Ejemplo n.º 1
def inst_gen(json_data, fout):

    r.text_out("-- Instantiation of register space defined in " + json_data["space short name"], fout)
    indent = 1
    space_name = json_data["space short name"]
    max_name = json_data["max name"] + json_data["max prefix"] + len("_out")
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + space_name + "_0" + ": entity work." + space_name, fout)

    indent += 1

    keys = ["vhdl sys ports", "vhdl cmd ports", "register map"]

    for i in keys:
        for j in json_data[i]["items"]:
            comma = v.get_delim(i, keys, j, json_data[i]["items"], ",")
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + \
                r.pad_str(v.get_port_name(json_data[i]["prefix"], j), max_name) + \
                    " => " + \
                    json_data[i]["prefix"] + \
                    j["short name"] + \
                    json_data[i]["suffix"] + \
                    comma, fout)

    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + ");", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def vhdl_init_values(indent, json_data, fout):

    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- Define initialisation constants", fout)
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
        if "default" in entry:
            default = entry["default"]
            default = "(others => '0')"
            r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_" + entry["label"] + "_INIT : " +
            "std_logic_vector(" + entry["width"] + "-1 downto 0) := " +
            default + ";", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def default_assign(indent, fout):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("AWREADY", "OUT") + " <= axi_awready;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("WREADY", "OUT") + "  <= axi_wready;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("BRESP", "OUT") + "   <= axi_bresp;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("BVALID", "OUT") + "  <= axi_bvalid;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("ARREADY", "OUT") + " <= axi_arready;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("RDATA", "OUT") + "   <= axi_rdata_r;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("RRESP", "OUT") + "   <= axi_rresp;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + get_axi_port("RVALID", "OUT") + "  <= axi_rvalid;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def reg_sig_def(indent, json_data, fout):
    label = json_data["space label"]
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- internal register signals", fout)
    if "ro_pres" in json_data:
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal ro_regs      : " + v.get_ro_t(label) + ";", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal rw_regs      : " + v.get_rw_t(label) + ";", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal reg_rden     : std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal reg_wren     : std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal reg_dout     : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal reg_byte_ind : integer;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal reg_aw_en    : std_logic;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def vhdl_addr_assign(indent, json_data, fout):

        r.tabs(indent) +
        "-- Assign initialisation constants in case they are needed in multiple files",
        r.tabs(indent) +
        "-- Addresses are 32-bits: correct sizing implemented in .vhd files",

    vec_cnt = 1
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
            r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_" + entry["label"] +
            "_ADDR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := " + entry["addr"] + ";",

    r.text_out("", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gen_records(indent, json_data, r_type, entry_dic, fout):
    vec_cnt = 1
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
        if entry["type"] == r_type:
            if "vec" in entry:
                vec_tar = entry["vec"]
                if vec_cnt == 1 and int(vec_tar) > 1:
                    label = entry["label"][:-2] + "xx"
                        r.tabs(indent) + label + " : " +
                        entry_dic[(entry["vec"], entry["width"])] + ";", fout)
                    vec_cnt += 1
                    if int(vec_tar) == int(vec_cnt):
                        vec_cnt = 1
                        vec_cnt += 1

                    r.tabs(indent) + entry["label"] + " : std_logic_vector(" +
                    entry["width"] + "-1 downto 0);", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gen_types(indent, json_data, fout):

    r.text_out("", fout)

    vec_set = set()
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
        if "vec" in entry:
            vec_set.add((entry["vec"], entry["width"]))

    entry_dic = dict()
    for entry in vec_set:
        type_name = "T_" + json_data["space label"].upper(
        ) + "_ARR" + entry[0].lstrip() + "x" + entry[1].lstrip()

        # define types in package
            r.tabs(indent) + "type " + type_name + " is array (0 to " +
            entry[0] + "-1) of std_logic_vector(" + entry[1] + "-1 downto 0);",

        # create dictionary of type names for future use
        entry_dic[entry] = type_name

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- todo: fix alignment", fout)

    if "ro_pres" in json_data:
        # create custom register type
            r.tabs(indent) + "type " + get_ro_t(json_data["space label"]) +
            " is record", fout)
        indent += 1
        gen_records(indent, json_data, "RO", entry_dic, fout)
        indent -= 1
            r.tabs(indent) + "end record " +
            get_ro_t(json_data["space label"]) + ";", fout)
        r.text_out("", fout)

