Ejemplo n.º 1
def genero_feed(puntateList):
    if puntateList:
        # Creo un nuovo podcast
        p = Podcast()

        p.name = "Il Ruggito del Coniglio"
        p.description = "Il Ruggito del Coniglio, il programma cult di Radio 2 condotto da Marco Presta e Antonello Dose, racconta l'attualita con folgorante ironia."
        p.website = "http://www.raiplayradio.it/programmi/ilruggitodelconiglio/"
        p.explicit = True
        p.image = "https://rss.draghetti.it/ruggitodelconiglio_image.jpg"
        p.feed_url = "https://rss.draghetti.it/ruggitodelconiglio.xml"
        p.copyright = "Rai Radio 2"
        p.language = "it-IT"

        for puntata in puntateList:
            episode = Episode()

            episode.title = puntata[0].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            episode.link = puntata[1]

            # La dimensione del file e approssimativa
            episode.media = Media(puntata[3], puntata[4])

            if puntata[2]:
                episode.publication_date = datetime.datetime(int(puntata[2].split("/")[2]),
                                                             int(puntata[2].split("/")[0]), 10,
                                                             00, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
                episode.publication_date = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow())


        # Print to stdout, just as an example
        p.rss_file(rssfile, minimize=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_mandatoryValues(self):
        # Try to create a Podcast once for each mandatory property.
        # On each iteration, exactly one of the properties is not set.
        # Therefore, an exception should be thrown on each iteration.
        mandatory_properties = set([

        for test_property in mandatory_properties:
            fg = Podcast()
            if test_property != "description":
                fg.description = self.description
            if test_property != "title":
                fg.name = self.name
            if test_property != "link":
                fg.website = self.website
            if test_property != "explicit":
                fg.explicit = self.explicit
                self.assertRaises(ValueError, fg._create_rss)
            except AssertionError as e:
                    "The test failed for %s" % test_property), e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def genero_feed(episodesList):
    if episodesList:
        # Creo un nuovo podcast
        p = Podcast()

        p.name = "NECST Tech Time"
        p.description = "The NECSTLab (Novel, Emerging Computing System Technologies Laboratory) is a laboratory inside DEIB department of Politecnico di Milano, where there are a number of different research lines on advanced topics in computing systems: from architectural characteristics, to hardware-software codesign methodologies, to security and dependability issues of complex system architectures (scaling from mobile devices to large virtualized datacenters)."
        p.website = "http://www.poliradio.it/podcast/programmi/34/necst-tech-time"
        p.explicit = True
        p.image = "https://rss.draghetti.it/necst_image.jpg"
        p.feed_url = "https://rss.draghetti.it/necstpodcast.xml"
        p.copyright = "Poli Radio"
        p.language = "it-IT"

        for episodedetails in episodesList:
            episode = Episode()

            episode.title = episodedetails[1].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            episode.link = episodedetails[2].encode("ascii", "ignore")

            # La dimensione e statistica in base alle puntante analizzate
            episode.media = Media(episodedetails[3], 30000000, type="audio/x-m4a", duration=None)
            episode.publication_date = episodedetails[4]


        # Print to stdout, just as an example
        p.rss_file(rssfile, minimize=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def genero_feed(puntateList):
    if puntateList:
        # Creo un nuovo podcast
        p = Podcast()

        p.name = "Pascal Rai Radio 2"
        p.description = "Pascal un programma di Matteo Caccia in onda su Radio2 che racconta storie di vita. Episodi grandi o piccoli, stravolgenti o minuti, momenti che hanno modificato per sempre la nostra vita o che, anche se di poco, l'hanno indirizzata. Storie che sono il termometro della temperatura di ognuno di noi e che in parte raccontano chi siamo. "
        p.website = "http://www.raiplayradio.it/programmi/pascal/"
        p.explicit = True
        p.image = "https://rss.draghetti.it/pascal_image.jpg"
        p.feed_url = "https://rss.draghetti.it/pascal.xml"
        p.copyright = "Rai Radio 2"
        p.language = "it-IT"

        for puntata in puntateList:
            episode = Episode()

            episode.title = puntata[0].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            episode.link = puntata[1]

            # La dimensione del file e approssimativa
            episode.media = Media(puntata[3], puntata[4])

            if puntata[2]:
                episode.publication_date = datetime.datetime(int(puntata[2].split("/")[2]),
                                                             int(puntata[2].split("/")[0]), 20,
                                                             00, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
                episode.publication_date = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow())


