Ejemplo n.º 1
    def vp2f(self, patchname, params):
        """ List patch and files it uses
            patchname (string): name of patch file
            params    (dict):   parameters
                patchdir  (string, required): path of patches folder
            PT_ParameterError for any missing files

        if (not isinstance(params, dict)):
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'params')

        sourcedir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'sourcedir')
        patchdir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'patchdir')
        patchpath = self._check_filename_param(patchdir, patchname,

        # Get list of source filenames referenced in patch
        # Note that a patch may refer to files that do not exist in the source tree.
        filelist = Patch.list_files(patchpath)
        filepaths = []
        for file_ in filelist:
            path = ut.join_path(sourcedir, file_)
            if (ut.is_file(path)):
                filepaths += [path]

        paths = [patchpath] + filepaths

        return self._view(paths)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, params):
     """ Constructor
         params (dict): parameters
             sourcedir  (string,required):       path to source directory
             patchdir   (string,required):       path to patch directory
             targets    (string/list, optional): target file(s)
             indent     (int, optional):         indentation
                 default = 3
             mode (string, optional): scanning mode
                 'full'     : report edit errors only
                 'complete' : report status of all edits
                 default is 'full' 
             find (bool, optional): find missing strings
                 default is True
             debug (int, optional) debug options
                 default is 0
         If '' is passed as sourcedir or patchdir, the caller must supply file
         paths to the match method that are accessible from the caller's current dircectory.
         If 'targets' is specified the code will only scan diff sections that
         modify the filenames in params['targets]
     self.name = 'Checker'
     if ((params is None) or (not isinstance(params, dict))):
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'params')
     self.sourcedir = self._check_required_string_param(params, 'sourcedir')
     self._check_path_param('sourcedir', self.sourcedir)
     self.patchdir = self._check_required_string_param(params, 'patchdir')
     self._check_path_param('patchdir', self.patchdir)
     self.indent = self._check_optional_string_param(params, 'indent', '   ')
     self.mode   = self._check_optional_string_param(params, 'mode', 'full')
     self.find   = self._check_optional_param(params, 'find', bool, False)
     self.debug  = self._check_optional_param(params, 'debug', int, 0)
     if (not self.mode in ('full', 'complete')):
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'mode')
     if ('targets' in params): 
         targets = params['targets']
         if (ut.is_string_type(targets)):
             self.targets = [targets]
         elif (isinstance(targets, list) and ut.is_string_type(targets[0])):
             self.targets = targets
             raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'targets')
         self.targets = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _sort_on_date(self, patches):
        ''' Sort patches on date field. The format is like:
                Fri, 28 Dec 2012 21:00:31 +0200
        records = []
        for patch in patches:
            strings = ut.read_strings(ut.join_path(self.patchdir, patch))
            for string in strings:
                if ("Date:" in string
                    ):  # e.g. 'Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 19:09:47 +0000'
                    fields = ut.string_to_words(string[6:].lstrip(' \t'))
                    _, s_day, s_mon, s_year, s_hms, _ = fields
                    s_hour, s_minute, s_second = s_hms.split(':')
                    day, year = int(s_day), int(s_year)
                    hour, minute, second = int(s_hour), int(s_minute), int(
                    month = self.month_numbers[s_mon]
                    # ignoring microseconds
                    dt = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
                    records += [(dt, patch)]

        records = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r[0])

        patches = [patch for (_, patch) in records]

