Ejemplo n.º 1
def testMapInMap(msg):
    map = msg
    mapInfo = Serialize(map)
    Notify(["mapInfo", mapInfo])
    mapInfo2 = Serialize(map['key'])
    Put(GetContext(), 'map_key2', mapInfo2)
    return mapInfo
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bind(ont_id, bucket):
    bind ontID with address
    :param ont_id:
    :param bucket: storage server bucket id or url

    assert CheckWitness(ADMIN)

    bound_bucket = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id))
    if bound_bucket == bucket:
        raise Exception("ont id bind to the same bucket")

    if not bound_bucket:
        bind_map = get_bind_map(bucket)
        bind_map[ont_id] = True
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id), bucket)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket), Serialize(bind_map))
        bound_data = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bound_bucket))
        bound_map = Deserialize(bound_data)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bound_bucket), Serialize(bound_map))

        bind_map = get_bind_map(bucket)
        bind_map[ont_id] = True
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id), bucket)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket), Serialize(bind_map))

    Notify(["bind", ont_id, bucket])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def transferProperty(transferList):
    :param transferList: [[toAccount1, DNA1],[toAccount2, DNA2]]
    :return: bool
    DNACheck = transferList[0][1]
    account = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNACheck))

    for transferE in transferList:
        toAccount = transferE[0]
        DNA = transferE[1]

        DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account))
        DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)

        toDNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, toAccount))
        if not toDNAlist:
            toDNAlist = []
            toDNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)

        num = 0
        while num < len(DNAlist):
            if DNAlist[num] == DNA:
                Put(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA), toAccount)
                Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account),
                Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, toAccount),
            num += 1
    Notify(["Transfer property successfully"])
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def transfer(fulldomain, idx, todid):
    transfer domain to other did
    assert (len(fulldomain) > 0)
    lowerdomain = lower(fulldomain)
    assert (isDomainValid(lowerdomain))
    owner = ownerOf(lowerdomain)
    assert (_verifyOntid(owner, idx))
    Put(ctx, mulconcat(OWNER_KEY, lowerdomain), todid)

    fromrecordkey = _concatkey(RECORDS_KEY, owner)
    fromrecords = Deserialize(Get(ctx, fromrecordkey))
    fromrecords = list_remove_elt(fromrecords, lowerdomain)
    if len(fromrecords) == 0:
        Delete(ctx, fromrecordkey)
        Put(ctx, fromrecordkey, Serialize(fromrecords))

    torecordkey = _concatkey(RECORDS_KEY, todid)
    torecordsRaw = Get(ctx, torecordkey)
    if not torecordsRaw:
        torecords = [lowerdomain]
        Put(ctx, torecordkey, Serialize(torecords))
        torecords = Deserialize(torecordsRaw)
        assert (len(torecords) <= MAX_COUNT)
        Put(ctx, torecordkey, Serialize(torecords))

    TransferEvent(fulldomain, owner, todid)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def reset(ont_id, bucket):
    bind bucket with ont id, only be invoked by the admin
    :param ont_id:
    :param bucket:

    assert is_address(bucket)
    assert CheckWitness(get_owner())

    bound_bucket = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket))
    assert bound_bucket != bucket

    if bound_bucket:
        bound_map = get_bind_map(bound_bucket)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bound_bucket), Serialize(bound_map))

    bind_map = get_bind_map(bucket)
    bind_map[ont_id] = True

    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket), Serialize(bind_map))
    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id), bucket)

