Ejemplo n.º 1
 def update_pos(self, simul_clock):
     if self.start_time <= simul_clock < self.ar_time:
         self.isVisible = True
         self.px = self.start_px
         self.py = self.start_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.start_py, self.anchored_py, self.start_time, self.ar_time, simul_clock)
     elif self.ar_time <= simul_clock < self.dp_time:
         self.px, self.py = self.anchored_px, self.anchored_py
     elif self.dp_time <= simul_clock < self.end_time:
         self.px = self.anchored_px
         self.py = self.anchored_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.anchored_py, self.end_py, self.dp_time, self.end_time, simul_clock)
     elif self.end_time:
         self.isVisible = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def update_pos(self, simul_clock):
     if self.pe_time <= simul_clock < self.tro_ms_time:
         #straddler moving
         self.py = self.pe_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.pe_py, self.tg_py, self.pe_time, self.tro_ms_time, simul_clock) 
     elif self.tro_ms_time <= simul_clock < self.tro_mf_time:
         self.py = self.tg_py
         #trolly moving
         self.trolly.px = self.trolly.pe_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.trolly.pe_px, self.trolly.tg_px, self.tro_ms_time, self.tro_mf_time, simul_clock) 
     elif self.tro_mf_time <= simul_clock < self.tg_time:
         self.py = self.tg_py
         self.trolly.px = self.trolly.tg_px
     if self.tg_time <= simul_clock:
         self.trolly.px = self.trolly.pe_px = self.trolly.tg_px
         self.pe_time, self.pe_py = self.tg_time, self.tg_py
         if self.evt_start: self.evt_start = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def set_evt_data(self, target_evt_id, simul_clock):
     if self.start_time and simul_clock <= self.start_time:
         self.px, self.py = 0, 0
     elif self.ar_time and self.start_time <= simul_clock < self.ar_time: 
         self.isVisible = True
         self.px = self.start_px
         self.py = self.start_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.start_py, self.anchored_py, self.start_time, self.ar_time, simul_clock)
     elif self.ar_time and self.ar_time <= simul_clock < self.dp_time:
         self.isVisible = True
         self.px, self.py = self.anchored_px, self.anchored_py
     elif self.end_time and self.dp_time <= simul_clock < self.end_time:
         self.isVisible = True
         self.px = self.anchored_px
         self.py = self.anchored_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.anchored_py, self.end_py, self.dp_time, self.end_time, simul_clock) 
     elif self.end_time and self.end_time <= simul_clock:
         self.isVisible = False
         self.px, self.py = 0, 0
         assert False
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def update_pos(self, simul_clock):
     if self.target_evt_id == 0:
         if self.tg_container in self.target_qb.holding_containers:
             self.tg_px = self.target_qb.holding_containers[self.tg_container].px
         if self.pe_time <= simul_clock < self.tg_time:
             self.px = self.pe_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.pe_px, self.tg_px, self.pe_time, self.tg_time, simul_clock)
         if self.ss_ls:
             if self.pe_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint1_time:
                 self.px = self.pe_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.pe_px, self.wp1_px, self.pe_time, self.waypoint1_time, simul_clock) 
                 self.py = self.pe_py
             elif self.waypoint1_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint2_time:
                 self.thr_wp1 = True
                 self.px = self.wp1_px  
                 self.py = self.wp1_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp1_py, self.wp2_py, self.waypoint1_time, self.waypoint2_time, simul_clock) 
             elif self.waypoint2_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint3_time:
                 self.thr_wp1 = False
                 self.thr_wp2 = True
                 self.px = self.wp2_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp2_px, self.wp3_px, self.waypoint2_time, self.waypoint3_time, simul_clock) 
                 self.py = self.wp2_py
             elif self.waypoint3_time <= simul_clock < self.tg_time:
                 self.thr_wp2 = False
                 self.thr_wp3 = True
                 self.px = self.wp3_px
                 self.py = self.wp3_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp3_py, self.tg_py, self.waypoint3_time, self.tg_time, simul_clock) 
         elif self.ls_ss:
             if self.tg_container in self.target_qb.holding_containers:
                 self.tg_px = self.target_qb.holding_containers[self.tg_container].px
             if self.pe_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint1_time:
                 self.px = self.pe_px
                 self.py = self.pe_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.pe_py, self.wp1_py, self.pe_time, self.waypoint1_time, simul_clock)
             elif self.waypoint1_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint2_time:
                 self.thr_wp1 = True
                 self.px = self.wp1_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp1_px, self.wp2_px, self.waypoint1_time, self.waypoint2_time, simul_clock)
                 self.py = self.wp1_py
             elif self.waypoint2_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint3_time:
                 self.thr_wp1 = False
                 self.thr_wp2 = True
                 self.px = self.wp2_px
                 self.py = self.wp2_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp2_py, self.wp3_py, self.waypoint2_time, self.waypoint3_time, simul_clock) 
             elif self.waypoint3_time <= simul_clock < self.tg_time:
                 self.thr_wp2 = False
                 self.thr_wp3 = True
                 self.px = self.wp3_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp3_px, self.tg_px, self.waypoint3_time, self.tg_time, simul_clock) 
                 self.py = self.wp3_py
         elif self.ls_ls:
             if self.pe_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint1_time:
                 self.px = self.pe_px
                 self.py = self.pe_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.pe_py, self.wp1_py, self.pe_time, self.waypoint1_time, simul_clock)
             elif self.waypoint1_time <= simul_clock < self.waypoint2_time:
                 self.thr_wp1 = True
                 self.px = self.wp1_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp1_px, self.wp2_px, self.waypoint1_time, self.waypoint2_time, simul_clock)
                 self.py = self.wp1_py
             elif self.waypoint2_time <= simul_clock < self.tg_time:
                 self.thr_wp1 = False
                 self.thr_wp2 = True
                 self.px = self.wp2_px
                 self.py = self.wp2_py + calc_proportional_pos(self.wp2_py, self.tg_py, self.waypoint2_time, self.tg_time, simul_clock)
         elif self.ss_ss:
             self.px = self.pe_px + calc_proportional_pos(self.pe_px, self.tg_px, self.pe_time, self.tg_time, simul_clock)
     if self.tg_time <= simul_clock:
         self.pe_time = self.tg_time
         self.pe_px, self.pe_py = self.px, self.py = self.tg_px, self.tg_py
         if self.evt_start: self.evt_start = False