Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_init_bad_unit(self):
     # bad units on int
         Phase(2 * u.Unit("m"), 0.3)
     except u.core.UnitConversionError:
         print("Exception not thrown")
         raise u.core.UnitConversionError
     # bad units on frac
         Phase(2, 0.3 * u.Unit("m"))
     except u.core.UnitConversionError:
         print("Exception not thrown")
         raise u.core.UnitConversionError
     # bad units on int and frac
         Phase(2 * u.Unit("m"), 0.3 * u.Unit("m"))
     except u.core.UnitConversionError:
         print("Exception not thrown")
         raise u.core.UnitConversionError
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_vector_addition(self):
     phase1 = Phase([0, 2, 2, 2], [0, 0.3, 0.3, 0])
     phase2 = Phase([0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0.1, 0.2, -0.5])
     phasesum = phase1 + phase2
     assert isinstance(phasesum, Phase)
     assert_equal(phasesum.int, u.Quantity([0, 3, 4, 3]))
     assert_equal(phasesum.frac, u.Quantity([0, 0.4, -0.5, -0.5]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_scalar_addition(self, ii1, ff1, ii2, ff2, sumi, sumf):
     phase1 = Phase(ii1, ff1)
     phase2 = Phase(ii2, ff2)
     phasesum = phase1 + phase2
     assert isinstance(phasesum, Phase)
     assert_equal(phasesum.int, u.Quantity(sumi))
     assert_equal(phasesum.frac, u.Quantity(sumf))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_commutative_vector_addition(self):
     phase1 = Phase([0, 2, 2, 2], [0, 0.3, 0.3, 0])
     phase2 = Phase([0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0.1, 0.2, -0.5])
     sum1 = phase1 + phase2
     sum2 = phase2 + phase1
     assert_equal(sum1.int, sum2.int)
     assert_equal(sum1.frac, sum2.frac)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_commutative_scalar_addition(self):
     phase1 = Phase(2, 0.5)
     phase2 = Phase(1, 0.3)
     sum1 = phase1 + phase2
     sum2 = phase2 + phase1
     assert_equal(sum1.int, sum2.int)
     assert_equal(sum1.frac, sum2.frac)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def calc_phase_resids(self):
        """Return timing model residuals in pulse phase."""

        # Read any delta_pulse_numbers that are in the TOAs table.
        # These are for PHASE statements, -padd flags, as well as user-inserted phase jumps
        # Check for the column, and if not there then create it as zeros
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])
            self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])

        # Track on pulse numbers, if requested
        if self.track_mode == "use_pulse_numbers":
            pulse_num = self.toas.get_pulse_numbers()
            if pulse_num is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Pulse numbers missing from TOAs but track_mode requires them"
            # Compute model phase. For pulse numbers tracking
            # we need absolute phases, since TZRMJD serves as the pulse
            # number reference.
            modelphase = (self.model.phase(self.toas, abs_phase=True) +
            # First assign each TOA to the correct relative pulse number, including
            # and delta_pulse_numbers (from PHASE lines or adding phase jumps in GUI)
            residualphase = modelphase - Phase(pulse_num,
            # This converts from a Phase object to a np.float128
            full = residualphase.int + residualphase.frac
        # If not tracking then do the usual nearest pulse number calculation
            # Compute model phase
            modelphase = self.model.phase(self.toas) + delta_pulse_numbers
            # Here it subtracts the first phase, so making the first TOA be the
            # reference. Not sure this is a good idea.
            if self.subtract_mean:
                modelphase -= Phase(modelphase.int[0], modelphase.frac[0])

