Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_command_comparison(main_engine):
    qubit = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    ctrl_qubit = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    cmd1 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit,))
    cmd1.tags = ["TestTag"]
    # Test equality
    cmd2 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit,))
    cmd2.tags = ["TestTag"]
    assert cmd2 == cmd1
    # Test not equal because of tags
    cmd3 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit,))
    cmd3.tags = ["TestTag", "AdditionalTag"]
    assert not cmd3 == cmd1
    # Test not equal because of control qubit
    cmd4 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit,))
    cmd4.tags = ["TestTag"]
    assert not cmd4 == cmd1
    # Test not equal because of qubit
    qubit2 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 2)])
    cmd5 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit2,))
    cmd5.tags = ["TestTag"]
    assert cmd5 != cmd1
    # Test not equal because of engine
    cmd6 = _command.Command("FakeEngine", Rx(0.5), (qubit,))
    cmd6.tags = ["TestTag"]
    assert cmd6 != cmd1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_tensor_or():
    saving_backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    main_engine = MainEngine(backend=saving_backend,
    gate = Rx(0.6)
    qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
    qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
    qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
    # Option 1:
    _metagates.Tensor(gate) | ([qubit0, qubit1, qubit2], )
    # Option 2:
    _metagates.Tensor(gate) | [qubit0, qubit1, qubit2]
    received_commands = []
    # Remove Allocate and Deallocate gates
    for cmd in saving_backend.received_commands:
        if not (isinstance(cmd.gate, FastForwardingGate)
                or isinstance(cmd.gate, ClassicalInstructionGate)):
    # Check results
    assert len(received_commands) == 6
    qubit_ids = []
    for cmd in received_commands:
        assert len(cmd.qubits) == 1
        assert cmd.gate == gate
    assert sorted(qubit_ids) == [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_controlled_gate_or():
    saving_backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    main_engine = MainEngine(backend=saving_backend,
    gate = Rx(0.6)
    qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
    qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
    qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
    qubit3 = Qubit(main_engine, 3)
    expected_cmd = Command(main_engine, gate, ([qubit3], ))
    expected_cmd.add_control_qubits([qubit0, qubit1, qubit2])
    received_commands = []
    # Option 1:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | ([qubit1], [qubit0], [qubit2
                                                               ], [qubit3])
    # Option 2:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | (qubit1, qubit0, qubit2, qubit3)
    # Option 3:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | ([qubit1, qubit0], qubit2, qubit3)
    # Option 4:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | (qubit1, [qubit0, qubit2], qubit3)
    # Wrong option 5:
    with pytest.raises(_metagates.ControlQubitError):
        _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | (qubit1, [qubit0, qubit2, qubit3])
    # Remove Allocate and Deallocate gates
    for cmd in saving_backend.received_commands:
        if not (isinstance(cmd.gate, FastForwardingGate)
                or isinstance(cmd.gate, ClassicalInstructionGate)):
    assert len(received_commands) == 4
    for cmd in received_commands:
        assert cmd == expected_cmd
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_command_init(main_engine):
    qureg0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qureg1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    qureg2 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 2)])
    # qureg3 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 3)])
    # qureg4 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 4)])
    gate = BasicGate()
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, gate, (qureg0, qureg1, qureg2))
    assert cmd.gate == gate
    assert cmd.tags == []
    expected_tuple = (qureg0, qureg1, qureg2)
    for cmd_qureg, expected_qureg in zip(cmd.qubits, expected_tuple):
        assert cmd_qureg[0].id == expected_qureg[0].id
        # Testing that Qubits are now WeakQubitRef objects
        assert type(cmd_qureg[0]) == WeakQubitRef
    assert cmd._engine == main_engine
