Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_doc():
    This is a general search query for now, it may take a while to
    get a response!
    query = request.args['search']
    # since we'll need the ticket to access any of these
    # documents, lets send it over with the payload . . .
    ticket = get_alfresco_ticket()
        alf = ACMIS()
        results = alf.make_alfresco_query(query)
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        error_response = {'error': 'Alfresco configuration invalid,' +
            ' cannot create download link.', 'status_code': 500}
        response = make_response(jsonify(error_response), 500)
        return response, response.status_code

    result_list = []
    for result in results:
        result_dict = {}
        result_dict['name'] = result.name
        result_dict['id'] = result.id
        result_dict['url'] = alf.make_alfresco_download_link(result.id, ticket)

    return jsonify({'results': result_list})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_doc():
    This is a general search query for now, it may take a while to
    get a response!
    query = request.args['search']
    cruise = request.args['cruise']
    array = request.args['array']
    # since we'll need the ticket to access any of these
    # documents, lets send it over with the payload . . .
    ticket = get_alfresco_ticket()
        alf = ACMIS()

        results,cruise = alf.make_alfresco_cruise_query(array,cruise)

        #results = alf.make_alfresco_query(query)
    except cmislib.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException as e:
        error_response = {'error': 'Document not found,' +
            ' cannot create download link.', 'status_code': 404}
        response = make_response(jsonify(error_response), 404)
        return response, response.status_code
    except Exception as e:
        error_response = {'error': 'Alfresco configuration invalid,' +
            ' cannot create download link.', 'status_code': 500}
        response = make_response(jsonify(error_response), 500)
        return response, response.status_code

    result_list = []
    #add the cruise information
    if cruise is not None:
        result_dict = {}
        result_dict['name'] = cruise.name
        result_dict['id'] = cruise.id
        result_dict['type'] = cruise.type
        result_dict['url'] = alf.make_alfresco_page_link(cruise.id, ticket)

    #add the results
    for result in results:
        result_dict = {}
        result_dict['name'] = result.name
        result_dict['id'] = result.id
        result_dict['type'] = result.type
        if result_dict['type'] == "cruise" or result_dict['type'] == "asset":
            result_dict['url'] = alf.make_alfresco_download_link(result.id, ticket)

    return jsonify({'results': result_list})