            # Here we discard the integer portion of the residual and replace it with 0
            # This is effectively selecting the nearst pulse to compute the residual to.
            residualphase = Phase(np.zeros_like(modelphase.frac),
            # This converts from a Phase object to a np.float128
            full = residualphase.int + residualphase.frac
        # If we are using pulse numbers, do we really want to subtract any kind of mean?
        if not self.subtract_mean:
            return full
        if not self.use_weighted_mean:
            mean = full.mean()
            # Errs for weighted sum.  Units don't matter since they will
            # cancel out in the weighted sum.
            if np.any(self.toas.get_errors() == 0):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Some TOA errors are zero - cannot calculate residuals")
            w = 1.0 / (self.toas.get_errors().value**2)
            mean, err = weighted_mean(full, w)
        return full - mean
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def phase(self, toas, abs_phase=False):
        """Return the model-predicted pulse phase for the given TOAs."""
        # First compute the delays to "pulsar time"
        delay = self.delay(toas)
        phase = Phase(np.zeros(toas.ntoas), np.zeros(toas.ntoas))
        # Then compute the relevant pulse phases
        for pf in self.phase_funcs:
            phase += Phase(pf(toas, delay))

        # If the absolute phase flag is on, use the TZR parameters to compute
        # the absolute phase.
        if abs_phase:
            if "AbsPhase" not in list(self.components.keys()):
                # if no absolute phase (TZRMJD), add the component to the model and calculate it
                from pint.models import absolute_phase

                )  # TODO:needs timfile to get all toas, but model doesn't have access to timfile. different place for this?
            tz_toa = self.get_TZR_toa(toas)
            tz_delay = self.delay(tz_toa)
            tz_phase = Phase(np.zeros(len(toas.table)),
            for pf in self.phase_funcs:
                tz_phase += Phase(pf(tz_toa, tz_delay))
            return phase - tz_phase
            return phase
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_associative_vector_addition(self):
     phase1 = Phase([0, 2, 2, 2], [0, 0.3, 0.3, 0])
     phase2 = Phase([0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0.1, 0.2, -0.5])
     phase3 = Phase([1, 5, 2, 3], [0.2, 0.4, -0.3, 0.3])
     sum1 = phase1 + (phase2 + phase3)
     sum2 = (phase1 + phase2) + phase3
     assert_equal(sum1.int, sum2.int)
     assert_equal(sum1.frac, sum2.frac)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_associative_scalar_addition(self):
     phase1 = Phase(2, 0.5)
     phase2 = Phase(1, 0.3)
     phase3 = Phase(3, -0.1)
     sum1 = phase1 + (phase2 + phase3)
     sum2 = (phase1 + phase2) + phase3
     assert_equal(sum1.int, sum2.int)
     assert_equal(sum1.frac, sum2.frac)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_vector_negation(self):
     phase1 = Phase([1, -2, -3, 4], [0.1, -0.3, 0.4, -0.2])
     phase2 = -phase1
     sum = phase1 + phase2
     assert_equal(sum.int, u.Quantity(0))
     assert_equal(sum.frac, u.Quantity(0))
     phase01 = -Phase([0, 0], [0, 0])
     assert_equal(phase01.int, u.Quantity(0))
     assert_equal(phase01.frac, u.Quantity(0))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_scalar_negation(self):
     phase1 = Phase(2, 0.3)
     phase2 = -phase1
     sum = phase1 + phase2
     assert_equal(sum.int, u.Quantity(0))
     assert_equal(sum.frac, u.Quantity(0))
     phase01 = -Phase(0, 0)
     assert_equal(phase01.int, u.Quantity(0))
     assert_equal(phase01.frac, u.Quantity(0))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_vector_addition_with_scalar(self):
     vecphase = Phase([0, 2, 2, 2], [0, 0.3, 0.3, 0])
     scalarphase = Phase(1, 0.1)
     sum1 = vecphase + scalarphase
     assert isinstance(sum1, Phase)
     assert_equal(sum1.int, u.Quantity([1, 3, 3, 3]))
     assert_equal(sum1.frac, u.Quantity([0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1]))
     # check commutivity
     sum2 = scalarphase + vecphase
     assert isinstance(sum2, Phase)
     assert_equal(sum1.int, sum2.int)
     assert_equal(sum1.frac, sum2.frac)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def evalabsphase(self, t):
        """Return the phase at time t, computed with this polyco entry"""
        dt = (data2longdouble(t) - self.tmid.value) * MIN_PER_DAY
        # Compute polynomial by factoring out the dt's
        phase = Phase(self.coeffs[self.ncoeff -
                                  1])  # Compute phase using two long double
        for i in range(self.ncoeff - 2, -1, -1):
            pI = Phase(dt * phase.int)
            pF = Phase(dt * phase.frac)
            c = Phase(self.coeffs[i])
            phase = pI + pF + c