    Notify(["reset", ont_id, bucket])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setGP(gpId, gpLimit, price, gpContent):
    :param gpId: token as the identity of gift package
    :param price: how many ong does this gpId will be sold
    :param gpLimit: how many gift packages (GP) will be available.
    :param gpContent: [[tokenId1, amount1], [tokenId2, amount2], ..., [tokenIdN, amountN]]
    gpKey = _concatkey(GP_PREFIX, gpId)
    Require(not Get(GetContext(), gpKey))
    gpMap = {"price": price}
    Require(gpLimit > 0)
    content = []
    # ta means [tokenId_n, amount_n]
    for ta in gpContent:
        tokenId = ta[0]
        amount = ta[1]
        # make sure the tokenId is legal
        Require(tokenId >= 1001 and tokenId <= 999999)
        # make sure the tokenId has been created in property contract <=> name of tokenId is NOT None
        res = DynamicAppCall(getPropertyReversedHash(), "name", [tokenId])
        Require(amount > 0)
        content.append([tokenId, amount])
    contentInfo = Serialize(content)
    gpMap["content"] = contentInfo
    # put the gp info into the storage
    Put(GetContext(), _concatkey(GP_PREFIX, gpId), Serialize(gpMap))
    # update the left gift package number in storage
    Put(GetContext(), _concatkey(GP_LEFT_PREFIX, gpId), gpLimit)
    Notify(["setGP", gpId, gpLimit, price, gpContent])
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_user(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    # only the address can invoke the method
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))
    # check if user list has been created. if not, initialize it
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        all_users = []

    if address in all_users:
        Notify(['User already created'])
        return False

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if rep map has been created. if not, initialize it
        rep_info = Get(ctx, REPKEY)
        if rep_info:
            rep_map = Deserialize(rep_info)
            rep_map = {}

        # update and put rep map
        rep_map[address] = (100 + 100000000) * FACTOR
        rep_info = Serialize(rep_map)
        Put(ctx, REPKEY, rep_info)
        Notify(['rep_map updated'])

        # update and put user list
        user_info = Serialize(all_users)
        Put(ctx, USERKEY, user_info)
        Notify(['all_users updated'])

        # check if bank map has been created. if not, initialize it
        bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
        if bank_info:
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map = {}

        # update and put bank map
        bank_map[address] = 100 * FACTOR
        bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
        Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)
        Notify(['bank_map updated'])

        # add to wallet of user
        add_bank(address, 100 * FACTOR)
        Notify(['user wallet updated'])

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_user(address):
    # check if user list has been created. if not, initialize it
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        all_users = []

    if address in all_users:
        Notify(['User already created'])
        return False

    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if rep map has been created. if not, initialize it
        rep_info = Get(ctx, REPKEY)
        if rep_info:
            rep_map = Deserialize(rep_info)
            rep_map = {}

        # update and put rep map
        rep_map[address] = 100
        rep_info = Serialize(rep_map)
        Put(ctx, REPKEY, rep_info)

        # update and put user list
        user_info = Serialize(all_users)
        Put(ctx, USERKEY, user_info)

        # check if bank map has been created. if not, initialize it
        bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
        if bank_info:
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map = {}

        # update and put bank map
        bank_map[address] = 100
        bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
        Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)

        # add to wallet of user
        add_bank(address, 100)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
def oracleRequest(spender, payment, specId, callbackAddress,
                  callbackFunctionId, nonce, dataVersion, data,
    payment = payment + 0
    requestId = sha256(Serialize([callbackAddress, spender, nonce]))
    assert (not Get(GetContext(), concatKey(COMMITMENTS_PRIFX, requestId)))
    expiration = GetTime() + EXPIRY_TIME
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(COMMITMENTS_PRIFX, requestId),
        Serialize([payment, callbackAddress, callbackFunctionId, expiration]))
    OracleRequestEvent(specId, spender, requestId, payment, callbackAddress,
                       callbackFunctionId, expiration, dataVersion, data,
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
def xshardNotify(a, b):
    list = [a, b]
    argsByteArray = Serialize(list)
    targetShardId = 2
    res = NotifyRemoteShard(targetShardId, X_SHARD_INVOKED_CONTRACT, 30000, "notifyCallee", argsByteArray)
    assert (res)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def purchase_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if user has been created. if not, create the user
        user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
        if user_info:
            all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
            Notify(['No existing users'])

        if address not in all_users:
            Notify(['not a registered user'])

        # if the user has been created, that means the bank map exists. update the user's bank and wallet
            bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map[address] += amount
            bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
            Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)
            Notify(['bank_map updated'])

            add_bank(address, amount)
            Notify(['user wallet updated'])

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
def lock(fee, to_chain_id, address, amount):
    lock some amount of tokens of this contract, call cross chain method to release to_amount of tokens of another chain's contract
    :param fee: miner fee of this cross chain tx
    :param to_chain_id: chain id of destination chain
    :param address: address of caller
    :param to_amount: amount to lock
    if len(address) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")
    if CheckWitness(address) == False:
        raise Exception("address checkwitness failed.")

