Ejemplo n.º 1
    def serialize_hazard_curve(self, nrml_file, key_template, hc_attrib_update,
        Serialize the hazard curves of a set of sites.

        Depending on the parameters the serialized curve will be a plain, mean
        or quantile hazard curve.

        :param nrml_file: the output filename
        :type nrml_file: :py:class:`string`
        :param key_template: a template for constructing the key to get, for
                             each site, its curve from the KVS
        :type key_template: :py:class:`string`
        :param hc_attrib_update: a dictionary containing metadata for the set
                                 of curves that will be serialized
        :type hc_attrib_update: :py:class:`dict`
        :param sites: the sites of which the curve will be serialized
        :type sites: list of :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`
        nrml_path = self.build_nrml_path(nrml_file)

        curve_writer = hazard_output.create_hazardcurve_writer(
            self.job_id, self.serialize_results_to, nrml_path)
        hc_data = []

        for site in sites:
            # Use hazard curve ordinate values (PoE) from KVS and abscissae
            # from the IML list in config.
            hc_attrib = {
                'investigationTimeSpan': self['INVESTIGATION_TIME'],
                'IMLValues': self.imls,
                'IMT': self['INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPE'],

                'PoEValues': kvs.get_value_json_decoded(key_template
                                                        % hash(site))}

            hc_data.append((site, hc_attrib))


        return nrml_path
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def serialize_hazard_curve(self, nrml_file, key_template, hc_attrib_update,
        Serialize the hazard curves of a set of sites.

        Depending on the parameters the serialized curve will be a plain, mean
        or quantile hazard curve.

        :param nrml_file: the output filename
        :type nrml_file: :py:class:`string`
        :param key_template: a template for constructing the key to get, for
                             each site, its curve from the KVS
        :type key_template: :py:class:`string`
        :param hc_attrib_update: a dictionary containing metadata for the set
                                 of curves that will be serialized
        :type hc_attrib_update: :py:class:`dict`
        :param sites: the sites of which the curve will be serialized
        :type sites: list of :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`
        def pause_generator(value):
            Returns the initial value when called for the first time and
            the double value upon each subsequent invocation.

            N.B.: the maximum value returned will never exceed 90 (seconds).
            yield value
            while True:
                if value < 45:
                    value *= 2
                yield value

        # XML serialization context
        xsc = namedtuple("XSC", "blocks, cblock, i_total, i_done, i_next")(
            stats.pk_get(self.job_ctxt.job_id, "blocks"),
            stats.pk_get(self.job_ctxt.job_id, "cblock"), len(sites), 0, 0)

        nrml_path = self.job_ctxt.build_nrml_path(nrml_file)

        curve_writer = hazard_output.create_hazardcurve_writer(
            self.job_ctxt.job_id, self.job_ctxt.serialize_results_to,

        sites = set(sites)
        accounted_for = set()
        min_pause = 0.1
        pgen = pause_generator(min_pause)
        pause = pgen.next()

        while accounted_for != sites:
            failures = stats.failure_counters(self.job_ctxt.job_id, "h")
            if failures:
                raise RuntimeError("hazard failures (%s), aborting" % failures)
            hc_data = []
            # Sleep a little before checking the availability of additional
            # hazard curve results.
            results_found = 0
            for site in sites:
                if site in accounted_for:
                value = kvs.get_value_json_decoded(key_template % hash(site))
                if value is None:
                    # No value yet, proceed to next site.
                # Use hazard curve ordinate values (PoE) from KVS and abscissae
                # from the IML list in config.
                hc_attrib = {
                    'IMLValues': self.job_ctxt.imls,
                    'IMT': self.job_ctxt['INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPE'],
                    'PoEValues': value
                hc_data.append((site, hc_attrib))
                results_found += 1
            if not results_found:
                # No results found, increase the sleep pause.
                pause = pgen.next()
                xsc = xsc._replace(i_done=xsc.i_done + len(hc_data))
                pause *= 0.8
                pause = min_pause if pause < min_pause else pause

        return nrml_path
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def serialize_hazard_curve(self, nrml_file, key_template, hc_attrib_update,
        Serialize the hazard curves of a set of sites.

        Depending on the parameters the serialized curve will be a plain, mean
        or quantile hazard curve.