        # Print to stdout, just as an example
        p.rss_file(rssfile, minimize=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    """Create an example podcast and print it or save it to a file."""
    # There must be exactly one argument, and it is must end with rss
    if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not (
        # Invalid usage, print help message
        # print_enc is just a custom function which functions like print,
        # except it deals with byte arrays properly.
        print_enc ('Usage: %s ( <file>.rss | rss )' % \
                'python -m podgen')
        print_enc ('')
        print_enc ('  rss              -- Generate RSS test output and print it to stdout.')
        print_enc ('  <file>.rss       -- Generate RSS test teed and write it to file.rss.')
        print_enc ('')

    # Remember what type of feed the user wants
    arg = sys.argv[1]

    from podgen import Podcast, Person, Media, Category, htmlencode
    # Initialize the feed
    p = Podcast()
    p.name = 'Testfeed'
    p.authors.append(Person("Lars Kiesow", "*****@*****.**"))
    p.website = 'http://example.com'
    p.copyright = 'cc-by'
    p.description = 'This is a cool feed!'
    p.language = 'de'
    p.feed_url = 'http://example.com/feeds/myfeed.rss'
    p.category = Category('Technology', 'Podcasting')
    p.explicit = False
    p.complete = False
    p.new_feed_url = 'http://example.com/new-feed.rss'
    p.owner = Person('John Doe', '*****@*****.**')
    p.xslt = "http://example.com/stylesheet.xsl"

    e1 = p.add_episode()
    e1.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/_MEDIAID_123#1'
    e1.title = 'First Element'
    e1.summary = htmlencode('''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tamen
            aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista
            mala sunt, placet. Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam habeas aliam
            domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio sit, intus veritas
            occultetur? Cum id fugiunt, re eadem defendunt, quae Peripatetici,
            verba <3.''')
    e1.link = 'http://example.com'
    e1.authors = [Person('Lars Kiesow', '*****@*****.**')]
    e1.publication_date = datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 17, 13, 37, 10, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    e1.media = Media("http://example.com/episodes/loremipsum.mp3", 454599964,
                     datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=32, seconds=19))

    # Should we just print out, or write to file?
    if arg == 'rss':
        # Print
    elif arg.endswith('rss'):
        # Write to file
        p.rss_file(arg, minimize=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def rss(url_token):
    dropbox_access_token, title, description = get_the_latest_token_info(
    urls = get_temporary_link(dropbox_access_token)
    p = Podcast()
    p.name = title
    p.description = description
    p.website = "https://www.google.com"
    p.explicit = True

    for i, (size, url, uid, name) in enumerate(urls):
        my_episode = Episode()
        my_episode.title = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
        my_episode.id = uid
        my_episode.media = Media(url, size=size, type="audio/mpeg")
    return Response(str(p), mimetype='text/xml')
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: candyer/Flask
def index():
	urls = get_temporary_link()
	p = Podcast()
	p.name = "ambience"
	p.description = "ambience"
	p.website = "LINK HERE"
	p.explicit = True	

	for i, (size, url) in enumerate(urls):
		my_episode = Episode()
		my_episode.title = "ambience music {}".format(i + 1)
		my_episode.media = Media(url,

	rss = str(p)
	return Response(rss, mimetype='text/xml')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def scrape_by_program(program,
    podcast = Podcast()
    podcast.explicit = False
    podcast.website = params[PARAMS_BASEURL].format(program=program)

    if program == 'morning-edition':
        podcast.name = "NPR Morning Edition"
        podcast.description = \
            """Every weekday for over three decades, Morning Edition has taken
            listeners around the country and the world with two hours of multi-faceted
            stories and commentaries that inform, challenge and occasionally amuse.
            Morning Edition is the most listened-to news radio program in the country."""
        podcast.image = 'https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2018/08/06/npr_me_podcasttile_sq-4036eb96471eeed96c37dfba404bb48ea798e78c-s200-c85.jpg'

    elif program == 'all-things-considered':
        podcast.name = "NPR All Things Considered"
        podcast.description = \
            """NPR's afternoon news show"""
        podcast.image = 'https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2018/08/06/npr_atc_podcasttile_sq-bcc33a301405d37aa6bdcc090f43d29264915f4a-s200-c85.jpg'

