Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_is_rpm_newer(self):
        rpm_a = {
            "name": "rpm_test_name",
            "epoch": "0",
            "release": "el6.1",
            "version": "2",
            "arch": "noarch"
        newer_a = {
            "name": "rpm_test_name",
            "epoch": "0",
            "release": "el6.1",
            "version": "3",
            "arch": "noarch"
        newer_a_diff_arch = {
            "name": "rpm_test_name",
            "epoch": "0",
            "release": "el6.1",
            "version": "2",
            "arch": "i386"
        rpm_b = {
            "name": "rpm_test_name_B",
            "epoch": "0",
            "release": "el6.1",
            "version": "5",
            "arch": "noarch"

        self.assertTrue(util.is_rpm_newer(newer_a, rpm_a))
        self.assertFalse(util.is_rpm_newer(newer_a_diff_arch, rpm_a))
        self.assertFalse(util.is_rpm_newer(rpm_a, newer_a))
        self.assertFalse(util.is_rpm_newer(newer_a, rpm_b))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_is_rpm_newer(self):
        rpm_a = {"name": "rpm_test_name", "epoch":"0", "release":"el6.1", "version":"2", "arch":"noarch"}
        newer_a = {"name": "rpm_test_name", "epoch":"0", "release":"el6.1", "version":"3", "arch":"noarch"}
        newer_a_diff_arch = {"name": "rpm_test_name", "epoch":"0", "release":"el6.1", "version":"2", "arch":"i386"}
        rpm_b = {"name": "rpm_test_name_B", "epoch":"0", "release":"el6.1", "version":"5", "arch":"noarch"}

        self.assertTrue(util.is_rpm_newer(newer_a, rpm_a))
        self.assertFalse(util.is_rpm_newer(newer_a_diff_arch, rpm_a))
        self.assertFalse(util.is_rpm_newer(rpm_a, newer_a))
        self.assertFalse(util.is_rpm_newer(newer_a, rpm_b))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: yum.py Proyecto: ulif/pulp_rpm
    def _rpms_applicable_to_consumer(consumer, errata_rpms):
        :param consumer: profiled consumer
        :type consumer: pulp.server.plugins.model.Consumer

        :param errata_rpms: list of errata rpms
        :type errata_rpms: list of dicts

        :return: tuple, first entry list of dictionaries of applicable
        rpm entries, second entry dictionary with more info
        of which installed rpm will be upgraded by what rpm

        This method does not take into consideration if the consumer
        is bound to the repo containing the RPM.
        :rtype: ([{}], {})
        applicable_rpms = []
        older_rpms = {}
        if TYPE_ID_RPM not in consumer.profiles:
            msg = _(
                "Consumer [%(consumer_id)s] missing profile information for [%("
                "type_id_rpm)s], found profiles are: %(profiles)s")
            msg_dict = {
                'consumer_id': consumer.id,
                'type_id_rpm': TYPE_ID_RPM,
                'profiles': consumer.profiles.keys()
            _logger.warn(msg, msg_dict)
            return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
        lookup = YumProfiler._form_lookup_table(consumer.profiles[TYPE_ID_RPM])
        for errata_rpm in errata_rpms:
            key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(errata_rpm)
            if key in lookup:
                installed_rpm = lookup[key]
                is_newer = util.is_rpm_newer(errata_rpm, installed_rpm)
                msg = _(
                    "Found a match of rpm <%(rpm)s> installed on consumer, is "
                    "%(errata_rpm)s newer than %(installed_rpm)s, %(is_newer)s"
                msg_dict = {
                    'rpm': key,
                    'errata_rpm': errata_rpm,
                    'installed_rpm': installed_rpm,
                    'is_newer': is_newer
                _logger.debug(msg, msg_dict)
                if is_newer:
                    older_rpms[key] = {
                        "installed": installed_rpm,
                        "available": errata_rpm
                msg = _(
                    "rpm %(key)s was not found in consumer profile of %(consumer_id)s"
                _logger.debug(msg % {'key': key, 'consumer_id': consumer.id})
        return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _find_newest_pkg(self, list_rpms, blacklist_units=None):
     compare and return the newest rpm unit from the list of rpm units
     @param list_rpms: list of rpm units
     @return: returns newest rpm unit by rpm.name, rpm.arch
     newest = {}
     for pkg in list_rpms:
         pkg_unit_key = pkg.unit_key
         if blacklist_units and pkg_unit_key in blacklist_units:
         if (pkg_unit_key["name"], pkg_unit_key["arch"]) not in newest:
             newest[(pkg_unit_key["name"], pkg_unit_key["arch"])] = pkg
             pkg2 = newest[(pkg_unit_key["name"], pkg_unit_key["arch"])]
             if util.is_rpm_newer(pkg_unit_key, pkg2.unit_key):
                 newest[(pkg_unit_key["name"], pkg_unit_key["arch"])] = pkg
     return newest.values()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _rpms_applicable_to_consumer(consumer, errata_rpms):
        :param consumer: profiled consumer
        :type consumer: pulp.server.plugins.model.Consumer