        return patches
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _check_paths(self, diff):
     ''' Check that:
         (1) file named in diff spec exists (GIT format only)
         (2) file named in '---' line exists or is /dev/null
         (3) file named in '+++' line exists or is /dev/null
         (4) file to be created exists in new tree
         (5) file to be deleted does not exist in old tree
     if (not ut.is_file(ut.join_path(self.sourcedir, diff.a_path))):
         self._error_msg('"a" file not found: %s' % diff.a_path, 2)
         return False
     if (diff.old_path != '/dev/null'):
         if (not ut.is_file(ut.join_path(self.sourcedir, diff.old_path))):
             self._error_msg('"old" file not found: %s' % diff.old_path, 2)
             return False
         if (ut.is_file(ut.join_path(self.sourcedir, diff.new_path))):
             self._error_msg('"new" file found in old tree: %s' % diff.new_path, 2)
             return False
     if (diff.new_path != '/dev/null'):
         if (not ut.is_file(ut.join_path(self.sourcedir, diff.new_path))):
             self._error_msg('"new" file not found: %s' % diff.new_path, 2)
             return False
         if (not ut.is_file(ut.join_path(self.sourcedir, diff.old_path))):
             self._error_msg('"old" file not found in old tree: %s' % diff.old_path, 2)
             return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _sort_on_date(self, patches):
     ''' Sort patches on date field. The format is like:
             Fri, 28 Dec 2012 21:00:31 +0200
     records = []
     for patch in patches:
         strings = ut.read_strings(ut.join_path(self.patchdir, patch))
         for string in strings:
             if ("Date:" in string): # e.g. 'Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 19:09:47 +0000'
                 fields = ut.string_to_words(string[6:].lstrip(' \t'))
                 _, s_day, s_mon, s_year, s_hms, _ = fields
                 s_hour, s_minute, s_second = s_hms.split(':')
                 day, year = int(s_day), int(s_year)
                 hour, minute, second = int(s_hour), int(s_minute), int(s_second)
                 month = self.month_numbers[s_mon]
                 # ignoring microseconds
                 dt = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) 
                 records += [(dt, patch)]
     records = sorted(records, key = lambda r: r[0])
     patches = [patch for (_, patch) in records]
     return patches
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check_config(srcroot, docroot, modules):
    """ Check the configuration
    errors = 0
    # Do all the Python/REST source files exist?
    for module in modules:
        # Python modules have a Python source file and a .rst docs file
        if (isinstance(module, list)):
            path = os.path.join(srcroot, module[1])
            if (not ut.is_file(path)):
                print("check_config: %s not found" % path)
                errors += 1
            path = os.path.join(docroot, module[0])
            if (not ut.is_file(path)):
                print("check_config: %s not found" % path)
                errors += 1
            # REST modules have only an .rst file
            path = os.path.join(docroot, module)
            if (not ut.is_file(path)):
                print("check_config: %s not found" % path)
                errors += 1
    return errors
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def vp2f(self, patchname, params):
     """ List patch and files it uses
         patchname (string): name of patch file
         params    (dict):   parameters
             patchdir  (string, required): path of patches folder
         PT_ParameterError for any missing files
     if (not isinstance(params, dict)):
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'params')
     sourcedir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'sourcedir')
     patchdir  = self._check_directory_param(params, 'patchdir')
     patchpath = self._check_filename_param(patchdir, patchname, 'patchname')
     # Get list of source filenames referenced in patch
     # Note that a patch may refer to files that do not exist in the source tree.
     filelist = Patch.list_files(patchpath)
     filepaths = []
     for file_ in filelist:
         path = ut.join_path(sourcedir, file_)
         if (ut.is_file(path)):
             filepaths += [path]
     paths = [patchpath] + filepaths
     return self._view(paths)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def list_files(patchpath):
     """ List the files referenced by a patch, without duplicates
         patchpath (string) path to patch file
         list of filenames
         A "filename" is the portion of the file's path after the kernel root,
         e.g. "drivers/iio/...".
     strings = ut.read_strings(patchpath)
     files = {}
     for string in strings:
         if (string.startswith('diff --git ')):
             filename = ut.get_string_filename(string)
             files[filename] = True
     filenames = sorted(files)   # 2to3
     return filenames
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def list_files(patchpath):
        """ List the files referenced by a patch, without duplicates
            patchpath (string) path to patch file
            list of filenames
            A "filename" is the portion of the file's path after the kernel root,
            e.g. "drivers/iio/...".

        strings = ut.read_strings(patchpath)
        files = {}
        for string in strings:
            if (string.startswith('diff --git ')):
                filename = ut.get_string_filename(string)
                files[filename] = True

        filenames = sorted(files)  # 2to3

        return filenames
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, path):
        """ Constructor
            path (string): path to patch archive file
            PT_ParameterError, PT_NotFoundError
             A "patch archive" file lists diff sections from patches that were applied to
             produce the associated kernel version. Since the patch archive files can be very large,
             we take care to avoid copying or storing data that is not of interest to the user.

