Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_unique_rows_1(self):

        a = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [2, 4], [2, 1], [2, 4]])
        ua_expected = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [2, 4]])
        ia_expected = np.array([0, 1, 2])
        ic_expected = np.array([0, 1, 2, 1, 2])
        ua, ia, ic = setmembership.unique_rows(a)
        assert np.sum(np.abs(ua) - np.abs(ua_expected)) == 0
        assert np.all(ia - ia_expected == 0)
        assert np.all(ic - ic_expected == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_partition(A, seeds=None, **kwargs):
    Create the partition based on an input matrix using the algebraic multigrid
    method coarse/fine-splittings based on direct couplings. The standard values
    for cdepth and epsilon are taken from the following reference.

    For more information see: U. Trottenberg, C. W. Oosterlee, and A. Schuller.
    Multigrid. Academic press, 2000.

    A: sparse matrix used for the agglomeration
    cdepth: the greather is the more intense the aggregation will be, e.g. less
        cells if it is used combined with generate_coarse_grid
    epsilon: weight for the off-diagonal entries to define the "strong
        negatively cupling"
    seeds: (optional) to define a-priori coarse cells

    out: agglomeration indices

    How to use
    part = create_partition(tpfa_matrix(g))
    g = generate_coarse_grid(g, part)


    cdepth = int(kwargs.get("cdepth", 2))
    epsilon = kwargs.get("epsilon", 0.25)

    if A.size == 0:
        return np.zeros(1)
    Nc = A.shape[0]

    # For each node, which other nodes are strongly connected to it
    ST = sps.lil_matrix((Nc, Nc), dtype=np.bool)

    # In the first instance, all cells are strongly connected to each other
    At = A.T

    for i in np.arange(Nc):
        loc = slice(At.indptr[i], At.indptr[i + 1])
        ci, vals = At.indices[loc], At.data[loc]
        neg = vals < 0.
        nvals = vals[neg]
        nci = ci[neg]
        minId = np.argmin(nvals)
        ind = -nvals >= epsilon * np.abs(nvals[minId])
        ST[nci[ind], i] = True

    # Temporary field, will store connections of depth 1
    for _ in np.arange(2, cdepth + 1):
        STold = ST.copy()
        for j in np.arange(Nc):
            rowj = np.array(STold.rows[j])
            if rowj.size == 0:
            row = np.hstack([STold.rows[r] for r in rowj])
            ST[j, np.concatenate((rowj, row))] = True

    del STold

    lmbda = np.array([len(s) for s in ST.rows])

    # Define coarse nodes
    candidate = np.ones(Nc, dtype=np.bool)
    is_fine = np.zeros(Nc, dtype=np.bool)
    is_coarse = np.zeros(Nc, dtype=np.bool)

    # cells that are not important for any other cells are on the fine scale.
    for row_id, row in enumerate(ST.rows):
        if not row:
            is_fine[row_id] = True
            candidate[row_id] = False

    ST = ST.tocsr()
    it = 0
    while np.any(candidate):
        i = np.argmax(lmbda)
        is_coarse[i] = True
        j = ST.indices[ST.indptr[i]:ST.indptr[i + 1]]
        jf = j[candidate[j]]
        is_fine[jf] = True
        candidate[np.r_[i, jf]] = False
        loop = ST.indices[mcolon.mcolon(ST.indptr[jf], ST.indptr[jf + 1])]
        for row in np.unique(loop):
            s = ST.indices[ST.indptr[row]:ST.indptr[row + 1]]
            lmbda[row] = s[candidate[s]].size + 2 * s[is_fine[s]].size
        lmbda[np.logical_not(candidate)] = -1
        it = it + 1

        # Something went wrong during aggregation
        assert it <= Nc

    del lmbda, ST

    if seeds is not None:
        is_coarse[seeds] = True
        is_fine[seeds] = False

    # If two neighbors are coarse, eliminate one of them without touching the
    # seeds
    c2c = np.abs(A) > 0
    c2c_rows, _, _ = sps.find(c2c)

    pairs = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int)
    for idx, it in enumerate(np.where(is_coarse)[0]):
        loc = slice(c2c.indptr[it], c2c.indptr[it + 1])
        ind = np.setdiff1d(c2c_rows[loc], it)
        cind = ind[is_coarse[ind]]
        new_pair = np.stack((np.repeat(it, cind.size), cind), axis=-1)
        pairs = np.append(pairs, new_pair, axis=0)

    # Remove one of the neighbors cells
    if pairs.size:
        pairs = setmembership.unique_rows(np.sort(pairs, axis=1))[0]
        for ij in pairs:
            A_val = np.array(A[ij, ij]).ravel()
            ids = ij[np.argsort(A_val)]
            ids = np.setdiff1d(ids, seeds, assume_unique=True)
            if ids.size:
                is_coarse[ids[0]] = False
                is_fine[ids[0]] = True

    coarse = np.where(is_coarse)[0]