    # Test that quregs are ordered if gate has interchangeable qubits:
    symmetric_gate = BasicGate()
    symmetric_gate.interchangeable_qubit_indices = [[0, 1]]
    symmetric_cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, symmetric_gate, (qureg2, qureg1, qureg0))
    assert cmd.gate == gate
    assert cmd.tags == []
    expected_ordered_tuple = (qureg1, qureg2, qureg0)
    for cmd_qureg, expected_qureg in zip(symmetric_cmd.qubits, expected_ordered_tuple):
        assert cmd_qureg[0].id == expected_qureg[0].id
    assert symmetric_cmd._engine == main_engine
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_basic_gate_or():
	saving_backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
	main_engine = MainEngine(backend=saving_backend,
	qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
	qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
	qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
	qubit3 = Qubit(main_engine, 3)
	qureg = Qureg([qubit2, qubit3])
	basic_gate = _basics.BasicGate()
	command1 = basic_gate.generate_command(qubit0)
	basic_gate | qubit0
	command2 = basic_gate.generate_command([qubit0, qubit1])
	basic_gate | [qubit0, qubit1]
	command3 = basic_gate.generate_command(qureg)
	basic_gate | qureg
	command4 = basic_gate.generate_command((qubit0,))
	basic_gate | (qubit0,)
	command5 = basic_gate.generate_command((qureg, qubit0))
	basic_gate | (qureg, qubit0)
	received_commands = []
	# Remove Deallocate gates
	for cmd in saving_backend.received_commands:
		if not isinstance(cmd.gate, _basics.FastForwardingGate):
	assert received_commands == ([command1, command2, command3, command4, 
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_commmand_add_control_qubits(main_engine):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    qubit2 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 2)])
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit0, ))
    cmd.add_control_qubits(qubit2 + qubit1)
    assert cmd.control_qubits[0].id == 1
    assert cmd.control_qubits[1].id == 2
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_command_all_qubits(main_engine):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit0,))
    all_qubits = cmd.all_qubits
    assert all_qubits[0][0].id == 1
    assert all_qubits[1][0].id == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_commmand_add_control_qubits_two(main_engine, state):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    qubit2 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 2)])
    qubit3 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 3)])
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit0,), qubit1)
    cmd.add_control_qubits(qubit2 + qubit3, state)
    assert cmd.control_qubits[0].id == 1
    assert cmd.control_state == '1' + canonical_ctrl_state(state, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_command_str():
    qubit = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    ctrl_qubit = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit, ))
    cmd.tags = ["TestTag"]
    assert str(cmd) == "CRx(0.5) | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[0] )"
    cmd2 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit, ))
    assert str(cmd2) == "Rx(0.5) | Qureg[0]"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_command_engine(main_engine):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit("fake_engine", 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit("fake_engine", 1)])
    cmd = _command.Command("fake_engine", Rx(0.5), (qubit0, ))
    assert cmd.engine == "fake_engine"
    cmd.engine = main_engine
    assert id(cmd.engine) == id(main_engine)
    assert id(cmd.control_qubits[0].engine) == id(main_engine)
    assert id(cmd.qubits[0][0].engine) == id(main_engine)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_commmand_add_control_qubits_one(main_engine, state):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5), (qubit0,))
    cmd.add_control_qubits(qubit1, state=state)
    assert cmd.control_qubits[0].id == 1
    assert cmd.control_state == canonical_ctrl_state(state, 1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_tensored_controlled_gate():
    saving_backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    main_engine = MainEngine(backend=saving_backend, engine_list=[DummyEngine()])
    gate = Rx(0.6)
    qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
    qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
    qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
    target_qubits = [qubit1, qubit2]
    C(All(gate)) | (qubit0, target_qubits)