        self.name = 'Archive'
        if (not ut.is_string_type(path)):
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, path)
        if (not ut.is_file(path)):
            raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, path)
        self._path = path
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _iterate():

    r = c['sourcedir']
    t = ut.join_path(c['tempdir'], 'encoding.dat')
    w = h.read('walk.txt')
    for file_ in w:
        path = ut.join_path(r, file_)
        s = ut.read_strings(path)
        ut.write_strings(s, t)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _iterate():

    r = c['sourcedir']
    t = ut.join_path(c['tempdir'], 'encoding.dat')
    w = h.read('walk.txt')
    for file_ in w:
        path = ut.join_path(r, file_)
        s = ut.read_strings(path)
        ut.write_strings(s, t)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _check_filename_param(self, prefix, value, name):
     if (not ut.is_string_type(value)):
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, name)
     path = ut.join_path(prefix, value)
     if (not ut.is_file(path)):
         raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, value)
     return path
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _check_filename_param(self, prefix, value, name):

        if (not ut.is_string_type(value)):
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, name)

        path = ut.join_path(prefix, value)
        if (not ut.is_file(path)):
            raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, value)

        return path
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def vp2a(self, patchname, archpath, params):
        """ Display patch and archive diff sections that use its files
            patchname (string): name of patch file
            archpath  (string): path to archive file
            params    (dict):   parameters
                patchdir (string, required): path of patches folder
                tempdir  (string, required): path to store temporary data
            PT_ParameterError for any missing files
            Launches the editor synchronously, since a temporary file is created to hold
            the archive sections.

        if (not isinstance(params, dict)):
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'params')

        sourcedir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'sourcedir')
        patchdir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'patchdir')
        tempdir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'tempdir')

        patchpath = self._check_filename_param(patchdir, patchname,
        if (not ut.is_file(archpath)):
            raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, archpath)

        # Get list of files used by the patch
        filelist = Patch.list_files(patchpath)
        filepaths = [ut.join_path(sourcedir, file_) for file_ in filelist]

        # Get archive diff sections that use any of the files
        strings = []
        for diff in self._get_diffs(archpath, filepaths):
            strings += diff

        if (len(strings) == 0):
            return []

        # Store the diff sections in a temporary file
        archname = archpath[archpath.rfind('/') + 1:]
        tempname = archname + '.tmp'
        temppath = ut.join_path(tempdir, tempname)
        ut.write_strings(strings, temppath)

        self._view([patchpath, temppath], True)

        # Note that we requested _view to wait for subprocess exit above,
        # so that we do not try to delete the file while it is in use.

Ejemplo n.º 16
def is_text_file(string):
    if ('defkeymap.map' in string):
    path = ut.join_path(c['sourcedir'], string)
    inpt = open(path, "rb")
    fsiz = ut.file_size(path)
    abuf = inpt.read(min(1024, fsiz))
    ret  = chardetect(abuf)
    return (isinstance(ret, dict) and ('encoding' in ret) and (ret['encoding'] is not None))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_patch_names(self, params=None):
        """ Return list of names of patches in our patch set 
            params (dict, optional): parameters
                excl_dirs (list, optional): directories to exclude
                incl_dirs (list, optional): directories to include
            list of patch names in the order found in patchset
            The "name" of a patch is the concatenation of the name of its parent folder
            and its filename, as shown in the patchset description.
            If params is None, names of all patches are returned.
        if ((params is not None) and isinstance(params, dict)):
            excl_dirs = self._check_optional_param(params, 'excl_dirs', list,
            incl_dirs = self._check_optional_param(params, 'incl_dirs', list,
            excl_dirs = []
            incl_dirs = []

        names = []

        groups = self.patchset['groups']

        if (groups[0] in self.patchset):  # old format?
            for group in groups:
                names += self.patchset[group]

        else:  # new format
            if (len(incl_dirs) > 0):
                dirs = incl_dirs
                dirs = groups
                for dir_ in excl_dirs:
                    if (dir_ in dirs):
            for dir_ in dirs:
                dirnames = []
                path = ut.join_path(self.patchdir, dir_)
                for (_, _, files) in os.walk(path):
                    for file_ in files:
                        name = ut.join_path(dir_, file_)
                        dirnames += [name]
                names += dirnames