        # Add DC term
        phase += self.rphase + Phase(dt * 60.0 * self.f0)
        return phase
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, tmid, mjdspan, rph_int, rph_frac, f0, ncoeff, coeffs):
     self.tmid = data2longdouble(tmid) * u.day
     self.mjdspan = data2longdouble(mjdspan / MIN_PER_DAY) * u.day
     self.tstart = self.tmid - (self.mjdspan / 2)
     self.tstop = self.tmid + (self.mjdspan / 2)
     self.f0 = data2longdouble(f0)
     self.ncoeff = ncoeff
     self.rphase = Phase(rph_int, rph_frac)
     self.coeffs = data2longdouble(coeffs)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_vector_multiplication(self):
     phase = Phase([2, 1, -3], [0.1, -0.4, 0.2])
     product1 = phase * 0
     assert isinstance(product1, Phase)
     assert_equal(product1.int, u.Quantity([0, 0, 0]))
     assert_equal(product1.frac, u.Quantity([0, 0, 0]))
     product2 = phase * 1
     assert_equal(product2.int, phase.int)
     assert_equal(product2.frac, phase.frac)
     product3 = phase * 2
     assert_equal(product3.int, u.Quantity([4, 1, -6]))
     assert_equal(product3.frac, u.Quantity([0.2, 0.2, 0.4]))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_scalar_multiplication(self):
     phase = Phase(2, 0.1)
     product1 = phase * 0
     assert isinstance(product1, Phase)
     assert_equal(product1.int, u.Quantity(0))
     assert_equal(product1.frac, u.Quantity(0))
     product2 = phase * 1
     assert_equal(product2.int, phase.int)
     assert_equal(product2.frac, phase.frac)
     product3 = phase * 2
     assert_equal(product3.int, u.Quantity(4))
     assert_equal(product3.frac, u.Quantity(0.2))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, tmid, mjdspan, rphaseInt, rphaseFrac, f0, ncoeff,
              coeffs, obs):
     self.tmid = tmid * u.day
     self.mjdspan = mjdspan * u.day
     self.tstart = data2longdouble(
         self.tmid) - data2longdouble(self.mjdspan) / 2.0
     self.tstop = data2longdouble(
         self.tmid) + data2longdouble(self.mjdspan) / 2.0
     self.rphase = Phase(rphaseInt, rphaseFrac)
     self.f0 = data2longdouble(f0)
     self.ncoeff = ncoeff
     self.coeffs = data2longdouble(coeffs)
     self.obs = obs
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def calc_phase_resids(self, weighted_mean=True, set_pulse_nums=False):
        """Return timing model residuals in pulse phase."""
        rs = self.model.phase(self.toas)
        rs -= Phase(rs.int[0], rs.frac[0])
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])
            self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(len(self.toas.get_mjds()))
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])
        if set_pulse_nums:
            self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(len(self.toas.get_mjds()))
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])
        full = Phase(np.zeros_like(rs.frac), rs.frac) + delta_pulse_numbers
        full = full.int + full.frac

        # Track on pulse numbers, if necessary
        if getattr(self.model, "TRACK").value == "-2":
            pulse_num = self.toas.get_pulse_numbers()
            if pulse_num is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Pulse numbers missing from TOAs but TRACK -2 requires them"

            pn_act = np.trunc(full)
            addPhase = pn_act - pulse_num
            full -= pn_act
            full += addPhase

            if not weighted_mean:
                full -= full.mean()
                w = 1.0 / (np.array(self.toas.get_errors()) ** 2)
                wm = (full * w).sum() / w.sum()
                full -= wm
            return full

        if not weighted_mean:
            full -= full.mean()
            # Errs for weighted sum.  Units don't matter since they will
            # cancel out in the weighted sum.
            if np.any(self.toas.get_errors() == 0):
                raise ValueError("TOA errors are zero - cannot calculate residuals")
            w = 1.0 / (np.array(self.toas.get_errors()) ** 2)
            wm = (full * w).sum() / w.sum()
            full -= wm
        return full
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def eval_abs_phase(self, t):
        Polyco evaluate absolute phase for a time array.