    assert saving_backend.received_commands[-1].gate == gate
    assert len(saving_backend.received_commands[-1].control_qubits) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_command_str(main_engine):
    qubit = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    ctrl_qubit = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5 * math.pi), (qubit,))
    cmd.tags = ["TestTag"]
    cmd2 = _command.Command(main_engine, Rx(0.5 * math.pi), (qubit,))
    if sys.version_info.major == 3:
        assert cmd.to_string(symbols=False) == "CRx(1.570796326795) | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[0] )"
        assert str(cmd2) == "Rx(1.570796326795) | Qureg[0]"
        assert cmd.to_string(symbols=False) == "CRx(1.5707963268) | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[0] )"
        assert str(cmd2) == "Rx(1.5707963268) | Qureg[0]"
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_command_engine(main_engine):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit("fake_engine", 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit("fake_engine", 1)])
    cmd = _command.Command("fake_engine", Rx(0.5), (qubit0,))
    assert cmd.engine == "fake_engine"
    cmd.engine = main_engine
    assert id(cmd.engine) == id(main_engine)
    assert id(cmd.control_qubits[0].engine) == id(main_engine)
    assert id(cmd.qubits[0][0].engine) == id(main_engine)

    # Avoid raising exception upon Qubit destructions
    qubit0[0].id = -1
    qubit1[0].id = -1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def allocate_qureg(self, n, init=0.0):
        Allocate n qubits and return them as a quantum register, which is a
        list of qubit objects.

            n (int): Number of qubits to allocate
            init (complex): Assign this value to every amplitude
            Qureg of length n, a list of n newly allocated qubits.
        cmd = Command(self, AllocateQuregGate(init), ())
        if self.backend.is_available(cmd):
            qubits = Qureg()
            for i in range(n):
                new_id = self.main_engine.get_new_qubit_id()
                qb = Qubit(self, new_id)

            cmd = Command(self, AllocateQuregGate(init), (qubits, ))
            return qubits
            return super(MainEngine, self).allocate_qureg(n)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_basic_gate_make_tuple_of_qureg(main_engine):
	qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
	qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
	qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
	qubit3 = Qubit(main_engine, 3)
	qureg = Qureg([qubit2, qubit3])
	case1 = _basics.BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg(qubit0)
	assert case1 == ([qubit0],)
	case2 = _basics.BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg([qubit0, qubit1])
	assert case2 == ([qubit0, qubit1],)
	case3 = _basics.BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg(qureg)
	assert case3 == (qureg,)
	case4 = _basics.BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg((qubit0,))
	assert case4 == ([qubit0],)
	case5 = _basics.BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg((qureg, qubit0))
	assert case5 == (qureg, [qubit0])
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def allocate_qubit(self, dirty=False):
        Return a new qubit as a list containing 1 qubit object (quantum register of size 1).

        Allocates a new qubit by getting a (new) qubit id from the MainEngine, creating the qubit object, and then
        sending an AllocateQubit command down the pipeline. If dirty=True, the fresh qubit can be replaced by a
        pre-allocated one (in an unknown, dirty, initial state). Dirty qubits must be returned to their initial states
        before they are deallocated / freed.

        All allocated qubits are added to the MainEngine's set of active qubits as weak references. This allows proper
        clean-up at the end of the Python program (using atexit), deallocating all qubits which are still alive. Qubit
        ids of dirty qubits are registered in MainEngine's dirty_qubits set.

            dirty (bool): If True, indicates that the allocated qubit may be
                dirty (i.e., in an arbitrary initial state).

            Qureg of length 1, where the first entry is the allocated qubit.
        new_id = self.main_engine.get_new_qubit_id()
        qb = Qureg([Qubit(self, new_id)])
        cmd = Command(self, Allocate, (qb, ))
        if dirty:
            from projectq.meta import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
                DirtyQubitTag, )

            if self.is_meta_tag_supported(DirtyQubitTag):
                cmd.tags += [DirtyQubitTag()]
        return qb
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_aqt_retrieve(monkeypatch):
    # patch send
    def mock_retrieve(*args, **kwargs):
        return [0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 6]

    monkeypatch.setattr(_aqt, "retrieve", mock_retrieve)
    backend = _aqt.AQTBackend(