        return names
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def vp2a(self, patchname, archpath, params):
        """ Display patch and archive diff sections that use its files
            patchname (string): name of patch file
            archpath  (string): path to archive file
            params    (dict):   parameters
                patchdir (string, required): path of patches folder
                tempdir  (string, required): path to store temporary data
            PT_ParameterError for any missing files
            Launches the editor synchronously, since a temporary file is created to hold
            the archive sections.
        if (not isinstance(params, dict)):
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'params')
        sourcedir  = self._check_directory_param(params, 'sourcedir')
        patchdir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'patchdir')
        tempdir = self._check_directory_param(params, 'tempdir')
        patchpath = self._check_filename_param(patchdir, patchname, 'patchname')
        if (not ut.is_file(archpath)):
            raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, archpath)
        # Get list of files used by the patch
        filelist = Patch.list_files(patchpath)
        filepaths = [ut.join_path(sourcedir, file_) for file_ in filelist]

        # Get archive diff sections that use any of the files
        strings = []
        for diff in self._get_diffs(archpath, filepaths):
            strings += diff
        if (len(strings) == 0):
            return []
        # Store the diff sections in a temporary file
        archname = archpath[archpath.rfind('/') + 1:]
        tempname = archname + '.tmp'
        temppath = ut.join_path(tempdir, tempname)
        ut.write_strings(strings, temppath)
        self._view([patchpath, temppath], True)
        # Note that we requested _view to wait for subprocess exit above,
        # so that we do not try to delete the file while it is in use.
Ejemplo n.º 19
def is_text_file(string):

    if ('defkeymap.map' in string):
    path = ut.join_path(c['sourcedir'], string)
    inpt = open(path, "rb")
    fsiz = ut.file_size(path)
    abuf = inpt.read(min(1024, fsiz))
    ret = chardetect(abuf)
    return (isinstance(ret, dict) and ('encoding' in ret)
            and (ret['encoding'] is not None))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def get_patch_names(self, params=None):
     """ Return list of names of patches in our patch set 
         params (dict, optional): parameters
             excl_dirs (list, optional): directories to exclude
             incl_dirs (list, optional): directories to include
         list of patch names in the order found in patchset
         The "name" of a patch is the concatenation of the name of its parent folder
         and its filename, as shown in the patchset description.
         If params is None, names of all patches are returned.
     if ((params is not None) and isinstance(params, dict)):
         excl_dirs = self._check_optional_param(params, 'excl_dirs', list, [])
         incl_dirs = self._check_optional_param(params, 'incl_dirs', list, [])
         excl_dirs = []
         incl_dirs = []
     names = []
     groups = self.patchset['groups']
     if (groups[0] in self.patchset): # old format?
         for group in groups:
             names += self.patchset[group]
     else: # new format
         if (len(incl_dirs) > 0):
             dirs = incl_dirs
             dirs = groups
             for dir_ in excl_dirs:
                 if (dir_ in dirs):
         for dir_ in dirs:
             dirnames = []
             path = ut.join_path(self.patchdir, dir_)   
             for (_, _, files) in os.walk(path):
                 for file_ in files:
                     name = ut.join_path(dir_, file_)
                     dirnames += [name]
             names += dirnames
     return names
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _enumerate(self, dir_, files):
     results = []
     for file_ in files:
         if (self.test_dirs):
             path = ut.join_path(dir_, file_)
             path = file_
         if ((not self._is_file_excluded(path)) and self._is_file_included(path)):
             results += [ut.join_path(dir_, file_)]
     return results
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _sort_patches_new(self, patches):
        ''' In the "new" (kernel-3.8) format, the patchset "groups" item
            is a list of names of folders under self.patchdir, and the groups
            are intended to be processed in list order, apparently with the
            order of files within a group being controlled by the first four
            characters xof the file's name.

        # Map the patches into a dict on the folder name
        dir_ = {}
        for patchname in patches:
            parts = patchname.split('/', 1)
            folder, filename = parts[0], parts[1]
            if (folder in dir_):
                dir_[folder] += [filename]
                dir_[folder] = [filename]