    # transfer asset
    res = transfer(address, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, amount)
    if not res:
        raise Exception("transfer failed.")

    # call cross chain contract
    input_map = {"address": address, "amount": amount}
    input_bytes = Serialize(input_map)
    destination_contract = Get(ctx, DESTINATION_CONTRACT)
    if destination_contract:
        param = state(fee, address, to_chain_id, destination_contract,
                      "unlock", input_bytes)
        res = Invoke(0, CROSS_CHAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, "createCrossChainTx",
        if not res:
            raise Exception("call cross chain contract failed.")
        raise Exception("destination contract can not be empty")

    LockEvent(fee, to_chain_id, destination_contract, address, amount)
    return True
def getAuction(_tokenId):
    auction = _saleInfo(_tokenId)
    return Serialize([
        auction['seller'], auction['startingPrice'], auction['endingPrice'],
        auction['duration'], auction['startedAt']
Ejemplo n.º 14
def AddToken(symbol, hash):
    :param symbol:token symbol, like "ONT", "ONG"
    :param hash: token script hash,such as ONT,ONG or other token hash, if success, this token can be exchanged on the exchange.
    :return:True or False
    require(CheckWitness(Admin), "not admin")
    require(validateAddress(hash), "invalid contract hash")

    if Get(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_SYMBOL_PREFIX, symbol)):
        return False
    if Get(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_HASH_PREFIX, hash)):
        return False

    supportToken = Get(ctx, SUPPORTED_TOKEN)

    if not supportToken:
        tokenMap = {symbol: hash}
        tokenMap = Deserialize(supportToken)
        tokenMap[symbol] = hash

    Put(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_SYMBOL_PREFIX, symbol), symbol)
    Put(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_HASH_PREFIX, hash), hash)
    Put(ctx, SUPPORTED_TOKEN, Serialize(tokenMap))

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 15
def removeProperty(removeList):
    :param removeList: [DNA1, DNA2]
    :return: bool
    DNACheck = removeList[0]
    account = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNACheck))

    DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account))

    if DNAlist:
        DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)
        raise Exception("NO DNA")
    removeListLen = len(removeList)
    removeListIndex = 0

    while removeListIndex < removeListLen:
        DNA = removeList[removeListIndex]
        findInList = _findInList(DNA, DNAlist)
        if findInList >= 0:
            Delete(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA))
            raise Exception("Not found DNA to be removed")
        removeListIndex += 1
    Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account), Serialize(DNAlist))
    Notify(["Remove property successfully"])
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
def RegisterExchange(exchangeName, exchangeId):

    :param exchangeName:exchange name, like "Huobi"
    :param exchangeId:exchange Id, essentially it is also a wallet address, only this exchange account can invoke token proxy smart contract
    :return:True or False
    require(CheckWitness(Admin), "not admin")
    require(validateAddress(exchangeId), "invalid exchange Id")
    require(exchangeName != "", "invalid exchange name")

    if Get(ctx, concatKey(EXCHANGE_NAME_PREFIX, exchangeName)):
        return False
    if Get(ctx, concatKey(EXCHANGE_ID_PREFIX, exchangeId)):
        return False

    registerExchange = Get(ctx, REGISTERED_EXCHANGE)

    if not registerExchange:
        exchangeMap = {exchangeName: exchangeId}
        exchangeMap = Deserialize(registerExchange)
        exchangeMap[exchangeName] = exchangeId