        r.tabs(indent) + "type " + get_rw_t(json_data["space label"]) +
        " is record", fout)
    indent += 1
    gen_records(indent, json_data, "RW", entry_dic, fout)
    indent -= 1
        r.tabs(indent) + "end record " + get_rw_t(json_data["space label"]) +
        ";", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def const_sig_def(indent, json_data, fout):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_EMPTY_STATUS : " +
                                "std_logic_vector(" + json_data["data bus width"] +
                                "-1 downto 0) := x\"ba_ad_ba_ad\";", fout)
    lsb = int(int(json_data["data bus width"])/32) + 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- formula used by Python script is C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/2 + 1", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- not done directly in VHDL becuase generics can't be used in case statements", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_ADDR_LSB : integer := " + str(lsb) + ";", fout)
    num_regs = len(json_data["register map"])
    addr_width = str(int(math.ceil(math.log(num_regs, 2))) + 1 - 1) 
    json_data["addr opt width"] = addr_width
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_OPT_ADDR_BITS : integer := " + addr_width + ";", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_ADDR_MSB : integer := C_OPT_ADDR_BITS + C_ADDR_LSB;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def axi_sig_def(indent, fout):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- internal AXI4LITE signals", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_awaddr   : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_awready  : std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_wready   : std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_bresp    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_bvalid   : std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_araddr   : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_arready  : std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_rdata    : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_rdata_r  : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_rresp    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "signal axi_rvalid   : std_logic;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def axi_port_intfc(indent, fout):
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_ACLK     : in  std_logic;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_ARESETN  : in  std_logic;", fout)

        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_SIGS_IN  : in  t_axi4lite_mosi;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_SIGS_OUT : out t_axi4lite_miso;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_AWADDR   : in  std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_AWPROT   : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_AWVALID  : in  std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_AWREADY  : out std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_WDATA    : in  std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_WSTRB    : in  std_logic_vector((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_WVALID   : in  std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_WREADY   : out std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_BRESP    : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_BVALID   : out std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_BREADY   : in  std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_ARADDR   : in  std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_ARPROT   : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_ARVALID  : in  std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_ARREADY  : out std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_RDATA    : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_RRESP    : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_RVALID   : out std_logic;", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "S_AXI_RREADY   : in  std_logic;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def axi_read_infra(indent, fout):

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- AXI Read infrastructure", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_bvalid <= '0';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_bresp  <= \"00\"; --need to work more on the responses", fout)
    indent -= 1        
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if axi_awready = '1' and " + get_axi_port("AWVALID", "IN") +
    " = '1' and axi_wready = '1' and " + get_axi_port("WVALID", "IN") + " = '1' and axi_bvalid = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_bvalid <= '1';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_bresp  <= \"00\";", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "elsif " + get_axi_port("BREADY", "IN") + " = '1' and axi_bvalid = '1' then -- check if bready is asserted while bvalid is high", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_bvalid <= '0';                             -- (there is a possibility that bready is always asserted high)", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_arready <= '0';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_araddr  <= (others => '1');", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if axi_arready = '0' and " + get_axi_port("ARVALID", "IN") + " = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_arready <= '1';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_araddr  <= " + get_axi_port("ARADDR", "IN") + ";", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_arready <= '0';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rvalid <= '0';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rresp  <= \"00\";", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if axi_arready = '1' and " + get_axi_port("ARVALID", "IN") +
    " = '1' and axi_rvalid = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rvalid <= '1';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rresp  <= \"00\"; -- 'OKAY' response", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "elsif axi_rvalid = '1' and " + get_axi_port("RREADY", "IN") + " = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rvalid <= '0';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "reg_rden <= axi_arready and " + get_axi_port("ARVALID", "IN") + 
    " and (not axi_rvalid);", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)

    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK) is", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rdata_r <= (others => '0');", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if reg_rden = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rdata_r <= axi_rdata;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def arch_end(indent, fout):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def arch_begin(indent, fout):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def arch_header(indent, space_label, fout):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "architecture behavioral of " + space_label + " is", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def vhdl_init_assign(indent, json_data, r_type, fout):

    if r_type == "RO":
        type_label = get_ro_t(json_data["space label"])
        type_label = get_rw_t(json_data["space label"])

    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- Assign initialisation constants", fout)
        r.tabs(indent) + "constant C_" + (json_data["space label"]).upper() +
        "_" + r_type + " : " + type_label + " := (", fout)

    indent += 1

    vec_cnt = 1
    line = ""
    post_indent = 0
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
        if entry["type"] == r_type:
            vec_slice = "(" + entry["width"] + "-1 downto 0)"
            if line != "":
                r.text_out(line, fout)
            if "vec" in entry:
                vec_tar = entry["vec"]
                if vec_cnt == 1 and int(vec_tar) > 1:
                    label = entry["label"][:-2] + "xx"
                    vec_cnt += 1
                    post_indent = 1
                    header = label + " => (\n" + r.tabs(indent + post_indent)
                    trailer = ","
                    if int(vec_cnt) == int(vec_tar):
                        vec_cnt = 1
                        post_indent = (-1)
                        if vec_tar == 1:
                            header = label + " => (\n" + r.tabs(indent +
                            header = ""
                        operator = ""
                        trailer = "\n" + r.tabs(indent + post_indent) + "),"
                        vec_cnt += 1
                        post_indent = 0
                        header = ""
                        operator = ""
                        trailer = ","

                post_indent = 0
                header = entry["label"] + " => "
                operator = " =>"
                trailer = ","

            line = r.tabs(indent) + header + "C_" + entry[
                "label"] + "_INIT" + vec_slice + trailer
            indent += post_indent

    r.text_out(line[:-1], fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + ");", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def axi_write_infra(indent, fout):

