def test_deserializer_error():
    Test deserialize a missing file.

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
def test_serializer_round_trips(serializer):
    Test serializing data to and from file with no compression.
    # get data in a dict format
    data = deserialize(get_data("settings_with_workflow.json"))
    file_name = "settings_with_workflow" + serializer
    # now export to file and back
    with temp_directory():
        serialize(serializable=data, file_name=file_name, compression=None)
        deserialized_data = deserialize(file_name=file_name)
        assert data == deserialized_data
def test_compression_serialization_round_trip_file_name(
        serialization, compression):
    Test all of the different serialization and compression combinations.
    Here the compression is in the file name.
    # get data in a dict format
    data = deserialize(get_data("settings_with_workflow.json"))
    file_name = "".join(
        ["settings_with_workflow", ".", serialization, ".", compression])
    # now export the file and read back
    with temp_directory():
        serialize(serializable=data, file_name=file_name, compression=None)
        deserialized_data = deserialize(file_name=file_name)
        assert data == deserialized_data
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def import_workflow(self,
                        workflow: Union[str, Dict],
                        clear_existing: bool = True) -> None:
        Instance the workflow from a workflow object or from an input file.

                The name of the file the workflow should be created from or a workflow dictionary.
                If the current workflow should be deleted and replaced or extended.

        if clear_existing:

        if isinstance(workflow, str):
            workflow = deserialize(workflow)

        if isinstance(workflow, dict):
            # this should be a workflow dict that we can just load
            # if this is from the settings file make sure to unpack the dict first.
            workflow = workflow.get("workflow", workflow)

        # load in the workflow
        for value in workflow.values():
            # check if this is not the first instance of the component
            component = get_component(value["type"])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def parse_file(
        content_type: str = None,
        encoding: str = "utf8",
        allow_pickle: bool = False,
    ) -> "WorkflowFactory":
        Here we overwrite the parse function to work with json and yaml and to unpack the workflow.
        data = deserialize(file_name=path)
        optimizer = data.pop("optimizer")
        fragmentation_engine = data.pop("fragmentation_engine")
        if fragmentation_engine is not None:
            fragmenter = get_fragmentation_engine(**fragmentation_engine)
            fragmenter = None
        workflow = cls.parse_obj(data)
        # set the fragmentation engine
        workflow.fragmentation_engine = fragmenter
        # now we need to re init the optimizer and the targets
        opt_targets = optimizer.pop("optimization_targets")
        opt_engine = get_optimizer(**optimizer)
        for target in opt_targets:
            opt_engine.set_optimization_target(target=target["name"], **target)
        workflow.optimizer = opt_engine

        return workflow
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load_dataset(data: Union[str, Dict]) -> "BasicDataset":
    Create a new instance dataset from the file or dict of the dataset. This removes the need of knowing what the dataset type is.

        data: The file path or dict of the dataset from which we should load the data.

        DatasetRegisterError: If no registered dataset can load the given dataset type.

        An instance of the correct dataset loaded with the data.
    if isinstance(data, str):
        # load the file
        raw_data = deserialize(data)
        raw_data = data

    dataset_type = registered_datasets.get(raw_data["dataset_type"].lower(),
    if dataset_type is not None:
        return dataset_type(**raw_data)
        raise DatasetRegisterError(
            f"No registered dataset can load the type {dataset_type}.")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_torsionprofile_metadata():
    Make sure that when using the torsionprofile target we make the metatdat.json file.
    from openff.qcsubmit.serializers import deserialize
    torsion_target = TorsionProfile_SMIRNOFF()
    target_schema = biphenyl_target(target=torsion_target)
    # now load in a scan result we have saved
    result_data = TorsionDriveCollectionResult.parse_file(
    # now try and update the results
    assert target_schema.ready_for_fitting is True
    # now try and prep for fitting
    with temp_directory():
        # we should only have one torsion drive to do here
        folders = os.listdir(".")
        assert len(folders) == 1
        target_files = os.listdir(folders[0])
        assert "molecule.pdb" in target_files
        assert "" in target_files
        assert "molecule.mol2" in target_files
        assert "qdata.txt" in target_files
        assert "metadata.json" in target_files

        metadata = deserialize(
            file_name=os.path.join(folders[0], "metadata.json"))
        # now make sure the json is complete
        entry = target_schema.tasks[0]
        assert entry.dihedrals[0] == tuple(metadata["dihedrals"][0])
        for data in entry.reference_data():
            assert data.extras["dihedral_angle"] in metadata[
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def parse_file(
     cls: Type["Model"],
     path: Union[str, Path],
     content_type: str = None,
     encoding: str = "utf8",
     proto: Protocol = None,
     allow_pickle: bool = False,
 ) -> "Model":
     data = deserialize(file_name=path)
     return cls(**data)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def check_functional_groups(cls, functional_group):
        Check the functional groups which can be passed as a file name or as a dictionary are valid.

            This check could be quite fragile.
        if functional_group is None or functional_group is False:
            return functional_group

        elif isinstance(functional_group, str):
            fgroups = deserialize(functional_group)
            # simple check on the smarts
            for smarts in fgroups.values():
                if "[" not in smarts:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Some functional group smarts were not valid {smarts}."

            return functional_group
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def import_settings(self,
                        settings: Union[str, Dict],
                        clear_workflow: bool = True) -> None:
        Import settings and workflow from a file.

                The name of the file the settings should be extracted from or the reference to a settings dictionary.
                If the current workflow should be extended or replaced.

        if isinstance(settings, str):
            data = deserialize(settings)

            # take the workflow out and import the settings
            workflow = data.pop("workflow")

        elif isinstance(settings, dict):
            workflow = settings.pop("workflow")
            data = settings

            raise RuntimeError(
                "The input type could not be converted into a settings dictionary."

        # now set the factory meta settings
        for key, value in data.items():
            if hasattr(self, key):
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # now we want to add the workflow back in
        self.import_workflow(workflow=workflow, clear_existing=clear_workflow)
    def _load_submittable(self):
        from openff.qcsubmit.serializers import deserialize
        spec = deserialize(self.submittable)

        return spec
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def from_file(cls, file_name: str):
     """Create a factory from the serialised model file."""
     data = deserialize(file_name=file_name)
     return cls(**data)
def get_data(file_name):
    Return the deserialized dataset file.
    return deserialize(file_name=file_name)