    Put(ctx, concatKey(EXCHANGE_NAME_PREFIX, exchangeName), exchangeName)
    Put(ctx, concatKey(EXCHANGE_ID_PREFIX, exchangeId), exchangeId)
    Put(ctx, REGISTERED_EXCHANGE, Serialize(exchangeMap))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def deleteDomain(fulldomain, idx):
    delete domain
    assert (len(fulldomain) > 0)
    #domain is exist
    owner = ownerOf(fulldomain)
    assert (owner)

    lowerdomain = lower(fulldomain)
    _checkParentAuth(lowerdomain, idx)

    Delete(ctx, _concatkey(OWNER_KEY, lowerdomain))
    Delete(ctx, _concatkey(VALID_KEY, lowerdomain))
    Delete(ctx, _concatkey(VALUE_KEY, lowerdomain))

    recordkey = _concatkey(RECORDS_KEY, owner)
    records = Deserialize(Get(ctx, recordkey))
    records = list_remove_elt(records, lowerdomain)

    if len(records) == 0:
        Delete(ctx, recordkey)
        Put(ctx, recordkey, Serialize(records))

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 18
def xshardInvoke(a, b):
    list = [a, b]
    argsByteArray = Serialize(list)
    targetShardId = 2
    res = InvokeRemoteShard(targetShardId, X_SHARD_INVOKED_CONTRACT, "invokeCallee", argsByteArray)
    Put(ctx, X_SHARD_INVOKE_KEY, Deserialize(res))
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 19
def updateState(stateRootHash, height, version, depositIds, withdrawAmounts,
                toAddresses, assetAddresses):
    operator = Get(GetContext(), OPERATOR_ADDRESS)
    assert (CheckWitness(operator))
    preHeight = Get(GetContext(), CURRENT_HEIGHT)
    assert (preHeight + 1 == height)

    Put(GetContext(), CURRENT_HEIGHT, height)
    stateRoot = [stateRootHash, height, version]
    stateRootInfo = Serialize(stateRoot)
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(Current_STATE_PREFIX, height), stateRootInfo)
    # 返回满足条件用户的钱
    currentWithDrawId = Get(GetContext(), CURRENT_WITHDRAW_ID)
    confirmHeight = Get(GetContext(), CONFRIM_HEIGHT)
    if currentWithDrawId:
        while currentWithDrawId > 1:
            withdrawStatusInfo = Get(
                GetContext(), concatKey(WITHDRAW_PREFIX,
                                        currentWithDrawId - 1))
            withdrawStatus = Deserialize(withdrawStatusInfo)
            if (height - withdrawStatus[3] == confirmHeight):
                assert (withdraw(withdrawStatus[0]))
            elif height - withdrawStatus[3] > confirmHeight:
            currentWithDrawId = currentWithDrawId - 1
    # 更新deposit状态
    # 更新withdraw状态
    _createWithdrawState(height, withdrawAmounts, toAddresses, assetAddresses)
        'updateState', stateRootHash, height, version, depositIds,
        withdrawAmounts, toAddresses, assetAddresses
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 20
def unbind(ont_id, bucket):
    unbind ont id with address
    :param ont_id:
    :param bucket: bucket id or url

    assert CheckWitness(ADMIN)

    bound_bucket = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id))
    if not bound_bucket:
        raise Exception("ont id bind with nothing")

    assert bound_bucket == bucket

    bind_data = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket))
    bind_map = Deserialize(bind_data)

    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket), Serialize(bind_map))
    Delete(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id))

    Notify(["unbind", ont_id, bucket])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 21
def lock(account, time, amount):
    # Permission Check

    # Lockup amount must be smaller then real balance
    balance = Get(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, account))
    require(amount <= balance, "lock amount is bigger than balance")

    # Sub amount from Balance
    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, account), balance - amount)

    # Get User's count of lockinfo
    KEY_lockCount = concat(USER_LOCK_CNT_PREFIX, account)
    lockCount = Get(ctx, KEY_lockCount)

    KEY_lockInfo = concat(concat(USER_LOCK_PREFIX, account), lockCount)

    # Create Lockup Information
    setLock = {
        "releaseTime": time,
        "releaseAmount": amount,
    serializeSetLock = Serialize(setLock)

