Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testI01EncryptPublicElGamalDES3ZIP(self):
     """crypto.cipher: encrypt()/decrypt() ElGamal, DES3 w/ integrity, & ZIP"""
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG3.pub.gpg'])
     keypkt = list_pkts(key_d)[3]  # ElGamal encrypting key
     d = "My secret message."
     # literal data packet
     litbody = create_LiteralDataBody(data=d,
     litpkt = create_Packet(PKT_LITERAL, litbody._d)
     # compressed data packet
     compbody = create_CompressedDataBody(COMP_ZIP, litpkt.rawstr())
     comppkt = create_Packet(PKT_COMPRESSED, compbody._d)
     # session key
     key = gen_random(_keysize(SYM_DES3))
     sespkt = encrypt_public_session(keypkt, key, SYM_DES3)
     # encrypted data
     encpkt = encrypt_integrity(SYM_DES3, key, comppkt.rawstr())
     # decryption
     seckey_d = read_test_file(
         ['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG3.sec.nopass.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[2]
     clrtxt = decrypt(encpkt, None, sespkt, seckeypkt)
     # got compressed
     comppkt_out = list_pkts(clrtxt)[0]
     # got literal
     litpkt_out = list_pkts(comppkt_out.body.data)[0]
     self.assertEqual(d, litpkt_out.body.data)
     self.assertEqual('outfile', litpkt_out.body.filename)
     self.assertEqual(0, litpkt_out.body.modified)
     self.assertEqual('b', litpkt_out.body.format)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testI01EncryptPublicElGamalDES3ZIP(self):
     """crypto.cipher: encrypt()/decrypt() ElGamal, DES3 w/ integrity, & ZIP"""
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG3.pub.gpg'])
     keypkt = list_pkts(key_d)[3] # ElGamal encrypting key
     d = "My secret message."
     # literal data packet
     litbody = create_LiteralDataBody(data=d, modified=0, format='b',
     litpkt = create_Packet(PKT_LITERAL, litbody._d)
     # compressed data packet
     compbody = create_CompressedDataBody(COMP_ZIP, litpkt.rawstr())
     comppkt = create_Packet(PKT_COMPRESSED, compbody._d)
     # session key
     key = gen_random(_keysize(SYM_DES3))
     sespkt = encrypt_public_session(keypkt, key, SYM_DES3)
     # encrypted data
     encpkt = encrypt_integrity(SYM_DES3, key, comppkt.rawstr())
     # decryption
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG3.sec.nopass.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[2]
     clrtxt = decrypt(encpkt, None, sespkt, seckeypkt)
     # got compressed
     comppkt_out = list_pkts(clrtxt)[0]
     # got literal
     litpkt_out = list_pkts(comppkt_out.body.data)[0]
     self.assertEqual(d, litpkt_out.body.data)
     self.assertEqual('outfile', litpkt_out.body.filename)
     self.assertEqual(0, litpkt_out.body.modified)
     self.assertEqual('b', litpkt_out.body.format)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def encrypt_symmetric_session(algorithm):
    """Create a symmetrically-encrypted session key.

        - `algorithm`: integer symmetric key algorithm constant

    :Returns: `OpenPGP.packet.SymmetricKeyEncryptedSessionKey.SymmetricKeyEncryptedSessionKey` instance

    :note: If a local session key is present, `algorithm` denotes the
        algorithm used to encrypt it. Otherwise, `algorithm` specifies
        what is used to encrypt the corresponding symmetrically
        encrypted (possibly integrity protected) data packet.

    :note: This function does not support locally encrypted session
        keys - decryption passphrases are "passed through" to the
        corresponding symmetrically encrypted data. So this function
        basically just prepares a string-to-key specifier which should
        be used to create the actual encryption key.
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.Packet import create_Packet
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.S2K import create_S2K
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.SymmetricKeyEncryptedSessionKey import create_SymmetricKeyEncryptedSessionKeyBody

    s2k = create_S2K(salt=gen_random(8))
    params = {'alg':algorithm, 's2k':s2k}
    sesbody = create_SymmetricKeyEncryptedSessionKeyBody(params)

    return create_Packet(PKT_SYMKEYSESKEY, sesbody._d)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_LiteralMsg(literals):
    """Create a literal message out of a sequence of literal data parameters.

        - `literals`: list of dictionaries containing literal data
          parameters (see `Literal keys and values`_)

    :Returns: `OpenPGP.message.LiteralMsg.LiteralMsg` instance

        - `PGPError`: literal message was not created, fix source

    .. _Literal keys and values:

    Literal keys and values:

        - `data`: string of literal data
        - `modified`: *optional* integer timestamp
        - `filename`: *optional* string filename
        - `format`: *optional* 'b' for binary or 't' for text (default
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.Packet import create_Packet
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.LiteralData import create_LiteralDataBody
    from openpgp.sap.list import find_literal_msg

    import time

    if isinstance(literals, dict): # to accomodate a single dictionary
        literals = [literals] # yikes

    litpkts = []
    i = 0

    for lit in literals: # assume 'data' is present, allow defaults for rest

        if not lit.has_key('modified'):
            lit['modified'] = int(time.time())

        if not lit.has_key('format'):
            lit['format'] = 'b'

        if not lit.has_key('filename'):
            lit['filename'] = "sap_out_%s" % i

        litbody = create_LiteralDataBody(lit)
        litpkts.append(create_Packet(PKT_LITERAL, litbody._d))