        t: numpy.ndarray or a single number.
           An time array in MJD. Time sample should be in order

        out: PINT Phase class
             Polyco evaluated absolute phase for t.

        phase = refPh + DT*60*F0 + COEFF(1) + COEFF(2)*DT + COEFF(3)*DT**2 + ...
        if not isinstance(t, (np.ndarray, list)):
            t = np.array([t])

        entryIndex = self.find_entry(t)
        phaseInt = ()
        phaseFrac = ()
        # Compute phase for time in each entry
        for i in range(len(self.polycoTable)):
            mask = np.where(
                entryIndex == i)  # Build mask for time in each entry
            t_in_entry = t[mask]
            if len(t_in_entry) == 0:
            # Calculate the phase as an array
            absp = self.polycoTable["entry"][i].evalabsphase(t_in_entry)
            phaseInt += (absp.int, )
            phaseFrac += (absp.frac, )
            # Maybe add sort function here, since the time has been masked.
        phaseInt = np.hstack(phaseInt).value
        phaseFrac = np.hstack(phaseFrac).value
        absPhase = Phase(phaseInt, phaseFrac)

        return absPhase
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_init_scalar(self, inti, fraci, intf, fracf):
     phase = Phase(inti, fraci)
     assert isinstance(phase, Phase)
     assert_equal(phase.int, u.Quantity(intf))
     assert_equal(phase.frac, u.Quantity(fracf))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def random_models(
    fitter, rs_mean, ledge_multiplier=4, redge_multiplier=4, iter=1, npoints=100
    """Uses the covariance matrix to produce gaussian weighted random models.

    Returns fake toas for plotting and a list of the random models' phase resid objects.
    rs_mean determines where in residual phase the lines are plotted,
    edge_multipliers determine how far beyond the selected toas the random models are plotted.
    This uses an approximate method based on the cov matrix, it doesn't use MCMC.

        fitter object with model and toas to vary from
        average phase residual for toas in fitter object, used to plot random models
        how far the lines will plot to the left in multiples of the fit toas span, default 4
        how far the lines will plot to the right in multiples of the fit toas span, default 4
        how many random models will be computed, default 1
        how many fake toas will be reated for the random lines, default 100

        TOAs object containing the evenly spaced fake toas to plot the random lines with
        list of residual objects for the random models (one residual object each)
    params = fitter.model.get_params_dict("free", "num")
    mean_vector = params.values()
    # remove the first column and row (absolute phase)
    cov_matrix = (((fitter.covariance_matrix.matrix[1:]).T)[1:]).T
    fac = fitter.fac[1:]
    f_rand = deepcopy(fitter)
    mrand = f_rand.model

    # scale by fac
    log.debug("errors", np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_matrix)))
    log.debug("mean vector", mean_vector)
    mean_vector = np.array(list(mean_vector)) * fac
    cov_matrix = ((cov_matrix * fac).T * fac).T

    toa_mjds = fitter.toas.get_mjds()
    minMJD, maxMJD = toa_mjds.min(), toa_mjds.max()
    spanMJDs = maxMJD - minMJD
    # ledge and redge _multiplier control how far the fake toas extend
    # in either direction of the selected points
    x = simulation.make_fake_toas_uniform(
        minMJD - spanMJDs * ledge_multiplier,
        maxMJD + spanMJDs * redge_multiplier,
    x2 = simulation.make_fake_toas_uniform(minMJD, maxMJD, npoints, mrand)