    elif program == 'weekend-edition-saturday':
        podcast.name = "NPR Weekend Edition Saturday"
        podcast.description = \
            """NPR morning news on Saturday"""
        podcast.image = 'https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2019/02/26/we_otherentitiestemplatesat_sq-cbde87a2fa31b01047441e6f34d2769b0287bcd4-s200-c85.png'

    elif program == 'weekend-edition-sunday':
        podcast.name = "NPR Weekend Edition Sunday"
        podcast.description = \
            """NPR morning news show on Sunday"""
        podcast.image = 'https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2019/02/26/we_otherentitiestemplatesun_sq-4a03b35e7e5adfa446aec374523a578d54dc9bf5-s200-c85.png'

        raise WebFormatException(f"program { program } not found")

    scrape(web_session, params, program, podcast)

    rssfeed = podcast.rss_str(minimize=False)
    #log.debug(f"\n\nfeed { rssfeed }")

    return rssfeed
Ejemplo n.º 9
def scrape_morning_edition(
        web_session=requests_html.HTMLSession(), params=params):

    podcast = Podcast()
    podcast.name = "NPR Morning Edition"
    podcast.description = \
        """Every weekday for over three decades, Morning Edition has taken
        listeners around the country and the world with two hours of multi-faceted
        stories and commentaries that inform, challenge and occasionally amuse.
        Morning Edition is the most listened-to news radio program in the country."""
    podcast.website = "https://www.npr.org/programs/morning-edition"
    podcast.explicit = False

    scrape(web_session, params, 'morning-edition', podcast)

    rssfeed = podcast.rss_str(minimize=False)
    #log.debug(f"\n\nfeed { rssfeed }")

    return rssfeed
Ejemplo n.º 10
def genero_feed(puntateList):
    if puntateList:
        # Creo un nuovo podcast
        p = Podcast()

        p.name = "Pascal Rai Radio 2"
        p.description = "Pascal un programma di Matteo Caccia in onda su Radio2 che racconta storie di vita. Episodi grandi o piccoli, stravolgenti o minuti, momenti che hanno modificato per sempre la nostra vita o che, anche se di poco, l'hanno indirizzata. Storie che sono il termometro della temperatura di ognuno di noi e che in parte raccontano chi siamo. "
        p.website = "http://www.raiplayradio.it/programmi/pascal/"
        p.explicit = True
        p.image = "https://rss.draghetti.it/pascal_image.jpg"
        p.feed_url = "https://rss.draghetti.it/pascal.xml"
        p.copyright = "Rai Radio 2"
        p.language = "it-IT"

        for puntata in puntateList:
            episode = Episode()

            episode.title = puntata[0].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            episode.link = puntata[1]

            # La dimensione del file e approssimativa
            episode.media = Media(puntata[3], puntata[4])

            if puntata[2]:
                episode.publication_date = datetime.datetime(
                episode.publication_date = pytz.utc.localize(


        # Print to stdout, just as an example
        p.rss_file(rssfile, minimize=False)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def setUp(self):

        self.itunes_ns = 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'
        self.dublin_ns = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'

        fg = Podcast()
        self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
        self.link = 'http://lernfunk.de'
        self.description = 'A cool tent'
        self.explicit = False

        fg.name = self.title
        fg.website = self.link
        fg.description = self.description
        fg.explicit = self.explicit

        fe = fg.add_episode()
        fe.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1'
        fe.title = 'The First Episode'
        self.fe = fe

        #Use also the list directly
        fe = Episode()
        fe.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1'
        fe.title = 'The Second Episode'

        fe = fg.add_episode()
        fe.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1'
        fe.title = 'The Third Episode'

        self.fg = fg


        def noop(*args, **kwargs):

        warnings.showwarning = noop
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def setUp(self):

        self.itunes_ns = 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'
        self.dublin_ns = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'

        fg = Podcast()
        self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
        self.link = 'http://lernfunk.de'
        self.description = 'A cool tent'
        self.explicit = False

        fg.name = self.title
        fg.website = self.link
        fg.description = self.description
        fg.explicit = self.explicit

        fe = fg.add_episode()
        fe.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1'
        fe.title = 'The First Episode'
        self.fe = fe