        # Extract the patch names in patchset order
        sorted_ = []
        for group in self.patchset['groups']:
            if (group in dir_):
                files = dir_[group]
                if (len(files) > 1):
                items = [ut.join_path(group, name) for name in files]
                sorted_ += items

        return sorted_
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _check_directory_param(self, params, field):

        path = self._check_required_string_param(params, field)
        if (not ut.is_dir(path)):
            raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, field)

        return path
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _format_dict(self, result):
     ''' If the dict will fit on one line, just print it.
         Otherwise, recurse on each key-value pair.
     string = str(result)
     if (len(string) <= 72):
         return [string]
     keys = sorted(result) # +2to3
     #keys = .keys()
     strings = ['{']
     for key in keys:
         val = result[key]
         if (isinstance(val, int)):
             strings += ['   "%s" : %d' % (key, val)]
         elif (ut.is_string_type(val)):
             val = val.rstrip(' \t\n')
             keystr = '   "%s" : ' % key
             if ('\n' in val):
                 strs = val.split('\n')
                 strs = [('      ' + astr.strip()) for astr in strs]
                 strings += [keystr] + strs
                 strings += [keystr + val]
         elif (isinstance(val, dict)):
             strings += self._format_dict(val)
             strings += ['   "%s" : %s' % (key, str(val))]
     strings += ['}']
     return strings
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _parse_hunk_line(self, string):
        ''' Parse hunk line like '@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ DEFINE_...'. The text after
            the second '@@' is a 'hunk note'.

        self.spec = string
        string = ut.normalize_string(string, False)

        (_, old, new, tail) = string.split(' ', 3)
        if (tail == '@@'):  # no hunk note
            self.note = ''
            self.note = tail.split(' ')[1]

        parts = old[1:].split(',')
        self.old_start = int(parts[0])
        if (',' in old):  # old has line count
            self.old_count = int(parts[1])
            self.old_count = 1

        parts = new[1:].split(',')
        self.new_start = int(parts[0])
        if (',' in new):  # new has line count
            self.new_count = int(parts[1])
            self.new_count = 1
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def load(self, path):
     """ Load data that is formatted as a JSON object coded in a string
             path (string) file path
     return json.loads(ut.read_file(path))
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def _sort_patches_new(self, patches):
     ''' In the "new" (kernel-3.8) format, the patchset "groups" item
         is a list of names of folders under self.patchdir, and the groups
         are intended to be processed in list order, apparently with the
         order of files within a group being controlled by the first four
         characters xof the file's name.
     # Map the patches into a dict on the folder name
     dir_ = {}
     for patchname in patches:
         parts = patchname.split('/', 1)
         folder, filename = parts[0], parts[1]
         if (folder in dir_):
             dir_[folder] += [filename]
             dir_[folder] = [filename]
     # Extract the patch names in patchset order
     sorted_ = []        
     for group in self.patchset['groups']:
         if (group in dir_):
             files = dir_[group]
             if (len(files) > 1):
             items = [ut.join_path(group, name) for name in files]
             sorted_ += items
     return sorted_ 
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def _check_directory_param(self, params, field):
     path = self._check_required_string_param(params, field)
     if (not ut.is_dir(path)):
         raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, field)
     return path
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def walk(self):
        """  The walk starts here
            A list of matching file paths
        results = []

        for f in self._folders:
            for (dir1, _, files) in os.walk(f):
                if (len(files) > 0):
                    # Pythons's os.walk function will prepend the root path to dir1
                    dir2 = ut.trim_path(self._root_path, dir1)
                    if (self._trim_paths):
                        results += self._enumerate(dir2, files)
                        results += self._enumerate(dir1, files)
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def load(self, path):
     """ Load data that is formatted as a JSON object coded in a string
             path (string) file path
     return json.loads(ut.read_file(path))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def _format_dict(self, result):
        ''' If the dict will fit on one line, just print it.
            Otherwise, recurse on each key-value pair.

        string = str(result)
        if (len(string) <= 72):
            return [string]

        keys = sorted(result)  # +2to3
        #keys = .keys()
        strings = ['{']
        for key in keys:
            val = result[key]
            if (isinstance(val, int)):
                strings += ['   "%s" : %d' % (key, val)]
            elif (ut.is_string_type(val)):
                val = val.rstrip(' \t\n')
                keystr = '   "%s" : ' % key
                if ('\n' in val):
                    strs = val.split('\n')
                    strs = [('      ' + astr.strip()) for astr in strs]
                    strings += [keystr] + strs
                    strings += [keystr + val]
            elif (isinstance(val, dict)):
                strings += self._format_dict(val)
                strings += ['   "%s" : %s' % (key, str(val))]
        strings += ['}']

        return strings
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def _parse_hunk_line(self, string):
        ''' Parse hunk line like '@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ DEFINE_...'. The text after
            the second '@@' is a 'hunk note'.