    eng = MainEngine(backend=backend, engine_list=[])
    unused_qubit = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
    # entangle the qureg
    Ry(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rx(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rx(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Ry(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rxx(math.pi / 2) | (qureg[0], qureg[1])
    Rx(7 * math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Ry(7 * math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rx(7 * math.pi / 2) | qureg[1]
    del unused_qubit
    # measure; should be all-0 or all-1
    All(Measure) | qureg
    # run the circuit
    prob_dict = eng.backend.get_probabilities([qureg[0], qureg[1]])
    assert prob_dict['11'] == pytest.approx(0.4)
    assert prob_dict['00'] == pytest.approx(0.6)

    # Unknown qubit and no mapper
    invalid_qubit = [Qubit(eng, 10)]
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_basic_gate_generate_command(main_engine):
    qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
    qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
    qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
    qubit3 = Qubit(main_engine, 3)
    qureg = Qureg([qubit2, qubit3])
    basic_gate = _basics.BasicGate()
    command1 = basic_gate.generate_command(qubit0)
    assert command1 == Command(main_engine, basic_gate, ([qubit0], ))
    command2 = basic_gate.generate_command([qubit0, qubit1])
    assert command2 == Command(main_engine, basic_gate, ([qubit0, qubit1], ))
    command3 = basic_gate.generate_command(qureg)
    assert command3 == Command(main_engine, basic_gate, (qureg, ))
    command4 = basic_gate.generate_command((qubit0, ))
    assert command4 == Command(main_engine, basic_gate, ([qubit0], ))
    command5 = basic_gate.generate_command((qureg, qubit0))
    assert command5 == Command(main_engine, basic_gate, (qureg, [qubit0]))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_limited_capability_engine_classical_instructions():
    default_eng = LimitedCapabilityEngine()
    eng = LimitedCapabilityEngine(allow_classical_instructions=False,
    m = MainEngine(backend=DummyEngine(), engine_list=[eng])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = m.allocate_qubit()
    q = Qubit(m, 0)

    assert default_eng.is_available(Measure.generate_command(q))
    assert not eng.is_available(Measure.generate_command(q))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_command_deepcopy(main_engine):
    qureg0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qureg1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    gate = BasicGate()
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, gate, (qureg0,))
    copied_cmd = deepcopy(cmd)
    # Test that deepcopy gives same cmd
    assert copied_cmd.gate == gate
    assert copied_cmd.tags == ["MyTestTag"]
    assert len(copied_cmd.qubits) == 1
    assert copied_cmd.qubits[0][0].id == qureg0[0].id
    assert len(copied_cmd.control_qubits) == 1
    assert copied_cmd.control_qubits[0].id == qureg1[0].id
    # Engine should not be deepcopied but a reference:
    assert id(copied_cmd.engine) == id(main_engine)
    # Test that deepcopy is actually a deepcopy
    cmd.tags = ["ChangedTag"]
    assert copied_cmd.tags == ["MyTestTag"]
    cmd.control_qubits[0].id == 10
    assert copied_cmd.control_qubits[0].id == qureg1[0].id
    cmd.gate = "ChangedGate"
    assert copied_cmd.gate == gate
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_command_interchangeable_qubit_indices(main_engine):
    gate = BasicGate()
    gate.interchangeable_qubit_indices = [[0, 4, 5], [1, 2]]
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    qubit2 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 2)])
    qubit3 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 3)])
    qubit4 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 4)])
    qubit5 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 5)])
    input_tuple = (qubit4, qubit5, qubit3, qubit2, qubit1, qubit0)
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, gate, input_tuple)
    assert (cmd.interchangeable_qubit_indices == [[0, 4, 5], [1, 2]]
            or cmd.interchangeable_qubit_indices == [[1, 2], [0, 4, 5]])
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_command_order_qubits(main_engine):
    qubit0 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 0)])
    qubit1 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 1)])
    qubit2 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 2)])
    qubit3 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 3)])
    qubit4 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 4)])
    qubit5 = Qureg([Qubit(main_engine, 5)])
    gate = BasicGate()
    gate.interchangeable_qubit_indices = [[0, 4, 5], [1, 2]]
    input_tuple = (qubit4, qubit5, qubit3, qubit2, qubit1, qubit0)
    expected_tuple = (qubit0, qubit3, qubit5, qubit2, qubit1, qubit4)
    cmd = _command.Command(main_engine, gate, input_tuple)
    for ordered_qubit, expected_qubit in zip(cmd.qubits, expected_tuple):
        assert ordered_qubit[0].id == expected_qubit[0].id
def test_addition_circuit():
    commands = []
    eng = None
    qs = [Qureg([Qubit(eng, idx=i)]) for i in range(10)]