        #Use also the list directly
        fe = Episode()
        fe.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1'
        fe.title = 'The Second Episode'

        fe = fg.add_episode()
        fe.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1'
        fe.title = 'The Third Episode'

        self.fg = fg

        def noop(*args, **kwargs):
        warnings.showwarning = noop
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def setUp(self):

        fg = Podcast()

        self.nsContent = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
        self.nsDc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
        self.nsItunes = "http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"
        self.feed_url = "http://example.com/feeds/myfeed.rss"

        self.name = 'Some Testfeed'

        self.author = Person('John Doe', '*****@*****.**')

        self.website = 'http://example.com'
        self.description = 'This is a cool feed!'
        self.subtitle = 'Coolest of all'

        self.language = 'en'

        self.cloudDomain = 'example.com'
        self.cloudPort = '4711'
        self.cloudPath = '/ws/example'
        self.cloudRegisterProcedure = 'registerProcedure'
        self.cloudProtocol = 'SOAP 1.1'

        self.pubsubhubbub = "http://pubsubhubbub.example.com/"

        self.contributor = {'name':"Contributor Name",
                            'email': 'Contributor email'}
        self.copyright = "The copyright notice"
        self.docs = 'http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification'
        self.skip_days = set(['Tuesday'])
        self.skip_hours = set([23])

        self.explicit = False

        self.programname = podgen.version.name

        self.web_master = Person(email='*****@*****.**')
        self.image = "http://example.com/static/podcast.png"
        self.owner = self.author
        self.complete = True
        self.new_feed_url = "https://example.com/feeds/myfeed2.rss"
        self.xslt = "http://example.com/feed/stylesheet.xsl"

        fg.name = self.name
        fg.website = self.website
        fg.description = self.description
        fg.subtitle = self.subtitle
        fg.language = self.language
        fg.cloud = (self.cloudDomain, self.cloudPort, self.cloudPath,
                    self.cloudRegisterProcedure, self.cloudProtocol)
        fg.pubsubhubbub = self.pubsubhubbub
        fg.copyright = self.copyright
        fg.skip_days = self.skip_days
        fg.skip_hours = self.skip_hours
        fg.web_master = self.web_master
        fg.feed_url = self.feed_url
        fg.explicit = self.explicit
        fg.image = self.image
        fg.owner = self.owner
        fg.complete = self.complete
        fg.new_feed_url = self.new_feed_url
        fg.xslt = self.xslt

        self.fg = fg

        def noop(*args, **kwargs):
        warnings.showwarning = noop
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def setUp(self):
        self.existing_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, None)
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')

        fg = Podcast()

        self.nsContent = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
        self.nsDc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
        self.nsItunes = "http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"
        self.feed_url = "http://example.com/feeds/myfeed.rss"

        self.name = 'Some Testfeed'

        # Use character not in ASCII to catch encoding errors
        self.author = Person('Jon Døll', '*****@*****.**')

        self.website = 'http://example.com'
        self.description = 'This is a cool feed!'
        self.subtitle = 'Coolest of all'

        self.language = 'en'

        self.cloudDomain = 'example.com'
        self.cloudPort = '4711'
        self.cloudPath = '/ws/example'
        self.cloudRegisterProcedure = 'registerProcedure'
        self.cloudProtocol = 'SOAP 1.1'

        self.pubsubhubbub = "http://pubsubhubbub.example.com/"

        self.contributor = {
            'name': "Contributor Name",
            'email': 'Contributor email'
        self.copyright = "The copyright notice"
        self.docs = 'http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification'
        self.skip_days = set(['Tuesday'])
        self.skip_hours = set([23])

        self.explicit = False

        self.programname = podgen.version.name

        self.web_master = Person(email='*****@*****.**')
        self.image = "http://example.com/static/podcast.png"
        self.owner = self.author
        self.complete = True
        self.new_feed_url = "https://example.com/feeds/myfeed2.rss"
        self.xslt = "http://example.com/feed/stylesheet.xsl"