        :param errata_rpms: list of errata rpms
        :type errata_rpms: list of dicts

        :return: tuple, first entry list of dictionaries of applicable
        rpm entries, second entry dictionary with more info
        of which installed rpm will be upgraded by what rpm

        This method does not take into consideration if the consumer
        is bound to the repo containing the RPM.
        :rtype: ([{}], {})
        applicable_rpms = []
        older_rpms = {}
        if TYPE_ID_RPM not in consumer.profiles:
            msg = _("Consumer [%(consumer_id)s] missing profile information for [%("
                    "type_id_rpm)s], found profiles are: %(profiles)s")
            msg_dict = {'consumer_id': consumer.id, 'type_id_rpm': TYPE_ID_RPM,
                        'profiles': consumer.profiles.keys()}
            _logger.warn(msg, msg_dict)
            return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
        lookup = YumProfiler._form_lookup_table(consumer.profiles[TYPE_ID_RPM])
        for errata_rpm in errata_rpms:
            key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(errata_rpm)
            if key in lookup:
                installed_rpm = lookup[key]
                is_newer = util.is_rpm_newer(errata_rpm, installed_rpm)
                msg = _("Found a match of rpm <%(rpm)s> installed on consumer, is "
                        "%(errata_rpm)s newer than %(installed_rpm)s, %(is_newer)s")
                msg_dict = {'rpm': key, 'errata_rpm': errata_rpm, 'installed_rpm': installed_rpm,
                            'is_newer': is_newer}
                _logger.debug(msg, msg_dict)
                if is_newer:
                    older_rpms[key] = {"installed": installed_rpm, "available": errata_rpm}
                msg = _("rpm %(key)s was not found in consumer profile of %(consumer_id)s")
                _logger.debug(msg % {'key': key, 'consumer_id': consumer.id})
        return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _rpms_applicable_to_consumer(consumer, errata_rpms):
        :param consumer: profiled consumer
        :type consumer: pulp.server.plugins.model.Consumer

        :param errata_rpms: list of errata rpms
        :type errata_rpms: list of dicts

        :return: tuple, first entry list of dictionaries of applicable
        rpm entries, second entry dictionary with more info
        of which installed rpm will be upgraded by what rpm

        This method does not take into consideration if the consumer
        is bound to the repo containing the RPM.
        :rtype: ([{}], {})
        applicable_rpms = []
        older_rpms = {}
        if TYPE_ID_RPM not in consumer.profiles:
                "Consumer [%s] is missing profile information for [%s], found profiles are: %s"
                % (consumer.id, TYPE_ID_RPM, consumer.profiles.keys()))
            return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
        lookup = YumProfiler._form_lookup_table(consumer.profiles[TYPE_ID_RPM])
        for errata_rpm in errata_rpms:
            key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(errata_rpm)
            if key in lookup:
                installed_rpm = lookup[key]
                is_newer = util.is_rpm_newer(errata_rpm, installed_rpm)
                    "Found a match of rpm <%s> installed on consumer, is %s newer than %s, %s"
                    % (key, errata_rpm, installed_rpm, is_newer))
                if is_newer:
                    older_rpms[key] = {
                        "installed": installed_rpm,
                        "available": errata_rpm
                    "rpm %s was not found in consumer profile of %s" %
                    (key, consumer.id))
        return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def rpms_applicable_to_consumer(self, consumer, errata_rpms):
        :param consumer:
        :type consumer: pulp.server.plugins.model.Consumer

        :param errata_rpms: 
        :type errata_rpms: list of dicts

        :return:    tuple, first entry list of dictionaries of applicable 
                    rpm entries, second entry dictionary with more info 
                    of which installed rpm will be upgraded by what rpm

                    This method does not take into consideration if the consumer
                    is bound to the repo containing the RPM.
        :rtype: ([{}], {})
        applicable_rpms = []
        older_rpms = {}
        if not consumer.profiles.has_key(TYPE_ID_RPM):
                "Consumer [%s] is missing profile information for [%s], found profiles are: %s"
                % (consumer.id, TYPE_ID_RPM, consumer.profiles.keys())
            return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
        lookup = self.form_lookup_table(consumer.profiles[TYPE_ID_RPM])
        for errata_rpm in errata_rpms:
            key = self.form_lookup_key(errata_rpm)
            if lookup.has_key(key):
                installed_rpm = lookup[key]
                is_newer = util.is_rpm_newer(errata_rpm, installed_rpm)
                    "Found a match of rpm <%s> installed on consumer, is %s newer than %s, %s"
                    % (key, errata_rpm, installed_rpm, is_newer)
                if is_newer:
                    older_rpms[key] = {"installed": installed_rpm, "available": errata_rpm}
                _LOG.info("rpm %s was not found in consumer profile of %s" % (key, consumer.id))
        return applicable_rpms, older_rpms
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _form_lookup_table(rpms):
        Build a dictionary mapping RPM names and arches (generated with the _form_lookup_key()
        method) to the full unit key for each RPM. In case of multiple rpms with same name and
        arch, unit key of the newest rpm is stored as the value.