    litmsg = find_literal_msg(litpkts)[0]

    if litmsg:
        return litmsg
        raise Exception("Failed to create literal messge. Fix source.")
 def testB01create_Packet(self):
     "Packet: create_Packet() using PublicKey instance"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG1.pub.gpg'])
     keypkt = LIST.list_pkts(key_d)[0]
     pkttype = keypkt.tag.type
     body_d = keypkt.body._d
     newpkt = create_Packet(pkttype, body_d)
     # good once-over
     self.assertEqual(newpkt.tag.type, keypkt.tag.type)
     self.assertEqual(newpkt.length.size, keypkt.length.size) # ._d could differ
     self.assertEqual(newpkt.body._d, keypkt.body._d)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testB01create_Packet(self):
     "Packet: create_Packet() using PublicKey instance"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG1.pub.gpg'])
     keypkt = LIST.list_pkts(key_d)[0]
     pkttype = keypkt.tag.type
     body_d = keypkt.body._d
     newpkt = create_Packet(pkttype, body_d)
     # good once-over
     self.assertEqual(newpkt.tag.type, keypkt.tag.type)
                      keypkt.length.size)  # ._d could differ
     self.assertEqual(newpkt.body._d, keypkt.body._d)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def encrypt_public_session(keypkt, key, symalg):
    """Create a public-key encrypted session key.

        - `keypkt`: either an `OpenPGP.packet.PublicKey.PublicKey` (or
          subclass) instance or encryption passphrase string
        - `key`: string encryptrion algorithm used for `symalg`
        - `symalg`: integer symmetric encryption algorithm constant

    :Returns: `OpenPGP.packet.PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKey.PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKey` instance
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.Packet import create_Packet
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKey import create_PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKeyBody

    pubalg = keypkt.body.alg
    rnd_prefix = []

    i = 0 # fixing the "intended length" business to 127
    while i <= 63 - len(key): # seems proper, but probably inefficient
        rnd_byte = gen_random(1)

        if '\x00' != rnd_byte:
            i += 1

    chksum = STN.int2str(STN.checksum(key))[:2]

    if pubalg in [ASYM_RSA_EOS, ASYM_RSA_E]:
        key_tup = (keypkt.body.RSA_n.value, keypkt.body.RSA_e.value)

    elif pubalg in [ASYM_ELGAMAL_EOS, ASYM_ELGAMAL_E]:
        key_tup = (keypkt.body.ELGAMAL_p.value, keypkt.body.ELGAMAL_g.value, keypkt.body.ELGAMAL_y.value)

        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported public key algorithm->(%s)." % pubalg)

    padded_key = ''.join(['\x02', ''.join(rnd_prefix), '\x00',
                          STN.int2str(symalg)[0], key, chksum])

    cipher_tup = encrypt_public(pubalg, padded_key, key_tup)

    sesbody = create_PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKeyBody(
        keyid=keypkt.body.id, alg=pubalg, mpis=cipher_tup)

    return create_Packet(PKT_PUBKEYSESKEY, sesbody._d)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def encrypt_integrity(algorithm, key, msg):
    """Encrypt a message with integrity protection.

        - `msg`: string cleartext
        - `algorithm`: integer cipher constant
        - `key`: string encryption key

    :Returns: `OpenPGP.packet.SymmetricallyEncryptedIntegrityProtectedData.SymmetricallyEncryptedIntegrityProtectedData` instance

    :note: It is up to the caller to make sure that `msg` is a valid
        message string (compressed properly, etc.).
    :note: Integrity check via SHA-1 is hardcoded.
    import Crypto.Util.randpool as RND
    from openpgp.sap.pkt.Packet import create_Packet

    bs = _import_cipher(algorithm).block_size
    rnd = RND.RandomPool(bs)
    prefix = rnd.get_bytes(bs)

    clearstream = StringIO()
    cipherstream = StringIO()

    clearstream.write(sha.new(clearstream.getvalue()).digest()) # hash previous
    clearstream.seek(0) # again, magic .read() should handle this in crypt_CFB()

    cipherstream.seek(0, 2)
    crypt_CFB(clearstream, cipherstream, algorithm, key, None, 'encrypt')

    ciphertext = cipherstream.read()

    return create_Packet(PKT_SYMENCINTDATA, ciphertext)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        sigtup = sign_ElGamal(ctx_hash, keytup)

    elif ASYM_DSA == keyalg:
        keytup = signer.body.DSA_y.value, signer.body.DSA_g.value, signer.body.DSA_p.value, signer.body.DSA_q.value, seckey
        sigtup = sign_DSA(ctx_hash, keytup)

        raise NotImplementedError("Public key alg->(%s) is not supported." % keyalg)

    kwords.update({'version':version, 'sigtype':sigtype, 'alg_pubkey':keyalg,
                   'alg_hash':hashalg, 'hash_frag':ctx_hash[:2],
                   'signature':[create_MPI(sigval) for sigval in sigtup]})

    body = create_SignatureBody(**kwords)

    return create_Packet(PKT_SIGNATURE, body._d)

def sign_DSA(msg, key_tuple, k=None):
    """Create a DSA signature.

        - `msg`: string of data signature applies to 
        - `key_tuple`: tuple of DSA integers (y, g, p, q, x)
          (see `DSA tuple`_)
        - `k`: random integer 2 < k < q (automatically generated by

    :Returns: tuple (integer, integer) DSA signature values (r, s)

    .. _DSA tuple: