Ejemplo n.º 1
def user_profile(request, up):
    tn = 'vns/user_profile.html'
    topos_allowed = permissions.get_allowed_topologies(request.user)
    topos_owned = topos_allowed.filter(owner=up.user)
    topos_assigned = topos_allowed.filter(allowed_users=up.user)
    can_change = permissions.allowed_user_access_change(request.user, up.user)
    return direct_to_template(request, tn, {'up':up,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def group_topology_create(request, group, **kwargs):
    """Create topologies for a group, with each user in the group becoming the
    owner of one topology.
    @param request  An HttpRequest
    @param group  The group to add the topologies for"""

    tn = "vns/group_topology_create.html"

    # Check we're allowed to create topologies
    if not permissions.allowed_topology_access_create(request.user):
        messages.info("Please login as a user who is permitted to create topologies.")
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/?next=/topology/create/')

    # Import a function to create the form
    CreateTopologyForm = make_ctform(request.user)
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = CreateTopologyForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            template_id = form.cleaned_data['template']
            ipblock_id = form.cleaned_data['ipblock']
            num_to_create = form.cleaned_data['num_to_create']
            ip = form.cleaned_data['ip_subnet']
            mask = form.cleaned_data['ip_subnet_mask']

            # Do lots of permissions and existence checks - need a topology
            # template and IP block
                template = db.TopologyTemplate.objects.get(pk=template_id)
            except db.TopologyTemplate.DoesNotExist:
                messages.error(request, "No such template")
                return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form,
                                                         'group': group})

                ipblock = db.IPBlock.objects.get(pk=ipblock_id)
            except db.IPBlock.DoesNotExist:
                messages.error(request, "No such IP block")
                return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form,
                                                         'group': group})

            if not permissions.allowed_topologytemplate_access_use(request.user, template):
                messages.error(request, "You cannot create topologies from this template")
                return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form,
                                                         'group': group})
            if not permissions.allowed_ipblock_access_use(request.user, ipblock):
                messages.error(request, "You cannot create topologies in this IP block")
                return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form,
                                                         'group': group})

            if num_to_create > 5:
                messages.error(request, "You cannot create >5 topologies / user at once")
                return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form,
                                                         'group': group})
            # Get a list of users
                users = User.objects.filter(vns_groups=group)
            except User.DoesNotExist:
                messages.error("No users in this group to create topologies for")
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

            # Tell the DBService module to use this thread for accessing the DB
            DBService.thread = threading.current_thread()

            # Otherwise, we're good to actually create the topologies, subject
            # to permissions checks on each user.
            # These variables track the number with permissions errors, the
            # number successfully created and the number rwith other errors
            # to report to the user.
            num_perms = 0
            num_created = 0
            num_errs = 0
            for u in users:
                # Check we have permission to change this user
                if not permissions.allowed_user_access_change(request.user, u):
                    num_perms += 1

                # Make a list of source IP filters
                if ip != None and mask != None:
                    src_filters = [(ip, mask)]
                    src_filters = []

                # Create the topology
                for _ in xrange(0,num_to_create):

                    err,_,_,_ = instantiate_template(org=u.get_profile().org,
                    # Update the numbers with/without errors
                    if err is not None:
                        num_errs += 1
                        num_created += 1

            # Report to the user
            topology_create_message(request, num_errs, num_perms, num_created)
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/org/%s/%s/' % (group.org.name, group.name))

            # The form is not valid
            messages.error(request, "Invalid form")
            return direct_to_template(request, tn, {'form':form,

        # request.method != 'POST'
        # Need to give them a form but do nothing else
        return direct_to_template(request, tn, {'form':CreateTopologyForm(),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def user_access_check(request, callee, action, **kwargs):
    """Checks that the user can access the functions they're trying to, and
    if they can calls callee"""
    """Check that the user is allowed access, and if they are call the given
    @param request  An HTTP request
    @param callee  Gives the Callable to call
    @param action  One of "add", "change", "use", "delete", describing the
    permissions needed
    @param user_id  The ID of the user in question; not used for
    action = "add"
    @exception ValueError  If an action is unrecognised
    @exception KeyError  If an option is missing"""

    def denied():
        """Generate an error message and redirect if we try do something to a
        template we're not allowed to"""
        messages.error(request, "Either this user doesn't exist or you don't "
                                "have permission to %s it." % action)
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    def denied_add():
        """Generate an error message and redirect if we try to create a template
        and are not allowed to"""
        messages.error(request, "You don't have permission to create users.")
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
    # If we're trying to add a template, don't need to get the template itself
    if action == "add":
        if permissions.allowed_user_access_create(request.user):
            return callee(request)
            return denied_add()


        # Try getting the template - if it doesn't exist, show the same message
        # as for permission denied
        user_name = kwargs["un"]
        try :
            user = User.objects.get(username=user_name)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return denied()

        if action == "use":
            if permissions.allowed_user_access_use(request.user, user):
                return callee(request, user.get_profile())
                return denied()
        elif action == "change":
            if permissions.allowed_user_access_change(request.user, user):
                return callee(request, user.get_profile())
                return denied()
        elif action == "delete":
            if permissions.allowed_user_access_delete(request.user, user):
                return callee(request, user.get_profile())
                return denied()
            raise ValueError("Unknown action: %s" % options["action"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: models.py Proyecto: smbz/vns
 def can_change_user(self, up):
     return permissions.allowed_user_access_change(self.user, up.user)