        fg.name = self.name
        fg.website = self.website
        fg.description = self.description
        fg.subtitle = self.subtitle
        fg.language = self.language
        fg.cloud = (self.cloudDomain, self.cloudPort, self.cloudPath,
                    self.cloudRegisterProcedure, self.cloudProtocol)
        fg.pubsubhubbub = self.pubsubhubbub
        fg.copyright = self.copyright
        fg.skip_days = self.skip_days
        fg.skip_hours = self.skip_hours
        fg.web_master = self.web_master
        fg.feed_url = self.feed_url
        fg.explicit = self.explicit
        fg.image = self.image
        fg.owner = self.owner
        fg.complete = self.complete
        fg.new_feed_url = self.new_feed_url
        fg.xslt = self.xslt

        self.fg = fg


        def noop(*args, **kwargs):

        warnings.showwarning = noop
Ejemplo n.º 15
for item in updated_session_items:
    item['link'] = f'{ipfs_prefix}{item["CID"]}{ipfs_suffix}'

with open(sessions_filename, 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(updated_session_items, outfile, indent=2)

print('>>> wrote fresh sessions.json file')

# write the new rss file
p = Podcast()

p.name = "The Objectivism Seminar"
p.category = Category("Society &amp; Culture", "Philosophy")
p.language = "en-US"
p.explicit = True
p.description = (
    "A weekly online conference call to systematically study " +
    "the philosophy of Objectivism via the works of prominent Rand scholars.")
p.website = "https://www.ObjectivismSeminar.com"
p.image = "https://www.ObjectivismSeminar.com/assets/images/atlas-square.jpg"
p.feed_url = "https://www.ObjectivismSeminar.com/archives/rss"
p.authors = [Person("Greg Perkins, Host", "*****@*****.**")]
p.owner = Person("Greg Perkins", "*****@*****.**")

p.episodes += [
            media=Media(x['link'], type="audio/mpeg", size=x['length']),
            summary=x['description']) for x in updated_session_items
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print('Starting cccRssBuilder Lambda function')
    # Get episodes from DynamoDB
    episodes = query_episodes()
    episodes.sort(key=lambda x: x['episode-num'])

    # Create the podcast feed
    # Main podcast info comes from "episode 0"
    episodeInfo = episodes[0]
    separator = ', '
    p = Podcast()
    p.name = episodeInfo['name']
    p.description = episodeInfo['description']
    p.website = episodeInfo['website']
    p.explicit = episodeInfo['explicit']
    p.image = episodeInfo['image']
    p.feed_url = episodeInfo['feed-url']
    p.language = episodeInfo['language']
    p.category = Category(episodeInfo['category'], episodeInfo['subcategory'])
    p.owner = Person(episodeInfo['owner-name'], episodeInfo['owner-email'])
    p.authors = [Person(episodeInfo['owner-name'], episodeInfo['owner-email'])]

    # Process each episode
    for episode in episodes:
        # Skip "Episode 0"
        if episode['episode-num'] == 0:
        # Check if episode contains media file info (name, duration, size).  If not, add it to db and episode object.
        if 'media-file' not in episode:
            episodeNum = episode['episode-num']
            print('Analyzing media file for episode', episodeNum)
            mediaFile = 'ccc-{:03d}-{}.mp3'.format(int(episodeNum),
            print('Media file:', mediaFile)
            localMediaFile = '/tmp/' + mediaFile
            s3 = boto3.client('s3')
            s3.download_file('kwksolutions.com', 'ccc/media/' + mediaFile,

            # Try to analyze the mp3 file - looking for duration and file size
                audio = MP3(localMediaFile)
                print('Not an MP3 file!')
            duration = round(audio.info.length)
            hours = int(duration / 3600)
            minutes = int((duration % 3600) / 60)
            seconds = duration % 60
            if hours == 0:
                durationStr = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(minutes, seconds)
                durationStr = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(
                    hours, minutes, seconds)
            size = str(os.path.getsize(localMediaFile))
            update_episode(episodeNum, mediaFile, size, durationStr)
            episode['media-file'] = mediaFile
            episode['size'] = size
            episode['duration'] = durationStr

        # Figure out all the info needed for the episode object
        mediaURL = 'https://www.kwksolutions.com/ccc/media/' + episode[
        durationList = episode['duration'].split(':')
        secs = int(durationList[-1])
        mins = int(durationList[-2])
            h = int(durationList[-3])
            h = 0
        pubdateList = episode['pub-date'].split('-')
        year = int(pubdateList[0])
        month = int(pubdateList[1])
        day = int(pubdateList[2])