        :param nrml_file: the output filename
        :type nrml_file: :py:class:`string`
        :param key_template: a template for constructing the key to get, for
                             each site, its curve from the KVS
        :type key_template: :py:class:`string`
        :param hc_attrib_update: a dictionary containing metadata for the set
                                 of curves that will be serialized
        :type hc_attrib_update: :py:class:`dict`
        :param sites: the sites of which the curve will be serialized
        :type sites: list of :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`

        def pause_generator(value):
            Returns the initial value when called for the first time and
            the double value upon each subsequent invocation.

            N.B.: the maximum value returned will never exceed 90 (seconds).
            yield value
            while True:
                if value < 45:
                    value *= 2
                yield value

        # XML serialization context
        xsc = namedtuple("XSC", "blocks, cblock, i_total, i_done, i_next")(
                         stats.pk_get(self.job_ctxt.job_id, "blocks"),
                         stats.pk_get(self.job_ctxt.job_id, "cblock"),
                         len(sites), 0, 0)

        nrml_path = self.job_ctxt.build_nrml_path(nrml_file)

        curve_writer = hazard_output.create_hazardcurve_writer(
            self.job_ctxt.job_id, self.job_ctxt.serialize_results_to,

        sites = set(sites)
        accounted_for = set()
        min_pause = 0.1
        pgen = pause_generator(min_pause)
        pause = pgen.next()

        while accounted_for != sites:
            failures = stats.failure_counters(self.job_ctxt.job_id, "h")
            if failures:
                raise RuntimeError("hazard failures (%s), aborting" % failures)
            hc_data = []
            # Sleep a little before checking the availability of additional
            # hazard curve results.
            results_found = 0
            for site in sites:
                if site in accounted_for:
                value = kvs.get_value_json_decoded(key_template % hash(site))
                if value is None:
                    # No value yet, proceed to next site.
                # Use hazard curve ordinate values (PoE) from KVS and abscissae
                # from the IML list in config.
                hc_attrib = {
                    'IMLValues': self.job_ctxt.imls,
                    'IMT': self.job_ctxt['INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPE'],
                    'PoEValues': value}
                hc_data.append((site, hc_attrib))
                results_found += 1
            if not results_found:
                # No results found, increase the sleep pause.
                pause = pgen.next()
                xsc = xsc._replace(i_done=xsc.i_done + len(hc_data))
                pause *= 0.8
                pause = min_pause if pause < min_pause else pause

        return nrml_path
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def serialize_hazard_curve(self, nrml_file, key_template, hc_attrib_update, sites):
        Serialize the hazard curves of a set of sites.

        Depending on the parameters the serialized curve will be a plain, mean
        or quantile hazard curve.

        :param nrml_file: the output filename
        :type nrml_file: :py:class:`string`
        :param key_template: a template for constructing the key to get, for
                             each site, its curve from the KVS
        :type key_template: :py:class:`string`
        :param hc_attrib_update: a dictionary containing metadata for the set
                                 of curves that will be serialized
        :type hc_attrib_update: :py:class:`dict`
        :param sites: the sites of which the curve will be serialized
        :type sites: list of :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`

        def duration_generator(value):
            Returns the initial value when called for the first time and
            the double value upon each subsequent invocation.

            N.B.: the maximum value returned will never exceed 90 (seconds).
            yield value
            while True:
                if value < 45:
                    value *= 2
                yield value

        nrml_path = self.build_nrml_path(nrml_file)

        curve_writer = hazard_output.create_hazardcurve_writer(self.job_id, self.serialize_results_to, nrml_path)
        hc_data = []

        sites = set(sites)
        accounted_for = set()
        dgen = duration_generator(0.1)
        duration = dgen.next()

        while accounted_for != sites:
            # Sleep a little before checking the availability of additional
            # hazard curve results.
            results_found = 0
            for site in sites:
                key = key_template % hash(site)
                value = kvs.get_value_json_decoded(key)
                if value is None or site in accounted_for:
                    # The curve for this site is not ready yet. Proceed to
                    # the next.
                # Use hazard curve ordinate values (PoE) from KVS and abscissae
                # from the IML list in config.
                hc_attrib = {
                    "investigationTimeSpan": self["INVESTIGATION_TIME"],
                    "IMLValues": self.imls,
                    "IMT": self["INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPE"],
                    "PoEValues": value,
                hc_data.append((site, hc_attrib))
                results_found += 1
            if not results_found:
                # No results found, increase the sleep duration.
                duration = dgen.next()


        return nrml_path