    rss = []
    random_models = []
    for i in range(iter):
        # create a set of randomized parameters based on mean vector and covariance matrix
        rparams_num = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_vector, cov_matrix)
        # scale params back to real units
        for j in range(len(mean_vector)):
            rparams_num[j] /= fac[j]
        rparams = OrderedDict(zip(params.keys(), rparams_num))
        # print("randomized parameters",rparams)
        rs = mrand.phase(x, abs_phase=True) - fitter.model.phase(x, abs_phase=True)
        rs2 = mrand.phase(x2, abs_phase=True) - fitter.model.phase(x2, abs_phase=True)
        # from calc_phase_resids in residuals
        rs -= Phase(0.0, rs2.frac.mean() - rs_mean)
        # TODO: use units here!
        rs = ((rs.int + rs.frac).value / fitter.model.F0.value) * 10 ** 6

    return x, rss, random_models
Ejemplo n.º 22
def tempo_polyco_table_reader(filename):
    """Read tempo style polyco file to an astropy table.

    Tempo style: The polynomial ephemerides are written to file 'polyco.dat'.  Entries
    are listed sequentially within the file.  The file format is::

        ====  =======   ============================================
        Line  Columns     Item
        ====  =======   ============================================
         1       1-10   Pulsar Name
                11-19   Date (dd-mmm-yy)
                20-31   UTC (hhmmss.ss)
                32-51   TMID (MJD)
                52-72   DM
                74-79   Doppler shift due to earth motion (10^-4)
                80-86   Log_10 of fit rms residual in periods
         2       1-20   Reference Phase (RPHASE)
                21-38   Reference rotation frequency (F0)
                39-43   Observatory number
                44-49   Data span (minutes)
                50-54   Number of coefficients
                55-75   Observing frequency (MHz)
                76-80   Binary phase
         3*      1-25   Coefficient 1 (COEFF(1))
                26-50   Coefficient 2 (COEFF(2))
                51-75   Coefficient 3 (COEFF(3))
        ====  =======   ============================================
        * Subsequent lines have three coefficients each, up to NCOEFF

    One polyco file could include more then one entrie

    The pulse phase and frequency at time T are then calculated as::

        DT = (T-TMID)*1440
        PHASE = RPHASE + DT*60*F0 + COEFF(1) + DT*COEFF(2) + DT^2*COEFF(3) + ....
        FREQ(Hz) = F0 + (1/60)*(COEFF(2) + 2*DT*COEFF(3) + 3*DT^2*COEFF(4) + ....)

    filename : str
        Name of the input poloco file.

    f = open(filename, "r")
    # Read entries to the end of file
    entries = []
    while True:
        # Read first line
        line1 = f.readline()
        if len(line1) == 0:

        fields = line1.split()
        psrname = fields[0].strip()
        date = fields[1].strip()
        utc = fields[2]
        tmid = np.longdouble(fields[3])
        dm = float(fields[4])
        doppler = float(fields[5])
        logrms = float(fields[6])
        # Read second line
        line2 = f.readline()
        fields = line2.split()
        refPhaseInt, refPhaseFrac = fields[0].split(".")
        refPhaseInt = data2longdouble(refPhaseInt)
        refPhaseFrac = data2longdouble("." + refPhaseFrac)
        if refPhaseInt < 0:
            refPhaseFrac = -refPhaseFrac

        refF0 = data2longdouble(fields[1])
        obs = fields[2]
        mjdSpan = data2longdouble(
            fields[3]) / MIN_PER_DAY  # Here change to constant
        nCoeff = int(fields[4])
        obsfreq = float(fields[5].strip())

            binaryPhase = data2longdouble(fields[6])
        except ValueError:
            binaryPhase = data2longdouble(0.0)