        self.spec = string
        string = ut.normalize_string(string, False)
        (_, old, new, tail) = string.split(' ', 3)
        if (tail == '@@'): # no hunk note
            self.note = ''
            self.note = tail.split(' ')[1]
        parts = old[1:].split(',')
        self.old_start = int(parts[0])
        if (',' in old): # old has line count
            self.old_count = int(parts[1])
            self.old_count = 1
        parts = new[1:].split(',')
        self.new_start = int(parts[0])
        if (',' in new): # new has line count
            self.new_count = int(parts[1])
            self.new_count = 1
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def _find_line(self, text, strings):
        ''' Try to find text in the source strings.
            Both text and strings are normalized to eliminate mismatches on varying whitespace.
            Source strings may contain items such as author name, etc. with unicode characters
            that can't be converted to ascii or latin-1, so we must not convert the strings to
            Python 2.x str objects.
        text = ut.normalize_string(text, True)
        matches = []
        for index in range(len(strings)):
            string = ut.normalize_string(strings[index], True)
            if (text == string):
                matches += [index]

        return matches
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def _check_file_1_arg(self, name, value):
        ''' Validate file argument when only one file is allowed.

        if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
            return value
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, name)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def _check_file_1_arg(self, name, value):
     ''' Validate file argument when only one file is allowed.
     if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
         return value
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, name)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def _find_line(self, text, strings):
     ''' Try to find text in the source strings.
         Both text and strings are normalized to eliminate mismatches on varying whitespace.
         Source strings may contain items such as author name, etc. with unicode characters
         that can't be converted to ascii or latin-1, so we must not convert the strings to
         Python 2.x str objects.
     text = ut.normalize_string(text, True)
     matches = []
     for index in range(len(strings)):
         string = ut.normalize_string(strings[index], True)
         if (text == string):
             matches += [index]
     return matches
Ejemplo n.º 37
def convert_api_data(config):

    srcroot = config['srcroot']
    sources = config['sources']
    data = []
    for source in sources:
        print('extract: ' + source)
        path = ut.join_path(srcroot, source)
        strings  = Strings(ut.read_strings(path))
        sections = strings.extract('#++','#--')
        if (len(sections) > 0):
            sections = [conv_section(section) for section in sections]
            data += Strings.join(sections)
    ut.write_strings(data, './_rest/api.txt')
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def _match_patterns(self, path):
     ''' Search files in self.paths for match to self.matcher. 
     filepath = ut.join_path(self.root_path, path)
     strings = ut.read_strings(filepath)
     for index in range(len(strings)):
         text = strings[index]
         if (self.debug > 1):
             print('   "%s"' % text)
         pattern = self.matcher(text)
         if (pattern is not None):
             if (self.trim_paths):
                 path_ = path
                 path_ = filepath
             if (pattern not in self.matches):
                 self.matches[pattern] = []
             self.matches[pattern] += [(path_, index + 1, text.lstrip())]
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def _match_patterns(self, path):
     ''' Search files in self.paths for match to self.matcher. 
     filepath = ut.join_path(self.root_path, path)
     strings = ut.read_strings(filepath)
     for index in range(len(strings)):
         text = strings[index]
         if (self.debug > 1):
             print('   "%s"' % text)
         pattern = self.matcher(text)
         if (pattern is not None):
             if (self.trim_paths):
                 path_ = path
                 path_ = filepath
             if (pattern not in self.matches):
                 self.matches[pattern] = []
             self.matches[pattern] += [(path_, index + 1, text.lstrip())]
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def __init__(self, mod, name, value=None):
     s = '%s: invalid %s parameter' % (mod, name)
     if (value is not None):
         s += ': '
         if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
             s += value
             s+= str(value)
     super(PT_ParameterError, self).__init__(mod, s)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def __init__(self, mod, name, value=None):
     s = '%s: invalid %s parameter' % (mod, name)
     if (value is not None):
         s += ': '
         if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
             s += value
             s += str(value)
     super(PT_ParameterError, self).__init__(mod, s)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def __init__(self, path):
        """ Constructor
            path (string): path to patch file
            Commented out diff and hunk sections are omitted.

        self.name = 'Patch'

        if (not ut.is_string_type(path)):
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, path)

        if (not ut.is_file(path)):
            raise PT_NotFoundError(self.name, path)

        strings = Strings(ut.read_strings(path))
        strings = strings.discard('"""', '"""')

