Ejemplo n.º 1
class KeyboardEventHandler (osgGA.GUIEventHandler) :
        KeyboardEventHandler(osg.StateSet* stateset):
            _point = osg.Point()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SomePoints (osg.Geometry) :
        cAry = osg.Vec4Array()
        setColorArray( cAry, osg.Array.BIND_OVERALL )
        cAry.push_back( osg.Vec4(1,1,1,1) )

        vAry = osg.Vec3Array()
        setVertexArray( vAry )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(0,0,0) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(0,1,0) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(1,0,0) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(1,1,0) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(0,0,1) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(0,1,1) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(1,0,1) )
        vAry.push_back( osg.Vec3(1,1,1) )

        addPrimitiveSet( osg.DrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, vAry.size() ) )

        sset = getOrCreateStateSet()
        sset.setMode( GL_LIGHTING, osg.StateAttribute.OFF )

        # if things go wrong, fall back to big points
        p = osg.Point()
        sset.setAttribute( p )

        sset.setAttribute( createShader() )

        # a generic cyclic animation value
        u_anim1 = osg.Uniform*( osg.Uniform( "u_anim1", 0.0 ) )
        u_anim1.setUpdateCallback( SineAnimation( 4, 0.5, 0.5 ) )
        sset.addUniform( u_anim1 )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def makeStateSet(size):

    set = osg.StateSet()

    #/ Setup cool blending
    set.setMode(GL_BLEND, osg.StateAttribute.ON)
    fn = osg.BlendFunc()
    fn.setFunction(osg.BlendFunc.SRC_ALPHA, osg.BlendFunc.DST_ALPHA)
    set.setAttributeAndModes(fn, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

    #/ Setup the point sprites
    sprite = osg.PointSprite()
    set.setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, sprite, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

    #/ Give some size to the points to be able to see the sprite
    point = osg.Point()

    #/ Disable depth test to avoid sort problems and Lighting
    set.setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg.StateAttribute.OFF)
    set.setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg.StateAttribute.OFF)

    #/ The texture for the sprites
    tex = osg.Texture2D()
    set.setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, tex, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

    return set
Ejemplo n.º 4


    # create marker for point light.
    marker = osg.Geometry()
    vertices = osg.Vec3Array()

    stateset = osg.StateSet()
    point = osg.Point()


    markerGeode = osg.Geode()



    return lightGroup
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):

    arguments = osg.ArgumentParser( argc, argv )
    textureFile = str("Images/smoke.rgb")
    while  arguments.read("--texture", textureFile)  : 
    pointSize = 20.0
    while  arguments.read("--point", pointSize)  : 
    visibilityDistance = -1.0
    while  arguments.read("--visibility", visibilityDistance)  : 
    customShape = False
    while  arguments.read("--enable-custom")  :  customShape = True 
    useShaders = True
    while  arguments.read("--disable-shaders")  :  useShaders = False 
#    Customize particle template and system attributes
#    **
    ps = osgParticle.ParticleSystem()
    ps.getDefaultParticleTemplate().setLifeTime( 5.0 )
    if  customShape  :
        # osgParticle now supports making use of customized drawables. The draw() method will be executed
        # and display lists will be called for each particle. It is always a huge consumption of memory, and
        # hardly to use shaders to render them, so please be careful using this feature.
        ps.getDefaultParticleTemplate().setShape( osgParticle.Particle.USER )
        ps.getDefaultParticleTemplate().setDrawable( osg.ShapeDrawable(osg.Box(osg.Vec3(), 1.0)) )
        useShaders = False
        # The shader only supports rendering points at present.
        ps.getDefaultParticleTemplate().setShape( osgParticle.Particle.POINT )
    # Set the visibility distance of particles, due to their Z-value in the eye coordinates.
    # Particles that are out of the distance (or behind the eye) will not be rendered.
    ps.setVisibilityDistance( visibilityDistance )
    if  useShaders  :
        # Set using local GLSL shaders to render particles.
        # At present, this is slightly efficient than ordinary methods. The bottlenack here seems to be the cull
        # traversal time. Operators go through the particle list again and again...
        ps.setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders( textureFile, True, 0 )
        # The default methods uses glBegin()/glEnd() pairs. Fortunately the GLBeginEndAdapter does improve the
        # process, which mimics the immediate mode with glDrawArrays().
        ps.setDefaultAttributes( textureFile, True, False, 0 )
        # Without the help of shaders, we have to sort particles to make the visibility distance work. Sorting is
        # also useful in rendering transparent particles in back-to-front order.
        if  visibilityDistance>0.0  :
            ps.setSortMode( osgParticle.ParticleSystem.SORT_BACK_TO_FRONT )
    # At last, to make the point sprite work, we have to set the points size and the sprite attribute.
    stateset = ps.getOrCreateStateSet()
    stateset.setAttribute( osg.Point(pointSize) )
    stateset.setTextureAttributeAndModes( 0, osg.PointSprite, osg.StateAttribute.ON )()
#    Construct other particle system elements, including the emitter and program
#    **
    emitter = osgParticle.ModularEmitter()
    emitter.setParticleSystem( ps )
    program = osgParticle.ModularProgram()
    program.setParticleSystem( ps )
    createFountainEffect( emitter, program )
#    Add the entire particle system to the scene graph
#    **
    parent = osg.MatrixTransform()
    parent.addChild( emitter )
    parent.addChild( program )
    # The updater can receive particle systems as child drawables now. The addParticleSystem() method
    # is still usable, with which we should define another geode to contain a particle system.
    updater = osgParticle.ParticleSystemUpdater()
    #updater.addDrawable( ps )
    root = osg.Group()
    root.addChild( parent )
    root.addChild( updater )
    # FIXME 2010.9.19: the updater can't be a drawable otehrwise the ParticleEffect will not work properly. why?
    updater.addParticleSystem( ps )
    geode = osg.Geode()
    geode.addDrawable( ps )
    root.addChild( geode )
#    Start the viewer
#    **
    viewer = osgViewer.Viewer()
    viewer.addEventHandler( osgGA.StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera().getOrCreateStateSet()) )
    viewer.addEventHandler( osgViewer.StatsHandler )()
    viewer.addEventHandler( osgViewer.WindowSizeHandler )()
    viewer.setSceneData( root )
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( osgGA.TrackballManipulator )()
    # A floating error of delta-time should be explained here:
    # The particles emitter, program and updater all use a 'dt' to compute the time value in every frame.
    # Because the 'dt' is a double value, it is not suitable to keep three copies of it seperately, which
    # is the previous implementation. The small error makes some opeartors unable to work correctly, e.g.
    # the BounceOperator.
    # Now we make use of the getDeltaTime() of ParticleSystem to maintain and dispatch the delta time. But..
    # it is not the best solution so far, since there are still very few particles acting unexpectedly.
    return viewer.run()
    # FIXME 2010.9.19: At present, getDeltaTime() is not used and the implementations in the updater and processors still
    # use a (t - _t0) as the delta time, which is of course causing floating errors. ParticleEffect will not work if we
    # replace the delta time with getDeltaTime()... Need to find a solution.

if __name__ == "__main__":