    # Store lockInfo & increase count
    Put(ctx, KEY_lockInfo, serializeSetLock)
    Put(ctx, KEY_lockCount, lockCount + 1)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 22
def purchase_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if user has been created. if not, create the user
        user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)

        if address not in all_users:

        # if the user has been created, that means the bank map exists. update the user's bank and wallet
            bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map[address] += amount
            bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
            Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)

            add_bank(address, amount)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 23
def create_user(address, username, bio):
    # only the address can invoke the method
    assert (CheckWitness(address))
    # check if username has been created. if not, initialize it. Otherwise, rollback the transaction
    assert (not user_exist(address))
    # check if user has been created. if not, initialize it. Otherwise, rollback the transaction
    assert (not get_address_by_username(username))

    # mark username as being used one
    Put(ctx, concatkey(username, UN_EXIST_PREFIX), address)

    if len(bio) > 100:
        Notify(['Bio length exceeds 100 characters'])

    # create profile info list
    profile = [username, bio]
    profile_info = Serialize(profile)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(address, PI_PREFIX), profile_info)

    # update reputation of address
    Put(ctx, concatkey(address, REPKEY_PREFIX), (100 + 100000000) * AES_FACTOR)

    # distribute a certain amount of token to the newly registered user
    token_amount = 100 * AES_FACTOR
    assert (withdraw(address, token_amount))

    Notify(["userCreated", address, username, bio])
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 24
def createOneToken(name, url, type):
    create a new token
    :param name:
    :param url:
    :param type:
    # Notify(["111_createOneToken begins"])
    # generate tokenID
    timestamp = GetTime()
    totalSupply = Get(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
    newTotalSupply = totalSupply + 1
    Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY, newTotalSupply)
    tmp = concatkey(concatkey(selfAddr, timestamp), newTotalSupply)
    tokenID = sha256(tmp)
    # construct token map
    token = {'ID': tokenID, 'Name': name, 'Image': url, 'Type': type}
        "111_createOneToken", newTotalSupply, tokenID,
        concatkey(TOKEN_ID_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_INDEX_PREFIX, newTotalSupply), tokenID)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, admin)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_ID_PREFIX, tokenID), Serialize(token))
    # add to adminBalance
    adminBalance = Get(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin))
    Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin), adminBalance + 1)
    # Notify(["333_createOneToken ends"])
    return True

#################### For testing usage only ends ######################
Ejemplo n.º 25
def createProperty(createList):
    :param createList: [[account1, DNA1],[account2, DNA2]]
    :return: bool
    for createE in createList:
        account = createE[0]
        DNA = createE[1]
        accountCheck = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA))
        Require(len(account) == 20)
        Require(DNA > 100000000000000)
        Require(DNA < 1000000000000000)
        Require(not accountCheck)
        DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account))
        if not DNAlist:
            DNAlist = []
            DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)
        Put(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA), account)
        Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account),
    Notify(["Create property successfully."])
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 26
def registerDomain(fulldomain, registerdid, idx, validto):
    register domain
    fulldomain: domain string
    registerdid: register ontid
    idx:owner walletid
    validto : valid period
    currenttime = GetTime()
    if validto > 0:
        assert (validto > currenttime)
    assert (len(fulldomain) > 0)
    lowerdomain = lower(fulldomain)
    assert (not ownerOf(lowerdomain))
    _checkParentAuth(lowerdomain, idx)

    Put(ctx, _concatkey(OWNER_KEY, lowerdomain), registerdid)
    Put(ctx, _concatkey(VALID_KEY, lowerdomain), validto)

    recordskey = _concatkey(RECORDS_KEY, registerdid)
    records = Get(ctx, recordskey)

    if not records:
        records = [lowerdomain]
        records = Deserialize(records)

    assert (len(records) <= MAX_COUNT)
    Put(ctx, recordskey, Serialize(records))

    RegisterDomainEvent(lowerdomain, registerdid, validto)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 27
def create_bet(address, amount_staked, stock_ticker, sign, margin, date,

    assert (CheckWitness(address))