    for i in reversed(range(10)):
        if i != 4:
            commands.append(CommandEx(eng, X, (qs[i], ), controls=qs[4]))
    for i in range(4):
        commands.append(CommandEx(eng, X, (qs[5 + i], ), controls=qs[4]))
            CommandEx(eng, Swap, (qs[4], qs[i]), controls=qs[5 + i]))
    commands.append(CommandEx(eng, X, (qs[-1], ), controls=qs[4]))
    for i in range(4)[::-1]:
            CommandEx(eng, Swap, (qs[4], qs[i]), controls=qs[5 + i]))
        commands.append(CommandEx(eng, X, (qs[5 + i], ), controls=qs[i]))
    for i in range(10):
        if i != 4:
            commands.append(CommandEx(eng, X, (qs[i], ), controls=qs[4]))

    assert commands_to_ascii_circuit(commands) == '''
                    │   │                           │ │ │
                  │ │   │   │                   │ │ │ │ │ │
                │ │ │   │   │   │           │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
              │ │ │ │   │   │   │   │   │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
    │ │ │ │ │         │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │         │ │ │ │ │
    │ │ │ │               │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │               │ │ │ │
    │ │ │                     │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │                     │ │ │
    │ │                           │ │ │ │ │                           │ │
    │                                 │                                 │
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_aqt_backend_functional_test(monkeypatch):
    correct_info = {
        '[["Y", 0.5, [1]], ["X", 0.5, [1]], ["X", 0.5, [1]], '
        '["Y", 0.5, [1]], ["MS", 0.5, [1, 2]], ["X", 3.5, [1]], '
        '["Y", 3.5, [1]], ["X", 3.5, [2]]]',
        'backend': {
            'name': 'simulator'

    def mock_send(*args, **kwargs):
        assert args[0] == correct_info
        return [0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 6]

    monkeypatch.setattr(_aqt, "send", mock_send)

    backend = _aqt.AQTBackend(verbose=True, num_runs=10)
    # no circuit has been executed -> raises exception
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    mapper = BasicMapperEngine()
    res = dict()
    for i in range(4):
        res[i] = i
    mapper.current_mapping = res

    eng = MainEngine(backend=backend, engine_list=[mapper])

    unused_qubit = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
    # entangle the qureg
    Ry(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rx(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rx(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Ry(math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rxx(math.pi / 2) | (qureg[0], qureg[1])
    Rx(7 * math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Ry(7 * math.pi / 2) | qureg[0]
    Rx(7 * math.pi / 2) | qureg[1]
    All(Barrier) | qureg
    del unused_qubit
    # measure; should be all-0 or all-1
    All(Measure) | qureg
    # run the circuit
    prob_dict = eng.backend.get_probabilities([qureg[0], qureg[1]])
    assert prob_dict['11'] == pytest.approx(0.4)
    assert prob_dict['00'] == pytest.approx(0.6)

    # Unknown qubit and no mapper
    invalid_qubit = [Qubit(eng, 10)]
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_deallocate_qubit_exception():
    eng = _basics.BasicEngine()
    qubit = Qubit(eng, -1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):