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- AXI Write infrastructure", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "RW_REGS_OUT <= rw_regs;", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_awready <= '0';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "reg_aw_en   <= '1';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if axi_awready = '0' and " + get_axi_port("AWVALID", "IN") +
    " = '1' and " + get_axi_port("WVALID", "IN") + " = '1' and reg_aw_en = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_awready <= '1';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "elsif " + get_axi_port("BREADY", "IN") + " = '1' and " +
    "axi_bvalid = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "reg_aw_en   <= '1';", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_awready <= '0';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_awready <= '0';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_awaddr <= (others => '0');", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if axi_awready = '0' and " + get_axi_port("AWVALID", "IN") + 
    " = '1' and " + get_axi_port("WVALID", "IN") + " = '1' and reg_aw_en = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_awaddr <= " + get_axi_port("AWADDR", "IN") + ";", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_wready <= '0';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if axi_wready = '0' and " + get_axi_port("WVALID", "IN") + 
    " = '1' and " + get_axi_port("AWVALID", "IN") + " = '1' and reg_aw_en = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_wready <= '1';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_wready <= '0';", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)

    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "reg_wren <= axi_wready and " + get_axi_port("WVALID", "IN") + 
    " and axi_awready and " + get_axi_port("AWVALID", "IN") + ";", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def axi_write_regs(indent, fout, json_data):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- AXI Register Write Process", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)

    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(S_AXI_ACLK)", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "variable loc_addr : std_logic_vector(C_OPT_ADDR_BITS downto 0);", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if rising_edge(S_AXI_ACLK) then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if S_AXI_ARESETN = '0' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    if "ro_pres" in json_data:
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "ro_regs <= RO_REGS_IN;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "rw_regs <= C_" + json_data["space label"].upper() + "_RW;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "else", fout)
    indent += 1
    if "ro_pres" in json_data:
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- Register the external (engine etc.) values into the ro registers every cycle", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "ro_regs <= RO_REGS_IN;", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "loc_addr := axi_awaddr(C_ADDR_MSB downto C_ADDR_LSB);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if reg_wren = '1' then", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- read-only registers not included here", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "case loc_addr is", fout)
    indent += 1
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
        if entry["type"] == "RW":
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- " + entry["addr"] + ", " + entry["desc"], fout)
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "when " + "C_" + entry["label"] + "_ADDR(C_ADDR_MSB downto C_ADDR_LSB) =>", fout)
            indent += 1
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "for byte_index in 0 to (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1) loop", fout)
            indent += 1
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "if " + get_axi_port("WSTRB", "IN") + "(byte_index) = '1' then", fout)
            indent += 1
            if "vec" in entry:
                label = entry["label"][:-2] + "xx" + "(" + entry["label"][-2:] + ")"
                label = entry["label"]
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "rw_regs." + label +
                                        "(byte_index*8+7 downto byte_index*8) <= " +
                                        get_axi_port("WDATA", "IN") + "(byte_index*8+7 downto byte_index*8);", fout)
            indent -= 1
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
            indent -= 1
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end loop;", fout)
            indent -= 1

    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "when others => ", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- null", fout)

    indent -= 2
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end case;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end if;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def generic_intfc(indent, json_data, fout):
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := " + json_data["addr bus width"] + ";", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := " + json_data["data bus width"] + "", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def axi_read_regs(indent, fout, json_data):
    r.text_out("", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- AXI Register Read Process", fout)
    r.text_out("", fout)

    if "ro_pres" in json_data:
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(ro_regs, rw_regs, axi_araddr, S_AXI_ARESETN, reg_rden) is", fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "process(rw_regs, axi_araddr, S_AXI_ARESETN, reg_rden) is", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "variable loc_addr :std_logic_vector(C_OPT_ADDR_BITS downto 0);", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "begin", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- Address decoding for reading registers", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "loc_addr := axi_araddr(C_ADDR_MSB downto C_ADDR_LSB);", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "case loc_addr is", fout)
    indent += 1
    for entry in json_data["register map"]:
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "-- " + entry["addr"] + ", " + entry["desc"], fout)
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "when " + "C_" + entry["label"] + "_ADDR(C_ADDR_MSB downto C_ADDR_LSB) =>", fout)
        indent += 1
        if "vec" in entry:
            label = entry["label"][:-2] + "xx" + "(" + entry["label"][-2:] + ")"
            label = entry["label"]
        if entry["type"] == "RO":
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rdata <= ro_regs." + label + ";", fout)
            r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rdata <= rw_regs." + label + ";", fout)
        indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "when others => ", fout)
    indent += 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "axi_rdata <= C_EMPTY_STATUS;", fout)
    indent -= 2
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end case;", fout)
    indent -= 1
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "end process;", fout)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def reg_port_intfc(indent, json_data, fout):
    label = json_data["space label"]
    if "ro_pres" in json_data:
        r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "RO_REGS_IN     : in  " + v.get_ro_t(label) + ";", fout)
    r.text_out(r.tabs(indent) + "RW_REGS_OUT    : out " + v.get_rw_t(label) + "", fout)