        :param rpms: A list of RPM unit keys
        :type  rpms: list
        :return:     A dictionary mapping the lookup keys to the RPM unit keys
        :rtype:      dict
        lookup = {}
        for rpm in rpms:
            key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(rpm)
            # In case of duplicate key, replace the value only if the rpm is newer
            # than the old value.
            if key in lookup:
                existing_unit = lookup[key]
                if not util.is_rpm_newer(rpm, existing_unit):
            lookup[key] = rpm
        return lookup
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _form_lookup_table(rpms):
        Build a dictionary mapping RPM names and arches (generated with the _form_lookup_key()
        method) to the full unit key for each RPM. In case of multiple rpms with same name and
        arch, unit key of the newest rpm is stored as the value.

        :param rpms: A list of RPM unit keys
        :type  rpms: list
        :return:     A dictionary mapping the lookup keys to the RPM unit keys
        :rtype:      dict
        lookup = {}
        for rpm in rpms:
            key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(rpm)
            # In case of duplicate key, replace the value only if the rpm is newer
            # than the old value.
            if key in lookup:
                existing_unit = lookup[key]
                if not util.is_rpm_newer(rpm, existing_unit):
            lookup[key] = rpm
        return lookup
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _is_rpm_applicable(rpm_unit_key, profile_lookup_table):
        Checks whether given rpm upgrades an rpm on the consumer.

        :param rpm_unit_key:         An rpm's unit_key
        :type  rpm_unit_key:         dict
        :param profile_lookup_table: lookup table of consumer profile keyed by "name arch"
        :type  profile_lookup_table: dict
        :return:                     true if applicable, false otherwise
        :rtype:                      boolean
        if not rpm_unit_key or not profile_lookup_table:
            return False

        key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(rpm_unit_key)

        if key in profile_lookup_table:
            installed_rpm = profile_lookup_table[key]
            # If an rpm is found, check if it is older than the available rpm
            if util.is_rpm_newer(rpm_unit_key, installed_rpm):
                return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _is_rpm_applicable(rpm_unit_key, profile_lookup_table):
        Checks whether given rpm upgrades an rpm on the consumer.

        :param rpm_unit_key:         An rpm's unit_key
        :type  rpm_unit_key:         dict
        :param profile_lookup_table: lookup table of consumer profile keyed by "name arch"
        :type  profile_lookup_table: dict
        :return:                     true if applicable, false otherwise
        :rtype:                      boolean
        if not rpm_unit_key or not profile_lookup_table:
            return False

        key = YumProfiler._form_lookup_key(rpm_unit_key)

        if key in profile_lookup_table:
            installed_rpm = profile_lookup_table[key]
            # If an rpm is found, check if it is older than the available rpm
            if util.is_rpm_newer(rpm_unit_key, installed_rpm):
                return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def rpm_applicable_to_consumer(self, consumer, rpm):
        Checks whether given rpm upgrades an rpm on the consumer.

        :param consumer: a profiled consumer
        :type consumer: pulp.server.plugins.model.Consumer

        :param rpm: a package rpm
        :type rpm: dict

        :return:  a tuple consisting of applicable flag and upgrade details
        :rtype: (applicable_flag, {'name arch':{'available':{}, 'installed':{}}})
        applicable = False
        older_rpm = {}

        if not consumer.profiles.has_key(TYPE_ID_RPM):
            _LOG.warn("Consumer [%s] is missing profile information for [%s], found profiles are: %s" % \
                    (consumer.id, TYPE_ID_RPM, consumer.profiles.keys()))
            return applicable, older_rpm

        # Form a lookup table from consumer profile
        lookup = self.form_lookup_table(consumer.profiles[TYPE_ID_RPM])
        key = self.form_lookup_key(rpm)
        if lookup.has_key(key):
            installed_rpm = lookup[key]
            # If an rpm is found, check if it is older than the available rpm
            is_newer = util.is_rpm_newer(rpm, installed_rpm)
            _LOG.debug("Found a match of rpm <%s> installed on consumer, is %s newer than %s, %s" % (key, rpm, installed_rpm, is_newer))
            if is_newer:
                applicable = True
                older_rpm[key] = {"installed":installed_rpm, "available":rpm}
            _LOG.debug("rpm %s was not found in consumer profile of %s" % (key, consumer.id))

        return applicable, older_rpm