    # Primal grid
    NC = coarse.size
    primal = sps.lil_matrix((NC, Nc), dtype=np.bool)
    primal[np.arange(NC), coarse[np.arange(NC)]] = True

    connection = sps.lil_matrix((Nc, Nc), dtype=np.double)
    for it in np.arange(Nc):
        n = np.setdiff1d(c2c_rows[c2c.indptr[it]:c2c.indptr[it + 1]], it)
        loc = slice(A.indptr[it], A.indptr[it + 1])
        A_idx, A_row = A.indices[loc], A.data[loc]
        mask = A_idx != it
        connection[it, n] = np.abs(A_row[mask] / A_row[np.logical_not(mask)])

    connection = connection.tocsr()

    candidates_rep = np.ediff1d(connection.indptr)
    candidates_idx = np.repeat(is_coarse, candidates_rep)
    candidates = np.stack(
            np.repeat(np.arange(NC), candidates_rep[is_coarse]),

    connection_idx = mcolon.mcolon(connection.indptr[coarse],
                                   connection.indptr[coarse + 1])
    vals = sps.csr_matrix(
                         size=[Nc, NC]))
    del candidates_rep, candidates_idx, connection_idx

    it = NC
    not_found = np.logical_not(is_coarse)
    # Process the strongest connection globally
    while np.any(not_found):

        mcind = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.asarray(vals.argmax(axis=0))))
        mcval = -np.inf * np.ones(mcind.size)
        for c, r in enumerate(mcind):
            loc = slice(vals.indptr[r], vals.indptr[r + 1])
            vals_idx, vals_data = vals.indices[loc], vals.data[loc]
            mask = vals_idx == c
            if vals_idx.size == 0 or not np.any(mask):
            mcval[c] = vals_data[mask]

        mi = np.argmax(mcval)
        nadd = mcind[mi]

        primal[mi, nadd] = True
        it = it + 1
        if it > Nc + 5:

        not_found[nadd] = False
        vals.data[vals.indptr[nadd]:vals.indptr[nadd + 1]] = 0

        loc = slice(connection.indptr[nadd], connection.indptr[nadd + 1])
        nc = connection.indices[loc]
        af = not_found[nc]
        nc = nc[af]
        nv = mcval[mi] * connection[nadd, :]
        nv = nv.data[af]
        if len(nc) > 0:
            vals += sps.csr_matrix((nv, (nc, np.repeat(mi, len(nc)))),
                                   shape=(Nc, NC))

    coarse, fine = primal.tocsr().nonzero()
    return coarse[np.argsort(fine)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, p, tri=None, name=None):
        Create triangular grid from point cloud.

        If no triangulation is provided, Delaunay will be applied.

        >>> p = np.random.rand(2, 10)
        >>> tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(p.transpose()).simplices
        >>> g = TriangleGrid(p, tri.transpose())

        p (np.ndarray, 2 x num_nodes): Point coordinates
        tri (np.ndarray, 3 x num_cells): Cell-node connections. If not
        provided, a Delaunay triangulation will be applied
        name (str, optional): Name of grid type. Defaults to None, in which
            case  'TriangleGrid' will be assigned.

        self.dim = 2

        if tri is None:
            tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(p.transpose())
            tri = tri.simplices
            tri = tri.transpose()

        if name is None:
            name = "TriangleGrid"

        num_nodes = p.shape[1]

        # Add a zero z-coordinate
        if p.shape[0] == 2:
            nodes = np.vstack((p, np.zeros(num_nodes)))
            nodes = p

        assert num_nodes > 2  # Check of transposes of point array

        # Face node relations
        face_nodes = np.hstack(
            (tri[[0, 1]], tri[[1, 2]], tri[[2, 0]])).transpose()
        face_nodes, _, cell_faces = setmembership.unique_rows(face_nodes)

        num_faces = face_nodes.shape[0]
        num_cells = tri.shape[1]

        num_nodes_per_face = 2
        face_nodes = face_nodes.ravel("C")
        indptr = np.hstack((
            np.arange(0, num_nodes_per_face * num_faces, num_nodes_per_face),
            num_nodes_per_face * num_faces,
        data = np.ones(face_nodes.shape, dtype=bool)
        face_nodes = sps.csc_matrix((data, face_nodes, indptr),
                                    shape=(num_nodes, num_faces))

        # Cell face relation
        num_faces_per_cell = 3
        cell_faces = cell_faces.reshape(num_faces_per_cell,
        indptr = np.hstack((
            np.arange(0, num_faces_per_cell * num_cells, num_faces_per_cell),
            num_faces_per_cell * num_cells,
        data = -np.ones(cell_faces.shape)
        _, sgns = np.unique(cell_faces, return_index=True)
        data[sgns] = 1
        cell_faces = sps.csc_matrix((data, cell_faces, indptr),
                                    shape=(num_faces, num_cells))

        super(TriangleGrid, self).__init__(2, nodes, face_nodes, cell_faces,