path(
                self, '/{0}/lifecycle/expire_password'.format(uid))
            params = {'tempPassword': temp_password}
            response = ApiClient.post_path(
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, TempPassword)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def unsuspend_user(self, uid):
        """Unsuspend user by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: User
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self,
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, self.user_class)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def assign_roles_to_user(self, uid, role_type):
        """Assigns a role to a user.

        :param uid: User id: str
        :param role_type: Role type: str
        :return: Role
        data = {'type': role_type}
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/roles'.format(uid), data)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, Role)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def reset_factors(self, uid):
        """Reset all user factors by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: None
        response = ApiClient.post_path(
            self, '/{0}/lifecycle/reset_factors'.format(uid))
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def update_factor_device(self, user_id, factor_device_request):
        """Update a factor device for a user

        :param user_id: target user id
        :type user_id: str
        :param factor_device_request: data to update the factor device
        :type factor_device_request: FactorDeviceRequest
        :rtype: FactorDevice
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/factors/{1}'.format(user_id), factor_device_request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, FactorDevice)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def activate_org_factor(self, org_factor_id, org_auth_factor=None):
        """Activate OrgAuthFactor

        :param org_factor_id: target factor id
        :type org_factor_id: str
        :param org_auth_factor: additional factor data
        :param org_auth_factor: OrgAuthFactor
        :rtype: OrgAuthFactor
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors/{0}/lifecycle/activate'.format(org_factor_id), org_auth_factor)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, OrgAuthFactor)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def update_user_by_id_partially(self, uid, user):
        """Partially update a user, defined by an id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :param user: the data to update the target user
        :type user: User
        :rtype: User
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}'.format(uid), user)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, self.user_model)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def enroll_factor_device(self, user_id, factor_enroll_request):
        """Enroll a factor device for a user

        :param user_id: target user id
        :type user_id: str
        :param factor_enroll_request: data to enroll the factor device
        :type factor_enroll_request: FactorEnrollRequest
        :rtype: FactorDevice
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/devices'.format(user_id), factor_enroll_request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, FactorDevice)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def resend_code(self, user_id, user_factor_id):
        """Resend code for a factor

        :param user_id: target user id
        :type user_id: str
        :param user_factor_id: target factor id
        :type user_factor_id: str
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/factors/{1}/resend'.format(user_id, user_factor_id))
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, Factor)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def activate_user(self, uid, send_email=True):
        """Activate user by target id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :return: User
        params = {'sendEmail': send_email}
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self,
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, ActivationResponse)
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def create_user(self, user, activate=None, next_login=None):
        """Create a user

        :param user: the data to create a user
        :type user: User
        :param activate: whether to activate the user
        :type activate: bool
        :param next_login: set to 'changePassword' to force a password change
        :type next_login: str
        :rtype: User
        if activate is None:
            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', user)
            params = {}
            if activate is not None:
                params['activate'] = activate
            if next_login is not None:
                params['nextLogin'] = next_login

            response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', user, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, User)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def create_session_by_session_token(self, session_token, additional_fields=None):
        """Create a session using a session token

        :param session_token: a token that can be exchanged for a session
        :type session_token: str
        :param additional_fields: additional fields that will be included in the response
        :type additional_fields: str
        :rtype: Session
        data = {'sessionToken': session_token}
        params = {'additionalFields': additional_fields}
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', data, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, Session)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def reset_password(self, uid, send_email=True):
        """Reset user's password by target user id

        :param uid: the target user id
        :type uid: str
        :param send_email: whether a password reset email should be sent
        :type send_email: bool
        :return: None or ResetPasswordToken
        params = {
            'sendEmail': send_email
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/lifecycle/reset_password'.format(uid), params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, ResetPasswordToken)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def enroll_factor(self, user_id, factor_enroll_request, update_phone=None):
        """Enroll a user into a factor

        :param user_id: target user id
        :type user_id: str
        :param factor_enroll_request: the details to enroll the user
        :type factor_enroll_request: FactorEnrollRequest
        :param update_phone: whether to update the user's phone during enrollment
        :type update_phone: bool
        :rtype: Factor
        params = {
            'updatePhone': update_phone
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/factors'.format(user_id), factor_enroll_request, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, Factor)
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def validate_recovery_token(self, recovery_token, relay_state=None):
        """Validate a token for recovery

        :param recovery_token: token distributed to end-user via out-of-band mechanism such as email
        :type recovery_token: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'recoveryToken': recovery_token,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/recovery/token', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def forgot_password(self, username, relay_state=None):
        """Initiate a forgot password flow for a user

        :param username: user's username
        :type username: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'username': username,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/recovery/password', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def unlock_account(self, username, relay_state=None):
        """Begin unlocking an account

        :param username: user's username
        :type username: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'username': username,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/recovery/unlock', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def get_status(self, state_token, relay_state=None):
        """Get the status of an in-progress authentication

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def create_session(self, username, password, additional_fields=None):
        """Create a session

        :param username: the user's username
        :type username: str
        :param password: the user's password
        :type password: str
        :param additional_fields: additional fields that will be included in the response
        :type additional_fields: str
        :rtype: Session
        creds = Credentials()
        creds.username = username
        creds.password = password
        params = {'additionalFields': additional_fields}
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/', creds, params=params)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, Session)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def verify_transaction(self, factor_id, transaction_id, user_response):
        """Verify a transaction

        :param factor_id: target factor id
        :type factor_id: str
        :param transaction_id: target transaction id
        :type transaction_id: str
        :param user_response: APPROVE or REJECT
        :type user_response: str
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'result': user_response

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors/{0}/transactions/{1}/verify'.format(factor_id, transaction_id), request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def resend_code(self, state_token, factor_id, relay_state=None):
        """Resend an a passcode for an authentication factor

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param factor_id: target factor id
        :type factor_id: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/factors/{0}/lifecycle/resend'.format(factor_id), request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def unlock_account_answer(self, state_token, security_answer, relay_state=None):
        """Unlock an account during an authentication

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param security_answer: answer to the user's security question
        :type security_answer: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'securityAnswer': security_answer,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/recovery/answer', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def reset_password(self, state_token, new_password, relay_state=None):
        """Reset a user's password during an authentication flow

        :param state_token: current state token from the previous AuthResult
        :type state_token: str
        :param new_password: user's desired password
        :type new_password: str
        :param relay_state: data that will persist for the lifetime of the authentication or recovery token
        :type relay_state: str or None
        :rtype: AuthResult
        request = {
            'stateToken': state_token,
            'newPassword': new_password,
            'relayState': relay_state

        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/credentials/reset_password', request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, AuthResult)
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def activate_factor_device(self, user_id, user_factor_id, device_id, passcode):
        """Activate a factor device for a user

        :param user_id: target user id
        :type user_id: str
        :param user_factor_id: target factor id
        :type user_factor_id: str
        :param device_id: target factor device id
        :type device_id: str
        :param passcode: code required to activate the factor device
        :type passcode: str
        :rtype: FactorDevice
        request = {
            'passCode': passcode
        response = ApiClient.post_path(self, '/{0}/factors/{1}/devices/{2}/lifecycle/activate'.format(
            user_id, user_factor_id, device_id), request)
        return Utils.deserialize(response.text, Factor)