        # Build the episode object
        e = p.add_episode()
        e.id = mediaURL
        e.title = 'Episode ' + str(episode['episode-num'])
        e.summary = episode['description']
        e.link = 'http://christcommunitycarmel.org/get-involved/podcasts'
        e.publication_date = datetime.datetime(year,
        e.media = Media(mediaURL,

    # Write the rss file
    print('Writing RSS file to S3')
    rssLocalFile = '/tmp/podcast.rss'
    rssS3File = 'ccc/podcast.rss'
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
                   ExtraArgs={'ContentType': 'text/xml'})

Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():
    """Create an example podcast and print it or save it to a file."""
    # There must be exactly one argument, and it is must end with rss
    if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not (sys.argv[1].endswith('rss')):
        # Invalid usage, print help message
        # print_enc is just a custom function which functions like print,
        # except it deals with byte arrays properly.
        print_enc ('Usage: %s ( <file>.rss | rss )' % \
                'python -m podgen')
            '  rss              -- Generate RSS test output and print it to stdout.'
            '  <file>.rss       -- Generate RSS test teed and write it to file.rss.'

    # Remember what type of feed the user wants
    arg = sys.argv[1]

    from podgen import Podcast, Person, Media, Category, htmlencode
    # Initialize the feed
    p = Podcast()
    p.name = 'Testfeed'
    p.authors.append(Person("Lars Kiesow", "*****@*****.**"))
    p.website = 'http://example.com'
    p.copyright = 'cc-by'
    p.description = 'This is a cool feed!'
    p.language = 'de'
    p.feed_url = 'http://example.com/feeds/myfeed.rss'
    p.category = Category('Leisure', 'Aviation')
    p.explicit = False
    p.complete = False
    p.new_feed_url = 'http://example.com/new-feed.rss'
    p.owner = Person('John Doe', '*****@*****.**')
    p.xslt = "http://example.com/stylesheet.xsl"

    e1 = p.add_episode()
    e1.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/_MEDIAID_123#1'
    e1.title = 'First Element'
    e1.summary = htmlencode(
        '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tamen
            aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista
            mala sunt, placet. Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam habeas aliam
            domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio sit, intus veritas
            occultetur? Cum id fugiunt, re eadem defendunt, quae Peripatetici,
            verba <3.''')
    e1.link = 'http://example.com'
    e1.authors = [Person('Lars Kiesow', '*****@*****.**')]
    e1.publication_date = datetime.datetime(2014,
    e1.media = Media("http://example.com/episodes/loremipsum.mp3",

    # Should we just print out, or write to file?
    if arg == 'rss':
        # Print
    elif arg.endswith('rss'):
        # Write to file
        p.rss_file(arg, minimize=True)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def generate_podcast(self, feed_name: str) -> str:
        Create podcast XML based on the files found in podcastDir. Taken from

        :param self: PodcastService class
        :param feed_name: name of the feed and the sub-directory for files
        :return:  string of the podcast
        # Initialize the feed
        p = Podcast()

        # Required fields
        p.name = f'{feed_name} Archive'
        p.description = 'Stuff to listen to later'
        p.website = self.base_url
        p.complete = False

        # Optional
        p.language = 'en-US'
        p.feed_url = f'{p.website}/feeds/{feed_name}/rss'
        p.explicit = False

        # for filepath in glob.iglob(f'{self.search_dir}/{feed_name}/*.mp3'):
        for path in Path(f'{self.search_dir}/{feed_name}').glob('**/*.mp3'):
            filepath = str(path)
            episode = p.add_episode()

            # Attempt to load saved metadata
            metadata_file_name = filepath.replace('.mp3', '.json')
                with open(metadata_file_name) as metadata_file:
                    metadata = json.load(metadata_file)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                metadata = {}
            except JSONDecodeError:
                metadata = {}
                self.logger.error(f'Failed to read {metadata_file_name}')

            # Build the episode based on either the saved metadata or the file details
            episode.title = metadata.get(
            episode.summary = metadata.get('summary',
                                           htmlencode('Some Summary'))
            if 'link' in metadata:
                episode.link = metadata.get('link')
            if 'authors' in metadata:
                episode.authors = [
                    Person(author) for author in metadata.get('authors')
            episode.publication_date = \
                isoparse(metadata.get('publication_date')) if 'publication_date' in metadata \
                else datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath), tz=pytz.utc)
            episode.media = Media(
                    ' ', '+'), os.path.getsize(filepath))

            if "image" in metadata:
                episode.image = metadata.get('image')
                for ext in ['.jpg', '.png']:
                    image_file_name = filepath.replace('.mp3', ext)
                    if os.path.isfile(image_file_name):
                        episode.image = f'{p.website}/{image_file_name.lstrip(self.search_dir)}'.replace(
                            ' ', '+')

