def testExpectedWarnings(self):
     msg = ''
     # compare test files (.input and .expected for each)
     # N.B. in some cases, python 2 and python 3 will have different output!
     for fn in pathmap.all_files(os.path.join('collections', 'warn_err')):
         if fn.endswith('.input'):
             frag = fn[:-len('.input')]
             efn = frag + '.expected'
             # check for a python version-specific file, like 'foo.expected-py3'
             current_python_version = (sys.version_info > (3, 0)) and 'py3' or 'py2'
             versioned_efn = '{f}-{v}'.format(f=efn, v=current_python_version)
             if os.path.exists(versioned_efn):
                 efn = versioned_efn
             if os.path.exists(efn):
                 inp = testing_read_json(fn)
                 aa = validate_collection(inp)
                 errors = aa[0]
                 exp = testing_read_json(efn)
                 if errors != exp:
                     ofn = frag + '.output'
                     testing_write_json(errors, ofn)
                     msg = "Validation failed to produce expected outcome. Compare {o} and {e}".format(o=ofn, e=efn)
                 self.assertEqual(exp, errors, msg)
                 _LOG.warn('Expected output file "{f}" not found'.format(f=efn))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testExpectedWarnings(self):
     msg = ''
     # compare test files (.input and .expected for each)
     # TODO: Add these files for amendments!
     # N.B. in some cases, python 2 and python 3 will have different output!
     for fn in pathmap.all_files(os.path.join('amendments', 'warn_err')):
         if fn.endswith('.input'):
             frag = fn[:-len('.input')]
             efn = frag + '.expected'
             # check for a python version-specific file, like 'foo.expected-py3'
             current_python_version = (sys.version_info > (3, 0)) and 'py3' or 'py2'
             versioned_efn = '{f}-{v}'.format(f=efn, v=current_python_version)
             if os.path.exists(versioned_efn):
                 efn = versioned_efn
             if os.path.exists(efn):
                 inp = testing_read_json(fn)
                 aa = validate_amendment(inp)
                 errors = aa[0]
                 exp = testing_read_json(efn)
                 if errors != exp:
                     ofn = frag + '.output'
                     testing_write_json(errors, ofn)
                     msg = "Validation failed to produce expected outcome. Compare {o} and {e}".format(o=ofn, e=efn)
                 self.assertEqual(exp, errors, msg)
                 _LOG.warn('Expected output file "{f}" not found'.format(f=efn))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testOldExpectedWarnings(self):
     msg = ''
     for fn in pathmap.all_files(os.path.join('nexson', 'old-tests')):
         if fn.endswith('.input'):
             frag = fn[:-len('.input')]
             efn = frag + '.expected'
             if os.path.exists(efn):
                 inp = testing_read_json(fn)
                 aa = validate_nexson(inp)
                 annot = aa[0]
                 ew_dict = annot.get_err_warn_summary_dict()
                 ew_dict = testing_through_json(ew_dict)
                 exp = testing_read_json(efn)
                 if not testing_dict_eq(ew_dict, exp):
                     ofn = frag + '.output'
                     testing_write_json(ew_dict, ofn)
                     msg = "Validation failed to produce expected outcome. Compare {o} and {e}".format(o=ofn, e=efn)
                 self.assertDictEqual(exp, ew_dict, msg)
                 _LOG.warn('Expected output file "{f}" not found'.format(f=efn))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testOldExpectedWarnings(self):
     msg = ''
     for fn in pathmap.all_files(os.path.join('nexson', 'old-tests')):
         if fn.endswith('.input'):
             frag = fn[:-len('.input')]
             efn = frag + '.expected'
             if os.path.exists(efn):
                 inp = testing_read_json(fn)
                 aa = validate_nexson(inp)
                 annot = aa[0]
                 ew_dict = annot.get_err_warn_summary_dict()
                 ew_dict = testing_through_json(ew_dict)
                 exp = testing_read_json(efn)
                 if not testing_dict_eq(ew_dict, exp):
                     ofn = frag + '.output'
                     testing_write_json(ew_dict, ofn)
                     msg = "Validation failed to produce expected outcome. Compare {o} and {e}".format(
                         o=ofn, e=efn)
                 self.assertDictEqual(exp, ew_dict, msg)
                     'Expected output file "{f}" not found'.format(f=efn))
 def testInvalidFilesFail(self):
     msg = ''
     for fn in pathmap.all_files(os.path.join('nexson', 'lacking_otus')):
         if fn.endswith('.input'):
             frag = fn[:-len('.input')]
             inp = testing_read_json(fn)
             aa = validate_nexson(inp)
             annot = aa[0]
             if len(annot.errors) == 0:
                 ofn = pathmap.nexson_source_path(frag + '.output')
                 ew_dict = annot.get_err_warn_summary_dict()
                 testing_write_json(ew_dict, ofn)
                 msg = "Failed to reject file. See {o}".format(o=str(msg))
                 self.assertTrue(False, msg)
 def testInvalidFilesFail(self):
     msg = ''
     for fn in pathmap.all_files(os.path.join('nexson', 'lacking_otus')):
         if fn.endswith('.input'):
             frag = fn[:-len('.input')]
             inp = testing_read_json(fn)
             aa = validate_nexson(inp)
             annot = aa[0]
             if len(annot.errors) == 0:
                 ofn = pathmap.nexson_source_path(frag + '.output')
                 ew_dict = annot.get_err_warn_summary_dict()
                 testing_write_json(ew_dict, ofn)
                 msg = "Failed to reject file. See {o}".format(o=str(msg))
                 self.assertTrue(False, msg)