        # Read coefficients
        nCoeffLines = int(np.ceil(nCoeff / 3))

        # if nCoeff%3>0:
        #    nCoeffLines += 1
        coeffs = []

        for i in range(nCoeffLines):
            line = f.readline()
            for c in line.split():
        coeffs = np.array(coeffs)

        tmid = tmid * u.day
        mjdspan = mjdSpan * u.day
        tstart = data2longdouble(tmid) - data2longdouble(mjdspan) / 2.0
        tstop = data2longdouble(tmid) + data2longdouble(mjdspan) / 2.0
        rphase = Phase(refPhaseInt, refPhaseFrac)
        refF0 = data2longdouble(refF0)
        coeffs = data2longdouble(coeffs)
        entry = PolycoEntry(tmid, mjdspan, refPhaseInt, refPhaseFrac, refF0,
                            nCoeff, coeffs, obs)

    entry_list = []
    for ii in range(len(entries[0])):
        entry_list.append([t[ii] for t in entries])

    # Construct the polyco data table
    pTable = table.Table(
        meta={"name": "Polyco Data Table"},

    pTable["index"] = np.arange(len(entries))
    return pTable
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_precision(self):
     phase = Phase(1e5, 0.1)
     phase2 = phase + Phase(0, 1e-9)
     assert_equal(phase2.int, u.Quantity(1e5))
     assert_equal(phase2.frac, u.Quantity(0.100000001))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def calc_phase_resids(self, weighted_mean=True, set_pulse_nums=False):
        """Return timing model residuals in pulse phase."""
        # Please define what set_pulse_nums means!

        # Read any delta_pulse_numbers that are in the TOAs table.
        # These are for PHASE statements, -padd flags, as well as user-inserted phase jumps
        # Check for the column, and if not there then create it as zeros
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])
            self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(len(self.toas.get_mjds()))
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])

        # I have no idea what this is trying to do. It just sets delta_pulse_number to zero
        # This will wipe out any PHASE or -padd commands from the .tim file!!!
        if set_pulse_nums:
            self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(len(self.toas.get_mjds()))
            delta_pulse_numbers = Phase(self.toas.table["delta_pulse_number"])

        # Compute model phase
        rs = self.model.phase(self.toas)

        # Track on pulse numbers, if requested
        if getattr(self.model, "TRACK").value == "-2":
            pulse_num = self.toas.get_pulse_numbers()
            if pulse_num is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Pulse numbers missing from TOAs but TRACK -2 requires them"
            # Compute model phase. For pulse numbers tracking
            # we need absolute phases, since TZRMJD serves as the pulse
            # number reference.
            rs = self.model.phase(self.toas, abs_phase=True) + delta_pulse_numbers
            # First assign each TOA to the correct relative pulse number
            rs -= Phase(pulse_num, np.zeros_like(pulse_num))
            # Then subtract the constant offset since that is irrelevant
            rs -= Phase(rs.int[0], rs.frac[0])
            full = rs.int + rs.frac

        # If not tracking then do the usual nearest pulse number calculation
            # Compute model phase
            rs = self.model.phase(self.toas) + delta_pulse_numbers
            # Here it subtracts the first phase, so making the first TOA be the
            # reference. Not sure this is a good idea.
            rs -= Phase(rs.int[0], rs.frac[0])

            # What exactly is full?
            full = Phase(np.zeros_like(rs.frac), rs.frac)
            # This converts full from a Phase object to a np.float128
            full = full.int + full.frac

        # If we are using pulse numbers, do we really want to subtract any kind of mean?
        # Perhaps there should be an option to not subtract any mean?
        if not weighted_mean:
            full -= full.mean()
            # Errs for weighted sum.  Units don't matter since they will
            # cancel out in the weighted sum.
            if np.any(self.toas.get_errors() == 0):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Some TOA errors are zero - cannot calculate residuals"
            w = 1.0 / (np.array(self.toas.get_errors()) ** 2)
            wm = (full * w).sum() / w.sum()
            full -= wm
        return full
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_init_array(self):
     phase = Phase([0, 2, -4, 1.2, 5], [0, 0.3, 0.5, 0, 1.4])
     assert isinstance(phase, Phase)
     assert_equal(phase.int, u.Quantity([0, 2, -3, 1, 6]))
     assert_equal(phase.frac, u.Quantity([0, 0.3, -0.5, 0.2, 0.4]))