            # Save the metadata for future editing
            if not os.path.exists(metadata_file_name):
                metadata = {
                    'title': episode.title,
                    'summary': episode.summary,
                    'publication_date': episode.publication_date,
                    'authors': episode.authors
                with open(metadata_file_name, 'w') as outFile:
                    json.dump(metadata, outFile, indent=2, default=str)

        return p.rss_str()
Ejemplo n.º 19
def create_rss(type, download):
    """Create an example podcast and print it or save it to a file."""
    # Create the Podcast & initialize the feed
    default_channel = Channel.defaultChannel()
    p = Podcast()
    p.name          = default_channel.name
    p.description   = default_channel.description
    p.website       = default_channel.website
    p.explicit      = default_channel.explicit
    p.image         = default_channel.image

    p.copyright     = default_channel.copyright
    p.language      = default_channel.language
    p.feed_url      = default_channel.feed_url
    p.category      = Category(default_channel.category)
    # p.category = Category('Technology', 'Podcasting')
    # p.xslt      = "https://example.com/feed/stylesheet.xsl"  # URL of XSLT stylesheet

    p.authors   = [Person(default_channel.authors, default_channel.authors_email)]
    p.owner     = Person(default_channel.owner, default_channel.owner_email)

    # Other Attributes
    p.generator = " "
    # Others for iTunes
    # p.complete = False
    # p.new_feed_url = 'http://example.com/new-feed.rss'

    # e1 = p.add_episode()
    # e1.id = 'http://lernfunk.de/_MEDIAID_123#1'
    # e1.title = 'First Element'
    # e1.summary = htmlencode('''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tamen
    #         aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista
    #         mala sunt, placet. Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam habeas aliam
    #         domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio sit, intus veritas
    #         occultetur? Cum id fugiunt, re eadem defendunt, quae Peripatetici,
    #         verba <3.''')
    # e1.link = 'http://example.com'
    # e1.authors = [Person('Lars Kiesow', '*****@*****.**')]
    # e1.publication_date = datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 17, 13, 37, 10, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    # # e1.media = Media("http://example.com/episodes/loremipsum.mp3", 454599964,
    # #                  duration=
    # #                  datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=32, seconds=19))
    # e1.media = Media("http://example.com/episodes/loremipsum.mp3", 454599964)

    # Add some episodes
    p.episodes += [
       Episode(title = download.title, 
            subtitle = download.subtitle,
            # id=str(uuid.uuid4()),
            position =2,
            media = Media(download.media_url, size=download.media_size, duration=timedelta(seconds=download.media_duration)),
            image = download.image_url,
            publication_date = datetime(year=2021, month=1, day=8, hour=10, minute=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
            summary = download.summary)
       Episode(title="Episode 2 - The Crazy Ones",
            subtitle="this is a cool episode, this is for th crazy ones",
            media=Media("https://github.com/oliverbarreto/PersonalPodcast/raw/main/downloaded_with_pytube_Apple%20Steve%20Jobs%20Heres%20To%20The%20Crazy%20Ones.mp4", type="audio/mpeg", size=989, duration=timedelta(hours=0, minutes=1, seconds=1)),
            publication_date = datetime(year=2021, month=1, day=6, hour=10, minute=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
            summary=htmlencode("wow wow wow summary"))
        Episode(title="Episode 3 - The Super Crazy",
            subtitle="crazy ones revisited",
            media=Media("https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5Mwa8V0Su1IDqhcQL7LdzEY0VaMC1Nn", type="audio/mpeg", size=989, duration=timedelta(hours=0, minutes=1, seconds=1)),
            publication_date = datetime(year=2021, month=1, day=10, hour=10, minute=0, tzinfo=pytz.utc),

    # Should we just print out, or write to file?
    if type == 'print':
        # Print
    elif type== 'feed.xml':
        # Write to file
        p.rss_file(type, minimize=False)
        print("feed.xml created !!!")