Ejemplo n.º 1
 def files (self):
     for chkfile in self.checksums:
             # we *need* a httpStat :-[
             data= self.perlToPython ("%s/%s/%s" % (self.tempDir, self.repoDir, chkfile))
         except IOError, e:
             if e.errno!=2:
                 raise e
                 logger.warn ('[Ign] %s (%s)' % (chkfile, str (e)))
             for filename in data.keys ():
                 isdir= data[filename].get ('isdir')
                 if isdir is None or not isdir:
                     yield ("%s/%s" % (dirname (chkfile), filename), int (data[filename]['size']))
                     chksum= "%s/%s/CHECKSUMS" % (dirname (chkfile), filename)
                     # download the CHECKSUM
                     # BUG: this makes CHECKSUMS to be downloaded twice
                     filename= ("%(tempDir)s/%(repoDir)s/" % self)+chksum
                     url= "%s/%s" % (self.repoUrl, chksum)
                     found= grab (filename, url, cont=False, progress=self.progress)
                     if found!=0:
                         raise ProtocolError (proto=url[:url.index (':')].upper (), code=found, url=url)
                     # add it to checksums
                     # authors/id comes in chkfile path
                     # we're sure this must be there
                     self.checksums.append ( chksum )
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Yum.py Proyecto: StyXman/psync
        def moduleFunc (self):
            self.baseDir= self.baseDirTemplate % self
            filename= '%(tempDir)s/%(repoDir)s/%(baseDir)s/repodata/repomd.xml' % self
            url= '%(repoUrl)s/%(baseDir)s/repodata/repomd.xml' % self
            if download:
                # download repomd.xml and take from there
                code= grab (filename, url,
                            cont=False, progress=self.progress, verbose=False)
                if code!=0:
                    raise ProtocolError (proto=url[:url.index (':')].upper (), code=code, url=url)
            if includeRepomd:
                ans.append (('%(baseDir)s/repodata/repomd.xml' % self, True))

            logger.debug ('opening '+filename)
            repomd= libxml2.parseFile(filename).getRootElement()
            repomdChild= repomd.children
            while repomdChild:
                if repomdChild.name=='data':
                    dataChild= repomdChild.children
                    while dataChild:
                        if dataChild.name=='location':
                            # only primary.xml is important
                            filename= dataChild.prop ('href')
                            filepath= ("%(baseDir)s/" % self)+dataChild.prop ('href')
                            if filename.endswith ('primary.xml.gz'):
                                self.primaries[self.arch]= filename
                                logger.debug ("found primary "+filename)
                                ans.append ( (filepath, True) )
                                logger.debug ("found other "+filename)
                                ans.append ( (filepath, False) )

                        dataChild= dataChild.next

                repomdChild= repomdChild.next
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def releaseDatabases (self, download=True):
        yield ('authors/00whois.html', False)
        # yield ('authors/00whois.xml', True)
        yield ('authors/01mailrc.txt.gz', False)
        yield ('authors/02STAMP', False)

        # CHECKSUMS' *are* databases :-|
        # download 00whois.xml and get CHECKSUMS'
        filename= '%(tempDir)s/%(repoDir)s/authors/00whois.xml' % self
        url= '%(repoUrl)s/authors/00whois.xml' % self
        if download:
            found= grab (filename, url, cont=False, progress=self.progress)
            if found!=0:
                raise ProtocolError (proto=url[:url.index (':')].upper (), code=found, url=url)

            whois= libxml2.parseFile(filename).getRootElement()
            whoisChild= whois.children
            while whoisChild:
                if whoisChild.name=='cpanid':
                    dataChild= whoisChild.children
                    while dataChild:
                        if dataChild.name=='id':
                            cpanId= dataChild.content.strip ()
                        if dataChild.name=='type':
                            cpanType= dataChild.content.strip ()
                        dataChild= dataChild.next

                    if cpanType=='author':
                        # authors/id/A/AB/ABIGAIL will be the real dir
                        initial= cpanId[:1]
                        initials= cpanId[:2]
                        chksum= "authors/id/%s/%s/%s/CHECKSUMS" % (initial, initials, cpanId)
                        self.checksums.append (chksum)
                        yield (chksum, False)

                        makedirs ("%s/authors/id/%s/%s/%s" % (self.repoDir, initial, initials, cpanId))
                        # authors/id/A/ABIGAIL and
                        # authors/id/ABIGAIL will be symlinks to
                        # authors/id/A/AB/ABIGAIL
                        # note they're relative ones.
                        symlink ("%s/%s" % (initials, cpanId),
                                 "%s/authors/id/%s/%s" % (self.repoDir, initial, cpanId), self.verbose)
                        symlink ("%s/%s/%s" % (initial, initials, cpanId),
                                 "%s/authors/id/%s" % (self.repoDir, cpanId), self.verbose)

                whoisChild= whoisChild.next
            for chksum in self.checksums:
                yield (chksum, False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getReleaseDatabases (self):
        Downloads the database for the whole release
        # get the databases relative paths
        databases= self.releaseDatabases ()
        logger.debug (databases)
        logger.info ('------ getting databases for %(repo)s/%(distro)s/%(release)s' % self)
        for (database, critic) in databases:
            # yes: per design, we don't follow the dry_run option here,
            # but the databases won't be swapped at the end either.
            dababaseFilename= ("%(tempDir)s/%(repoDir)s/" % self)+database
            databaseUrl= ("%(repoUrl)s/" % self)+database

            found= grab (dababaseFilename, databaseUrl,
                         limit=self.limit, progress=self.progress, cont=False, verbose=False)
            logger.debug ("%s grabbed" % dababaseFilename)
            if found!=0 and critic:
                raise ProtocolError (proto=databaseUrl[:databaseUrl.index (':')].upper (), code=found, url=databaseUrl)
Ejemplo n.º 5
                    if s.st_size<size:
                        logger.warn ("%s: wrong size %d; should be %d" % (_file, s.st_size, size))
                        get= True
                    elif s.st_size>size:
                        # bigger? it cannot be bigger! reget!
                        logger.warn ("%s: wrong size %d; should be %d." % (_file, s.st_size, size))
                        logger.warn ("bigger means something went wrong. deleting and downloading.")
                        os.unlink (_file)
                        get= True

        logger.debug ("getPackage(): %s, %d, get: %s, reget: %s" % (_file, size, get, reget))
        if get:
            logger.debug ("getting %s" % _file)
            if not self.dry_run:
                if not self.experiment:
                    ans= grab (_file, url, limit=self.limit, progress=self.progress, reget=reget)
                    touch (_file, size)
                    ans= 0

            if size is None:
                    s= os.stat (_file)
                except OSError, e:
                    if e.errno==errno.ENOENT:
                        size= 0
                    size= s.st_size

            logger.debug ("size: %d" % size)
            self.downloadedSize+= size