    # check if user list exists
    assert (user_exist(address))

    # update bet details
    target_price = init_price + init_price * sign * margin / 100
    bet_details = {
        "sign": sign,
        "margin": margin,
        "target_price": target_price,
        "vote_end_time": date,
        "stock_ticker": stock_ticker,
    new_bet = get_latest_bet() + 1
    Put(ctx, concatkey(new_bet, BET_DETAILS_PREFIX), Serialize(bet_details))
    # update latest bet
    Put(ctx, BETKEY, new_bet)
    bet_for_map = {
        "reputation": get_user_repution(address),
        "count": 1,
        "staked": amount_staked
    bet_against_map = {"reputation": 0, "count": 0, "staked": 0}
    Put(ctx, concatkey(new_bet, concatkey(1, BET_CONTENT_PREFIX)),
    Put(ctx, concatkey(new_bet, concatkey(0, BET_CONTENT_PREFIX)),

    Put(ctx, concatkey(new_bet, concatkey(address, concatkey(1, VOTE_PREFIX))),

    Put(ctx, concatkey(new_bet, concatkey(1, BET_VOTERS_LIST)),

    # mark the new bet as active bet
    Put(ctx, concatkey(new_bet, ACTIVE_BET_PREFIX), 1)

    assert (deposit(address, amount_staked))

        ["betCreated", address, stock_ticker, sign, margin, date, init_price])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
def placeBet(address, gameId, diskId, betStatus, ongAmount):
    # make sure address can place bet, otherwise, raise exception

    if ongAmount < getMinBetAmount():
        # Error 201: "Please bet more ONG!"
        Notify(["Error", 201])
        return False

    Require(not getDiskStatus(diskId))
    diskIdListInfo = Get(GetContext(),
                         concatKey(GAME_DISKID_LIST_PREFIX, gameId))

    if not diskIdListInfo:
        # Error 202: "diskId Not Exist!"
        Notify(["Error", 202])
        return False
    diskIdList = Deserialize(diskIdListInfo)
    # make sure the passing by diskId is legal
    # Require(_checkInList(diskId, diskIdList))
    if _checkInList(diskId, diskIdList) == False:
        # Error 203: "diskId illegal!"
        Notify(["Error", 203])
        return False

    # betStatus can only be 0, 1 or 2
    if betStatus == TieSide or betStatus == LeftSide or betStatus == RightSide:
        Require(_transferONG(address, ContractAddress, ongAmount))
        # Error 204: "betStatus illegal!"
        Notify(["Error", 204])
        return False
    playersList = getDiskPlayersList(diskId, betStatus)
    if not _checkInList(address, playersList):
        # update playersList
            concatKey(concatKey(DISK_BET_PLAYER_LIST_PREFIX, diskId),
                      betStatus), Serialize(playersList))

    # update address's bet balance
        concatKey(concatKey(DISK_PLAYER_BET_BALANCE_PREFIX, diskId),
                  concatKey(address, betStatus)),
        Add(getDiskBetBalance(diskId, betStatus, address), ongAmount))

    # update the disk bet amount
        concatKey(concatKey(DISK_PLAYERS_BET_AMOUNT_PREFIX, diskId),
        Add(getDiskBetAmount(diskId, betStatus), ongAmount))

    Notify(["placeBet", address, gameId, diskId, betStatus, ongAmount])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 29
def init():
    # init list
    list1 = [1,2,3]
    list1Info = Serialize(list1)
    Put(GetContext(), LISTKEY, list1Info)
    # init map
    map1 = {
    map1Info = Serialize(map1)
    Put(GetContext(), MAPKEY, map1Info)

    Notify(["init list is ",list1])
    Notify(["init map is ", map1["key1"], map1["key2"]])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 30
def add_user_list(bet, element, prefix):
    list_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(bet, prefix))
    lists = Deserialize(list_info)

    list_info = Serialize(lists)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(bet, prefix), list_info)
    Notify(['add_user_list', element, prefix])
    return True