        # Split any email header from the patch data
        (_, body) = strings.partition('diff -')

        if (body is None):  #all diffs commented out?
            self.diffs = []
            self.patch_type = 'text'
            self.patch_mode = 'git'
            print "body is none"
        elif (body[0].startswith('diff --git ')):
            # Split any email footer from the patch data
            (body, _) = body.rpartition('-- ')
            self._parse_body(body, 'diff --git ')
            self.patch_mode = 'git'
            print "git diff"
            self._parse_body(body, 'diff -')
            self.patch_mode = 'urn'
            print "urn"
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def _check_file_N_args(self, name, value):
     ''' Validate file argument when N files are allowed.
     if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
         return [value]
     elif (isinstance(value, list)):
         return value
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, name)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def _check_optional_string_param(self, params, field, default):

        if (field in params):
            param = params[field]
            if (ut.is_string_type(param)):
                return param
                raise PT_TypeError(self.name, field, 'str')
            return default
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def _check_file_params(self, params):
     if (('file' in params) and ut.is_string_type(params['file'])):
         return [params['file']]
     elif (('files' in params) and isinstance(params['files'], list)):
         return params['files']
         raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'filespec')
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def __init__(self, name, value):
     s = '%s: invalid %s parameter' % name
     if (value is not None):
         s += ': '
         if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
             s += value
             s += str(value)
     super(CommandParameterError, self).__init__(s)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def _check_required_string_param(self, params, field):

        if (field in params):
            param = params[field]
            if (ut.is_string_type(param)):
                return param
                raise PT_TypeError(self.name, field, 'str')
            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, field)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def _check_file_params(self, params):

        if (('file' in params) and ut.is_string_type(params['file'])):
            return [params['file']]

        elif (('files' in params) and isinstance(params['files'], list)):
            return params['files']

            raise PT_ParameterError(self.name, 'filespec')
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def _get_diffs(self, archive, filenames):
     ''' Generate list of diff sections that refer to files in filenames
     strings = ut.read_strings(archive)
     diff = []
     for index in range(len(strings)):
         string = strings[index]
         if (string.lstrip().startswith('diff --git ')):
             if (len(diff) > 0):
                 yield diff
             filename = ut.get_string_filename(string)
             if (filename in filenames):
                 diff = ["%04d: %s" % (index + 1, string)]
         elif (len(diff) > 0):
             diff += ["%04d: %s" % (index + 1, string)]
     if (len(diff) > 0):
         yield diff
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, name, value):
        s = '%s: invalid %s parameter' % name
        if (value is not None):
            s += ': '
            if (ut.is_string_type(value)):
                s += value
                s += str(value)

        super(CommandParameterError, self).__init__(s)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def _check(self, patchpath):
        self._misc_msg('\nPATCH: "%s"' % patchpath)   
        patchpath = ut.join_path(self.patchdir, patchpath)
        pdata = Patch(patchpath)
        if (len(pdata.diffs) == 0):
            self._info_msg('skipping empty/commented patch', 1)
            return 0
        if (pdata.patch_type == 'binary'):
            self._info_msg('skipping binary patch', 1)
            return -1
        errors = 0
        for diff in pdata.diffs:
            self._misc_msg('DIFF: "%s"' % diff.spec, 1)
            if (not self._check_paths(diff)):
                errors += 1
            if (diff.old_path == '/dev/null'): # Can't fail on adding lines to a new file
            old_lines = ut.read_strings(ut.join_path(self.sourcedir, diff.old_path))
            for hunk in diff.hunks:
                self._misc_msg('HUNK: "%s"' % hunk.spec, 2)
                edits = hunk.edits
                start = hunk.old_start
                count = hunk.old_count
                tag   = 'old'    
                note = hunk.note
                if (not self._check_hunk_format(start, count, len(old_lines), tag)):
                    errors += 1
                errors += self._check_hunk_edits(diff.old_path, edits, start, count, note, old_lines)
        self._info_msg("%d patch errors" % errors, 1)
        return errors
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def read(self, filepath):
     """ Read data from path as a sequence of '\\n' terminated lines.
         Convert the lines to a list of strings
             filepath (string): file path
             This function is used to input data output by the Checker, etc.
     return ut.read_strings(filepath)